[1] | Donagh Hatton, Diarmuid P. O'Donoghue:Explorations on Template-Directed Genetic Repair Using Ancient Ancestors and Other Templates Proceedings of the 13th Annual Conference on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation (GECCO 2011) 325-332 2011. |
[2] | Rosemary Monahan and Rustan Leino:Using Boogie 2 in the Verification of Spec# Programs 13th BRAZILIAN SYMPOSIUM ON FORMAL METHODS (SBMF 2010) Natal, Brazil 2010. |
[3] | Karen M. Molony, Bryan M. Hennelly, Damien P. Kelly, Thomas J. Naughton:Reconstruction algorithms applied to in-line Gabor digital holographic microscopy Optics Communications 283 903–909 2010. |
[4] | Bryan M. Hennelly, Damien P. Kelly, David S. Monaghan, Nitesh Pandey:Zoom Algorithms for Digital Holography Book Chapter Springer, to be published 2010. |
[5] | Damien P. Kelly, David S. Monaghana, Nitesh Pandey, Tomasz Kozackib, Aneta Micha!kiewicz, Grzegorz Finke, Bryan M. Hennelly, Malgorzata Kujawinska, :Digital holographic capture and opto-electronic reconstruction for 3D displays Accepted for publication International Journal of Digital Multimedia Broadcasting 2010. |
[6] | G. O 'Mahony Zamora, S. Bergin, I. Kennedy:Using Support Vector Machines for Passive Steady State RF Fingerprinting Novel Algorithms and Techniques in Telecommunications and Networking. Springer pp183-188 2010. |
[7] | Ya. Shnir, D.H. Tchrakian:Skyrmion-Anti-Skyrmion Chains, J. Phys. A 43 2010. |
[8] | Maguire, P, Maguire, R. & Cater, A.W.S.:The influence of interactional semantic patterns on the interpretation of noun-noun compounds Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition Vol 36 2 288-297 2010. |
[9] | Rosemary Monahan and Rustan Leino:Dafny meets the Verification Benchmarks Challenge Verified Software: Theories, Tools, Experiments(VSTTE) 2010. |
[10] | Hao Wu, Rosemary Monahan and James F. Power:Using ATL in a tool-chain to calculate coverage data for UML class diagrams 2nd International Workshop on Model Transformation with ATL (MtATL) 2010. |
[11] | Maguire, P, Wisniewski, E.J. & Storms, G. :A corpus study of semantic patterns in compounding. Corpus Linguistics and Lingusitic Theory 6 1 49-73 2010. |
[12] | Maguire, P., & Maguire, R. :Consciousness is data compression. Proceedings of the Thirty-Second Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Portland, Oregon. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. 2010. |
[13] | Amy FitzGerald, Diarmuid P. O'Donoghue, :Biologically Inspired Non-Mendelian Repair for Constraint Handling in Evolutionary Algorithms, Proceedings GECCO-Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, Portland, Oregon. July 1817-1825 2010. |
[14] | Amy FitzGerald, Diarmuid P. O'Donoghue and Xinyu Liu, :Genetic Repair Strategies inspired by Arabidopsis thaliana Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI 6206), 6206 61-71 2010. |
[15] | K Rustan M Leino, Rosemary Monahan :Reasoning about Comprehensions with First-Order SMT Solvers. 24th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing 2009. |
[16] | Aidan Mooney:"Chaos based digital watermarking" in "Intelligent Computing Based on Chaos". Springer Publisher. 2009. |
[17] | P. Corcoran, A. Winstanley, P. Mooney:Segmentation performance evaluation for object-based remotely sensed image analysis International Journal of Remote Sensing (to appear) 2009. |
[18] | Winstanley, AC:Cartography: Spatial Databases International Encyclopaedia of Human Geography (to appear) 2009. |
[19] | Peter Mooney and Adam Winstanley:Representations of Environmental Data in Web-Based GIS in Mount, N. J., Harvey, G. L., Aplin, P. and Priestnall, G. (editors), Representing, Modeling and Visualizing the Natural Environment:, Innovations in GIS 13, CRC Press 101-116 2009. |
[20] | Scanlon P. and Bergin S.:Using support vector machines and acoustic noise signal for degradation analysis of rotating machinery Artificial Intelligence Review 28 1 1-15 2009. |
[21] | O'Mahony Zamora. G, Bergin. S and Kennedy I:Using Support Vector Machines for Passive Steady State RF Fingerprinting International Joint Conferences on Computer, Information, and Systems Sciences, and Engineering (CISSE 2008), Springer 2009. |
[22] | Aidan Mooney:"Digital Watermarking" in "Handbook of Research on Secure Multimedia Distribution". IGP Publishing 2009. |
[23] | Lukas Ahrenberg, Andrew J. Page, Bryan M. Hennelly, John B. McDonald, and Thomas J. Naughton:Using commodity graphics hardware for real-time digital hologram view-reconstruction Journal of Display Technology 5 1 2009. |
[24] | C.P. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, B. Javidi, and T.J. Naughton:Extraction of three-dimensional information from reconstructions of in-line digital holograms (Invited) in Bahram Javidi, Ed., Three-dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display, chap. 15, pp. 303-332, Springer, New York. 2009. |
[25] | D. Woods and T.J. Naughton:Optical computing (Invited) in Robert A. Meyers, Ed., Encyclopedia of Complexity and Systems Science, pp. 6388-6407, Springer, New York. ISBN: 978-0-387-75888-6. 2009. |
[26] | Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay, and Tom Dowling.:Key Management in Multi-Distributor based DRM System with Mobile Clients using IBE, IEEE Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009), August 2009. |
[27] | Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay, and Tom Dowling. :Trade-Off between Collusion Resistance and User Life Cycle in Self-Healing Key Distributions with t-Revocation, IEEE Conference on the Applications of Digital Information and Web Technologies (ICADIWT 2009), August 2009. |
[28] | Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay and Tom Dowling.:Enhanced Access Polynomial Based Self-Healing Key Distribution, ICST International Workshop on Security in Emerging Wireless Communication and Networking Systems (SEWCN09). LNICST (Springer Lecture Notes of ICST) (to appear) September 2009. |
[29] | Ratna Dutta , Sourav Mukhopadhyay and Tom Dowling.:Generalized Self-Healing Key Distribution in Wireless Ad hoc Networks with Trade-Offs in User's Pre-Arranged Life Cycle and Collusion Resistance, 5th ACM International Symposium on QoS and Security for Wireless and Mobile Networks (Q2SWinet 2009), ACM Press (to appear) October 2009. |
[30] | Jianghua Zheng, Adam Winstanley, Zheng Pan, Seamus Coveney:Spatial characteristics of walking areas for pedestrian navigation Multimedia and Ubiquitous Engineering 2009, IEEE Computer Society 452-458 2009. |
[31] | K Rustan M Leino, Rosemary Monahan :Program Verification Using the Spec# Programming System. ECOOP (Summerschool, 9th July 2009, Genoa, Italy) 2009. |
[32] | Amy FitzGerald, Diarmuid O'Donoghue:Genetic Repair Strategies inspired by Arabidopsis thaliana Proceedings of 20th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, August 200, UCD, Ireland. 58-67 2009. |
[33] | Amy FitzGerald, Diarmuid O'Donoghue:Investigating the Influence of Population and Generation Size on GeneRepair Templates China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technology (CIITC), August 2009, NUI Maynooth, Ireland. 2009. |
[34] | Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay and Martin Collier.:Computationally Secure Self-Healing Key Distribution with Revocation in Wireless Ad hoc Networks Ad Hoc Networks Journal 2009. |
[35] | Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay and Martin Collier.:Computationally Secure Self-Healing Key Distribution with Revocation in Wireless Ad hoc Networks, Ad Hoc Networks Journal, Elsevier (to appear), Dec 2009. |
[36] | Maguire, P. & Maguire, R.:Investigating the difference between surprise and probability judgments. Proceedings of the Thirty-First Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 2009. |
[37] | J. Timoney, V. Lazzarini, J. Pekonen and V. Valimaki:Spectrally rich phase distortion sound synthesis using an allpass filter Proc. of IEEE ICASSP 2009 2009. |
[38] | J. Timoney, V. Lazzarini, B. Carty and J. Pekonen:hase and amplitude distortion methods for digital synthesis of classic analog waveforms AES Convention 126, Munich. 2009. |
[39] | R. Healy, and J. Timoney:Digital Audio Watermarking with Semi-Blind Detection for In-Car Music content Identification Proceedings of the AES 36th International Conference: Automotive Audio—Sound in Motion, Dearborn, Michigan, USA. 2009. |
[40] | R. Healy, and J. Timoney:Limitations in the Distribution of Public Performance Royalties in Ireland Conference on Intellectual Property, Iona College, New Rochelle, USA. 2009. |
[41] | J. Timoney, T. Lysaght, V. Lazzarini and R. Gao:Computing modified Bessel functions with large modulation index for sound synthesis applications Proc. of China-Ireland Information and Communications Technologies Conference 2009, NUI Maynooth, Maynooth, Ireland. 2009. |
[42] | J. Wang, R. Healy, and J. Timoney:Digital Audio Watermarking by Magnitude Modification of Frequency Components Using the CSPE Algorithm Proceedings of the China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies 2009, NUI Maynooth, Ireland. 2009. |
[43] | J. Wang, J. Timoney and M. Hodgkinson:Using Apodization to improve the performance of the Complex Spectral Phase Estimation (CSPE) Algorithm Proceedings of the China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technologies 2009, NUI Maynooth, Ireland. 2009. |
[44] | V. Lazzarini, J. Timoney, J. Kleimola and V. Valimaki:Five variations on a feedback theme Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) 2009, Como, Italy. 2009. |
[45] | V. Lazzarini, J. Timoney, J. Pekonen and V. Valimaki:Adaptive phase distortion synthesis Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) 2009, Como, Italy. 2009. |
[46] | J. Glover, V. Lazzarini, and J. Timoney:SIMPL: A python library for sinusoidal modeling Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) 2009, Como, Italy. 2009. |
[47] | M. Hodgkinson, J. Wang, J. Timoney and V. Lazzarini:Handling inharmonic series with median-adjustive trajectories Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) 2009, Como, Italy. 2009. |
[48] | V. Lazzarini, and J. Timoney:New methods of formant analysis-synthesis for musical applications Proceedings of the International Computer Music Conference ICMC 2009, Montreal, Canada. 2009. |
[49] | Francisco Navarro-Lerida, Eugen Radu, D.H. Tchrakian:Non Abelian Chern-Simons-Higgs solutions in (2+1) dimensions Phys. Rev. D 79 2009. |
[50] | Zheng, Jianghua; Ciepłuch, Bła ej; Mooney, Peter; Winstanley, Adam:Location Based Services of University Town Based on OpenStreetMap: NUI Maynooth as an example Proceedings of CIICT2009 pp19-22 2009. |
[51] | Jianghua Zheng, Adam Winstanley, A. Stewart Fotheringham, Zheng Pan:A Two-Level Path Planning Algorithm and Its applications for 2D Pedestrian Navigation with Open Boundary Areas Proceedings of LBS2009 Symposium 2009. |
[52] | Ruben Manvelyan, Eugen Radu, D.H. Tchrakian:New AdS non Abelian black holes with superconducting horizons Phys. Lett. B 677 79-87 2009. |
[53] | Russell Impagliazzo, Philippe Moser:A zero-one law for RP and derandomization of AM if NP is not small Inf. Comput. 207(7): 787 2009. |
[54] | Elvira Mayordomo, Philippe Moser:Polylog Space Compression Is Incomparable with Lempel-Ziv and Pushdown Compression SOFSEM 2009 2009. |
[55] | Y. Cao and J. McDonald:Viewpoint Invariant Features from Single Images Using 3D Geometry 2009. |
[56] | Y. Cao and J. McDonald:Robust Feature Correspondences from a Large Set of Unsorted Wide Baseline Images, 2009. |
[57] | Y. Cao and J. McDonald:Self-organisation of Images from A Moving Camera 2009. |
[58] | D. Kelly, J. Mc Donald and C. Markham :Evaluation of Threshold Model HMMs and Conditional Random Fields for Recognition of Spatiotemporal Gestures in Sign Language 2009. |
[59] | D. Kelly, J. Mc Donald and C. Markham :Continuous Recognition of Motion Based Gestures in Sign Language 2009. |
[60] | Reilly Dellanoy, Jane; Kelly, Daniel *; Mc Donald, John; Markham, Charles, :"Incorporating Facial Features into a Multi-Channel Gesture Recognition System for the Interpretation of Irish Sign Language" 2009. |
[61] | D. Kelly, J. Reilly Delannoy, J. Mc Donald and C. Markham, :"A Framework for Continuous Multimodal Sign Language Recognition", 2009. |
[62] | Kelly, Daniel; Reilly Dellanoy, Jane ; Mc Donald, John; Markham, Charles, :"Automatic Recognition of Head Movement Gestures in Sign Language Sentences" 2009. |
[63] | J. Reilly Delannoy, and J. McDonald, :"Estimation of the Temporal Dynamics of Posed and Spontaneous Facial Expression Formation using LLE " 2009. |
[64] | Lukas Ahrenberg, Andrew J. Page, Bryan M. Hennelly, John B. McDonald, and Thomas J. Naughton :Using commodity graphics hardware for real-time digital hologram view-reconstruction Journal of Display Technology 5 1 2009. |
[65] | D. P. Kelly, N. Pandey, B. M. Hennelly, and T. J. Naughton:Quantization Noise: An Additional Constraint for the Extended Sampling Theorem in Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, OSA Technical Digest (CD) (Optical Society of America, 2009), paper DWB12. 2009. |
[66] | Lukas Ahrenberg, Andrew J. Page, Bryan M. Hennelly, John B. McDonald, and Thomas J. Naughton:Using Commodity Graphics Hardware for Real-Time Digital Hologram View-Reconstruction J. Display Technol. 5, 111-119 2009. |
[67] | Nitesh Pandey, Bryan M. Hennelly, Damien P. Kelly and Thomas J. Naughton:Speed up of Fresnel transforms for Digital holography using pre-computed chirp and GPU processing. China Ireland Conference 2009. |
[68] | David S. Monaghan, Damien P. Kelly, Nitesh Pandey and Bryan M. Hennelly:Twin suppression in digital holography by means of speckle reduction China Ireland Conference 2009. |
[69] | Bryan M. Hennelly, Damien P. Kelly, Nitesh Pandey, David Monaghan:Review of Twin Reduction and Twin Removal Techniques in Holography China Ireland Conference 2009. |
[70] | Nitesh Pandey, Damien P. Kelly, Thomas J. Naughton and Bryan M. Hennelly:Speed up of Fresnel transforms for digital holography using precomputed chirp and GPU processing Proc. SPIE 7442 2009. |
[71] | Bryan Hennelly, Damien Kelly, Nitesh Pandey, David Monaghan:Zooming Algorithms for Digital Holography Proc. World in Optics Conference 2009. |
[72] | David Monaghan, Damien Kelly, Bryan Hennelly:Speckle Reduction Techniques in Digital Holography" Proc. World in Optics Conference Proc. World in Optics Conference 2009. |
[73] | Jennifer E. Ward, Damien P. Kelly, Bryan M. Hennelly, John T. Sheridan:Comment on the paper: H.-E. Hwang, P. Han, Theoretical analysis for surface tilt and translation detection based on speckle photography in the Fresnel domain Opt. Commun. 282 351–354 2009. |
[74] | Bryan M. Hennelly, Nitesh Pandey, David Monaghan, Damien Kelly:Synthetic Aperture Digital Holography for a wider 3D Perspective and a Higher Resolution BIGGS conference August 2009, winner best poster 2009. |
[75] | Damien P. Kelly, David S. Monaghan, Nitesh Pandey, Bryan M. Hennelly:Fresnel and Fourier digital holography architectures: a comparison FRINGE conference Stuttgart 2009. |
[76] | Nitesh Pandey, David Monaghan, Damien Kelly and Bryan Hennelly:Calibration for phase shifting digital holography from speckled digital holograms Photonics Ireland conference (winner best poster) 2009. |
[77] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, W.T. Rhodes:Resolution limits in practical digital holographic systems Opt. Eng. 48, 095801 2009. |
[78] | David S. Monaghan, Damien P. Kelly, Nitesh Pandey, and Bryan M. Hennelly:Twin removal in digital holography using diffuse illumination Opt. Lett. 34, 3610-3612 2009. |
[79] | S. Brown, C.J. Sreenan:Software Update Recovery for Wireless Sensor Networks Proc. of International Conference on Sensor Networks Applications, Experimentation and Logistics (SENSAPPEAL) ICST 2009. |
[80] | D. Woods and T.J. Naughton:Optical computing Applied Mathematics and Computation 215 4 1417-1430 2009. |
[81] | D.S. Monaghan, U. Gopinathan, G. Situ, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Statistical investigation of the double random phase encoding technique Journal of the Optical Society of America A 26 9 2033-2042 2009. |
[82] | M. Kempkes, E. Darakis, T. Khanam, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, M. Mazzotti, T.J. Naughton, and A.K. Asundi:Three dimensional digital holographic profiling of micro-fibers Optics Express 17 2938-2943 2009. |
[83] | D.S. Monaghan, G. Situ, U. Gopinathan, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Analysis of phase encoding for optical encryption Optics Communications 282 482-492 2009. |
[84] | D.S. Monaghan, U. Gopinathan, D.P. Kelly, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Systematic errors of an optical encryption system due to the discrete values of a spatial light modulator Optical Engineering 48 027001 2009. |
[85] | T.J. Naughton, T. Kreis, L. Onural, P. Ferraro, C. Depeursinge, Y. Emery, B.M. Hennelly, M. Kujawiñska:Real 3D-Digital holography for 3D and 4D real-world objects' capture, processing, and display: Summary of progress from Year 1 (Invited) 3rd EOS Topical Meeting on Optical Microsystems, Capri, Italy, 27-30 September 2009. |
[86] | T.M. Lehtimäki, K. Sääskilahti, R. Näsänen, and T.J. Naughton:Stereo perception of reconstructions of digital holograms of real-world objects (Invited) Eighth Euro-American Workshop in Information Optics, IOP Journal of Physics: Conference Series, Paris, France, 20-24 July 2009. |
[87] | T.J. Naughton, T. Kreis, L. Onural, P. Ferraro, C. Depeursinge, Y. Emery, B.M. Hennelly, M. Kujawinska:Processing of optically-captured digital holograms for three-dimensional display (Invited) Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2009, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7329, article no. 73290A, Orlando, USA, 13-17 April 2009. |
[88] | N.K. Nishchal and T.J. Naughton:Three-dimensional image watermarking using fractional Fourier transform ICOP 2009-International Conference on Optics & Photonics, pp. 73+, Chandigarh, India, 30 October-1 November 2009. |
[89] | K.M. Molony, J.P. Ryle, S. McDonnell, J.T. Sheridan, and T.J. Naughton:Segmentation and visualization of digital in-line holographic microscopy of three-dimensional scenes using reconstructed intensity images Applications of Digital Image Processing XXXII, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7443, article no. 74431F, San Diego, USA, August 2009. |
