[1] | DYNAMICS OF GAUSSIAN AND SUPER-GAUSSIAN SOLITONS IN BIREFRINGENT OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 15, Number 6, 813-814. (2001). |
[2] | THEORY OF OPTICAL BULLETS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 16, Number 3, 419-420. (2002). |
[3] | DYNAMICS OF GAUSSIAN AND SUPER-GAUSSIAN SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Far East Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 5, Number 1, 1-16. (2001). |
[4] | MULTIPLE-SCALE ANALYSIS FOR NON-KERR LAW SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. International Mathematical Journal. Volume 2, Number 12, 1157-1197. (2002). |
[5] | ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS OF THE GABITOV-TURITSYN EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Volume 7, Number 4, 399-434. (2003). |
[6] | DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITONS IN BIREFRINGENT FIBERS AND MULTIPLE CHANNELS by Anjan Biswas. International Mathematical Journal. Volume 5, Number 5, 477-515. (2004). |
[7] | THE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION AND SOLITONSOLITON INTERACTION by Anjan Biswas & Swapan Konar. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Volume 20, Number 2, 159-207. (2005). |
[8] | ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS OF DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. International Mathematical Forum. Volume 1, Number 1-4, 103-137. (2006). |
[9] | STATISTICAL DYNAMICS OF OPTICAL SOLITONS IN A NONKERR LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas, Swapan Konar & Essaid Zerrad. International Journal of Contemporary Mathematical Sciences. Volume 1, Number 16, 777-800. (2006). |
[10] | COLLISION OF OPTICAL SOLITONS IN A NON-KERR LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas & Swapan Konar. Organic Electronics. Volume 8, Issues 2-3, 206-226. (2007). |
[11] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE GENERAL MODIFIED DEGASPERIS-PROCESI CAMASSA-HOLM EQUATION by Anjan Biswas, Swapan Konar & Essaid Zerrad. International Journal of Modern Mathematics. Volume 2, Number 1, 35-40. (2007). |
[12] | HIGHER ORDER GABITOV-TURITSYN EQUATION FOR DISPERSIONMANAGED SOLITONS IN MULTIPLE CHANNELS by Anjan Biswas & E. Zerrad. International Journal of Mathematical Analysis. Volume 1, Number 12, 565-582. (2007). |
[13] | INFLUENCE OF EVEN ORDER DISPERSION ON SUPER-SECH SOLITON TRANSMISSION QUALITY UNDER COHERENT CROSSTALK by Aleksandra Panajotovic, Daniela Milovic, Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Research Letters in Optics. Volume 2008, 613986, 5 pages. (2008). |
[14] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE GARDNER EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics. Volume 2, Number 16, 787-794. (2008). |
[15] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH BANDWIDTH LIMITED AMPLIFICATION AND SATURABLE AMPLIFIERS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Volume 8, Number 2, 277-288. (1999). |
[16] | SOLITON-SOLITON INTERACTION IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Vol-ume 8, Number 4, 483-495. (1999). |
[17] | PERTURBATION OF OPTICAL SOLITONS AND QUASI-SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 14, Number 1, 95-114. (2000). |
[18] | INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL PERTURBATION OF OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Optics A. Volume 2, Number 5, 380-388. (2000). |
[19] | DYNAMICS OF SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas & Alejandro B. Aceves. Journal of Modern Optics. Volume 48, Number 7, 1135-1150. (2001). |
[20] | PERTURBATION OF SOLITONS WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. Volume 12, Issue 3, 579-588. (2001). |
[21] | DYNAMICS OF GAUSSIAN AND SUPER-GAUSSIAN SOLITONS IN BIREFRINGENT OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetic Research. Volume 33, 119-139. (2001). |
[22] | DYNAMICS OF SUPER-GAUSSIAN SOLITONS IN BIREFRINGENT OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Volume 10, Number 1, 29-42. (2001). |
[23] | STATISTICAL DYNAMICS OF SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Fiber and Integrated Optics. Volume 20, Number 5, 495-501. (2001). |
[24] | DISPERSION-MANAGED VECTOR SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Fiber and Integrated Optics. Volume 20, Number 5, 503-515. (2001). |
[25] | DYNAMICALLY STABLE SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Fiber and Integrated Optics. Volume 20, Number 6, 615-622. (2001). |
[26] | DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITONS IN MULTIPLE-CORE NONLINEAR FIBER ARRAYS by Anjan Biswas. Fiber and Integrated Optics. Volume 20, Number 6, 571-579. (2001). |
[27] | SOLITONS IN NONLINEAR FIBER ARRAYS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 15, Number 9, 1189-1196. (2001). |
[28] | SOLITONS IN MULTIPLE-CORE COUPLERS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Volume 10, Number 3, 329-336. (2001). |
[29] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH NONLINEAR DAMPING AND SATURABLE AMPLIFIERS by Anjan Biswas. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. Volume 56, Issue 6, 521-537. (2001). |
[30] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH RAMAN SCATTERING AND SATURABLE AMPLIFIERS by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 33, Number 3, 289-304. (2001). |
[31] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH HIGHER ORDER DISPERSIONS by Anjan Biswas. Fiber and Integrated Optics. Volume 20, Number 2, 171-189. (2001). |
[32] | COLLISION-INDUCED TIMING SHIFTS IN DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITON SYSTEMS by Mark J. Ablowitz, Gino Biondini, Anjan Biswas, Andrew Docherty, Toshihiko Hirooka & Sarbarish Chakravarty. Optics Letters. Volume 27, Issue 5, 318-320. (2002). |
[33] | DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Optics A. Volume 4, Number 1, 84-97. (2002). |
[34] | THEORY OF OPTICAL BULLETS by Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetic Research. Volume 36, 21-59. (2002). |
[35] | PERTURBATION OF SOLITONS WITH NON-KERR LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. Volume 13, Issue 4, 815-823. (2002). |
[36] | DYNAMICS OF OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH DISPERSION-MANAGEMENT by Anjan Biswas. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. Volume 14, Issue 3, 447-468. (2002). |
[37] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH RAMAN SCATTERING AND NONLINEAR DAMPING by Anjan Biswas. Fiber and Integrated Optics. Volume 21, Number 2, 125-143. (2002). |
[38] | INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL PERTURBATIONS OF NON-KERR LAW SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals. Volume 14, Issue 5, 673-679. (2002). |
[39] | GAUSSIAN SOLITONS IN BIREFRINGENT OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Volume 2, Number 1, 87-104. (2002). |
[40] | SUPER-GAUSSIAN SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Fiber and Integrated Optics. Volume 21, Number 2, 115-124. (2002). |
[41] | ADIABATIC DYNAMICS OF NON-KERR LAW GENERALIZED VECTOR SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 8, Number 4, 381-393. (2002). |
[42] | QUASISTATIONARY OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH PARABOLIC LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas. Optics Communications. Volume 216, Issue 4-6, 427-437. (2003). |