[90] | J.P. Ryle, K.M. Molony, S. McDonnell, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Multispectral lensless digital holographic microscope: imaging MCF-7 and MDA-MB-231 cancer cell cultures Optics and Photonics for Information Processing III, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7442, article no. 744206, San Diego, USA, August 2009. |
[91] | T. Pitkäaho and T.J. Naughton:Stereo vision based approach for extracting features from digital holograms FRINGE 2009: The 6th International Workshop on Advanced Optical Metrology, pp. 562-567, Nürtingen, Germany, 14-16 September 2009. Springer Verlag ISBN 978-3-642-03050-5. 2009. |
[92] | E. Darakis, M. Kempkes, T. Khanam, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, T.J. Naughton, M. Mazzotti, and A. K. Asundi:Localization of microfibers within volumes using digital holographic video OSA Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, article no. DTuB6, Vancouver, Canada, 26-30 April 2009. |
[93] | E. Darakis and T.J. Naughton:Compression of digital hologram sequences using MPEG-4 Holography: Advances and Modern Trends, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7358, article no. 735811, Prague, Czech Republic, 20-23 April 2009. |
[94] | T.M. Lehtimäki, K. Sääskilahti, R. Näsänen, and T.J. Naughton:Visual perception of digital holograms on autostereoscopic displays Three-Dimensional Imaging, Visualization, and Display 2009, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7329, article no. 73290C, Orlando, USA, 13-17 April 2009. |
[95] | R. Näsänen, A. Metso, T.M. Lehtimäki, and T.J. Naughton:Perceptual quality of reconstructions of digital holograms: extending depth of focus by binocular fusion Perception, Supplement (32nd European Conference on Visual Perception, Regensburg, Germany, 24-28 August 2009) 38 154-155 2009. |
[96] | D.P. Kelly, B.M. Hennelly, N. Pandey, T.J. Naughton, and W.T. Rhodes:Resolution limits in practical digital holographic systems Optical Engineering 48 095801 2009. |
[97] | K.M. Molony and T.J. Naughton:Segmentation and three-dimensional visualisation of digital in-line holographic microscopy data China-Ireland ICT Conference, 19-21 August 2009. |
[98] | N. Murphy and D. Woods:Uniformity: uncovering the frontier of parallelism Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Membrane Computing, Curtea de Arges, Romania. 556-560 2009. |
[99] | D. Woods, N. Murphy, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, and A. Riscos-Núñez:Membrane dissolution and division in P Proceedings 8th International Conference on Unconventional Computing 2009, Ponta Delgada, Azores. Springer LNCS 5715 2009. |
[100] | N. Murphy and D. Woods:The Computational Complexity of Uniformity and Semi-uniformity in Membrane Systems Technical Report in 7th Brainstorming Week on Membrane Computing 2 73-84 2009. |
[101] | P. Gaughran, S. Bergin, R. Reilly:Towards Automatic Blotch Detection for Film Restoration Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science AICS 2009 UCD, Ireland, pp 108-117 2009. |
[102] | P. Gaughran, S. Bergin, R. Reilly:Dirt and Sparkle Detection for Film Sequences China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technology, CIICT 2009, Maynooth, Ireland pp146-148 2009. |
[103] | N. Hosey. S.Bergin, D.O'Donoghue:Q-Learning in Cognitive Radios China-Ireland International Conference on Information and Communications Technology 2009/, CIICT 2009, Maynooth Irelaand 2009 pp 67-73 2009. |
[104] | B. Kroon, S. Bergin, I. Kennedy, G. O Mahony Zamora:Steady State RF Fingerprinting for identity verification: One Class Classifier versus Customized Ensemble. Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science 2009, AICS 2009, UCD, Ireland, 2009. pp 188-197 2009. |
[105] | D. Kelly, J. Reilly Delannoy, J. Mc Donald and C. Markham:A Framework for Continuous Multimodal Sign Language Recognition", . 2009. |
[106] | D. Kelly, J. Mc Donald and C. Markham:Evaluation of Thresh-old Model HMMs and Conditional Random Fields for Recognition of Spatiotemporal Gestures in Sign Language", 2009. |
[107] | D. Kelly, J. Mc Donald and C. Markham:Continuous Recognition of Motion Based Gestures in Sign Language", . 2009. |
[108] | D. Kelly, J. Reilly Delannoy, J. Mc Donald and C. Markham, :In-corporating Facial Features into a Multi-Channel Gesture Recognition System for the Interpretation of Irish Sign Language Sequences 2009. |
[109] | D. Kelly, J. Reilly Delannoy, J. McDonald, and C. Markham:Automatic Recognition of Head Movement Gestures in Sign Language Sentences 2009. |
[110] | D. Kelly, J. McDonald, and C. Markham :Recognizing Spatiotemporal Gestures and Movement Epenthesis in Sign Language 2009. |
[111] | Soraghan, C., Markham, C., Ward, T., Pearlmutter, B. A. and Matthews, F. > :Overview of optical BCI research at NUI Maynooth 2009. |
[112] | Soraghan, C. J., Markham, C., Matthews, F. and Ward, T. E.:Triple wavelength LED driver for optical brain-computer interfaces Electronics Letters vol. 45 no. 8 pp. 392-394. 2009. |
[113] | Peter Breitenlohner, D.H. Tchrakian:Gravitating BPS Monopoles in all d=4p Spacetime Dimensions Quant. Grav 26 2009. |
[114] | A. Acus, E. Norvaisas, Ya. Shnir:Baby Skyrmions stabilized by canonical quantization Phys.Lett B682 155-162 2009. |
[115] | A. Mooney, John G. Keating and Ionnais Pitas:A Comparative Study of Chaotic and White Noise Signals in Digital Watermarking Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 35 913-921 2008. |
[116] | Aidan Mooney, John G. Keating and Ionnais Pitas:A Comparative Study of Chaotic and White Noise Signals in Digital Watermarking Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 38 913-921 2008. |
[117] | Philippe Moser:Baire categories on small complexity classes and meager-comeager laws Information and Computation 206(1) 15-33 2008. |
[118] | Philippe Moser:On generic density and small span theorem Information and Computation 206(1) 1-14 2008. |
[119] | Corcoran, P. & Winstanley, AC:Using texture to tackle the problem of scale in land-cover classification in Thomas Blaschke, Stefan Lang, Geoffrey Hay: Object-based image analysis-spatial concepts for knowledge-driven remote sensing applications, Springer Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography 113-132 2008. |
[120] | Jianning Liang, Su Yang, Adam Winstanley:Invariant Optimal Feature Selection: A Distance Discriminant and Feature Ranking Based Solution Pattern Recognition 41 5 1429-1439 2008. |
[121] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, and Thomas Lysaght , :The Generation of Natural-Synthetic Spectra by Means of Adaptive Frequency Modulation, MIT Press/Computer Music Journal, 32, 2, pp. 9-22, 2008. |
[122] | K Rustan M Leino, Rosemary Monahan :Program Verification Using the Spec# Programming System. ETAPS (Spec# Tutorial, 29th March 2008, Budapest, Hungary) 2008. |
[123] | Amy FitzGerald and Diarmuid P. O'Donoghue:Genetic Repair for Optimization under Constraints Inspired by Arabidopsis thaliana Parallel Problem Solving from Nature, LNCS 5199, Springer Berlin & Heidelberg, Germany. ISBN 978-3-540-87699-1. 399-408 2008. |
[124] | Y. Cao, A. Renfrew, P. Cook, :"Comprehensive Vehicle Motion Analysis Using Optical Flow Optimization Based on Pulse-Coupled Neural Network, " Proceedings of the 17th IFAC World Congress, pp. 158-163, 2008. |
[125] | Y. Cao, A. Renfrew, P. Cook, :"The importance of rear-end vehicle collisions and an effective solution based on optical flow" 13th IET International Conference on Road Transport Information and Control, pp. 161–167, 2008. |
[126] | Ratna Dutta and Rana Barua.:Provably Secure Constant Round Contributory Group Key Agreement in Dynamic Setting, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory (IEEE-IT), Vol. 54, No. 5, pp. 2007-2025, May 2008. |
[127] | Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay, Amitabha Das and Sabu Emmanuel.:Generalized Self-Healing Key Distribution using Vector Space Access Structure. In proceedings of IFIP Networking 2008, LNCS 4982, pp. 612-623, Springer-Verlag 2008. |
[128] | Ratna Dutta, Sourav Mukhopadhyay and Sabu Emmanuel.:Low Bandwidth Self-Healing Key Distribution in Wireless Ad Hoc Network. In proceeding of the IEEE Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (AMS 2008), pp. 867-872, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2008. |
[129] | Jianghua Zheng, A.C. Winstanley, Lei Yan, and A. Stewart Fotheringham:Economical LBS for Public Transport: Real-time Monitoring and Dynamic Scheduling Service Proceeding of WMCS 2008 workshop of GPC 2008/IEEE Computer Society Published ISBN: 978-0 pp184-188 2008. |
[130] | Jianghua Zheng, Liu Yuefeng, Yan Lei:Push dynamic location based services: real-time traffic information organization and services realization based on J2ME/J2EE Computer Engineering and Applications[J] (in Chinese) 44 1 186~189 2008. |
[131] | Jianghua Zheng, Jianwei Tao, Jianli Ding, Abudukim Abuliz, and Hanyu Xiang:Pedestrian Navigation Data Modelling for Hybrid Travel Patterns SPIE Proceeding of Geoinformatics 2008 (TO be published on Dec.2008) 2008. |
[132] | Maguire, P., Maguire, R. & Cater, A.W.:A computational model of conceptual combination In B. C. Love, K. McRae, & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Washington DC., USA. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 2008. |
[133] | Maguire, P., Maguire, R. & Cater, A.W. (2008). :Factors influencing the interpretation of noun-noun compounds. In B. C. Love, K. McRae, & V. M. Sloutsky (Eds.), Proceedings of the Thirtieth Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Washington DC., USA. Mahwah, NJ: Erlbaum. 2008. |
[134] | Pilar Albert, Elvira Mayordomo, Philippe Moser, and Sylvain Perifel:Pushdown Compression Proceedings of the 25th Annual Symposium on Theoretical Aspects of Computer Science 39–48 2008. |
[135] | Philippe Moser.:A General Notion of Useful Information. In The Complexity of Simple Programs CSP08 p. 215–224 2008. |
[136] | Philippe Moser.:Martingale Families and Dimension in P. In Theoretical Computer Science pp 46-61 2008. |
[137] | Philippe Moser.:Resource-bounded Measure on Probabilistic Classes. In Information Processing Letters p 241-245 2008. |
[138] | Joseph Timoney, Stephen Brown and Deshi Ye, :Experiences in Software Testing Education: Some Observations from an International Cooperation, International Workshop on Computer System Education and Innovation (IWCSEI) 2008, ZhangJiaJie, China, 2008. |
[139] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney and Thomas Lysaght, :A Modified FM synthesis approach to bandlimited signal generation, Proc. of 11th conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Espoo, Finland, 2008. |
[140] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph. Timoney and Thomas Lysaght, :Asymmetric methods for Adaptive FM synthesis, Proc. of 11th conf. in Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Espoo, Finland, 2008. |
[141] | Ratna Dutta and Tom Dowling.:Secure and Efficient Group Key Agreements for Cluster Based Networks, Accepted in Special Issue on Security in Computing of Transactions on Computational Sciences Journal, Springer-Verlag, Dec 2008. |
[142] | Victor. Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, and Thomas Lysaght, :Non-Linear Distortion Synthesis using the Split Sideband Method with Applications to Adaptive Signal Processing, Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, 56, 9, 684-695, 2008. |
[143] | Mark Hennessy and James F. Power:Analysing the effectiveness of rule-coverage as a reduction criterion for test suites of grammar-based software Empirical Software Engineering 13 4 343-368 2008. |
[144] | Jacqueline A. McQuillan and James F. Power:A Metamodel for the Measurement of Object-Oriented Systems: An Analysis using Alloy IEEE International Conference on Software Testing Verification and Validation 288-297 2008. |
[145] | Jonathan Lambert and James F. Power:Platform Independent Timing of Java Virtual Machine Bytecode Instructions Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 220 3 97-113 2008. |
[146] | Markus Aleksy, Ralf Gitzel, John Waldron and James F. Power:PPPJ 2006 special issue-foreword Science of Computer Programming 70 2-3 87-88 2008. |
[147] | Radach, R., Huestegge, L., & Reilly, R.:The role of global top-down factors in local eye-movement control in reading Psychological Research 72 675-688 2008. |
[148] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, and Thomas Lysaght:The Generation of Natural-Synthetic Spectra by Means of Adaptive Frequency Modulation MIT Press/Computer Music Journal 32 2 9-22 2008. |
[149] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney and Thomas Lysaght:A Modified FM synthesis approach to bandlimited signal generation Proc. of 11th conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Espoo, Finland 2008. |
[150] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph. Timoney and Thomas Lysaght:Asymmetric methods for Adaptive FM synthesis Proc. of 11th conf. in Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Espoo, Finland 2008. |
[151] | Victor. Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, and Thomas Lysaght:Non-Linear Distortion Synthesis using the Split Sideband Method with Applications to Adaptive Signal Processing Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 56 9 684-695 2008. |
[152] | Radach, R., Huestegge, L., Reilly, R. :The role of global top-down factors in local eye-movement control in reading Psychological Research 72 675-688 2008. |
[153] | A.C. Winstanley (editor):Special Issue: Selected papers from GISRUK 2007 Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 32 47-328 2008. |
[154] | J. Reilly and J. McDonald:Modelling the Manifold of Facial Expression using Texture Proceedings of The International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference pp. 63-68 2008. |
[155] | J. Reilly, J. Ghent and J. McDonald:Modelling, Classification and Synthesis of Facial Expressions Affective Computing: Emotion Modelling, Synthesis and Recognition, ISBN 978-3-902613-23-3 pp. 107-132 2008. |
[156] | J. Reilly Delannoy, and J. McDonald:Estimation of the Dynamics of Facial Expression using a Three-Level Model of Intensity Proceeding of IEEE Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2008. |
[157] | D. Kelly, J. McDonald, T. Lysaght, and C. Markham:Analysis of sign language gestures using size functions and principal component analysis Proceedings of the International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference pp. 31-36 2008. |
[158] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, A. Gruen, K. Unterrainer:Numerical Sampling Rules for Paraxial Regime Pulse Diffraction Calculations 2008. |
[159] | U Gopinathan, D. S. Monaghan, B. M. Hennelly, C. P. McElhinney, D. P. Kelly, J. B. McDonald, T. J. Naughton, J. T. Sheridan:A projection system for real world three dimensional objects using spatial light modulators J. of Disp. Tech 4 2008. |
[160] | C. P. McElhinney, B. M. Hennelly, T. J. Naughton:Extended focused imaging for digital holograms of macroscopic three-dimensional objects App. Opt. 47 D71-D79 2008. |
[161] | Yu Fu, Giancarlo Pedrini, Bryan M. Hennelly, Roger M. Groves, Wolfgang Osten:Dual-wavelength image-plane digital holography for dynamic measurement Optics and Lasers in Engineering 2008. |
[162] | Damien P. Kelly, Bryan M. Hennelly, Alexander Grün, Karl Unterrainer:Numerical sampling rules for paraxial regime pulse diffraction calculations J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 25 2299-2308 2008. |
[163] | Thomas J. Naughton, Bryan M. Hennelly, and Tom Dowling:Introducing secure modes of operation for optical encryption J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 25 2608-2617 2008. |
[164] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, C. Mc Elhinney, T. J. Naughton:A practical model for sub-Nyquist sampling in digital holography (Under Revier Opt. Eng. 2008. |
[165] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, A. Gruen, K. Unterrainer:Numerical Sampling Rules for Paraxial Regime Pulse Diffraction Calculations J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 2008. |
[166] | U. Gopinathan, D. S. Monaghan, B. M. Hennelly, C. P. Mc Elhinney, D. P. Kelly, J. B. McDonald, T. J. Naughton, and J. T. Sheridan:A projection system for real world three dimensional objects using spatial light modulators J. Display Tech., 4 2008. |
[167] | A.J. Page, T.M. Keane and T.J. Naughton:Scheduling in a dynamic heterogeneous distributed system using estimation error 2008. |
[168] | G. Situ, D.S. Monaghan, T.J. Naughton, J.T. Sheridan, G. Pedrini, and W. Osten:Collision in double random phase encoding 2008. |
[169] | D.S. Monaghan, G. Situ, U. Gopinathan, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Role of phase keys in the double random phase encoding technique: an error analysis 2008. |
[170] | C.P. Mc Elhinney, B.M. Hennelly, and T.J. Naughton:Extended focused imaging for digital holograms of macroscopic three-dimensional objects 2008. |
[171] | U. Gopinathan, D.S. Monaghan, B.M. Hennelly, C.P. Mc Elhinney, D.P. Kelly, J.B. McDonald, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:A projection system for real world three-dimensional objects using spatial light modulators 2008. |
[172] | A.J. Page, L. Ahrenberg, and T.J. Naughton:Low memory distributed reconstruction of large digital holograms 2008. |
[173] | U. Gopinathan, G. Situ, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Noninterferometric phase retrieval using a fractional Fourier system 2008. |
[174] | D. Woods and T. J. Naughton:Optical computing (Invited) In International Workshop on Physics and Computation, CDMTCS Research Report Series CDMTCS vol. 327, pp. 307-330, 2008. |
[175] | C.P. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, and T.J. Naughton:Twin-image reduction in inline digital holography using an object segmentation heuristic (Invited paper) In Euro American Workshop in Information Optics, Institute of Physics, London 2008. |
[176] | F. Matthews, B. A. Pearlmutter, T. E. Ward, C. Soraghan, and C. Markham. Hemodynamics for Brain-Computer Interfaces: Optical correlates of control signals. IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25(1):87-94, Jan 2008. |
[177] | N.K. Nishchal and T.J. Naughton:Three-dimensional optical image encryption using fractional Fourier transform, PHOTONICS 2008—International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics, Institute of Optics, New Delhi 2008. |
[178] | C.P. McElhinney, L. Ahrenberg, T.J. Naughton:Parallel approaches to reconstruction and noise reduction in digital holography, Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics 2008, International Congress of Optics 2008. |
[179] | D. Woods and T. J. Naughton:Parallel and sequential optical computing, International Workshop on Optical Supercomputing, EATCS 2008. |
[180] | D.S. Monaghan, U. Gopinathan, G. Situ, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Cost function statistical analysis in double random phase encoding, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing II, Proceedings of SPIE article no. 70720Z, SPIE Press vol. 7072 2008. |
[181] | D.P. Kelly, B.M. Hennelly, C. McElhinney, and T.J. Naughton:A practical guide to digital holography and generalized sampling, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing II, Proceedings of SPIE article no. 707215, SPIE Press vol. 7072, 2008. |
[182] | C. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, L. Ahrenberg, and T.J. Naughton:Removing the twin image in digital holography by segmented filtering of in-focus twin image, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing II, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7072, article no. 707208, SPIE Press 2008. |
[183] | K.M. Molony, C.P. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, and T.J. Naughton:Segmentation of three-dimensional scenes encoded in digital holograms, Optics and Photonics for Information Processing II, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7072, article no. 707209, SPIE Press 2008. |
[184] | E. Darakis, T. Khanam, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A.K. Asundi, and T.J. Naughton:Processing of digital holograms for size measurements of microparticles, Ninth International Symposium on Laser Metrology, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7155, article no. 715524, SPIE Press 2008. |
[185] | T. Khanam, E. Darakis, A. Rajendran, V. Kariwala, A.K. Asundi, and T.J. Naughton:On-line digital holographic measurement of size and shape of microparticles for crystallization processes, Ninth International Symposium on Laser Metrology, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7155, article no. 71551K, NTU 2008. |
[186] | C.P. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, J.B. McDonald, and T.J. Naughton:Segmentation of macroscopic object digital holographic reconstructions using extracted depth information, Optical and Digital Image Processing, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 7000, article no. 700003, SPIE Press 2008. |
[187] | C.P. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, and T.J. Naughton:Focused image creation approaches for macroscopic objects encoded in digital holograms, Photon Management III, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6994, article no. 69940U, SPIE Press 2008. |
[188] | K.M. Molony, J. Maycock, J.B. McDonald, and B.M. Hennelly, and T.J. Naughton:A comparison of wavelet analysis techniques in digital holograms, Photon Management III, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6994, article no. 699412, SPIE Press 2008. |
[189] | C.P. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, and T.J. Naughton:Focused image creation algorithms for digital holograms of macroscopic three-dimensional objects, OSA Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging, paper DTuA5, OSA 2008. |
[190] | Barak A. Pearlmutter and Conor J. Houghton, A New Hypothesis for Sleep: Tuning for Criticality. Neural Computation, 2008. |
[191] | Paul D. O'Grady and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Discovering Speech Phones Using Convolutive Non-negative Matrix Factorisation with a Sparseness Constraint, Neurocomputing, 2008. |
[192] | B. A. Pearlmutter and J. M. Siskind. Using programming language theory to make AD sound and efficient. In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Automatic Differentiation, pages 79-90, Bonn, Germany, Aug 2008. |
[193] | Barak A. Pearlmutter and Jeffrey Mark Siskind. Reverse-Mode AD in a functional framework: Lambda the ultimate backpropagator. TOPLAS 30(2):1-36, Mar 2008. |
[194] | F. Matthews, C. Soraghan, T. Ward, C. Markham, B. Pearlmutter :Software platform for rapid prototyping of NIRS Brain Computer Interfacing Techniques 30th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference 2008. |
[195] | D. Kelly, C. Markham, J. McDonald:A System for Teaching Sign Language using Live Gesture Feedback IEEE Int'l Conference on Automatic Face and Gesture Recognition 2008. |
[196] | C. Soraghan, F. Matthews, C. Markham, B. Pearlmutter, R. O'Neill, T. Ward :A 12-Channel Real-Time Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Instrument for Brain-Computer Interface applications 31st Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference 2008. |
[197] | C. Soraghan, T. Ward, F. Matthews, C. Markham:Optical Safety Assessment of a Near-Infrared Brain-Computer Interface Proceedings of the IEE Irish Signals and Systems Conference 2008. |
[198] | D. Kelly, J. McDonald, T. Lysaght, and C. Markham:Analysis of sign language gestures using size functions and principal component analysis Proceedings of the International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference pp. 31-36 2008. |
[199] | Mooney, P and Winstanley AC:Making Environmental Research Data Publicly Available Enviro Info 2008 2008. |
[200] | F. Matthews, B.A. Pearlmutter, T.E. Ward, C. Soraghan, C. Markham:Hemodynamics for Brain-Computer Interfaces IEEE Signal Processing Magazine 25(1), pp. 87-94 2008. |
[201] | S. McLoughlin, C. Mulvihill, C. Deegan, C. Fitzgerald, C. Markham:Mobile Mapping for the Automated Analysis of Road Signage and Delineation IET Intelligent. Transp. Syst. 2(1), pp. 61-73 2008. |
[202] | C. McElhinney, B. M. Hennelly, L. Ahrenberg and T. J. Naughton:Removing the Twin Image in Digital Holography by Segmented Filtering of In-focus Twin Image Proc. SPIE 7072 2008. |
[203] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, C. McElhinney, and T. J. Naughton:A Practical Guide to Digital Holography and Generalized Sampling Proc. SPIE, 7072 2008. |
[204] | K. Rustan M. Leino and Rosemary Monahan, :Automatic verification of textbook programs that use comprehensions. In Formal Techniques for Java-like Programs, ECOOP Workshop (FTfJP'07: July 2007, Berlin, Germany) 2007. |
[205] | Diarmuid P. O'Donoghue:Statistical Evaluation of Process-Centric Computational Creativity: Evaluating Computer-Generated Analogies 4th International Joint Workshop on Computational Creativity (IJWCC), Goldsmiths, University of London. 17-19 June. 2007. |
[206] | Maguire, P., Devereux, B., Costello, F. & Cater, A.W.:A Re-Analysis of the CARIN model Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 33 4 811-821 2007. |
[207] | Maguire, P., Wisniewski, E. J., & Storms, G.:A corpus analysis of conceptual combination Proceedings of the Second European Cognitive Science Conference 2007. |
[208] | Maguire, P., Maguire, R. & Cater, A. W.:In search of the frog's tail: investigating the time course of conceptual knowledge activation Proceedings of the Second European Cognitive Science Conference 2007. |
[209] | Maguire, R., Maguire, P. & Keane, M. T.:Understanding surprise: Can less likely events be less surprising? Proceedings of the Second European Cognitive Science Conference 2007. |
[210] | O'Donoghue, Diarmuid. P. Mullally, Emma-Claire:Extending Irregular Cellular Automata with Geometric Proportional Analogies GISRUK Conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland. 11th-13th April 353-358 2007. |
[211] | Nicholas A. Kraft, Brian A. Malloy and James F. Power:A tool chain for reverse engineering C++ applications Science of Computer Programming 69 1-3 3-13 2007. |
[212] | Peter J. Clarke, Djuradj Babich, Tariq M. King and James F. Power, :Intra-Class Testing of Abstract Class Features 18th IEEE International Symposium on Software Reliability Engineering 191-200 2007. |
[213] | Steven Kearney and James F. Power:REM4j-A framework for measuring the reverse engineering capability of UML CASE tools 19th International Conference on Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering 209-214 2007. |
[214] | Jacqueline A. McQuillan and James F. Power:On the application of software metrics to UML models Models in Software Engineering, Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4364 217-226 2007. |
[215] | Nicholas A. Kraft, Brian A. Malloy and James F. Power:An Infrastructure to Support Interoperability in Reverse Engineering Information and Software Technology 49 3 292-307 2007. |
[216] | Xiaoyang Gu, Jack H. Lutz, and Philippe Moser:Dimensions of Copeland-Erdoes Sequences Information and Computation 205(9) 1317-1333 2007. |
[217] | Philippe Moser:On the Convergence of Fourier Series of Computable Lebesgue Integrable Functions In proceedings of 4th Conference on Computability and Complexity in Analysis 2007. |
[218] | David Doty and Philippe Moser:Feasible depth In proceedings of Third Conference on Computability in Europe 228-237 2007. |
[219] | A.C. Winstanley (editor):GISRUK 2007, Proceedings of the Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference National University of Ireland Maynooth 2007. |
[220] | Valveny E., Dosch, P., Winstanley A.C., Zhou, Y., Yang, S., Yan, L., Wenyin, L., Elliman, D., Delalandre, M., Adam, S., Ogier, J:A General Framework for the Evaluation of Symbol Recognition Methods International Journal for Document Analysis and Recognition 9 1 59-74 2007. |
[221] | Corcoran, P. & Winstanley, AC:Removing the texture feature response to object boundaries International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications 363-368 2007. |
[222] | Corcoran, P. & Winstanley, AC:Segmentation Evaluation for Object Based Remotely Sensed Image Analysis GISRUK 2007, Proceedings of the Geographical Information Science Research UK Conference 190-4 2007. |
[223] | Corcoran, P. & Winstanley, AC:Watershed segmentation using a multi-scale ramp edge gradient operator International Conference on Machine Vision and Image Processing 158-168 2007. |
[224] | J. McDonald, C. Markham, and J. Ghent, Eds.:Proceedings of IMVIP 2007-International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, 5-7 September 2007, NUI Maynooth, Ireland. IEEE Computer Society Press. ISBN: 0-7695-2887-2. 2007. |
[225] | Jonathan Maycock, Bryan M. Hennelly, John B. McDonald, Yann Frauel, Albertina Castro, Bahram Javidi, and Thomas J. Naughton, :Reduction of speckle in digital holography by discrete Fourier filtering Journal of the Optical Society of America A 24 6 1617-1622 2007. |
[226] | Conor P. Mc Elhinney, John B. McDonald, Albertina Castro, Yann Frauel, Bahram Javidi, and Thomas J. Naughton, :Depth-independent segmentation of macroscopic three-dimensional objects encoded in single perspectives of digital holograms, Optics Letters 32 10 1229-1231 2007. |
[227] | Bryan M. Hennelly, Thomas J. Naughton, John B. McDonald, John T. Sheridan, Gopinathan Unnikrishnan, Damien P. Kelly, and Bahram Javidi, :Spread space spread spectrum technique for secure multiplexing, Optics Letters 32 9 1060-1062 2007. |
[228] | C. P. Mc Elhinney, J. B. McDonald, A. Castro, Y. Frauel, B. Javidi, and T. J. Naughton, :Segmentation of Three-Dimensional Objects from Background in Digital Holograms, Proc. of the International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, 2007. |
[229] | J. Reilly, J. Ghent, and J. McDonald, :Non-linear Approaches for the Classification of Facial Expressions at Varying Degrees of Intensity, Proc. of the International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, 2007. |
[230] | D. Fitzgerald, J. Foody, D. Kelly, T. Ward, C. Markham, J. McDonald, B. Caulfield, :Development of a wearable motion capture suit and virtual reality biofeedback system for the instruction and analysis of sports rehabilitation exercises, Proc. of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Lyon, France, 2007. |
[231] | Jonathan Maycock, Bryan M. Hennelly, John B. McDonald, Yann Frauel, Albertina Castro, Bahram Javidi, and Thomas J. Naughton, :Speckle Reduction Using the Discrete Fourier Filtering Technique, Proc. of the International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, 2007. |
[232] | Dan Kelly, Paolo Olivo, Charles Markham, John McDonald, Brian Caulfield, :Classification of Human Poses Using a Vision Based Technique, Proc. of the International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, NUI Maynooth, Ireland, 2007. |
[233] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, Thomas Lysaght :Spectral Signal Processing in Csound5 10th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-07) 21-26 2007. |
[234] | Thomas Lysaght, Joseph Timoney, Victor Lazzarini :Modal Distribution Synthesis from Sub-Sampled Autocorrelation Function 10th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-07) 73-76 2007. |
[235] | R. Villing, J. Timoney and Tomas Ward:A review of P-centre models Proceedings of 11th Rhythm Production and Perception Workshop (RPPW 2007), Dublin 2007. |
[236] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney and Thomas Lysaght, :Adaptive FM synthesis, Proc. of 10th Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX) 2007, Bordeaux, France, 2007. |
[237] | Brown, S. and Sreenan, C. J.:A Study on Data Aggregation and Reliability in Managing Wireless Sensor Networks IEEE/Proc. IEEE International Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems (MASS 2007). 1-7 2007. |
[238] | Scanlon P. and Bergin S.:Using Support Vector Machines and Acoustic Signal Processing for Degradation Analysis of Rotating Machinery. AICS 2007, Proceedings of the 18th Irish Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, Dublin. 2007. |
[239] | Wilson. S. Bergin. S. Flood B, Goyal. S. Kennedy. R. Mosher. J. O'Brien. J.:Parameter estimation for a model with both both Imprefect Test and Repair. 25th VLSI Test Symposium. IEEE VTS07. Berkley, California. 2007. |
[240] | Y. Cao, A. Renfrew, P. Cook, :"Novel optical flow optimization using Pulse Coupled Neural Network and Smallest Univalue Segment Assimilating Nucleus, " The 14th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communication Systems, pp.264-267, 2007. |
[241] | Y. Cao, A. Renfrew, P. Cook, :"Vehicle Ego-Motion Estimation using Pulse Coupled Neural Network, " The 11th International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, pp. 185-191, 2007. |
[242] | Y. Cao, A. Renfrew, P. Cook, :"Combined optical flow optimization method using Pulse-Coupled Neural Network, " The 9th International Conference on Computer Graphics and Imaging, pp. 161-166, 2007. |
[243] | Ratna Dutta, : Converting Group Key Agreement Protocol into Password-Based Setting-Case Study. In the Journal of Computers, ISSN 1796-203X, Vol. 12, No. 2, pp. 26-33, Academy Publisher, October 2007. |
[244] | Ratna Dutta, Chang Ee-Chien and Sourav Mukhopadhyay.:Efficient Self-Healing Key Distributions with Revocation for Wireless Sensor Network using One Way Key Chains. In proceedings of ACNS'07, LNCS 4521, pp. 385-400, Springer-Verlag, 2007. |
[245] | Ratna Dutta and Sourav Mukhopadhyay.:Improved Self-Healing Key Distribution with Revocation in Wireless Sensor Network. In proceeding of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC 2007)-Networking, IEEE Communications Society Press, 2007. |
[246] | Ratna Dutta and Sourav Mukhopadhya.:Designing Scalable Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes with Revocation Capability. In proceedings of ISPA'07, LNCS 4742, pp. 419-430, Springer-Verlag, 2007. |
[247] | Ratna Dutta.: Multi-Party Key Agreement in Password-Based Setting. In proceeding of the IEEE Asia International Conference on Modelling and Simulation (AMS 2007), pp. 133-138, IEEE Computer Society Press, 2007. |
[248] | Ratna Dutta:Overcome Weakness of a Password-Based Group Key Agreement Protocol. In proceedings of the 12th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications (ISCC 2007), pp. 469-474, IEEE Computer Society and Communications Society Press, 2007. |
[249] | Ratna Dutta and Sourav Mukhopadhyay.:Constant Storage Self-Healing Key Distribution with Revocation in Wireless Sensor Network. In proceeding of the IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC 2007), IEEE Communications Society Press, 2007. |
[250] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, Thomas Lysaght :Spectral Signal Processing in Csound5 10th Int. Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-07) 21-26 2007. |
[251] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney and Thomas Lysaght:Adaptive FM synthesis Proc. of 10th Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Bordeaux, France 2007. |
[252] | J. Maycock, B. M. Hennelly, J. B. McDonald, Y. Frauel, A. Castro, B. Javidi, T. J. Naughton:Reduction of speckle in digital holography by discrete Fourier filtering J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 24 1617-1622 2007. |
[253] | B. M. Hennelly, T. J. Naughton, J. McDonald, J. T. Sheridan, G. Unnikrishnan, D. P. Kelly, and B. Javidi:Spread-space spread-spectrum technique for secure multiplexing Opt. Lett. 32 1060-1062 2007. |
[254] | D. P. Kelly, J. T. Sheridan, William T. Rhodes:Fundamental diffraction limitations in a paraxial 4-f imaging system with coherent and incoherent illumination 2007. |
[255] | D. P. Kelly, J. E. Ward, U. Gopinathan, and J. T. Sheridan:Controlling speckle using lenses and free space 2007. |
[256] | Mooney, P. and Winstanley, A.C:Evaluating Interfaces to Publicly Available Environmental Information Lecture Notes Computer Science 4557 2007. |
[257] | E. Raduu, Ya.M. Shnir and D. H. Tchrakian :d = 4 + 1 gravitating nonabelian solutions with bi-azimuthal symmetry 2007. |
[258] | J. Kunz, U. Neemann and Ya.M. Shnir :Gravitating Monopole-Antimonopole Systems at Large Scalar Coupling 2007. |
[259] | E. Radu, Ya.M. Shnir and D. H. Tchrakian :Particle-like solutions to the Yang-Mills-dilaton system in d = 4+1 dimensions 2007. |
[260] | Ya.M. Shnir :Non self-dual and self-dual SU (2) Calorons, , 2007. |
[261] | Edmund C. Lalor, Simon P. Kelly, Barak A. Pearlmutter, Richard B. Reilly, and John J. Foxe. Isolating endogenous visuo-spatial attentional effects using the novel visual-evoked spread spectrum analysis (VESPA) technique, European Journal of Neuroscience 26(12):3536-42, 2007. |
[262] | Edmund C. Lalor, Sherlyn Yeap, Richard B. Reilly, Barak A. Pearlmutter, and John J. Foxe. Dissecting the cellular contributions to early visual sensory processing deficits in schizophrenia using the VESPA evoked response. Schizophrenia Research 98(1-3):256-64, Jan 2008. Epub: Nov 2007. PMID: 1799 2007. |