[43] | QUASISTATIONARY OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Physics A. Volume 36, Issue 16, 4581-4589. (2003). |
[44] | THEORY OF OPTICAL COUPLERS by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 35, Number 3, 221-235. (2003). |
[45] | OPTICAL SOLITONS: QUASI-STATIONARITY VERSUS LIE TRANSFORM by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 35, Number 10, 979-998. (2003). |
[46] | THEORY OF NON-KERR LAW GENERALIZED VECTOR SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 136, Issue 2-3, 443-452. (2003). |
[47] | INTEGRO-DIFFERENTIAL PERTURBATIONS OF DISPERSIONMANAGED SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 17, Number 4, 641-665. (2003). |
[48] | GABITOV-TURITSYN EQUATION FOR SOLITONS IN MULTIPLE CHANNELS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 17, Number 11, 1539-1560. (2003). |
[49] | GABITOV-TURITSYN EQUATION FOR SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Volume 12, Number 1, 17-37. (2003). |
[50] | DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITONS IN OPTICAL COUPLERS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Volume 12, Number 1, 45-74. (2003). |
[51] | QUASI-STATIONARY NON-KERR LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Optical Fiber Technology. Volume 9, Issue 4, 224-259. (2003). |
[52] | ADIABATIC DYNAMICS OF NON-KERR LAW SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 151, Issue 1, 41-52. (2004). |
[53] | THEORY OF NON-KERR LAW SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 153, Issue 2, 369-385. (2004). |
[54] | SOLITONS IN MAGNETO-OPTICWAVEGUIDES by Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 153, Issue 2, 387-393. (2004). |
[55] | DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITONS IN MULTIPLE CHANNELS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Volume 13, Number 1, 81-102. (2004). |
[56] | DYNAMICS OF STOCHASTIC OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 18, Number 2, 145-152. (2004). |
[57] | QUASISTATIONARY OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH DUAL-POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas. Optics Communications. Volume 235, Issue 1-3, 183-194. (2004). |
[58] | STOCHASTIC PERTURBATION OF OPTICAL SOLITONS IN SCHRODINGERHIROTA EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. Optics Communications. Volume 239, Issue 4-6, 457-462. (2004). |
[59] | THEORY OF QUASI-LINEAR PULSES IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Optical Fiber Technology. Volume 10, Issue 3, 232-259. (2004). |
[60] | PERTURBATIONS OF DISPERSION-MANAGED OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetic Research. Volume 48, 85-123. (2004). |
[61] | CHIRPED OPTICAL PULSE PROPAGATION IN SATURATING NONLINEAR MEDIA by Swapan Konar & Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 36, Number 10, 905-918. (2004). |
[62] | QUASI-LINEAR PULSES IN BIREFRINGENT FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 36, Number 13, 1167-1186. (2004). |
[63] | INTRA-CHANNEL COLLISION OF PARABOLIC LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Swapan Konar & Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 36, Number 15, 1291-1302. (2004). |
[64] | TRAVELLINGWAVES OF THE PERTURBED NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION by Davon W. Williams & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Di |
[65] | erential Equations and Applications. Volume 9, Number 4, 343-350. (2004). |
[66] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR ALFV EN WAVES IN PLASMAS by Anjan Biswas. Physics of Plasmas. Volume 12, Issue 2, 022306 (3 pages). (2005). |
[67] | ADIABATIC DYNAMICS OF NON-KERR LAW VECTOR SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems: Series A. Volume 12, Number 3-4, 363-373. (2005). |
[68] | THEORY OF DISPERSION-MANAGED OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas & Swapan Konar. Progress in Electromagnetic Research. Volume 50, 83-134. (2005). |
[69] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH NON-KERR LAW NONLINEARITIES by Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetic Research. Volume 50, 231-266. (2005). |
[70] | INTRA-CHANNEL COLLISION OF KERR LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Swapan Konar & Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromag-netic Research. Volume 53, 55-67. (2005). |
[71] | SOLITON-SOLITON INTERACTION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Swapan Konar & Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetic Research. Volume 54, 95-108. (2005). |
[72] | SOLITON-SOLITON INTERACTION WITH KERR LAW NONLINEARITY by Swapan Konar & Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 19, Number 11, 1443-1453. (2005). |
[73] | THE CNOIDALWAVES OF THE PERTURBED NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION by Daniel T. Agyemang & Anjan Biswas. International Mathematical Journal. Volume 6, Number 2, 113-119. (2005). |
[74] | STOCHASTIC PERTURBATION OF KERR LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 37, Number 4, 359-369. (2005). |
[75] | STOCHASTIC PERTURBATION OF DISPERSION-MANAGED OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 37, Number 7, 649-659. (2005). |
[76] | QUASI-LINEAR PULSES IN MULTIPLE CHANNELS by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 37, Number 9, 813-834. (2005). |
[77] | ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS FOR DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITONS IN BIREFRINGENT FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 37, Number 11, 1033-1053. (2005). |
[78] | SOLITON-SOLITON INTERACTION WITH HAMILTONIAN PERTURBATIONS by Anjan Biswas & Swapan Konar. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems: Series A. Volume 13, Number 1, 117-146. (2006). |
[79] | INTRA-CHANNEL COLLISION OF NON-KERR LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas, Swapan Konar & Essaid Zerrad. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems: Series A. Volume 13, Number 3, 337-365. (2006). |
[80] | HIGHER ORDER GABITOV-TURITSYN EQUATION FOR DISPERSIONMANAGED VECTOR SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems: Series A. Volume 13, Number 6, 687-711. (2006). |
[81] | ASYMPTOTIC ANALYSIS FOR DISPERSION-MANAGED SOLITONS IN MULTIPLE CHANNELS by Anjan Biswas. Optical and Quantum Electronics. Volume 38, Number 7, 605-623. (2006). |
[82] | OSCILLATORY BEHAVIOR OF SPATIAL SOLITONS IN TWODIMENSIONAL WAVEGUIDES AND STATIONARY TEMPORAL POWER LAW SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by S. Crutcher, A. Biswas, M. D. Aggarwal & M. E. Edwards. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 20, Number 6, 761-772. (2006). |
[83] | DYNAMICALLY STABLE SUPER-GAUSSIAN SOLITONS IN SEMICONDUCTOR DOPED GLASS FIBERS. by Shwetanshumala, A. Biswas & S. Konar. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 20, Number 7, 901-912. (2006). |
[84] | SOLITON-SOLITON INTERACTION WITH PARABOLIC LAWNONLINEARITY. by A. Biswas, S. Konar & E. Zerrad. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 20, Number 7, 927-939. (2006). |
[85] | DYNAMICALLY STABLE DISPERSION-MANAGED OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH PARABOLIC LAW NONLINEARITY by A. Biswas, Shwetanshumala & S. Konar. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 20, Number 9, 1249-1258. (2006). |
[86] | OPTICAL LIGHT BULLETS IN SEMICONDUCTOR DOPED IN-HOMOGENEOUS NONLINEAR MEDIA by S. Shwetanshumala, S. Konar & A. Biswas. Physica Scripta. Volume 74, Number 2, 279-284. (2006). |