[263] | Paul D. O'Grady and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Discovering convolutive speech phones using sparseness and nonnegativity, Seventh International Conference on Independent Component Analysis (ICA-2007), pages 520-7, London, UK, Sep 2007. Springer-Verlag, LNCS 2007. |
[264] | Santiago Jaramillo and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Optimal coding predicts attentional modulation in neuronal systems. Neural Computation 19(5):1295-1312, 2007. PMID: 1738 2007. |
[265] | Jeffrey Mark Siskind and Barak A. Pearlmutter. First-Class Nonstandard Interpretations by Opening Closures. In Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2007. |
[266] | Barak A. Pearlmutter and Jeffrey Mark Siskind. Lazy Multivariate Higher-Order Forward-Mode AD. In Proceedings of the 2007 Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages (POPL 2007. |
[267] | S. Foy, C. Deegan, C. Mulvihill, C. Fitzgerald, C. Markham, S. McLoughlin:Inertial Navigation Sensor and GPS integrated for Mobile mapping Geographical Information Science Research Conference (GISRUK) 2007. |
[268] | C. Soraghan, F. Matthews, C. Markham, B. Pearlmutter, T. Ward:Biophotonic Methods for Brain-Computer Interfaces Photonics Ireland 2007. |
[269] | A. Cuddihy1, B. Hennelly, T. Naughton, C. Markham, R. O'Neill:Imaging through a biological medium using speckle noise removal techniques Proc. of SPIE-OSA Biomedical Optics Vol. 6629, 66291W 2007. |
[270] | D. Kelly, P. Olivo, C. Markham, J. McDonald, B. Caulfield:Classification of Human Poses Using a Vision Based Technique Proc. of the International Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference pp. 209-210 2007. |
[271] | D. Fitzgerald, J. Foody, D. Kelly, T. Ward, C. Markham, J. McDonald, B. Caulfield:Development of a wearable motion capture suit and virtual reality biofeedback system for the instruction and analysis of sports rehabilitation exercises Proc. of the 29th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2007. |
[272] | S. Foy, C. Deegan, C. Mulvihill, C. Fitzgerald, C. Markham, S. McLoughlin :Road Sign Safety Identification through the use of a Mobile Survey System Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Mobile Mapping Technology (MMT '07) 2007. |
[273] | K. Humphreys, T. Ward, C. Markham:Noncontact simultaneous dual wavelength photoplethysmography: a further step toward noncontact pulse-oximetry The Review of Scientific Instruments 78(4):044304 2007. |
[274] | S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham:Brain computer interface using a simplified functional near-infrared spectroscopy system Journal of Neural Engineering 4(3), pp. 219-226 2007. |
[275] | T. Ward, C. Soraghan, F. Matthews, C. Markham:A Concept for Extending the Applicability of Constraint-Induced Movement Therapy through Motor Cortex Activity Feedback Using a Neural Prosthesis Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience Article ID 51363, 9 pages 2007. |
[276] | Paturyan, V., E. Radu, and D. H. Tchrakian:Solitons and soliton-antisoliton pairs of a Goldstone model in 3+1 dimensions. Journal of Physics A 39 14 3817-3827 2006. |
[277] | Maguire, P., Wisniewski, E. J. & Storms, G.:An Investigation of the Productivity of Abstract and Concrete Nouns in Combination In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 0 2006. |
[278] | Devereux, B., Maguire, P., Costello, F. & Cater, A.:A Re-Analysis of the CARIN model In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 0 2006. |
[279] | Maguire, P. Cater, A., & Wisniewski E. J.:The Role of Ambiguity in the Comprehension of Noun-Noun Combinations In Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Vancouver, Canada. Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. 0 2006. |
[280] | Aidan Mooney, John G. Keating and Daniel M. Heffernan:A Detailed Study of the Generation of Optically Detectable Watermarks using the Logistic Map Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 30 1088-1097 2006. |
[281] | Koesling, H., Reilly, R.G., :Mapping auditory instructions onto gaze trajectories: How attention is guided by driver-assistant systems. Perception (Supplement), 35 146, 2006. |
[282] | Koesling, H., Reilly, R.G., :Towards Parallel Information Processing: Navigation in Dynamic Automotive Environments. In N. Callaos, W. Lesso, W. Bo, A. Rutkauskas (Eds.), Proceedings 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics. Orlando: IIIS, 1 147-152, 2006. |
[283] | Pomplun, M., Carbone, E., Koesling, H., Sichelschmidt, L. & Ritter, H., :Computational Models of Visual Tagging. In G. Rickheit & I. Wachsmuth (Eds.), Situated Communication. Berlin: De Gruyter, 0 2006. |
[284] | Koesling, H., Reilly, R.G., :The Interaction of Navigation Instructions and Visual Attention in Dynamic Automotive Environments. In V.P. Guerrero-Bote (Ed.), Current Research in Information Sciences and Technologies: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Global Information Systems. Badajoz, Spain: Open Institute of Knowledge. 2 157-161 2006. |
[285] | Thomas M. Keane, Christopher J. Creevey, Melissa M. Pentony, Thomas J. Naughton, James O. McInerney:Assessment of methods for amino acid matrix selection and their use on empirical data shows that ad hoc assumptions for choice of matrix are not justified BMC Evolutionary Biology 6:29 2006. |
[286] | McCormack G.P., Glynn, J.R., Clewley, J.P., Crampin, A.C., Travers, S.A.A., Redmond, H., Keane, T.M., Sibande, F., Mulawa D. and Fine P.E.M: (2006) Emergence of a three codon deletion in gag p17 in HIV-1 subtype C long-term survivors, and general population spread, Aids Research & Human Retroviruses, 22(2) :195-201. 2006. |
[287] | Thomas M. Keane, Andrew J. Page, Thomas J. Naughton, Simon A.A. Travers and James O. McInerney:Building large phylogenetic trees on coarse-grained parallel machines, Algorithmica , (Special Issue on Coarse Grained Parallel Algorithms For Scientific Applications) 45(3) 285-300 2006. |
[288] | McQuillan, J.A. and Power, J.F:Some observations on the application of software metrics to UML models In Model Size Metrics Workshop of the ACM/IEEE International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MoDELS/UML), Genoa, Italy 2006. |
[289] | McQuillan, J.A. and Power, J.F:Experiences of using the Dagstuhl Middle Metamodel for defining software metrics In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Principles and Practices of Programming in Java (PPPJ), Mannheim, Germany pp. 194-198 2006. |
[290] | McQuillan, J.A. and Power, J.F:Towards re-usable metric definitions at the meta-level' In PhD Workshop of the 20th European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), Nantes, France 2006. |
[291] | Stephen Brown and Cormac J. Sreenan:A New Model for Updating Software in Wireless Sensor Networks IEEE Network 20 6 (Nov/Dec) 2006. |
[292] | Diarmuid P. O' Donoghue , Amy Bohan, Mark T. Keane, :Seeing Things: Inventive Reasoning with Geometric Analogies and Topographic Maps, New Generation Computing, 24 3 267-288, 2006. |
[293] | Parham J.R., O' Kelly J., Monahan R., Stevenson D.E., :The Relevance of Scientific Reasoning Skills to Computer Science: A Comparative Study between the US and Ireland. In The 2006 International Conference on Frontiers in Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering (FECS'06: June 26-29, 2006, Las Vegas, USA) 2006. |
[294] | A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Iterative and noniterative nonuniform quantisation techniques in digital holography Photon Management II, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6187, article no. 618719 (Strasbourg, France, 3-7 April 2006) 2006. |
[295] | Y. Frauel, T.J. Naughton, O. Matoba, E. Tajahuerce, and B. Javidi:Three-dimensional imaging and processing using computational holographic imaging (Invited paper) Proceedings of the IEEE, Special Issue on 3-D Technologies for Imaging and Display 94 3 636-653 2006. |
[296] | A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Compression of digital holograms of three-dimensional objects using wavelets Optics Express 14 7 2625-2630 2006. |
[297] | U. Gopinathan, D.S. Monaghan, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:A known-plaintext heuristic attack on the Fourier plane encryption algorithm Optics Express 14 8 3181-3186 2006. |
[298] | J. Maycock, C.P. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, and B. Javidi:Reconstruction of partially occluded objects encoded in three-dimensional scenes using digital holograms Applied Optics 45 13 2975-2985 2006. |
[299] | A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:A companding approach for nonuniform quantization of digital holograms of three-dimensional objects Optics Express 14 12 5129-5134 2006. |
[300] | U. Gopinathan, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Polarization encoding and multiplexing of two-dimensional signals: Application to image encryption Applied Optics 45 22 5693-5700 2006. |
[301] | A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Compression of encrypted digital holograms using artificial neural networks IEEE/OSA Journal of Display Technology 2 4 401-410 2006. |
[302] | A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Compression of encrypted digital holograms using artificial neural networks in Bahram Javidi, Ed., Optical Imaging, Photonics Sensors, and Systems for Homeland Security, chap. 2, pp. 29-46, Springer-Verlag, New York 2006. |
[303] | A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Combined optimal quantization and lossless coding of digital holograms of three-dimensional objects (Invited paper) Three-Dimensional TV, Video, and Display V, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6392, article no. 63920A (Part of the SPIE Optics East Symposium, Boston, USA, 1-4 October 2006) 2006. |
[304] | B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, Y. Frauel, and B. Javidi:A method for superresolution in digital holography (Invited paper) Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6311, article no. 63110J, (San Diego, USA, 13-17 August 2006) 2006. |
[305] | E. Darakis, T.J. Naughton, J.J. Soraghan, and B. Javidi:Measurement of compression defects in phase-shifting digital holographic data (Invited paper) Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6311, article no. 63110B (San Diego, USA, 13-17 August 2006) 2006. |
[306] | T.J. Naughton:Analog optical computing (Invited paper) 4th International Conference on Information and 4th Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology (Cork, Ireland, 1-5 August 2006) 321-324 2006. |
[307] | C.P. Mc Elhinney, J. Maycock, B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, and B. Javidi:Extraction of shape information from three-dimensional objects encoded in a digital hologram ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics/Information Photonics (St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-7 September 2006) 42-44 2006. |
[308] | C.P. Mc Elhinney, J. Maycock, B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, and B. Javidi:Extraction and reconstruction of shape information from a digital hologram of three-dimensional objects 10th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (Dublin, Ireland, 30 August-1 September 2006) 76-83 2006. |
[309] | N. Murphy, T.J. Naughton, D. Woods, B. Henley, K. McDermott, E. Duffy, P.J.M. van der Burgt, and N. Woods:Implementations of a model of physical sorting From Utopian to Genuine Unconventional Computers, Part of the 5th International Conference on Unconventional Computation (UC 2006), 4-8 September 2006, York, UK, Adam Adamatzky and Christof Teuscher, Eds., Luniver Press, Frome, UK 79-99 2006. |
[310] | D.S. Monaghan, U. Gopinathan, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:A numerical analysis of double random phase encryption Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6311, article no. 63110P (San Diego, USA, 13-17 August 2006) 2006. |
[311] | B.H. Hennelly, J. Maycock, C.P. Mc Elhinney, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, and B. Javidi:Analysis of partially occluded objects encoded in digital holograms using the Wigner distribution function Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6311, article no. 63110M (San Diego, USA, 13-17 August 2006) 2006. |
[312] | B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, and J.B. McDonald:Wigner distribution function and digital holography Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6311, article no. 63110L (San Diego, USA, 13-17 August 2006) 2006. |
[313] | J.P. Ryle, U. Gopinathan, S. McDonnell, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Digital inline holography of biological specimens Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6311, article no. 63110C (San Diego, USA, 13-17 August 2006) 2006. |
[314] | N. Murphy, D. Woods, and T.J. Naughton:Bio-computation using Holliday junctions 4th International Conference on Information and 4th Irish Conference on the Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science and Information Technology (Cork, Ireland, 1-5 August 2006) 317-320 2006. |
[315] | A.J. Page, S. Coyle, T.M. Keane, T.J. Naughton, C. Markham, and T. Ward:Distributed Monte Carlo simulation of light transportation in tissue 8th International Workshop on Java for Parallel and Distributed Computing/20th International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, article no. IPDPS.2006.1639511 (Rhodes, Greece, 25-29 April 2006) 2006. |
[316] | B.M. Hennelly, C. Mc Elhinney, Y. Frauel, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, and B. Javidi:Superposition of digital holograms Information Optics: 5th International Workshop (Toledo, Spain, 5-7 June 2006) 281-289 2006. |
[317] | U. Gopinathan, D.S. Monaghan, T.J. Naughton, and J.T. Sheridan:Cryptanalysis of optical encryption: a heuristic approach Information Optics: 5th International Workshop (Toledo, Spain, 5-7 June 2006) 169-177 2006. |
[318] | J. Maycock, C. Mc Elhinney, B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, and B. Javidi:Reconstruction of partially occluded objects using digital holograms Photon Management II, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6187, article no. 61870V (Strasbourg, France, 3-7 April 2006) 2006. |
[319] | D. Monaghan, U. Gopinathan, D. Kelly, T.J. Naughton, and J. Sheridan:Numerical analysis of systematic errors in an optical encryption system Photon Management II, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6187, article no. 61870X (Strasbourg, France, 3-7 April 2006) 2006. |
[320] | J. Maycock, C. Mc Elhinney, J.B. McDonald, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Speckle reduction in digital holography using independent component analysis Photon Management II, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6187, article no. 618716 (Strasbourg, France, 3-7 April 2006) 2006. |
[321] | Maguire, P., Cater, A. W., & Maguire, R.:The role of experience in the interpretation of noun–noun compounds. Artificial Intelligence Review 25 1-2 139-160 2006. |
[322] | Mullally, Emma-Claire. O'Donoghue, Diarmuid. P. :Spatial Inference with Geometric Proportional Analogies Artificial Intelligence Review (Springer) 26 1-2 129-140 2006. |
[323] | Mark Hennessy and James F. Power:Ensuring behavioural equivalence in test-driven porting 16th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Software Engineering 2006. |
[324] | Brian A. Malloy and James F. Power:Exploiting design patterns to automate validation of class invariants Software Testing, Verification and Reliability 16 2 71-95 2006. |
[325] | Aine Mitchell and James F. Power:A study of the influence of coverage on the relationship between static and dynamic coupling metrics Science of Computer Programming 59 1-2 4-25 2006. |
[326] | Philippe Moser:Martingale Families and Dimension in P In Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers, Second Conference on Computability in Europe 388-397 2006. |
[327] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, Thomas Lysaght, :Streaming Frequency-Domain DAFx in Csound5, Proc. of 9th Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Montreal, Canada, 2006. |
[328] | R. Villing, Tomas Ward and J. Timoney:Performance Limits for Envelope based Automatic Syllable Segmentation Proceedings of Irish signals and Systems Conference 2006, Dublin, Ireland 2006. |
[329] | Radach, R., Reilly, R. & Inhoff, A.W.:Models of oculomotor control in reading: towards a theoretical foundation of current debates. In van Gompel, R., Fischer, M., Murray, W. & Hill, R. Eye movements: A window on mind and brain. Elsevier 2006. |
[330] | Ratna Dutta and Rana Barua.:Password-Based Encrypted Group Key Agreement. In the International Journal of Network Security (IJNS), Vol.3, No.1, pp. 23-34, July 2006. |
[331] | Joseph Timoney, Rudi Villing and Tomas Ward:Locating Discontinuities in Synthetic Speech using a Perceptually Orientated Approach, Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Belfast, 2006. |
[332] | Bergin. S, Reilly. R.:Predicting introductory programming performance: a multi-institutional multivariate study Computer Science Education 16 303-323 2006. |
[333] | Reilly, R.G., & Radach, R.:Some empirical tests of an interactive activation model of eye movement control in reading Journal of Cognitive Systems Research 7 34-55 2006. |
[334] | Butler, S., Wellstead, P., Reilly, R.G., & O' Connor, W.T. :An Integrated Environment for the Visualisation and Analysis of Microdialysis Data Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Invivo Methods 2006 267-268 2006. |
[335] | Butler, S., Reilly, R.G., Wellstead, P., O' Connor, W.T. & Verwoerd, M.H.A.:Dynamic visualisation and analysis of neurotransmitter data. Proceedings of the International Workshop on Systems Biology 58 2006. |
[336] | Philippe Moser, :Martingale Families and Dimension in P. In Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers, Second Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2006, Swansea, UK , Springer-Verlag, 2006. |
[337] | David Doty and Philippe Moser, :Finite-state dimension and lossy decompressors. In Arxiv.org, 2006. |
[338] | Butler, S., Wellstead, P., Reilly, R.G., & O' Connor, W.T.:Mathematical estimation and modelling of data derived from brain microdialysis studies Proceedings of the Neuroscience Ireland Inaugural Conference, University College Cork 104 2006. |