[87] | STOCHASTIC PERTURBATION OF PARABOLIC LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium Online. Volume 2, Number 6, 576-579. (2006). |
[88] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR FIFTH ORDER KdV EQUATION WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Swapan Konar. Applied Mathematics Letters. Volume 20, Issue 11, 1122-1125. (2007). |
[89] | INTRA-CHANNEL COLLISION OF DUAL-POWER LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas, Swapan Konar & Essaid Zerrad. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 46, Number 1, 161-173. (2007). |
[90] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE COMPOUND KdV EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & Swapan Konar. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 46, Number 2, 237-243. (2007). |
[91] | STOCHASTIC PERTURBATION OF POWER LAWOPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas, Huaizhong Ren & Swapan Konar. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 46, Number 5, 1112-1123. (2007). |
[92] | QUASI-PARTICLE THEORY OF ALFVEN SOLITON INTERACTION IN PLASMAS by Yan Xiao & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 46, Number 5, 1370-1380. (2007). |
[93] | HIGHER ORDER GABITOV-TURITSYN EQUATION FOR DISPERSIONMANAGED SOLITONS IN BIREFRINGENT FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 46, Number 12, 3339-3354. (2007). |
[94] | HIGHER ORDER GABITOV-TURITSYN EQUATION FOR SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Anjan Biswas. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. Volume 118, Issue 3, 120-133. (2007). |
[95] | COLLISION OF OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH KERR LAW NONLINEARITY by Yan Xiao & Anjan Biswas. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. Volume 118, Issue 5, 243-248. (2007). |
[96] | STOCHASTIC PERTURBATION OF NON-KERR LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas, Huaizhong Ren & Swapan Konar. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. Volume 118, Issue 10, 471-480. (2007). |
[97] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE MODIFIED NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & K. Porsezian. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 12, Issue 6, 886-903. (2007). |
[98] | QUASI-PARTICLE THEORY OF OPTICAL SOLITON INTERACTION by Anjan Biswas & Swapan Konar. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 12, Issue 7, 1202-1228. (2007). |
[99] | STOCHASTIC PERTURBATION OF PARABOLIC LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by A. Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 21, Number 11, 1479-1488. (2007). |
[100] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE SPLITTED REGULARIZED LONGWAVE EQUATION by Anjan Biswas and Essaid Zerrad. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics. Volume 1, Number 6, 295-300. (2007). |
[101] | DYNAMICS OF DUAL-POWER LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS UN-DER RANDOMNESS by Anjan Biswas, Swapan Konar & Essaid Zerrad. Optical Engineering. Volume 46, Issue 5, 055005 (5 pages). (2007). |
[102] | INTRA-CHANNEL COLLISION OF POWER LAWOPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Optical Engineering. Volume 46, Issue 12, 125001. (2007). |
[103] | SOLITON-SOLITON INTERACTION WITH DUAL-POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 198, Issue 2, 605-612. (2008). |
[104] | PERTURBATION OF GAUSSIAN OPTICAL SOLITONS IN DISPERSIONMANAGED FIBERS by Russell Kohl, Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Essaid Zerrad. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 199, Issue 1, 250-258. (2008). |
[105] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE QUADRATIC NONLINEAR KLEIN-GORDON EQUATION by Anjan Biswas, Chenwi Zony & Essaid Zerrad. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 203, Issue 1, 153-156. (2008). |
[106] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE K(m,n) EQUATION WITH GENERALIZED EVOLUTION by Anjan Biswas. Physics Letters A. Volume 372, Issue 25, 4601-4602. (2008). |
[107] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF 1+2 DIMENSIONAL NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION IN DUAL-POWER LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas. Physics Letters A. Volume 372, Issue 38, 5941-5943. (2008). |
[109] | c Journal of Applied Mathematics. Volume 1, Number 1, 99-103. (2008). |
[110] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE MODIFIED KAWAHARA EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. Applications and Applied Mathematics. Volume 3, Number 2, 218-223. (2008). |
[111] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE GENERALIZED BENJAMIN-BONA-MAHONEY EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & Swapan Konar. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 13, Issue 4, 703-706. (2008). |
[112] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE GENERALIZED FIFTH ORDER KdV EQUATION by Anjan Biswas, Essaid Zerrad & Swapan Konar. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 13, Issue 7, 1281-1286. (2008). |
[113] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE GENERALIZED KAWAHARA EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Advanced Studies in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics. Volume 1, Number 1, 39-44. (2008). |
[114] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE GENERALIZED FIFTH-ORDER NONLINEAR EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Contemporary Engineering Sciences. Volume 1, Number 2, 63-69. (2008). |
[115] | STOCHASTIC PERTURBATION OF SOLITONS FOR ALFVENWAVES IN PLASMAS by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 13, Issue 8, 1547-1553. (2008). |
[116] | COLLISION OF DUAL-POWER LAWOPTICAL SOLITONS IN NONLINEAR FIBER OPTICS by Anjan Biswas, Swapan Konar & Essaid Zerrad. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics. Volume 2, Number 4, 165-180. (2008). |
[117] | OPTICAL SOLITONS IN A KERR LAW MEDIA WITH FOURTH ORDER DISPERSION by Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic, Essaid Zerrad & Fayequa Majid. Advanced Studies in Theoretical Physics. Volume 2, Number 20, 1007-1012. (2008). |
[118] | INFLUENCE OF EVEN ORDER DISPERSION ON SOLITON TRANSMISSION QUALITY WITH COHERENT INTERFERENCE by A. Panajotovic, D. Milovic & Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetics Research B. Volume 3, 63-72. (2008). |
[119] | SOLITON PARAMETER DYNAMICS IN A NON-KERR LAW MEDIA by A. Biswas, R. Kohl, M. E. Edwards & E. Zerrad. Progress in Electromagnetics Research C. Volume 1, 1-35. (2008). |
[120] | TIMING SHIFT OF OPTICAL PULSES DUE TO INTER-CHANNEL CROSS-TALK by B. Stojanovic, D. M. Milovic & A. Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetics Research M. Volume 1, 21-30. (2008). |
[121] | ADIABATIC DYNAMICS OF GAUSSIAN AND SUPER-GAUSSIAN SOLITONS IN DISPERSION-MANAGED OPTICAL FIBERS by R. Kohl, A. Biswas, D. Milovic & E. Zerrad. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. Volume 84, 27-53. (2008). |
[122] | OPTICAL SOLITON COOLING IN A SATURABLE LAW MEDIA by A. Biswas, D. Milovic, F. Majid & R. Kohl. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 22, Issue 13, 1735-1746. (2008). |
[123] | OPTICAL SOLITONS IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS WITH TIME-DEPENDENT DISPERSION, NONLINEARITY AND ATTENUATION IN A KERR LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 22, Issue 13, 1801-1808. (2008). |
[124] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION IN A NON-KERR LAWMEDIA by Russell Kohl, Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Essaid Zerrad. Optics and Laser Technology. Volume 40, Issue 4, 647-662. (2008). |
[125] | FEMTOSECOND PULSE PROPAGATION IN OPTICAL FIBERS UNDER HIGHER ORDER EFFECTS: A COLLECTIVE VARIABLE APPROACH by Shwetanshumala & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 47, Number 6, 1699-1708. (2008). |
[126] | PERTURBATION OF SUPER-SECH SOLITONS IN DISPERSIONMANAGED OPTICAL FIBERS by Russell Kohl, Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Essaid Zerrad. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 47, Number 7, 2038-2064. (2008). |
[127] | DOUBLY PERIODIC SOLUTION FOR NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH HIGHER ORDER POLYNOMIAL LAW NONLINEARITY by Daniela Milovic & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 47, Number 12, 3335-3340. (2008). |
[128] | SPATIAL OPTICAL SOLITONS IN INHOMOGENOUS ELLIPTIC CORE SATURATING NONLINEAR FIBER by Shwetanshumala, S. Konar & A. Biswas. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. Volume 119, Issue 9, 403-408. (2008). |
[129] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE NONLINEAR REACTION-DIFFUSION EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering. Volume 6, Note S1. (2008). |
[130] | STATISTICAL DYNAMICS OF DUAL-POWER LAWOPTICAL SOLITON by Anjan Biswas. Facta Universitatis (Nis); Series: Electronics and Energetics. Volume 21, Number 1, 37-44. (2008). |
[131] | DYNAMICS OF GAUSSIAN OPTICAL SOLITONS BY COLLECTIVE VARIABLES METHOD by Patrice Green, Daniela Milovic, Dawn A. Lott & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 3, 259-273. (2008). |
[132] | OPTICAL SOLITONS IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS WITH TIME-DEPENDENT DISPERSION, NONLINEARITY AND ATTENUATION IN A POWERLAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Optics and Photonics Letters. Volume 1, Number 1, 9-14. (2008). |
[133] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR THE KAWAHARA EQUA-TION by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Fizika A. Volume 17, Number 3, 103-108. (2008). |
[134] | PERTURBATION OF CHIRAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Nuclear Physics B. Volume 806, Issue 3, 457-461. (2009). |
[135] | SOLITARY WAVE SOLUTION FOR THE GENERALIZED KAWAHARA EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics Letters. Volume 22, Issue 2, 208-210. (2009). |
[136] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED ZAKHAROV-KUZNETSOV MODIFIED EQUAL WIDTH EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics Letters. Volume 22, Issue 11, 1775-1777. (2009). |
[137] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF 1+2 DIMENSIONAL NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION IN PARABOLIC LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas. Nonlinear Studies. Volume 16, Number 1, 49-55. (2009). |
[138] | QUASI-STATIONARY SOLITONS FOR LANGMUIRWAVES IN PLASMAS by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 1, 69-76. (2009). |
[139] | ADIABATIC PARAMETER DYNAMICS OF PERTURBED SOLITARY WAVES by Mariana Antonova & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 3, 734-748. (2009). |
[140] | PERTURBATION OF TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS DUE TO SINEGORDON EQUATION AND ITS TYPE by Anne L. Fabian, Russell Kohl & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 4, 1227-1244. (2009). |
[141] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH TIME-DEPENDENT DISPERSION, NONLINEARITY AND ATTENUATION IN A POWER-LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 4, 1078-1081. (2009). |
[142] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF 1+2 DIMENSIONAL NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION IN POWER LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 5, 1830-1833. (2009). |
[143] | OPTICAL SOLITONS IN A POWER LAW MEDIA WITH FOURTH ORDER DISPERSION by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 5, 1834-1837. (2009). |
[144] | TRAVELLINGWAVE SOLUTIONS OF THE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION IN NON-KERR LAWMEDIA by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 5, 1993-1998. (2009). |
[145] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED CAMASSA-HOLM KADOMTSEV-PETVIASHVILI EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 6, 2524-2527. (2009). |
[146] | TOPOLOGICAL 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH KERR LAW NONLINEARITY IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 7, 2845-2847. (2009). |
[147] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE B(m,n) EQUATION WITH GENERALIZED EVOLUTION by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 8, 3226-3229. (2009). |
[148] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR PHI-FOUR MODEL AND NONLINEAR KLEIN-GORDON EQUATIONS by Ryan Sassaman & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 8, 3239-3249. (2009). |
[149] | DYNAMICS OF TOPOLOGICAL OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH TIMEDEPENDENT DISPERSION, NONLINEARITY AND ATTENUATION by Benjamin J M. Sturdevant, Dawn A. Lott & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 8, 3305-3308. (2009). |
[150] | SOLITARYWAVE SOLUTION FOR THE GENERALIZED KdV EQUATION WITH TIME-DEPENDENT DAMPING AND DISPERSION by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issues 9-10, 3503-3506. (2009). |
[151] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE ZAKHAROV-KUZNETSOV EQUATION WITH DUAL-POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issues 9-10, 3574-3577. (2009). |
[152] | SOLITARY WAVES OF BOUSSINESQ EQUATION IN A POWER LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Arjuna Ranasinghe. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 11, 3738-3742. (2009). |
[153] | A LIE SYMMETRY APPROACH TO NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH NON-KERR LAW NONLINEARITY by C. Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 14, Issue 12, 4033-4040. (2009). |
[154] | A NUMERICAL STUDY OF OPTICAL SOLITON-LIKE STRUCTURES RESULTING FROM THE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH SQUARE-ROOT LAWNONLINEARITY by Dawn A. Lott, Auris Henriquez, Benjamin J M. Sturdevant & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 207, Issue 2, 319-326. (2009). |
[155] | OPTICAL SOLITONS IN A PARABOLIC LAWMEDIA WITH FOURTH ORDER DISPERSION by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 208, Issue 1, 299-302. (2009). |
[156] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF KADOMTSEV-PETVIASVILI EQUATION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Arjuna Ranasinghe. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 214, Issue 2, 645-647. (2009). |
[157] | TOPOLOGICAL AND NON-TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS OF THE GENERALIZED KLEIN-GORDON EQUATIONS by Ryan Sassaman & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 215, Issue 1, 212-220. (2009). |
[158] | PERTURBATION OF SUPER-GAUSSIAN OPTICAL SOLITONS IN DISPERSION-MANAGED FIBERS by Russell Kohl, Daniela Milovic, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Volume 49, Issues 7-8, 418-427. (2009). |
[159] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH TIME-DEPENDENT DISPERSION, NONLINEARITY AND ATTENUATION IN A KERR LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 48, Number 1, 256-260. (2009). |