[339] | Butler, S., Wellstead, P., Reilly, R.G., & O' Connor, W.T.:Mathematical estimation and modelling of data derived from brain microdialysis studies Proceedings of the 6th Annual UCD Conway Festival of Research, University College Dublin 8 2006. |
[340] | Butler, S., Wellstead, P., Reilly, R.G., & O'Connor, W.T :Visualisation and modelling of neural transmission in conscious brain using an integrated workbench Proceedings of the 36th Annual Society for Neuroscience Meeting, Atlanta, Georgia 2006. |
[341] | Koesling, H., Reilly, R.G.:Mapping auditory instructions onto gaze trajectories: How attention is guided by driver-assistant systems Perception 35 146 2006. |
[342] | Koesling, H., Reilly, R.G.:Towards Parallel Information Processing: Navigation in Dynamic Automotive Environments In Proceedings 10th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics 147-152 2006. |
[343] | Koesling, H., Reilly, R.G.:The Interaction of Navigation Instructions and Visual Attention in Dynamic Automotive Environments Current Research in Information Sciences and Technologies: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Global Information Systems, edited by V.P. Guerrero-Bote 2 157-161 2006. |
[344] | Reilly, R.G., & Radach, R. :Word targetting strategies in Thai and English Paper presented to workshop on eye movements in Reading: Computational Models and Corpus Analysis, University of Potsdam 2006. |
[345] | Victor Lazzarini, Joseph Timoney, Thomas Lysaght:Streaming Frequency-Domain DAFx in Csound5 Proc. of 9th Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Montreal, Canada 2006. |
[346] | Mooney, Peter and Adam Winstanley:An Evolutionary Algorithm for Multicriteria Path Optimisation Problems International Journal of Geographic Information Science 20 401-423 2006. |
[347] | O'Sullivan, A., Keyes, L. and Winstanley, A.C.:An Extended System for Labelling Graphical Documents Using Statistical Language Models in W. Liu and J. Lladós (editors) Graphics Recognition-Ten Year Review and Perspectives, LNCS, Springer-Verlag 3926 61-75 2006. |
[348] | Bergin. S and Reilly. R:A multi-institutional multivariate study to predict introductory programming performance NUIM Department of Computer Science Technical Report Series, nuim-cs-tr-2006-01. 2006. |
[349] | Traynor. D, Bergin. S and Gibson, P:Automated Assessment in CS1 Australian Computing Education Conference (ACE) 2006. |
[350] | R. F. Patten, B. M. Hennelly, D. P. Kelly, F. T. O'Neill, Y. Liu, J. T. Sheridan:Speckle Photography: Mixed domain fractional Fourier motion detection Opt. Lett. 31 32-34 2006. |
[351] | . P. Kelly, F. T. O'Neill, J. E. Ward, R. F. Patten, B. M. Hennelly, Y. Liu, J. T. Sheridan:Re-interpreting speckle photography with the optical fractional Fourier and the linear canonical transforms Asian Journal of Physics 15 297-312 2006. |
[352] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan, W. T. Rhodes:Finite-aperture effects for Fourier transform systems with convergent illumination: Part II. 3-D System analysis Opt. Comm. 262 180-188 2006. |
[353] | . Maycock, C. P. McElhinney, B. M. Hennelly, T. J. Naughton, J. B. Mc Donald, B. Javidi:Reconstruction of partially occluded objects encoded in three-dimensional scenes using digital holograms App. Opt. 45 2975-2985 2006. |
[354] | B. M. Hennelly, R. F. Patten, D. P. Kelly, J. T. Sheridan:Metrology and the Linear Canonical Transform J. Mod. Opt. 53 2167-2186 2006. |
[355] | D. P. Kelly, J. E. Ward, U. Gopinathan, B. M. Hennelly, F. T. O'Neill, J. T. Sheridan :Generalized Yamaguchi correlation factor for coherent quadratic phase speckle metrology systems with an aperture Opt. Lett. 31 3444-3446 2006. |
[356] | D. P. Kelly, J. E. Ward, B. M. Hennelly, U. Gopinathan, F. T. O'Neill, J. T. Sheridan:Paraxial speckle based metrology systems with an aperture J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 23 2861-2870 2006. |
[357] | D. P. Kelly, J. E. Ward, B. M. Hennelly, U. Gopinathan, F. T. O'Neill, J. T. Sheridan:Generalized Yamaguchi correlation factor for coherent quadratic phase speckle metrology systems with an aperture 2006. |
[358] | D. P. Kelly, J. E. Ward, B. M. Hennelly, U. Gopinathan, F. T. O'Neill, and J. T. Sheridan:Paraxial speckle-based metrology systems with an aperture 2006. |
[359] | D. P Kelly, F. T. O' Neill, J. E. Ward, R. F. Patten, B. M. Hennelly, Y. Liu, J. T. Sheridan:Re-interpreting speckle photography with the optical fractional Fourier and the linear canonical transforms 2006. |
[360] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, W. T. Rhodes, J. T. Sheridan:Analytical and Numerical Analysis of Linear Optical Systems 2006. |
[361] | D. P. Kelly, J. T. Sheridan, W. T. Rhodes:Finite-aperture effects for Fourier transform systems with convergent illumination. Part I: 2-D system analysis 2006. |
[362] | D. P. Kelly, J. T. Sheridan, W. T. Rhodes:Finite-aperture effects for Fourier transform systems with convergent illumination. Part II: 3-D system analysis 2006. |
[363] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan:Magnitude and direction of motion using speckle correlation and the optical fractional Fourier transform 2006. |
[364] | B. M. Hennelly, D. P. Kelly, J. E. Ward, R. Patten, U. Gopinathan, F. T. O'Neill, J. T. Sheridan:Metrology and the Linear Canonical Transform 2006. |
[365] | R. F. Patten, B. M. Hennelly, D. P. Kelly, F. T. O'Neill, Y. Liu, J. T. Sheridan:Speckle Photography: Mixed Domain Fractional Fourier Motion Detection 2006. |
[366] | J. Kunz, U. Neemann and Ya.M. Shnir :Transitions between Monopole-Antimonopole Chains and Vortex Rings 2006. |
[367] | Edmund C. Lalor, Barak A. Pearlmutter, John J. Foxe, Richard B. Reilly, and Gary McDarby. Spread-Spectrum Intensity Modulation for Rapid Estimation of a Visually Evoked Potential. NeuroImage 32:1549-61, 2006. PMID: 1687 2006. |
[368] | Hiroki Asari, Barak A. Pearlmutter, and Anthony M. Zador. Sparse Representations for the Cocktail Party Problem. Journal of Neuroscience 26(28):7477-90, 2006. |
[369] | Santiago Jaramillo and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Use your powers wisely: Resource allocation in parallel channels. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2006), September 2006. |
[370] | Paul D. O'Grady and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Convolutive Non-Negative Matrix Factorisation with Sparseness Constraint. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2006), September 2006. |
[371] | Barak A. Pearlmutter and Rasmus K. Olsson. Linear program differentiation for single-channel speech separation. In Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP 2006), September 2006. |
[372] | J. Ghent, J. Reilly and J. McDonald:Facial Expression Classification using Kernel Principal Component Analysis and Support Vector Machines Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP), Dublin, Ireland pp. 60-67 2006. |
[373] | B.M. Hennelly, C. McElhinney, Y. Frauel, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald and B. Javidi:Superposition of digital holograms Proceedings of Information Optics: 5th International Workshop, Toledo, Spain pp. 281-289 2006. |
[374] | B.M. Hennelly, J. Maycock, C.P. Mc Elhinney, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald and B. Javidi:Analysis of partially occluded objects encoded in digital holograms using the Wigner distribution function Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE, San Diego, USA 6311 2006. |
[375] | B.M., Hennelly, T.J. Naughton and J.B. McDonald:Wigner distribution function and digital holography Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6311, article no. 63110L San Diego, USA 2006. |
[376] | B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, Y. Frauel and B. Javidi:A method for superresolution in digital holography Optical Information Systems IV, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6311, article no. 63110J, San Diego, USA 2006. |
[377] | J. Maycock, C.P. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald and B. Javidi:Reconstruction of partially occluded objects encoded in three-dimensional scenes using digital holograms Applied Optics 45 13 pp. 2975-2985 2006. |
[378] | J. Maycock, C. McElhinney, B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald and B. Javidi:Reconstruction of partially occluded objects using digital holograms Photon Management II Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6187, article no. 61870V, Strasbourg, France 2006. |
[379] | J. Maycock, C. McElhinney, J.B. McDonald, T.J. Naughton and B. Javidi:Speckle reduction in digital holography using independent component analysis Photon Management II Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6187, article no. 618716, Strasbourg, France 2006. |
[380] | C.P. McElhinney, J. Maycock, B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald and B. Javidi:Extraction of shape information from three-dimensional objects encoded in a digital hologram Proceedings of the ICO Topical Meeting on Optoinformatics/Information Photonics, St. Petersburg, Russia pp. 42-44 2006. |
[381] | C.P. McElhinney, J. Maycock, B.M. Hennelly, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald and B. Javidi:Extraction and reconstruction of shape information from a digital hologram of three-dimensional objects Proceedings of the 10th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Dublin, Ireland pp. 76-83 2006. |
[382] | J. Reilly, J. Ghent, J. McDonald:Modelling the Dynamics of Facial Expression In Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP), Dublin, Ireland pp. 202 2006. |
[383] | J. Reilly, J. Ghent, J. McDonald:Investigating the Dynamics of Facial Expression In Proceedings of the International Symposium on Visual Computing (ISVC), Lake Tahoe, NV, USA pp. 334-343 2006. |
[384] | J. Reilly, J. Ghent, J. McDonald:Facial Expression Classification using LLE and SVMs In Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (IMVIP), Dublin, Ireland pp. 195 2006. |
[385] | S. Lebid, R. O'Neill, C. Markham, T. Ward, S. Soraghan:Near infrared spectroscopy application in a new generation brain computer interface 2nd Annual Meeting on Optical Sensors in Physiological Measurements 2006. |
[386] | J. Foody, D. Kelly, D. Kumar, D. Fitzgerald, T. Ward, B. Caulfield, C. Markham:A Prototype Sourceless Kinematic-Feedback Based Video Game for Movement Based Exercise 28th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society: Engineering Revolution In BioMedicine 2006. |
[387] | S. Lebid, C. Markham, R. 'Neill, T. Ward, C. Soraghan, J. Condron:Steady State Visual Stimulation of the Brain: Optical Study of Task Related Effects 5th European Symposium on Biomedical Engineering (ESBME 2006) 2006. |
[388] | A.J. Page, S. Coyle, T.M. Keane, T.J. Naughton, C. Markham, and T. Ward:Distributed Monte Carlo simulation of light transportation in tissue 8th International Workshop on Java for Parallel and Distributed Computing, proceedings of the 20th International Parallel & Distributed Processing Symposium (IEEE Computer Society) 2006. |
[389] | Lebid, S., S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham, R. O'Neil:Studies of neurovascular coupling in the visual cortex during visual stimulation at various frequencies using a two wavelength near infrared system and electroencephalography technique simultaneously Biomedical Optics 2006, (SPIE Photonics West Symposium) 2006. |
[390] | Humphreys, K., Gradziel, M. L., C. Markham, T. Ward:A CMOS Imaging System for Objective Wound Assessment Biomedical Optics 2006, (SPIE Photonics West Symposium) 2006. |
[391] | D. Kumar, J. Foody, D. Fitzgerald, D. Kelly, T. Ward, C. Markham, B. Caulfield:Reducing Sensor Density Requirements For Kinematic Controllers In A Full Posture Yoga Gaming Application CGAMES 2006-9th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games pp. 24-29 2006. |
[392] | D. Fitzgerald, J. Foody, D. Kumar, D. Kelly, T. Ward, C. Markham, B. Caulfield:Integration of kinematic Analysis into Computer Games for Exercise CGAMES 2006-9th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games pp. 24-28 2006. |
[393] | S. McLoughlin, C. Deegan, C. Fitzgerald, C. Markham:Mobile Mapping for the Automated Analysis of Road Signage and Delineation Proceedings of the 13th World Congress on Intelligent Transportation Systems 2006. |
[394] | C. Mulvihill, C. Deegan, C. Fitzgerald, C. Markham, S. McLoughlin:Mobile Stereo Vision for the Mapping of Defective Road Studs Proceedings of IEEE Advances in Cybernetic Systems (AICS) 2006. |
[395] | D. Kelly, C. Markham:The E-motion System: Motion Capture and Movement-based Biofeedback Game CGAMES 2006-9th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games 2006. |
[396] | C. Soraghan, F. Matthews, D. Kelly, T. Ward, C. Markham, B. Pearlmutter, R O'Neill:A Dual-Channel Optical Brain-Computer Interface In A Gaming Environment CGAMES 2006-9th International Conference on Computer Games: AI, Animation, Mobile, Educational and Serious Games pp. 35-39 2006. |
[397] | S. McLoughlin, C. Mulvihill, C. Deegan, C. Fitzgerald, S. Foy, C. Markham:Stereo Vision for the detection of road signs in dusk and nighttime traffic sequences Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference pp. 190-191 2006. |
[398] | Brown, S., Mitchell, A. and Power, J.F.:A Coverage Analysis of Java Benchmark Suites The IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, (February 15-17, 2005). 0 2005. |
[399] | J. O'Kelly and Gibson, J. P. :'Software engineering as a model of understanding for learning and problem solving' Proceedings of the First International Computing Education Research Workshop (ICER 2005), ACM PRESS, ISBN 1-59593-043-4, Seattle, USA, pp 87-97 (October 1-2 2005). 0 2005. |
[400] | D. Woods and Gibson, J. P. :'Lower bounds on the computational power of an optical model of computation' Fourth International Conference on Unconventional Computation (UC'05), Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume (3699), edited by Calude, C.S., Dinneen, M.J., Paun, G.' Pérez-Jiménez, M.d.J., Rozenberg, G., Springer Verlag, ISBN 3-540-29100-8, Sevilla, Spain, pp 237–251 (3-7 October 2005). 0 2005. |
[401] | D. Carew, Exton, C., Buckley, J., McGaley, M. and Gibson, J. P.:'Preliminary Study to Empirically Investigate the Comprehensibility of Requirements Specifications' Proceedings of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group 17th annual workshop (PPIG 2005), edited by Romero, P., Good, J., Acosta Chaparro, E., and S. Bryant, pp 182-202. University of Sussex, Brighton, UK, pp 540-551 (28 June-1 July 2005). 0 2005. |
[402] | D. Woods and Gibson, J. P.:'Complexity of continuous space machine operations' First Conference on Computability in Europe: New Computational Paradigms. (CiE2005), Lecture Notes in Computer Science volume (3526), edited by Barry Cooper, S., Cooper, Löwe, B., Torenvliet, L., Springer Verlag, ISBN 3540261796, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp 540-551 (June 8-12 2005). 0 2005. |
[403] | S. Hallinan and Gibson, J. P. :'A Graduate's Role In Techology Transfer: From Requirements to Design with UML' IASTED International Conference on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2005 (SE 2005), IASTED (ACTA PRESS), editor P. Kokol, ISBN 0-88986-464-0, Innsbruck, Austria, pp 94-99, (February 15-17 2005). 0 2005. |
[404] | Traynor, D., and Gibson, J. P. :'Synthesis and Analysis of Automatic Assessment Methods in CS1: Generating intelligent MCQs' Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE05) Technical Symposium, ACM International Conference Proceedings Series, edited by Dann, W., Naps, T., Tymann, P. and D. Baldwin, ISBN 1-58113-997-7, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, pp 495–499 (23-27 February 2005). 0 2005. |
[405] | Harpur, J. :'Philosophical Implications of Autism for Artificial Intelligence', Track on Cognitive Science, Proceedings E-CAP 05, European Conference on Computing and Philosophy, Vasteras, Sweden (June 2-4, 2005). 0 2005. |
[406] | Harpur, J. :'Rediscovering small talk', Track on Computational Linguistics, Proceedings E-CAP 05, European Conference on Computing and Philosophy, Vasteras, Sweden (June 2-4, 2005). 0 2005. |
[407] | Harpur, J., Bengtsson, L. and Lawlor , M.:'Maladaptive discourse constraints', In Constraints in Discourse 06, Sassen, C., Benz, A. and Kuhnlein, P. (Eds), pp.122-128, Universitat Dortmund (2005). 0 2005. |
[408] | Harpur, J., Madden, D., and Lawlor, M.:'Attachment theory and affective user models' In Proceedings of Workshop on Adapting the Interaction Style to Affective Factors in conjunction with User Modeling and IJCAI Edinburgh, Scotland (July 30 2005). 0 2005. |
[409] | Maycock, K. and J.G. Keating:'Building Intelligent Learning Management Systems to implement the teacher student dialogue' IEEE LTTC Learning Technology Newsletter, Vol. 7, Issue 1, pp 16-20 (2005). 0 2005. |
[410] | A. Mooney and J.G. Keating:'Generation and Detection of Watermarks Derived from Chaotic Function' Proceedings of Opto-Ireland, Proceedings SPIE, Vol. 5823, pp 58-69 Dublin (2005). 0 2005. |
[411] | B. Busschots, N. Kelly, V. Vatsa, E. O'Cinneide, and J.G. Keating:'The VTIE collaborative writing environment for school projects' Proceedings SPIE Vol. 5827, pp 579-590 Dublin (2005). 0 2005. |
[412] | B. Busschots and J.G. Keating:'The VTIE telescope resource management system' Proceedings SPIE Vol. 5827, pp 660-668 Dublin (2005). 0 2005. |
[413] | L. Raeside, B. Busschots, E. O'Cinneide, S. Foy, J.G. Keating:'Empowering schoolchildren to do astronomical science with images' Proceedings SPIE Vol. 5827, pp 669-678 Dublin (2005). 0 2005. |
[414] | Maycock, K. and Keating, J.G.:'Bridging the gap between Adaptive Hypermedia Systems and the Sharable Content Object Reference Model' 4th WSEAS Int. Conf. on E-ACTIVITIES, Miami, Florida, U.S.A., pp 69-73 (November 17-19 2005). 0 2005. |
[415] | Ghent, J. and J. McDonald:'Photo-Realistic Facial Expression Synthesis' Image and Vision Computing, 23(12), pp 1029-1144 (2005). 0 2005. |
[416] | Ghent, J. and J. McDonald:'Facial Expression Classification using a One-Against-All Support Vector Machine' In Proc. of Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, edited by Amira, A., A. Bouridane and F. Kurugollu, pp 219-226 (2005). 0 2005. |
[417] | Ghent, J. and J. McDonald:'Holistic Facial Expression Classification' In Imaging and Vision, edited by Murtagh, F. D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5823, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 143-153 (2005). 0 2005. |