[160] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF 1+2 DIMENSIONAL NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION IN KERR LAW MEDIA" by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 48, Number 3, 689-692. (2009). |
[161] | TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS OF THE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH FOURTH ORDER DISPERSION by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 48, Number 4, 1104-1109. (2009). |
[162] | SINGULAR VALUE DECOMPOSITION SOLUTION OF THE SCHRODINGER EQUATION IN PRESENCE OF EXCHANGE TERMS by Essaid Zerrad, Richard Triplett & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 48, Number 6, 1583-1588. (2009). |
[163] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH KERR LAWNONLINEARITY USING LIE SYMMETRY ANALYSIS by C. M. Khalique & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 48, Number 7, 1872-1876. (2009). |
[164] | TOPOLOGICAL AND NON-TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS FOR THE GENERALIZED ZAKHAROV-KUZNETSOV MODIFIED EQUAL WIDTH EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 48, Number 9, 2698-2703. (2009). |
[165] | CHIRAL SOLITONS IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 48, Number 12, 3403-3409. (2009). |
[166] | SOLITONS IN PLASMAS: A LIE SYMMETRY APPROACH by Chaudry Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 48, Number 11, 3110-3113. (2009). |
[167] | OPTICAL SOLITONS BY HE'S VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE IN A NON-KERR LAW MEDIA by Russell Kohl, Daniela Milovic, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. Volume 30, Number 5, 526-537. (2009). |
[168] | SOLITARYWAVE SOLUTION FOR KdV EQUATION WITH POWERLAWNONLINEARITY AND TIME-DEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by Anjan Biswas. Nonlinear Dynamics. Volume 58, Numbers 1-2, 345-348. (2009). |
[169] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH PARABOLIC AND DUAL-POWER LAW NONLINEARITY VIA LIE SYMMETRY ANALYSIS by C. M. Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications. Volume 23, Number 7, 963-973. (2009). |
[170] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY USING LIE GROUP ANALYSIS by C. M. Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Physics Letters A. Volume 373, Issues 23-24, 2047-2049. (2009). |
[171] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED RADHAKRISHNAN, KUNDU, LAKSHMANAN EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. Physics Letters A. Volume 373, Issue 30, 2546-2548. (2009). |
[173] | DARK OPTICAL SOLITONS IN POWER LAWMEDIA WITH TIMEDEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by Manirupa Saha, Amarendra K. Sarma & Anjan Biswas. Physics Letters A. Volume 373, Issue 48, 4438-4441. (2009). |
[174] | OPTICAL SOLITONS IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS WITH NON-KERR LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. The European Physical Journal: Special Topics. Volume 173, Number 1, 81-86. (2009). |
[175] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR DISPERSION-MANAGED OPTICAL FIBERS by Russell Kohl, Daniela Milovic, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Volume 18, Issue 2, 227-270. (2009). |
[176] | A NEW CONSERVED QUANTITY FOR NON-KERR LAW OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas. Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics. Volume 120, Issue 13, 658-667. (2009). |
[177] | TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS WITH TIMEDEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by Benjamin Sturdevant, Dawn A. Lott & Anjan Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetics Research Letters. Volume 10, 69-75. (2009). |
[178] | TEMPORAL 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE COMPLEX GINZBURGLANDAU EQUATION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by A. Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. Volume 96, 1-7. (2009). |
[179] | DOUBLY PERIODIC SOLUTION FOR NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH TRIPLE-POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Daniela Milovic & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Nonlinear Science. Volume 7, Number 4, 420-425. (2009). |
[180] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH FOURTH ORDER DISPERSION AND DUAL-POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. International Journal of Nonlinear Science. Volume 7, Number 4, 443-447. (2009). |
[181] | A STUDY OF OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH KERR AND POWER LAW NONLINEARITIES BY HE'S VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Engin Topkara, Daniela Milovic, Amarendra K. Sarma, Fayequa Majid & Anjan Biswas. Journal of the European Optical Society. Volume 4, 09050. (2009). |
[182] | ANALYSIS OF NON-LINEAR KLEIN-GORDON EQUATIONS BY LIE SYMMETRY by Chaudry Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics Letters. Volume 23, Issue 11, 1397-1400. (2010). |
[183] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED ZAKHAROV EQUATION IN PLASMAS BY HE'S VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Anjan Biswas, Essaid Zerrad, Jude Gwanmesia & Ramzi Khouri. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 215, Issue 12, 4462-4466. (2010). |
[184] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED KdV EQUATION WITH GENERALIZED EVOLUTION by Muhmmad S. Ismail & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 216, Issue 5, 1673-1679. (2010). |
[185] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED KP EQUATION WITH GENERALIZED EVOLUTION by Muhmmad S. Ismail, Marko Petkovic & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 216, Issue 7, 2220-2225. (2010). |
[186] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS by Laila Girgis & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 216, Issue 7, 2226-2231. (2010). |
[187] | SOLITON SOLUTIONS OF A FEW NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATIONS by Anwar Ja'afar Muhammad-Jawad, Marko Petkovic & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 216, Issue 9, 2649-2658. (2010). |
[188] | EXACT SOLUTIONS OF KdV EQUATION WITH TIME-DEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by A. G. Johnpillai, C. M. Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 216, Issue 10, 3114-3119. (2010). |
[189] | SOLITON SOLUTIONS OF BURGERS EQUATIONS AND PERTURBED BURGERS EQUATION by Anwar Ja'afar Muhammad-Jawad, Marko Petkovic & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 216, Issue 11, 3370-3377. (2010). |
[190] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE COUPLED KdV EQUATION AND GEAR-GRIMSHAW MODEL by Anjan Biswas & Muhmmad S. Ismail. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 216, Issue 12, 3662-3670. (2010). |
[191] | MODIFIED SIMPLE EQUATION METHOD FOR NONLINEAR EVOLUTION EQUATIONS by Anwar Ja'afar Muhammad-Jawad, Marko Petkovic & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 2, 869-877. (2010). |
[192] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION AND CONSERVATION LAWS OF THE GENERALIZED DULLIN-GOTTWALD-HOLM EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & Abdul H. Kara. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 2, 929-932. (2010). |
[193] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION AND CONSERVATION LAWS FOR THE JAULENT-MIODEK EQUATION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Abdul H. Kara. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 2, 944-948. (2010). |
[194] | DYNAMICS OF SOLITONS IN PLASMAS FOR THE COMPLEX KdV EQUATION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas, Essaid Zerrad & Arjuna Ranasinghe. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 4, 1491-1496. (2010). |
[195] | TOPOLOGICAL 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF KADOMTSEV-PETVIASHVILI EQUATION WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Arjuna Ranasinghe. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 4, 1771-1773. (2010). |
[196] | TOPOLOGICAL EXACT SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE POWER LAW KdV EQUATION by Anjan Biswas, Marko Petkovic & Daniela Milovic. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 4, 1780-1784. (2010). |
[197] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE COMPLEX KdV EQUATION IN PLASMAS WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY AND TIME-DEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by Sami Atif, Daniela Milovic & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 4, 1785-1789. (2010). |
[198] | TOPOLOGICAL 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED KdV EQUATION WITH GENERALIZED EVOLUTION by Benjamin Sturdevant & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 5, 2289-2294. (2010). |
[199] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH TIME-DEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS IN A LOG LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas, Carl Cleary, James E. Watson, Jr. & Daniela Milovic. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 6, 2891-2894. (2010). |
[200] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE KLEIN-GORDON-SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Houria Triki. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 8, 3869-3874. (2010). |
[201] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE KLEIN-GORDON-ZAKHAROV EQUATION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by M. S. Ismail & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 8, 4186-4196. (2010). |
[202] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION AND CONSERVATION LAWS FOR NONLINEAR WAVE EQUATION IN SEMICONDUCTORS by Anjan Biswas & A. H. Kara. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 8, 4289-4292. (2010). |
[203] | BRIGHT AND DARK SOLITONS OF THE GENERALIZED NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 15, Issue 6, 1473-1484. (2010). |
[204] | A STUDY OF LANGMUIR WAVES IN PLASMAS by Chaudry Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 15, Issue 9, 2245-2248. (2010). |
[205] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH NON-KERR LAW NONLINEARITY AND INTER-MODAL DISPERSION WITH TIME-DEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by Engin Topkara, Daniela Milovic, Amarendra K. Sarma, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 15, Issue 9, 2320-2330. (2010). |
[206] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF BENJAMIN-BONA-MAHONEY EQUATION WITH DUAL-POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 15, Issue 10, 2744-2746. (2010). |
[207] | TOPOLOGICAL AND NON-TOPOLOGICAL EXACT SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE POWER LAWKdV EQUATION by Anjan Biswas, Marko Petkovic & Daniela Milovic. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 15, Issue 11, 3263-3269. (2010). |
[208] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH LOG LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas and Daniela Milovic. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 15, Issue 12, 3763-3767. (2010). |
[209] | BRIGHT AND DARK OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH TIME-DEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS IN A NON-KERR LAWMEDIA by Patrice Green & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation. Volume 15, Issue 12, 3865-3873. (2010). |
[210] | TOPOLOGICAL AND NON-TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS OF NONLINEAR KLEIN-GORDON EQUATIONS BY HE'S SEMI-INVERSE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Ryan Sassaman, Alireza Heidari & Anjan Biswas. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Volume 347, Issue 7, 1148-1157. (2010). |
[211] | APPLICATION OF THE G0=G EXPANSION METHOD FOR NONLINEAR DIFFUSION EQUATIONS WITH NONLINEAR SOURCE by Ghodrat Ebadi & Anjan Biswas. Journal of the Franklin Institute. Volume 347, Issue 7, 1391-1398. (2010). |
[212] | TOPOLOGICAL AND NON-TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS OF THE GENERALIZED KLEIN-GORDON EQUATIONS IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS by Ryan Sassaman, Alireza Heidari, Fayequa Majid & Anjan Biswas. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive Systems: Series A. Volume 17, Number 2a, 275-286. (2010). |
[213] | CHIRAL SOLITONS WITH TIME-DEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 49, Number 1, 79-83. (2010). |
[214] | DYNAMICS OF RELATIVISTIC SOLITONS DUE TO PSEUDO SINEGORDON EQUATION by Alireza Heidari & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Theoretical Physics. Volume 49, Issue 5, 1096-1105. (2010). |
[215] | SOLITARYWAVE SOLUTION OF THE ZAKHAROV-KUZNETSOV EQUATION IN PLASMAS WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas & Essaid Zerrad. Nonlinear Analysis, Series B: Real World Applications. Volume 11, Issue 4, 3272-3274. (2010). |
[216] | SOLITARYWAVES FOR POWER-LAWREGULARIZED LONGWAVE EQUATION AND R(m; n) EQUATION by Anjan Biswas. Nonlinear Dynamics. Volume 59, Number 3, 423-426. (2010). |
[217] | TOPOLOGICAL AND NON-TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS OF THE KLEIN-GORDON EQUATIONS IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS by Ryan Sassaman & Anjan Biswas. Nonlinear Dynamics. Volume 61, Numbers 1-2, 23-28. (2010). |
[218] | AN EXACT SOLUTION FOR ELECTROMAGNETIC SOLITONS IN RELATIVISTIC PLASMAS by Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Essaid Zerrad. Physica Scripta. Volume 81, Issue 2, 025506. (2010). |
[219] | STATIONARY SOLITONS FOR LANGMUIR WAVES IN PLASMAS by Chaudry Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. World Applied Sciences Journal. Volume 8, Issue 1, 73-75. (2010). |
[220] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH HIGHER ORDER DISPERSION BY SEMI-INVERSE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by P. D. Green, D. Milovic, D. A. Lott & A. Biswas. Progress in Electromagnetics Research. Volume 102, 337-350. (2010). |
[221] | EFFECT OF TWO-PHOTON ABSORPTION ON SOLITON PROPAGATION AND SOLITON-SOLITON INTERACTION IN A SILICON WAVEGUIDE by Amarendra K. Sarma, Manirupa Saha & Anjan Biswas. Optical Engineering. Volume 49, Issue 3, 035001, 4 pages. (2010). |
[222] | DYNAMICS OF SUPER-SECH SOLITONS IN OPTICAL FIBERS by Patrice Green, Daniela Milovic, Amarendra K. Sarma, Dawn A. Lott & Anjan Biswas. Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. Volume 19, Issue 2, 339-370. (2010). |
[223] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE K(m,n) EQUATION WITH GENERALIZED EVOLUTION AND TIME-DEPENDENT DAMPING AND DISPERSION by Anjan Biswas. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. Volume 59, Issue 8, 2538-2542. (2010). |
[224] | GAUSSIAN SOLITON SOLUTION TO NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH LOG-LAW NONLINEARITY by Chaudry Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Physical Sciences. Volume 5, Issue 3, 280-282. (2010). |