[418] | Carter G., Monahan R., Morris J. :'Software Refinement with Perfect Developer' Software Engineering and Formal Methods, (September 2005). 0 2005. |
[419] | Page, A. J. and T. J. Naughton:'Framework for task scheduling in heterogeneous distributed computing using genetic algorithms' Artificial Intelligence Review, 24, pp 415-429 (2005). 0 2005. |
[420] | Woods, D. and T. J. Naughton:'An optical model of computation' Theoretical Computer Science, 334, pp 227-258 (2005). 0 2005. |
[421] | Keane, T. M. and T. J. Naughton:'DSEARCH: sensitive database searching using distributed computing' Bioinformatics, 21, pp 1705-1706 (2005). 0 2005. |
[422] | Keane, T. M., T. J. Naughton, S. A. A. Travers, J. O. McInerney and G. P. McCormack:'DPRml: distributed phylogeny reconstruction by maximum likelihood' Bioinformatics, 21, pp 969-974 (2005) 0 2005. |
[423] | Shortt, A. E., T. J. Naughton and B. Javidi:'Compression of encrypted digital holograms using artificial neural networks (Invited Article)' Optics in Information Systems, 16, pp 1-8 (2005). 0 2005. |
[424] | Naughton, T. J. and J. T. Sheridan, Editors:Optics in Information Systems, Special issue on Optical Encryption, vol. 16, no. 1, SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington (2005). 0 2005. |
[425] | Naughton, T. J. and B. Javidi, :'Compression of digital holograms for secure three-dimensional image storage and transmission (Invited)' In Optical and Digital Techniques for Information Security, edited by Javidi, B., Springer-Verlag, Berlin, pp 173-191 (2005). 0 2005. |
[426] | Gopinathan, U., D. S. Monaghan, T. J. Naughton, J. T. Sheridan and B. Javidi:'Strengths and weaknesses of optical encryption algorithms (Invited Paper)' In 18th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, edited by Delfyett, P. J., Golovchenko, E. and Amann, M., IEEE Press, New York, pp 951-952 (2005). 0 2005. |
[427] | Maycock, J., C. P. McElhinney, A. E. Shortt, T. J. Naughton, J. B. McDonald, B. M. Hennelly, U. Gopinathan, D. S. Monaghan, J. T. Sheridan and B. Javidi:'Holographic image processing of three-dimensional objects (Invited Paper)' In Three-Dimensional TV, Video, and Display IV, edited by Javidi, B., Okano, F. and Son J., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6016, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 190-204 (2005). 0 2005. |
[428] | Javidi, B., E. Tajahuerce, M. Martínez-Corral, T. J. Naughton and Y. Frauel:'New developments in active and passive 3D image sensing, visualization, and processing (Invited Keynote Paper)' In Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks II, edited by Carapezza, E. M., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5986, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 1-11 (2005). 0 2005. |
[429] | Frauel, Y., A. Castro, T. J. Naughton and B. Javidi:'Security analysis of optical encryption (Invited Paper)' In Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks II, edited by Carapezza, E. M., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5986, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 25-34 (2005). 0 2005. |
[430] | Javidi, B., E. Tajahuerce, T. J. Naughton, Y. Frauel and O. Matoba:'Three-dimensional image encryption, transmission, and processing by using digital holography (Invited Keynote Paper)' In Systems of Optical Security, edited by Jaroszewicz, Z., Popov, S. Y. and Wyrowski, F., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5954, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 16-29 (2005). 0 2005. |
[431] | Monaghan, D. S., U. Gopinathan, B. M. Hennelly, T. J. Naughton and J. T. Sheridan :'Digital optics, digital holography, and optical encryption (Invited Paper)' In Optical Information Systems III, edited by Javidi B. and Psaltis, D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5908, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 209-223 (2005). 0 2005. |
[432] | Shortt, A. E., T. J. Naughton and B. Javidi:'Compression of digital holograms of three-dimensional objects using the wavelet transform (Invited Paper)' In Optical Information Systems III, edited by Javidi B. and Psaltis, D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5908, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 17-29 (2005). 0 2005. |
[433] | Maycock, J., C. P. Mc Elhinney, T. J. Naughton, J. B. McDonald and B. Javidi ':'Independent component analysis applied to digital holograms of three-dimensional object In Optical Information Systems III, edited by Javidi B. and Psaltis, D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5908, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 42-50 (2005). 0 2005. |
[434] | Mc Elhinney, C. P., J. Maycock, T. J. Naughton, J. B. McDonald and B. Javidi:'Extraction of three-dimensional shape information from a digital hologram' In Optical Information Systems III, edited by Javidi B. and Psaltis, D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5908, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 30-41 (2005). 0 2005. |
[435] | Shortt, A. E., T. J. Naughton and B. Javidi:'Nonuniform quantization for compression of encrypted digital holograms' In Optical Information Systems III, edited by Javidi B. and Psaltis, D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5908, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 416-426 (2005). 0 2005. |
[436] | Keane, T. M., A. J. Page, J. O. McInerney and T. J. Naughton:'A high throughput bioinformatics distributed computing platform' In 18th IEEE International Symposium on Computer-Based Medical Systems, edited by Cunningham, P., Tsymbal A. and Bolshakova, N., IEEE Press, New York, pp 377-382 (2005). 0 2005. |
[437] | Gopinathan, U., D. S. Monaghan, A. E. Shortt, T. J. Naughton, J. T. Sheridan and B. Javidi:'Capture, encryption, compression, and display of digital holograms of three-dimensional objects' In Holography 2005-International Conference on Holography, Optical Recording and Processing of Information, edited by Denisyuk, Y. N., Sainov, V. C. and Stoykova, E. V., SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 21-25 (2005). 0 2005. |
[438] | Naughton, T. J. and B. Javidi:'Compression of encrypted three-dimensional objects using digital holography' In Photon Management Research in Ireland, edited by Sheridan, J. T., O'Dowd, R. F. and O'Sullivan, G. D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5827, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 399-409 (2005). 0 2005. |
[439] | Shortt, A. E., T. J. Naughton and B. Javidi:'Optimal quantization applied to digital holographic data' . In Photon Management Research in Ireland, edited by Sheridan, J. T., O'Dowd, R. F. and O'Sullivan, G. D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5827, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 58-68 (2005) 0 2005. |
[440] | Shortt, A. E., T. J. Naughton and B. Javidi:'Vector quantization compression of digital holograms of three-dimensional objects' In Photon Management Research in Ireland, edited by Sheridan, J. T., O'Dowd, R. F. and O'Sullivan, G. D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5827, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 265-273 (2005). 0 2005. |
[441] | Monaghan, D. S., U. Gopinathan, B. M. Hennelly, D. P. Kelly, T. J. Naughton and J. T. Sheridan:'Applications of spatial light modulators in optical signal processing systems' In Photon Management Research in Ireland, edited by Sheridan, J. T., O'Dowd, R. F. and O'Sullivan, G. D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5827, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 358-368 (2005). 0 2005. |
[442] | Mc Elhinney, C., J. Maycock, J. B. McDonald, T. J. Naughton and B. Javidi:'Three-dimensional scene reconstruction using digital holograms' 'Three-dimensional scene reconstruction using digital holograms' In Imaging and Vision, edited by Murtagh, F. D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5823, SPIE Press, Bellingham, pp 48-57 (2005). 0 2005. |
[443] | Page, A. J. and T. J. Naughton:'Dynamic task scheduling using genetic algorithms for heterogeneous distributed computing' In 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IEEE Press, New York, pp 189a.1-189a.8 (2005). 0 2005. |
[444] | Page, A. J., T. M. Keane and T. J. Naughton:'Bioinformatics on a heterogeneous Java distributed system' In 19th IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, IEEE Press, New York, pp 184a.1-184a.4 (2005). 0 2005. |
[445] | Gopinathan, U., D. S. Monaghan, T. J. Naughton and J. T. Sheridan:'An optical encryption scheme that uses polarization of coherent light' In OSA Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference, OSA Press, Washington (2005). 0 2005. |
[446] | Mullally, Emma-Claire, D. O'Donoghue, :'Geometric Proportional Analogies In Topographic Maps: Theory and Application', Proceedings of 25th SGAI International Conference on Innovative Techniques and Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, UK. Ann Macintosh, Richard Ellis, Tony Allen (Eds.) ISBN: 978-1-84628-223-2, pp 95-108, UK (December 12-14 2005). 0 2005. |
[447] | D. O'Donoghue, A. Loughlin, A. Bohan, M. T. Keane, :'Geometric Analogies and Topographic Maps', Computational Creativity Workshop 2005, at IJCAI, (Eds.) P. Gervais, T. Veale, and A. Pease, Edinburgh, Scotland, pp 30-37, (July 30 2005). 0 2005. |
[448] | D. Cleary, B. Danev, D. O'Donoghue, :'Using Ontologies to Simplify Wireless Network Configuration', Formal Ontologies Meet Industry, Verona, Italy, (June 9-10 2005). 0 2005. |
[449] | Paul D. O'Grady, B. A. Pearlmutter, and Scott T. Rickard:'Survey of Sparse and Non-Sparse Methods in Source Separation' International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (IJIST), special issue on blind source separation and deconvolution in imaging and image processing, 15, pp18-33, (2005). 0 2005. |
[450] | S. C. Jun and B. A. Pearlmutter:'Fast Robust Subject-Independent Magnetoencephalographic Source Localization using an Artificial Neural Network' Human Brain Mapping, 24(1), pp 21-34, (2005). 0 2005. |
[451] | Yaroslav O. Halchenko, Stephen Jose Hanson and B. A. Pearlmutter:'Multimodal Integration: fMRI, MRI, EEG, MEG' In Advanced Image Processing in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (Eds.) Luigi Landini, Vincenzo Positano and Maria Filomena Santarelli, ISBN 0824725425 pp 223-265, Dekker, book series on Signal Processing and Communications, (2005). 0 2005. |
[452] | Jeffrey Mark Siskind and B. A. Pearlmutter:'Perturbation Confusion and Referential Transparency: Correct Functional Implementation of Forward-Mode AD' Proceedings of the 17th International Workshop on Implementation and Application of Functional Languages (IFL2005), Dublin, Ireland (September 19-21, 2005). 0 2005. |
[453] | Murray-Smith, R. and B. A. Pearlmutter:'Transformations of Gaussian Process Priors' In Machine Learning Workshop (Eds.) J. Winkler, N. Lawrence, and M. Niranjan pp 110-125, Springer-Verlag LNAI 3635 (2005). 0 2005. |
[454] | Kraft, N.A., B.A. Malloy and J.F. Power:'Toward an Infrastructure to Support Interoperability in Reverse Engineering' 12th IEEE Working Conference on Reverse Engineering, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, pp 196-205 (November 8-11 2005). 0 2005. |
[455] | Hennessy, M. and J.F. Power:'An Analysis of Rule Coverage as a Criterion in Generating Minimal Test Suites for Grammar-Based Software' 20th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering, Long Beach, California, USA, p. 104-113 (November 7-11 2005). 0 2005. |
[456] | Malloy, B.A. and J.F. Power:'Using a Molecular Metaphor to Facilitate Comprehension of 3D Object Diagrams' . IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing, Dallas, Texas, USA, p. 233-240 (September 20-24 2005) 0 2005. |
[457] | Gregg, D., J.F. Power and J.T. Waldron:'A method-level comparison of the Java Grande and SPEC JVM98 benchmark suites' Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, 17(7-8) pp 757-773 (June-July 2005). 0 2005. |
[458] | Sinclair D. and J.F. Power:'Specifying and Verifying Communications Protocols using Mixed Intuitionistic Linear Logic' Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 133, pp 255-273 (31 May 2005). 0 2005. |
[459] | Malloy, B.A. and J.F. Powe:'Exploiting UML dynamic object modeling for the visualization of C++ programs' ACM Symposium on Software Visualization, St. Louis, Missouri, USA, pp 105-114 (May 15-16 2005). 0 2005. |
[460] | Mitchell, Á. and J.F. Power:'Using Object-Level Run-Time Metrics to Study Coupling Between Objects' 20th Annual ACM Symposium on Applied Computing, Santa Fe, New Mexico, pp 1456-1462 (March 13-17 2005). 0 2005. |
[461] | Power, J.F. and J.T. Waldron:'Editorial: Special Issue on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java' Science of Computer Programming, 54(1), pp 1-2 (January 2005). 0 2005. |
[462] | Lehtimaki, T., and Reilly, R.G.:'Improving eye movement control in young readers' Aritifical Intelligence Review, 24, pp 477-488 (2005). 0 2005. |
[463] | Setola, P., and Reilly, R.G.:'Words in the brain's language: An experimental investigation' Brain and Language, 94, pp 251-259 (2005). 0 2005. |
[464] | Reilly, R.G., Radach, R., Corbic, D., & Luksaneeyanawin, S.:'Comparing reading in English and Thai-The role of spatial word unit segmentation in distributed processing and eye movement control' In Proceedings of the 13th European Conference on Eye Movements, University of Bern, Switzerland, August (August 14-18 2005). 0 2005. |
[465] | Bergin. S., and Reilly, R.G.:'Programming: Factors that influence success' In Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer Science Education, 27(1), pp 120-126 (February 2005). 0 2005. |
[466] | Bergin. S., Reilly, R.G., Traynor. D.:Examining the role of Self-Regulated Learning on Introductory Programming Performance' In Proceedings of the First International Computing Education Research Workshop, ICER 2005, Seattle, WA, U.S.A. (October 1-2 2005). 0 2005. |
[467] | Bergin. S. and Reilly, R.G.:'The influence of motivation and comfort level on learning to program' In Proceedings of the 17th Workshop of the Psychology of Programming Interest Group, PPIG 05, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK (June 28-July 1 2005). 0 2005. |
[468] | Lazzarini, V., Timoney, J. and Lysaght, T.:'Alternative Analysis Synthesis Approaches for Time-Scale, Frequency and Other Transformations of Musical Signals' In Proceedings Of 8th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-05), Madrid, Spain, pp 18-23 (September 20-22 2005). 0 2005. |
[469] | Timoney, J., Lysaght, T., Lazzarini, V., and L. Mac Manus:'Comparing synthetic and real templates for dynamic time warping to locate partial envelope features' 005). In Proceedings Of 8th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-05), Madrid, Spain, pp 226-231 (September 20-22 2 0 2005. |
[470] | Matthias J., A. Schwarzbacher and J. Timoney:'CMOS Implementation of an Adaptive Noise Canceller into a Subband Filter' In Proceedings Of 8th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-05), Madrid, Spain, pp 61-64 (September 20-22 2005). 0 2005. |
[471] | Timoney, J., Lysaght, T., MacManus, L. and Lazzarini, V.:'An Evaluation of Warping Techniques applied to Partial Envelope Analysis' In Proceedings Of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC-05), Barcelona, Spain (September 5-9 2005). 0 2005. |
[472] | Lysaght, T., Lazzarini, V. and Timoney, J.:'A Streaming Object Oriented Implementation of the Modal Distribution' In Proceedings Of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC-05), Barcelona, Spain (September 5-9 200 0 2005. |
[473] | Lazzarini, V., Timoney, J. and Lysaght, T.:'Time-Stretching using the Instantaneous Frequency Distribution and Partial Tracking' In Proceedings Of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC-05), Barcelona, Spain (September 5-9 2005). 0 2005. |
[474] | Timoney, J., Brichta, B., Mathias, F., Schwarzbacher, A. and Hoppe, B.:'VLSI implementation of the SIFT algorithm for pitch detection' In Proceedings of the Irish Systems and Signals Conference, Dublin, Ireland, pp 24-28 (September 2005). 0 2005. |
[475] | Winstanley, A. C., L. Keyes and A. O'Sullivan:'Statistical Language Models for Graphical Object Recognition' ITB Journal, 10, pp 25-36 (2005). 0 2005. |
[476] | Winstanley, A. C. and Corcoran, P.:'Large Robust Texture Separability within Aerial Photography' In Proceedings of GIS Research UK, edited by Billen, R., Drummond, J., Forest, D. and Jaoa E., University of Glasgow, pp 93-98, (2005). 0 2005. |
[477] | Winstanley, A. C., Mooney, P., McDonagh, C., and O'Hare, G.:'Data Quality Issues in Environmental Research Data Management' In Proceedings of GIS Research UK, edited by Billen, R., Drummond, J., Forest, D. and Jaoa E., University of Glasgow, pp 104-109, (2005). 0 2005. |
[478] | Winstanley, A. C., Lewis, P, and O'Brien, M.:'Web Tools for Accessing Irish Census Data' In Proceedings of GIS Research UK, edited by Billen, R., Drummond, J., Forest, D. and Jaoa E., University of Glasgow, pp 194-202, (2005). 0 2005. |
[479] | Winstanley, A. C., O'Sullivan, A., Keyes, L:'An Extended System for Labelling Graphical Documents Using Statistical Language Models' In Proceedings of IAPR Workshop on Graphics Recognition (GREC 2005), edited by Wenyin L. and Llados, J. City University of Hong Kong, pp 77-86 (2005). 0 2005. |
[480] | Winstanley, A. C. and Corcoran, P:'A Novel Approach to the evaluation of Gabor and Wavelet Texture Features for the Segmentation of Aerial Scenes' IMVIP 2005 Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, edited by Amira, A. Bouridane, A. and Kurugollu, F., 79-86, Queens University of Belfast (2005). 0 2005. |
[481] | Paturyan, V., E. Radu, and D. H. Tchrakian:Rotating regular solutions in Einstein-Yang-Mills-Higgs theory. Physics Letters B 609 360 2005. |
[482] | Koesling, H., Kenny, A., Delaney, D., McLoone, S. & Ward, T., :Decision-Making in Computer Games: The Rubicon Model and Visual Attention. In M. Groner, R. Groner, R. Mueri, K. Koga, S. Raess & P. Sury (Eds.), Proceedings 13th European Conference on Eye Movements (p. 146). Bern, Switzerland. 0 2005. |
[483] | Kenny, A., Koesling, H., Delaney, D., McLoone, S. & Ward, T., :A Preliminary Investigation into Eye Gaze Data in a First Person Shooter Game. In Y. Merkuryev, R. Zobel & E. Kerckhoffs (Eds.), Proceedings 19th European Conference on Modelling and Simulation. Riga, Latvia. 0 733-740 2005. |