[225] | TOPOLOGICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION FOR SINE-GORDON EQUATION WITH FULL NONLINEARITY by Stephen Johnson & Anjan Biswas. Physics Letters A. Volume 374, Issue 34, 3437-3440. (2010). |
[226] | TOPOLOGICAL 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED RADHAKRISHNAN, KUNDU, LAKSHMANAN EQUATION WITH NONLINEAR DISPERSION by Benjamin Sturdevant, Dawn A. Lott & Anjan Biswas. Modern Physics Letters B. Volume 24, Issue 16, 1825-1831. (2010). |
[227] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH DUAL-POWER LAW NONLINEARITY USING LIE SYMMETRIES by Chaudry Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Modern Physics Letters B. Volume 24, Issue 17, 1833-1838. (2010). |
[228] | AN EXACT SOLUTION OF THE MODIFIED NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION FOR DAVYDOV SOLITONS IN ALPHA-HELIX PROTEINS by Anjan Biswas, Allison Moran, Daniela Milovic, Fayequa Majid & Keka Biswas. Mathematical Biosciences. Volume 227, Issue 1, 68-71. (2010). |
[229] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY AND HAMILTONIAN PERTURBATIONS: AN EXACT SOLUTION by Amarendra K. Sarma, Manirupa Saha & Anjan Biswas. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. Volume 31, Number 9, 1048-1056. (2010). |
[230] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH HIGHER ORDER DISPERSION IN A LOG LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas, James E. Watson, Jr. Carl Cleary & Daniela Milovic. Journal of Infrared, Millimeter and Terahertz Waves. Volume 31, Number 9, 1057-1062. (2010). |
[231] | MULTIPLE-SCALE ANALYSIS OF SOLITONS DUE TO LANGMUIR WAVES IN PLASMAS by Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Computer Mathematics. Volume 87, Number 12, 2831-2836. (2010). |
[232] | AN EXACT SOLUTION OF PERTURBED SOLITARYWAVES DUE TO KdV EQUATION by Anjan Biswas, Marko D. Petkovic, Daniela Milovic & Fayequa Majid. Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences. Volume 4, Issue 8, 3154-3158. (2010). |
[234] | -HELIX PROTEINS by Anjan Biswas & Chaudry Masood Khalique. Advanced Studies in Biology. Volume 2, Number 3, 99-103. (2010). |
[235] | SOLITARYWAVE SOLUTIONS OF THE PEREGRINE EQUATION by Laila Girgis, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. International Journal of Oceans and Oceanography. Volume 4, Number 1, 45-54. (2010). |
[236] | SOLITONS IN RELATIVISTIC PLASMAS BY HE'S VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Sami Atif, Daniela Milovic, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Applied Physics Research. Volume 2, Number 2, 11-16, (2010). |
[237] | SOLUTIONS OF THE ZAKHAROV-KUZNETSOV EQUATION WITH HIGHER ORDER NONLINEARITY BY MAPPING AND ANSATZ METHODS by E. V. Krishnan & Anjan Biswas. Physics of Wave Phenomena. Volume 18, Number 4, 256-261. (2010). |
[238] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH LOG LAW NONLINEARITY BY HE'S SEMI-INVERSE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Essaid Zerrad. Optics and Photonics Letters. Volume 3, Number 1, 1-5. (2010). |
[239] | OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH BANDWIDTH LIMITED AMPLIFICATION IN A NON-KERR LAW MEDIA by Anjan Biswas & Darius Wheeler. Optica Applicata. Volume 40, Number 4, 801-809. (2010). |
[240] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE COUPLED NONLINEAR KLEINGORDON EQUATIONS by Ryan Sassaman, Matthew Edwards, Fayequa Majid & Anjan Biswas. Studies in Mathematical Sciences. Volume 1, Number 1, 30-37. (2010). |
[241] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION WITH FULL NONLINEARITY IN NON-KERR LAWMEDIA by Engin Topkara, Daniela Milovic, Amarendra K. Sarma, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Journal of Optical and Fiber Communications Research. Volume 7, Numbers 1-4, 43-59. (2010). |
[242] | OPTICAL SOLITON-LIKE STRUCTURES RESULTING FROM THE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH SATURABLE LAW NONLINEARITY by Dawn A. Lott, Auris Henriquez, Benjamin J M. Sturdevant & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences. Volume 5, Issue 1, 1-16. (2011). |
[243] | CONSERVATION LAWS FOR REGULARIZED LONGWAVE EQUATIONS AND R(m; n) EQUATIONS by Anjan Biswas & A. H. Kara. Advanced Science Letters. Volume 4, Number 1, 168-170. (2011). |
[244] | MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURE OF TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS DUE TO SINE-GORDON EQUATION by Stephen Johnson, Feiyu Chen & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 13, 6372-6378. (2011). |
[245] | APPLICATION OF HE'S PRINCIPLES TO PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS by Anwar Ja'afar Muhamad Jawad, Marko Petkovic & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 16, 7039-7047. (2011). |
[246] | EXACT 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE ZAKHAROV EQUATION IN PLASMAS WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Pablo Suarez & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 17, 7372-7375. (2011). |
[247] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE D(m,n) EQUATION WITH GENERALIZED EVOLUTION by Anjan Biswas & Houria Triki. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 21, 8490-8496. (2011). |
[248] | SOLITARY WAVE AND SHOCK WAVE SOLUTIONS TO A SECOND ORDERWAVE EQUATION OF KORTEWEG-de VRIES TYPE by Houria Triki, T. Hayat, Omar M. Aldossary & Anjan Biswas. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 21, 8860-8863. (2011). |
[249] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED BURGERS EQUATION WITH GENERALIZED EVOLUTION by Anjan Biswas, Houria Triki, T. Hayat & Omar M. Aldossary. Applied Mathematics and Computation. Volume 217, Issue 24, 10289-10294. (2011). |
[250] | THE G0=G METHOD AND TOPOLOGICAL SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE K(m; n) EQUATION by Ghodrat Ebadi & Anjan Biswas. Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulations. Volume 16, Issue 6, 2377-2382. (2011). |
[251] | THE G0=G METHOD AND 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF DAVEYSTEWARTSON EQUATION by Ghodrat Ebadi & Anjan Biswas. Mathematical and Computer Modelling. Volume 53, Issues 5-6, 694-698. (2011). |
[252] | STATIONARY SOLITONS FOR NONLINEAR DISPERSIVE SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & Chaudry Masood Khalique. Nonlinear Dynamics. Volume 63, Number 4, 623-626. (2011). |
[253] | PERTURBATION OF DISPERSIVE TOPOLOGICAL SOLITONS by Stephen Johnson & Anjan Biswas. Physica Scripta. Volume 84, Number 1, 015002. (2011). |
[255] | A STUDY OF SOLITARY WAVES BY HE'S SEMI-INVERSE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Laila Girgis & Anjan Biswas. Waves in Random and Complex Media. Volume 21, Number 1, 96-104. (2011). |
[256] | SOLITON SOLUTIONS FOR A GENERALIZED FIFTH-ORDER KdV EQUATION WITH t-DEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by Houria Triki & Anjan Biswas. Waves in Random and Complex Media. Volume 21, Number 1, 151-160. (2011). |
[257] | SOLITON SOLUTIONS AND CONSERVATION LAWS OF THE GILSONPICKERING EQUATION by Ghodrat Ebadi, A. H. Kara, Marko D. Petkovic & Anjan Biswas. Waves in Random and Complex Media. Volume 21, Number 2, 378-385. (2011). |
[258] | MATHEMATICAL THEORY OF SLOW LIGHT OPTICAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas & Gour. S. Pati. Waves in Random and Complex Media. Volume 21, Number 3, 456-468. (2011). |