[484] | Lehtimäki, T., Koesling, H. & Reilly, R.G. , :An exploration of individual differences in the eye movements of readers of English text. In M. Groner, R. Groner, R. Mueri, K. Koga, S. Raess & P. Sury (Eds.), Proceedings 13th European Conference on Eye Movements. Bern, Switzerland. 0 154 2005. |
[485] | Philippe Moser:Generic Density and Small Span Theorem In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Springer-Verlag 92-102 2005. |
[486] | Xiaoyang Gu, Jack H. Lutz, and Philippe Moser:Dimension of Copeland Erdoes Sequences In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Springer-Verlag 250-260 2005. |
[487] | David Doty, Xiaoyang Gu, Jack H. Lutz, Elvira Mayordomo, and Philippe Moser:Zeta-dimension In Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 2005. |
[488] | Ya. M. Shnir:Magnetic Monopoles Springer 550 2005. |
[489] | Ratna Dutta and Rana Barua, :Dynamic Group Key Agreement in Tree-Based Setting. In proceedings of ACISP'05, LNCS 3574, pp. 101-112, Springer-Verlag, 2005. |
[490] | Ratna Dutta and Rana Barua.: Constant Round Dynamic Group Key Agreement. In proceedings of ISC'05, LNCS 3650, pp. 74-88, Springer-Verlag, 2005. |
[491] | Lehtimaki, T., & Reilly, R.G.:Improving eye movement control in young readers Aritifical Intelligence Review 24 477-488 2005. |
[492] | Setola, P., & Reilly, R.G. :Words in the brain's language: An experimental investigation. Brain and Language 94 251-259 2005. |
[493] | Sas, C., O'Hare, G.M.P., Reilly, R.G.:Virtual environment trajectory analysis: a basis for navigational assistance and scene adaptivity Future Generation Computer Systems 21 1157-1166 2005. |
[494] | Philippe Moser.:Generic Frequency and Small Span Theorem. In Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, Springer-Verlag. 2005. |
[495] | Dave Doty, Xiaoyang Gu, Jack H. Lutz, Elvira Mayordomo, and Philippe Moser, :Zeta-dimension. In Proceedings of the Thirtieth International Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2005. |
[496] | Xiaoyang Gu, Jack H. Lutz, and Philippe Moser, :Dimensions of Copeland-Erdoes Sequences. In Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Conference on Foundations of Software Technology and Theoretical Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, 2005. |
[497] | Butler, S., Reilly, R.G., Wellstead, P., & O'Connor, W.T.:Visualisation of neurotranmitter release in intact conscious brain using an integrated software toolkit Acta Neurobiologiae Experimentalis 65 30 2005. |
[498] | Butler, B., Reilly, R.G., Wellstead, P. & O'Connor, W.T.:An integrated software toolkit for the visualisation of microdialysis data Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Society for Neuroscience, Washington, DC 2005. |
[499] | Butler, S., Reilly, R.G., Wellstead, P. & O'Connor, W.T.:Concurrent visualisation of microdialysis datasets using an integrated software toolkit Proceedings of the UCD Conway Institute Annual Festival of Research, University College Dublin 2005. |
[500] | Lazzarini, V., Timoney, J. and Lysaght, T:'Alternative Analysis Synthesis Approaches for Time-Scale, Frequency and Other Transformations of Musical Signals' In Proceedings Of 8th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-05), Madrid, Spain 18-23 2005. |
[501] | Timoney, J., Lysaght, T., Lazzarini, V., and L. Mac Manus :Comparing synthetic and real templates for dynamic time warping to locate partial envelope features In Proceedings Of 8th International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX-05), Madrid, Spain 226-231 2005. |
[502] | Timoney, J., Lysaght, T., MacManus, L. and Lazzarini, v.:An Evaluation of Warping Techniques applied to Partial Envelope Analysis In Proceedings Of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC-05), Barcelona, Spain 2005. |
[503] | Lysaght, T., Lazzarini, V. and Timoney, J.:A Streaming Object Oriented Implementation of the Modal Distribution In Proceedings Of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC-05), Barcelona, Spain 2005. |
[504] | Lazzarini, V., Timoney, J. and Lysaght, T.:Time-Stretching using the Instantaneous Frequency Distribution and Partial Tracking In Proceedings Of International Computer Music Conference (ICMC-05), Barcelona, Spain 2005. |
[505] | Reilly, R.G., & Radach, R. Corbic, D., & Luksaneeyanawin, S.:Comparing reading in English and Thai: the role of spatial word unit segmentation in distributed processing and eye movement control Paper presented to ECEM 13, University of Bern, 2005. |
[506] | Bergin. S, Reilly. R.:Programming: Factors that influence success. ACM SIGCSE Bulletin: Proceedings of the 36th SIGCSE technical symposium on Computer science education 27 2005. |
[507] | Bergin. S, Reilly. R and Traynor. D.:Examining the role of Self-Regulated Learning on Introductory Programming Performance. First International Computing Education Research Workshop, ICER 200, Association for Computing Machinery, ACM 2005. |
[508] | Bergin. S, Keating. J.G, Benoit. A, Masullo. M andJackson. A:A framework for the maintenance and evolution of ePolicy-guided web applocations'. University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, July 2005. Group Decision and Negotiation, GDN 2005, 2005. |
[509] | Rosemary Monahan, Stephen Brown:Testing Guidelines for Student Projects UIM-CS-TR-2005-05, NUIM Technical Report Series (June 2005) 2005. |
[510] | Gareth Carter, Rosemary Monahan, :Introducing the Perfect Language NUIM-CS-TR-2005-06, NUIM Technical Report Series (June 2005) 2005. |
[511] | Gareth Carter, Rosemary Monahan, :Software Specification, Implementation and Execution with Perfect NUIM-CS-TR-2005-07, NUIM Technical Report Series (June 2005) 2005. |
[512] | Jackie O'Kelly, Rosemary Monahan, Paul Gibson, Stephen Brown, :Enhancing Skills Transfer through Problem Based Learning NUIM-CS-TR-2005-13, NUIM Technical Report Series, (September 2005) 2005. |
[513] | B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan:Generalising, optimising and inventing numerical algorithms for the Fractional Fourier, Fresnel and Linear Canonical Transforms J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 22 917-927 2005. |
[514] | B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan:Optical Encryption and the Space Bandwidth Product Opt. Comm. 247 291-305 2005. |
[515] | B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan:Fast Numerical Algorithm for the Linear Canonical Transform J. Opt. Soc. Am. A 22 2720-2727 2005. |
[516] | D. P. Kelly, B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan:Analytical and numerical analysis of linear optical systems Opt. Eng. 45 1-12 2005. |
[517] | Ya.M. Shnir :Electromagnetic Interaction in the System of Multimonopoles and Vortex Rings 2005. |
[518] | B. Kleihaus, J. Kunz and Ya.M. Shnir :Gravitating Monopole–Antimonopole Chains and Vortex Rings 2005. |
[519] | R. Ibadov, B. Kleihaus, J. Kunz and Ya.M. Shnir :New regular solutions with axial symmetry in Einstein-Yang-Mills theory 2005. |
[520] | Paul D. O'Grady, Barak A. Pearlmutter, and Scott T. Rickard. Survey of Sparse and Non-Sparse Methods in Source Separation. International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology (IJIST) 15:18-33, 2005. |
[521] | S. C. Jun and B. A. Pearlmutter. Fast Robust Subject-Independent Magnetoencephalographic Source Localization using an Artificial Neural Network. Human Brain Mapping 24(1):21-34, 2005. PMID: 1559 2005. |
[522] | J. Ghent and J. McDonald:Photo-Realistic Facial Expression Synthesis Image and Vision Computing 23 12 pp. 1029-1144 2005. |
[523] | J. Ghent and J. McDonald:Facial Expression Classification using a One-Against-All Support Vector Machine In Proceedings of Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference pp. 219-226 2005. |
[524] | J. Ghent and J. McDonald:Holistic Facial Expression Classification In Imaging and Vision, edited by Murtagh, F. D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5823, SPIE Press, Bellingham pp. 143-153 2005. |
[525] | J. Maycock, C.P. McElhinney, A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, B.M. Hennelly, U. Gopinathan, D.S. Monaghan, J.T. Sheridan and B. Javidi:Holographic image processing of three-dimensional objects (Invited Paper) In Three-Dimensional TV, Video, and Display IV, edited by Javidi, B., Okano, F. and Son J., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 6016, SPIE Press, Bellingham pp. 190-204 2005. |
[526] | J. Maycock, C.P. Mc Elhinney, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald and B. Javidi:Independent component analysis applied to digital holograms of three-dimensional objects In Optical Information Systems III, edited by Javidi B. and Psaltis, D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5908, SPIE Press, Bellingham pp. 42-50 2005. |
[527] | C.P., Mc Elhinney, J. Maycock, T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald and B. Javidi:Extraction of three-dimensional shape information from a digital hologram In Optical Information Systems III, edited by Javidi B. and Psaltis, D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5908, SPIE Press, Bellingham pp. 30-41 2005. |
[528] | C. Mc Elhinney, J. Maycock, J.B. McDonald, T.J. Naughton and B. Javidi:Three-dimensional scene reconstruction using digital holograms In Imaging and Vision, edited by Murtagh, F. D., Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5823, SPIE Press, Bellingham pp. 48-57 2005. |
[529] | S. Lebid, T. Ward, R. O'Neill, C. Markham, S. Coyle:Towards dual modality nerve assessment using electrical and optical techniques 17th International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors 2005. |
[530] | K. Humphreys, T. Ward and C. Markham:A CMOS Camera-Based System For Non-Contact Pulse Oximetry Imaging 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) 2005. |
[531] | D. Kumar, F. Mathews, J. Foody, B. Caulfield, T. Ward, C. Markham:A USB Interfaced Motion Capture Sensor, using Tri-axis Magnetic/Inertial Sensors for use in Kinematic Studies 3rd European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) 2005. |
[532] | K. Shakya, C. M. Deegan, F. Hegarty, C. Markham:Design and Implementation of an End-Tidal CO2 simulator for the Evaluation of Clinical Gas Analysers (Award best paper) Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation, 2005. |
[533] | C. Soraghan, F. Matthews, D. Kelly, T. Ward, C. Markham, B. Pearlmutter, R. O'Neill:Viability of a dual channel optical BCI for use in a gaming environment C-games conference 2005. |
[534] | C. Mulvihill, C. Deegan, C. Markham, C. Fitzgerald, S. McLoughlin:Mobile Stereo Vision for the identification of Defective Road Studs Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference(IMVIP) pp. 135-142 2005. |
[535] | D. Kumar, J. Foody, B. Caulfield, T. Ward, C. Markham:Wearable Kinematic and Physiological Biofeedback system for Movement Based Relaxation Cybertherapy 2005, Proceedings in the Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine pp. 336-337 2005. |
[536] | S. McLoughlin, C. Deegan, C. Fitzgerald, C. Markham:Classification of road sign type using mobile stereo vision Opto-Ireland 2005: Imaging and Vision pp. 133-142 2005. |
[537] | S. Lebid, T. Ward, R. O'Neill, C. Markham, S. Coyle:Multi-timescale measurements of brain responses in visual cortex during functional stimulation using time-resolved spectroscopy Opto-Ireland 2005 2005. |
[538] | K. Humphreys, T. Ward, C. Markham:A CMOS camera-based system for clinical photoplethysmographic applications Opto-Ireland 2005: Imaging and Vision pp. 88-95 2005. |
[539] | K. Humphreys, T. Ward, C. Markham:A CMOS Camera-Based Pulse Oximetry Imaging System Proceedings of the 2005 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology 27th Annual Conference 2005. |
[540] | S. Coyle, C. Markham, W. Lanigan, T. Ward:A Mechanical Mounting System for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Brain Imaging Studies Opto-Ireland 2005: Optical Sensing and Spectroscopy 2005. |
[541] | S. McLoughlin, N. Murphy, C. Hanley, B. Lannigan, C. Markham:Measuring Biaxial Strain in Rubber using Stereo Vision Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference 2005. |
[542] | S. McLoughlin, C. Markham, C. M. Deegan:Classification of road sign type using mobile stereo vision Proceedings of the SPIE Opto-Ireland 2005. |
[543] | K. Shakya, C. Deegan, F. Hegarty, C. Markham:Design and Implementation of an End-Tidal CO2 simulator for the Evaluation of Clinical Gas Analysers (invited following RMBS conference) Biomedical Sciences Instrumentation pp. 364-369 2005. |
[544] | K. Shakya, C. Deegan, F. Hegarty, C. Markham :Wearable kinematic and physiological biofeedback system for movement based relaxation Physiotherapy Ireland 26(1), pp. 38-42 2005. |
[545] | B. Roche, S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham, G. McDarby:Near-Infrared Spectrometry for the measurement of central nervous system activation: a brief demonstration of an emerging behavioral assessment tool The behavior analyst today 6(2) 2005. |
[546] | Paturyan, V., and D. H. Tchrakian:Monopole-antimonopole solutions of the Skyrmed SU(2) Yang-Mills-Higgs model. Journal of Mathematical Physics 45 302 2004. |
[547] | Koesling, H., Pomplun, M. & Ritter, H., :One + One = Two?-The Effects of Non-Spatial Object Clustering on Numerosity Estimation. Perception (Supplement), 33 109 2004. |
[548] | Koesling, H. & Ritter, H., :Decomposition and Integration in Perceptual Comparisons. Proceedings Early Cognitive Vision Workshop. Isle of Skye, UK. 0 2004. |
[549] | Koesling, H., Carbone, E., Pomplun, M., Sichelschmidt, L. & Ritter, H., :When More Seems Less-Non-Spatial Clustering in Numerosity Estimation. Proceedings Early Cognitive Vision Workshop. Isle of Skye, UK. 0 2004. |
[550] | T.J. Naughton and B. Javidi:Compression of encrypted three-dimensional objects using digital holography (Invited paper) Optical Engineering 43 10 2233-2238 2004. |
[551] | T.J. Naughton, J.B. McDonald, and B. Javidi:Efficient compression of Fresnel fields for Internet transmission of 3D images (Invited article) IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Newsletter, Special issue on Hot Topics in Electro-Optical Sensors and Systems 18 1 9-10 2004. |
[552] | T.J. Naughton, E. Tajahuerce, J.B. Mc Donald, and B. Javidi:Three-dimensional image sensing, encryption, compression, and transmission using digital holography (Invited paper) Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5611 (London, United Kingdom, 25-28 October 2004) 24-32 2004. |
[553] | A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Nonuniform quantization compression techniques for digital holograms of three-dimensional objects (Invited paper) Optical Information Systems II, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5557 (Denver, Colorado, 2-6 August 2004) 30-41 2004. |
[554] | B. Javidi, T.J. Naughton, E. Tajahuerce, Y. Frauel, and O. Matoba:Three-dimensional object recognition and security authentication using digital holography (Invited paper) Optics in Computing 2004, European Optical Society Topical Meeting (Engelberg, Switzerland, 21-23 April 2004) 23-24 2004. |
[555] | A.J. Page, and T.J. Naughton:Framework for task scheduling in heterogeneous distributed computing using genetic algorithms 15th Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science Conference (Castlebar, Ireland, 8-10 September 2004) 137-146 2004. |
[556] | C.P. Mc Elhinney, A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Discrete Fourier transform quantisation tables for digital holograms of three-dimensional objects 8th Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference (Dublin, Ireland, 1-3 September 2004) 50-57 2004. |
[557] | C.P. Mc Elhinney, A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Blockwise discrete Fourier transform analysis of digital hologram data of three-dimensional objects Optical Information Systems II, Proceedings of SPIE vol. 5557 (Denver, USA, 2-6 August 2004) 62-69 2004. |
[558] | A Page, T. Keane, and T.J. Naughton:Adaptive scheduling across a distributed computation platform Third International IEEE Symposium on Parallel and Distributed Computing (Cork, Ireland, 5-8 July 2004) 141-149 2004. |
[559] | A.E. Shortt, T.J. Naughton, and B. Javidi:Quantisation compression of digital holograms of three-dimensional objects using histogram data Optics in Computing 2004, European Optical Society Topical Meeting (Engelberg, Switzerland, 21-23 April 2004) 25-26 2004. |
[560] | Rudi Villing, Tomas Ward and Joseph Timoney:Automatic Blind Syllable Segmentation for Continuous Speech, Irish Signals and systems Conference, Belfast, 2004. |
[561] | Ratna Dutta, Rana Barua and Palash Sarkar.:Provably Secure Authenticated Tree Based Group Key Agreement. In proceedings of ICICS'04, LNCS 3269, pp. 92-104, Springer-Verlag 2004. |
[562] | Joseph Timoney, Lorcan. MacManus, Thomas Lysaght and Andreas Schwarzbacher:Dynamic Time Warping for Tin Whistle Partial Envelope Analysis, Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Belfast, 2004. |
[563] | Joseph Timoney, Lorcan MacManus, Thomas Lysaght and Marc Schoenwiesner, :Implementing loudness models in Matlab, Proc. of 7th Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Naples, Italy, 2004. |
[564] | Joseph Timoney, Lorcan MacManus, and Thomas Lysaght:Timbral attributes for objective quality assessment of the Irish tin whistle, Proc. of the 7th Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Naples, Italy, 2004. |
[565] | A metrics suite for grammar-based software:James F. Power and Brian A. Malloy Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 16 6 405-426 2004. |
[566] | James F. Power and David Sinclair:A Formal Model of Forth Control Words in the Pi-Calculus Journal of Universal Computer Science 10 9 1272-1293 2004. |
[567] | Diarmuid O'Donoghue and James F. Power:Identifying and evaluating a generic set of superinstructions for embedded Java programs International Conference on Embedded Systems and Applications 192-198 2004. |
[568] | Aine Mitchell and James F. Power:Run-Time Cohesion Metrics: An Empirical Investigation International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice 532-537 2004. |
[569] | Aine Mitchell and James F. Power:An Empirical Investigation into the Dimensions of Run-Time Coupling Metrics in Java programs The Third International Conference on the Principles and Practice of Programming in Java 9-14 2004. |
[570] | Aine Mitchell and James F. Power:An approach to quantifying the run-time behaviour of Java GUI applications Winter International Symposium on Information and Communication Technologies 2004. |