[259] | SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE GENERALIZED KLEIN-GORDON EQUATION BY SEMI-INVERSE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Ryan Sassaman & Anjan Biswas. Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace. Volume 2, Number 1, 99-104. (2011). |
[261] | -HELIX PROTEINS by Anjan Biswas, Pablo Suarez, Jacquelyn Gillespie & Fayequa Majid. Annals of Biological Research. Volume 2, Issue 1, 156-161. (2011). |
[262] | 1-SOLITON SOLUTION OF THE PERTURBED KLEIN-GORDON EQUATION by Ryan Sassaman & Anjan Biswas. Physics Express. Volume 1, Issue 1, 9-14. (2011). |
[263] | SOLUTIONS OF KADOMTSEV-PETVIASHVILI EQUATION WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY IN 1+3 DIMENSIONS by Abdullahi Rashid Adem, Chaudry Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences. Volume 34, Issue 5, 532-543. (2011). |
[264] | DARK SOLITONS FOR A GENERALIZED NONLINEAR SCHRODINGER'S EQUATION WITH PARABOLIC AND DUAL-POWER LAW NONLINEARITIES by Houria Triki & Anjan Biswas. Mathematical Methods in Applied Sciences. Volume 34, Issue 8, 958-962. (2011). |
[265] | BRIGHT AND DARK SOLITONS OF THE ROSENAU-KAWAHARA EQUATION WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas, Houria Triki & Manel Labidi. Physics of Wave Phenomena. Volume 19, Number 1, 24-29. (2011). |
[266] | NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS OF THE MODIFIED KORTEWEGde VRIES EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & K. R. Raslan. Physics of Wave Phenomena. Volume 19, Number 2, 142-147. (2011). |
[267] | SOLUTIONS TO ZAKHAROV-KUZNETSOV EQUATION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY IN (1+3)-DIMENSIONS by Belinda Thembisa Matebese, Abdullahi Rashid Adem, Chaudry Masood Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Physics of Wave Phenomena. Volume 19, Number 2, 148-154. (2011). |
[268] | CHIRAL SOLITONS WITH BOHM POTENTIAL BY HE'S VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Anjan Biswas & Daniela Milovic. Physics of Atomic Nuclei. Volume 74, Number 5, 781-783. (2011). |
[269] | APPLICATION OF HE'S PRINCIPLES TO ROSENAU-KAWAHARA EQUATION by Manel Labidi & Anjan Biswas. Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace. Volume 2, Number 2, 183-197. (2011). |
[270] | SOLITON SOLUTIONS FOR NONLINEAR CALOGERO-DEGASPERIS AND POTENTIAL KADOMTSEV-PETVIASHVILI EQUATIONS by Anwar Ja'afar Muhamad Jawad, Marko Petkovic & Anjan Biswas. Computers and Mathematics with Applications. Volume 62, Issue 6, 2621-2628. (2011). |
[271] | EXACT SOLUTIONS FOR OSTROVSKY EQUATION by Anjan Biswas & E. V. Krishnan. Indian Journal of Physics. Volume 85, Number 19, 1513-1521. (2011). |
[272] | SHOCKWAVE SOLUTIONS OF THE VARIANTS OF KADOMTSEVPETVIASHVILI EQUATION by Houria Triki, Benjamin J. M. Sturdevant, T. Hayat, Omar M. Aldossary & Anjan Biswas. Canadian Journal of Physics. Volume 89, Number 9, 979-984. (2011). |
[273] | EXACT SOLUTIONS OF THE mKdV EQUATION WITH TIMEDEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by A. G. Johnpillai, C. M. Khalique & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Mathematical Communications. |
[274] | STATIONARY OPTICAL SOLITONS WITH KERR AND POWER LAW NONLINEARITY IN 1+2 DIMENSIONS by Chaudry Masood Khalique, Fayequa Majid & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Advanced Science Letters. |
[275] | A STUDY OF SHALLOW WATER WAVES WITH GARDNER'S EQUATION by E. V. Krishnan, Houria Triki, Manel Labidi & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Nonlinear Dynamics. |
[276] | SOLITONS IN ALPHA-HELIX PROTEINS BY HE'S VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Dejan Milic. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Biomathematics. |
[277] | SOLITONS AND SHOCK WAVE SOLUTIONS TO DEGASPERISPROCESI EQUATION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Houria Triki, T. Hayat, Omar M. Aldossary & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Waves in Random and Complex Media. |
[278] | STATIONARY SOLUTIONS OF THE NONLINEAR SCHRODINGERS'S EQUATION WITH LOG LAW NONLINEARITY BY LIE SYMMETRY ANALYSIS by Anjan Biswas & Chaudry Masood Khalique. Accepted for publication in Waves in Random and Complex Media. |
[279] | ANALYTICAL AND NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS FOR DAVEY-STEWARTSON EQUATION WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY by Ghodrat Ebadi, E. V. Krsihnan, Manel Labidi, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Waves in Random and Complex Media. |
[280] | HOMOTOPY ANALYSIS METHOD FOR SOLVING A COUPLE OF EVOLUTION EQUATIONS AND COMPARISON WITH ADOMIAN DECOMPOSITION METHOD by H. Jafari, H. Tajadodi & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Waves in Random and Complex Media. |
[281] | SOLITONS AND OTHER NONLINEAR WAVES FOR THE PER-TURBED BOUSSINESQ EQUATION WITH POWER LAW NONLINEARITY by Ghodrat Ebadi, Stephen Johnson, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Journal of King Saud University-Science. |
[282] | TRAVELING WAVE SOLUTIONS OF THE NONLINEAR DISPERSIVE KLEIN-GORDON EQUATIONS by Anjan Biswas, Abdullahi Rashid Adem & Chaudry Masood Khalique. Accepted for publication in Journal of King Saud University-Science. |
[283] | OPTICAL QUASI-SOLITONS BY LIE SYMMETRY ANALYSIS by Anjan Biswas & Chaudry Masood Khalique. Accepted for publication in Journal of King Saud University-Science. |
[284] | ANALYTICAL AND NUMERICAL SOLUTIONS OF THE SCHRODINGER KdV EQUATION by Manel Labidi, Ghodrat Ebadi, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Pramana. |
[285] | SYMMETRY SOLUTIONS AND REDUCTIONS OF A CLASS OF GENERALIZED (2+1)-DIMENSIONAL ZAKHAROV-KUZNETSOV EQUATION by A. G. Johnpillai, A. H. Kara & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. |
[286] | TOPOLOGICAL SOLITON SOLUTIONS OF (2+1)-DIMENSIONAL KdV EQUATION WITH POWER LAWNONLINEARITY AND TIMEDEPENDENT COEFFICIENTS by Houria Triki, Daniela Milovic, T. Hayat, Omar. M. Aldossary & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation. |
[287] | OPTICAL SOLITON PERTURBATION IN A LOG-LAW MEDIUM WITH FULL NONLINEARITY BY HE'S SEMI-INVERSE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Anjan Biswas, Daniela Milovic & Russell Kohl. Accepted for publication in Inverse Problems in Science and Engineer-ing. |
[288] | WAVELET ANALYSIS OF OPTICAL SOLITONS AND ITS ENERGY ASPECTS by Bharat Bhosale & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Mathematics in Engineering, Science and Aerospace. |
[289] | DYNAMICS AND CONSERVATION LAWS OF GENERALIZED CHIRAL SOLITONS by Anjan Biswas, Abdul H. Kara & Essaid Zerrad. Accepted for publication in The Open Nuclear and Particle Physics Journal. |
[290] | SOLITON PERTURBATION THEORY FOR COMPLEX MODIFIED KdV EQUATION IN PLASMAS WITH FULL NONLINEARITY by Sami Atif, Essaid Zerrad & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Nonlinear Studies. |
[291] | QUASI-STATIONARY OPTICAL SOLITONS IN NON-KERR LAW MEDIA WITH FULL NONLINEARITY by Anjan Biswas, Engin Topkara, Stephen Johnson, Essaid Zerrad & Swapan Konar. Accepted for publication in Journal of Nonlinear Optical Physics and Materials. |
[292] | DISPERSIVE OPTICAL SOLITONS BY SEMI-INVERSE VARIATIONAL PRINCIPLE by Anjan Biswas, Stephen Johnson, Megan Fessak, Beatrice Siercke, Essaid Zerrad & Swapan Konar. Accepted for publication in Journal of Modern Optics. |
[293] | NONLINEAR EVOLUTION EQUATIONS FOR SURFACE PLASMONS FOR NANOFOCUSING AT A KERR/METALLIC INTERFACE AND TAPERED WAVEGUIDE by Sihon H. Crutcher, Albert Osei & Anjan Biswas. Accepted for publication in Optics and Laser Technology. |