[571] | Joseph Timoney, Lorcan. MacManus, Thomas Lysaght and Andreas Schwarzbacher :Dynamic Time Warping for Tin Whistle Partial Envelope Analysis Irish Signals and Systems Conference, Belfast 2004. |
[572] | Joseph Timoney, Lorcan MacManus, Thomas Lysaght and Marc Schoenwiesner:Implementing loudness models in Matlab Proc. of 7th Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Naples, Italy 2004. |
[573] | Joseph Timoney, Lorcan MacManus, and Thomas Lysaght :Timbral attributes for objective quality assessment of the Irish tin whistle Proc. of the 7th Conf. on Digital Audio Effects (DAFX), Naples, Italy 2004. |
[574] | Bergin. S, Reilly. R.:Assessing programming Aptitude: A web-based adaptive testing system with remedial instruction Proceedings of the 16th Workshop of the Programming Psychology Interest Group (PPIG'04) 2004. |
[575] | Laura Keyes, Andrew O'Sullivan and Adam Winstanley:Statistical Language Models for Graphical Object Recognition ITB Journal 10 25-36 2004. |
[576] | Valveny E., Dosch, P., Winstanley A., et al:Symbol Recognition Contest: A Synthesis in Josep Lladós , Y.B. Kwon (eds), Graphics Recognition-Recent Advances and Perspectives, LNCS , Springer-Verlag. 3088 367-370 2004. |
[577] | Keyes, L., A. Winstanley:Shape Description for Automatically Structuring Graphical Data in Josep Lladós , Y.B. Kwon (eds), Graphics Recognition-Recent Advances and Perspectives, LNCS, Springer-Verlag. 3088 253-262 2004. |
[578] | Kelly. J, Bergin. S, Ghent. J, Gaughran. P, Dunne. S and Mooney. A.:Initial Findings on the Impact of an Alternative Approach to Problem Based Learning in Computer Science PBL International Conference 2004. |
[579] | Kelly. J, Bergin. S, Ghent. J, Gaughran. P, Dunne. S and Mooney. A.:An Overview of the Integration of Problem Based Learning into an Existing Computer Science Programming Module. PBL International Conference 2004. |
[580] | B. M. Hennelly, D. Kelly, J. T. Sheridan:Wavelength Controlled Variable Order Optical Fractional Fourier Transform Opt. Lett. 29 427-429 2004. |
[581] | B. M. Hennelly, J. T. Sheridan:Random Phase and Jigsaw Encryption in Fresnel Domain Opt. Eng., (Special Issue Ed. B. Javidi) 43 1-11 2004. |
[582] | B. M. Hennelly, D. Kelly, J. T. Sheridan:Wavelength Controlled Variable Order Optical Fractional Fourier Transform 2004. |
[583] | Ya.M. Shnir :The Color–Flavor Transformation of induced QCD, 2004. |
[584] | B. Kleihaus, J. Kunz and Ya.M. Shnir :Monopole-Antimonopole chains and vortex rings, 2004. |
[585] | Ya.M. Shnir :Interaction of vortices with an external field, 2004. |
[586] | Shnir :Properties of non-BPS SU (3) monopoles, Physica Scripta, 2004. |
[587] | Paul D. O'Grady and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Soft-LOST: EM on a Mixture of Oriented Lines. ICA2004, September 22-24, 2004. |
[588] | Barak A. Pearlmutter and Anthony M. Zador. Monaural Source Separation Using Spectral Cues. ICA2004, September 22-24, 2004. |
[589] | Sung Chan Jun and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Subject-Independent Magnetoencephalographic Source Localization by a Multilayer Perceptron. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 16. MIT Press, 2004. |
[590] | T. Naughton, J. McDonald and B. Javidi:Efficient compression of digital holograms for Internet transmission of three-dimensional images (Invited article) IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society (LEOS) Newsletter: Special issue on Hot Topics in Electro-Optical Sensors and Systems 18 pp. 9-10 2004. |
[591] | T. Naughton, E. Tajahuerce, J. McDonald and B. Javidi:Three-dimensional image sensing, encryption, compression, and transmission using digital holography (Invited paper) In Proceedings of Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks, edited by Dr. Edward M. Carapezza, SPIE Press, Bellingham, Washington pp. 24-32 2004. |
[592] | J. Ghent and J. McDonald:Generating a Mapping Function from one Expression to Another Using a Statistical Model of Facial Texture In Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference, Sep 2004. 2004. |
[593] | J. Ghent and J. McDonald:Facial Expression Synthesis using a Statistical model of Appearance In Proceedings 4th IASTED International Conference on VISUALIZATION, IMAGING, AND IMAGE PROCESSING, Marbella, Spain 2004. |
[594] | J. Ghent and J. McDonald:Generating a Mapping Function from one Expression to Another Using a Statistical Model of Facial Texture In Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference 2004. |
[595] | S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham:Characterisation of physiological noise in optical imaging: Implications for Optical Brain Computer Interfacing 26th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (IEMBS) 2004. |
[596] | S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham:An Optical Brain Computer Interface 2nd International Brain-Computer Interface Workshop and Training Course 2004 2004. |
[597] | S. Lebid , R. O'Neill, C. Markham, T. Ward, S. Coyle:Functional Brain Signals: A photon counting system for brain activity monitoring Irish Signals and systems Conference (ISSC) 2004. |
[598] | S. McLoughlin, C. O'Rourke, C. Markham:Applications for Fusion of GPS data with a Stereo Vision System Irish Signals and systems Conference (ISSC) 2004. |
[599] | J. Loughran, A. Murphy, W. Lanigan, I. Cartwright, R. May, T. Ward, K. Humphreys, C. Markham:Novel Optical Design for Terahertz Imaging Applications Joint 29' Int. Conf. on Infared and Millimeter Waves and 12'h Int. Cant on Terahertz Electronics pp. 517-518 2004. |
[600] | S. Lebid, R. O'Neill, C. Markham, T. Ward, and S. Coyle:Acquiring functional brain signals with photon counting systems: A time domain approach for pattern reversal steady-state visual evoked potentials at multiple time scales Second European Workshop on Optical Fibre Sensors 2004. |
[601] | S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham, G. McDarby:On the suitability of near-infrared systems for next-generation brain-computer interfaces Physiological Measurement 25(4), pp. 815-822 2004. |
[602] | Mooney, P. and Winstanley, AC:Mapping and Internet Based Public Transportation Journey Planning and Information Systems in Peterson, M. (Ed): Maps and the Internet, Elsevier. 291-310 2003. |
[603] | Bergin. S and Keating. J.G.:A case study on the adaptive maintenance of an internet application Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution: Research and Practice 15 4 245-264 2003. |
[604] | B. Kleihaus, J. Kunz and Ya.M. Shnir :Monopoles, antimonopoles and vortex rings, 2003. |
[605] | B. Kleihaus, J. Kunz and Ya.M. Shnir :Monopole-Antimonopole chains. 2003. |
[606] | Ya.M. Shnir :Collective coordinates of the Skyrme model coupled with fermions, 2003. |
[607] | Lucas C. Parra and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Illusory Percepts from Auditory Adaptation, Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 121(3): 2003. |
[608] | Santiago Jaramillo and Barak A. Pearlmutter. A normative model of attention: receptive field modulation. Neurocomputing 58-60:613-618, 2004. Also CNS* 2003. |
[609] | Sung Chan Jun, Barak A. Pearlmutter, and Guido Nolte. MEG source localization using an MLP with a distributed output representation. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering 50(6):786-789, 2003. PMID: 1281 2003. |
[610] | Lucas Parra, Chris Alvino, Akaysha Tang, Barak Pearlmutter, Nick Yeung, Allen Osman, and Paul Sajda. Single-trial detection in EEG and MEG: Keeping it linear, Neurocomputing 52-54:177-183, June 2003. |
[611] | S. McLoughlin, C. O'Connell, C. Markham:Asynchronous Stereo for Wide Baseline Ranging Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference 2003. |
[612] | S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham, B. Roche, G. McDarby, S. McLoone:The Use of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Measuring General Autonomic Arousal World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2003. |
[613] | S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham, G. McDarby:On the Suitability of Near-Infrared Systems for Next Generation Brain Computer Interfaces World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2003. |
[614] | S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham :Cerebral Blood Flow Changes related to Motor Imagery, using Near-infrared Spectroscopy (NIRS) World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2003. |
[615] | S. Coyle, T. Ward, C. Markham:Brain Computer Interfaces, a Review Interdisciplinary Science Reviews 28(2), pp. 112-118 2003. |
[616] | D. Delaney, T. Ward, and S. McLoone:Reducing Update Packets in Distributed Interactive Applications using a Hybrid Approach, Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems D. Delaney, T. Ward, and S. McLoone. Reducing Update Packets in Distributed Interactive Applications using a Hybrid Approach, Parallel and Distributed Computing Systems, 1, 417-422 (2003). 2003. |
[617] | Bergin S and Keating J.G:A case study on the adaptive maintenance of an internet application NUIM Department of Computer Science Technical Report Series, nuim-cs-tr2002-04 2002. |
[618] | Barak A. Pearlmutter, with Akaysha C. Tang, Natalie A. Malaszenko, and Daniel B. Phung. Independent Components of Magnetoencephalography: Single-Trial Response Time Estimation. Neuroimage. Accepted August 2002. PMID: 1249 2002. |
[619] | Sung Chan Jun, Barak A. Pearlmutter, and Guido Nolte. Fast accurate MEG source localization using a MLP trained with real brain noise. Physics in Medicine and Biology 47(14):2547-2560, 2002. PMID: 1217 2002. |
[620] | Lucas Parra, Chris Alvino, Akaysha Tang, Barak Pearlmutter, Nick Yeung, Allen Osman, and Paul Sajda. Linear spatial integration for single trial detection in encephalography. NeuroImage 17(1):223-230, 2002. PMID: 1248 2002. |
[621] | G. Nolte, T. Sander, A. Lueschow, and B. A. Pearlmutter. Nonlinear time series analysis of human alpha rhythm. BIOMAG-2002. |
[622] | S. C. Jun, B. A. Pearlmutter, G. Nolte. Fast robust MEG source localization using MLPs. BIOMAG-2002. |
[623] | Akaysha C. Tang, Barak A. Pearlmutter, Natalie A. Malaszenko, Dan B. Phung, and Bethany C. Reeb. Independent Components of Magnetoencephalography: Localization. Neural Computation 14(8):1827-1858, 2002. PMID: 1218 2002. |
[624] | Michael Zibulevsky, Pavel Kisilev, Yehoshua Y. Zeevi, and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Blind source separation via multinode sparse representation. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 14. Morgan Kaufmann, 1049-1056, 2002. |
[625] | B. Busschots J.G. Keating:Telescopes in Education J.G. Keating , S. Hoban, M. desJardins, N. Farrell, P. Rathod, J. Sachs, S. Sansare, Y. Yesha, J. Keating, B. Busschots, J. Means, G. Clark, L. Mayo, W. Smith. Virtual Telescopes in Education, Journal of Digital Information, 2 (4), (2002). 2002. |
[626] | L. Keyes and A.C. Winstanley:Using Moment Invariants for classifying shapes on large-scale maps Computers, Environment and Urban Systems 25 119-130 2001. |
[627] | A.C. Winstanley (editor):IMVIP 2001, Proceedings of the Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference National University of Ireland Maynooth 2001. |
[628] | Bergin S and Keating J.G:An online tariffication system: www.b4ucall.com The Evolution of Telecom Technologies: Current Trends and Near Future Implications, Report commissioned by the Centre for Cross Border Studies. 13-22 2001. |
[629] | Bergin S and Keating J.G. :An analysis of mobile phone calling costs in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland The Evolution of Telecom Technologies:Current Trends and Near Future Implications, Report commissioned by the Centre for Cross Border Studies 23-42 2001. |
[630] | Michael Zibulevsky and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Blind Source Separation by Sparse Decomposition in a Signal Dictionary. Neural Computation 13(4):863-882, 2001. PMID: 1125 2001. |
[631] | Maguire, M., T. Ward, C. Markham, D. O'Shea and L. Kevin:A Comparative Study in the Use of Brachial Photoplethysmography and the QRS Complex as Timing References in Determination of Pulse Transit Time 23rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2001. |
[632] | M. Maguire, C. Markham, T. Ward:Electrocardiograph and photoplethysmograph superimposition as an investigative tool for circulatory function Irish Signals and systems Conference (ISSC) 2001. |
[633] | C. Deegan, C. Markham, D. Vender, M. Turner:A Novel Technique for the Extraction of Ionisation Profiles from Spatial Density Measurements Review of Scientific Instruments 72(12), pp. 4362-4365 2001. |
[634] | T.J. Naughton and D. Woods:On the computational power of a continuous-space optical model of computation T.J. Naughton and D. Woods. On the computational power of a continuous-space optical model of computation. Machines, Computations and Universality 2001, Chisinau, Moldova, May 2001. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (in press) (2001). 2001. |
[635] | A.C. Winstanley and L. Keyes:Applying Computer Vision Techniques to Topographic Objects International Archives of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing 33 (B3) 480-487 2000. |
[636] | Akaysha C. Tang, Dan Phung, Barak A. Pearlmutter, and Robert Christner. Localization of Independent Components from Magnetoencephalography. ICA 2000. |
[637] | Michael Zibulevsky and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Second Order Blind Source Separation by Recursive Splitting of Signal Subspaces. ICA 2000. |
[638] | Michael Zibulevsky and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Blind separation of sources with sparse representations in a given signal dictionary. ICA 2000. |
[639] | Akaysha C. Tang, Barak A. Pearlmutter, Michael Zibulevsky, Tim A. Hely, and Michael P. Weisend. An MEG study of response latency and variability in the human visual system during a visual-motor integration task. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12. Morgan Kaufmann, 185-191, 2000. |
[640] | Gary W. Flake and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Differentiation functions of the Jacobian with respect to the weights. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 12. Morgan Kaufmann, 435-441, 2000. |
[641] | D. O'Donoghue, D. Cleary:Searching for the Semantic Internet D. O'Donoghue, D. Cleary, "Searching for the Semantic Internet", Applied Informatics 2001, Innsbruck, Austria, (February 19-22, 2001). 2000. |
[642] | Akaysha C. Tang, Barak A. Pearlmutter, Michael Zibulevsky, and Scott A. Carter. Blind source separation of multichannel neuromagnetic responses. Neurocomputing 32-33:1115-1120, 2000. Also in Computational Neuroscience 1999. |
[643] | C. Warrender and S. Forrest and B. A. Pearlmutter. Detecting intrusions using system calls: Alternative data models. 1999. |
[644] | C. Markham, E. Markham:A Novel Approach to the repair of damaged iris diaphragms Bulletin of the Queckett Microscopical Society 34 1999. |
[645] | T. Naughton:A General-purpose acousto-optic connectionist processor T. Naughton, Z. Javadpour, J. G. Keating, J. Rott, M. Klima, 'A General-purpose acousto-optic connectionist processor', Optical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 7, July (1999). 1999. |
[646] | A.C. Winstanley, S.P. Loughlin and F.J. Smith:The Intelligent Selection of Materials from a Design Specification in Caliste, J.-P., Truyol, A., Westbrook J.H (eds): Thermodynamic Modelling and Materials Data Engineering, Springer-Verlag. 251-254 1998. |
[647] | Ya.M. Shnir and V.G. Kiselev :Forced Topologically Nontrivial Field Configurations; 1998. |
[648] | Kevin J. Lang, Barak A. Pearlmutter, and Rodney A. Price. Results of the Abbadingo One DFA Learning Competition and a New Evidence-Driven State Merging Algorithm. In ICGI-98, Springer-Verlag, 1998. |
[649] | S.G. Kovalevich, Per Osland, Ya.M. Shnir and E.A. Tolkachev :Effective Lagrangian of QED with a magnetic charge and dyon mass bounds 1997. |
[650] | E.A. Tolkachev, L.M. Tomil'chik and Ya.M. Shnir :On the Space Reflections Definition Problem in the Magnetic Charge Theory; 1997. |
[651] | Barak A. Pearlmutter and Lucas C. Parra. Maximum Likelihood Blind Source Separation: A Context-Sensitive Generalization of ICA. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9. MIT Press, 1997. |
[652] | T. Veale, O'Donoghue, D. and M. Keane:Computability as a Limiting Cognitive Constraints : Complexity Concerns in Metaphor Comprehension about which Cognitive Linguists should be Aware T. Veale, O'Donoghue, D. and M. Keane, "Computability as a Limiting Cognitive Constraints : Complexity Concerns in Metaphor Comprehension about which Cognitive Linguists should be Aware" (To appear in) Cognitive Linguistics : Cultural, Psychological and Typological Issues. 1997. |
[653] | S.G. Kovalevich, Ya.M. Shnir and E.A. Tolkachev :Charge-Dyon Bound System Atomic Polarizability; 1996. |
[654] | Barak A. Pearlmutter and Lucas C. Parra. A context-sensitive generalization of ICA. 1996 International Conference on Neural Information Processing. September 1996. |
[655] | Barak A. Pearlmutter. Doing the twist: Diagonal meshes are isomorphic to twisted toroidal meshes. IEEE Transactions on Computers 45(6), June 1996. |
[656] | Anthony M. Zador and Barak A. Pearlmutter. VC dimension of an integrate and fire neuron model. Neural Computation 8(3):611-624, 1996. |
[657] | Anthony M. Zador and Barak A. Pearlmutter. VC dimension of an integrate and fire neuron model. In Ninth Conference on Computational Learning Theory, Desenzano del Garda, Italy, June 28-July 1, 1996. |
[658] | Vernon, D:Segmentation in Dynamic Image Sequences by Isolation of Coherent Wave Profiles Vernon, D. "Segmentation in Dynamic Image Sequences by Isolation of Coherent Wave Profiles", Proc. 4th European Conference on Computer Vision, Cambridge, England, LNCS-64, Springer-Verlag, pp. 293-303. 1996. |
[659] | Barak A. Pearlmutter. Gradient calculation for dynamic recurrent neural networks: a survey. IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks 6(5):1212-1228, 1995. |
[660] | Barak A. Pearlmutter. Time-skew Hebb rule in a nonisopotential neuron. Neural Computation 7(4):706-712, 1995. PMID: 758 1995. |
[661] | O'Donoghue, D:Epistemological Issues in Metaphor Comprehension : A Comparative Analysis of Three Models of Metaphor Interpretation Veale, R. A., O'Donoghue, D., 1995, "Epistemological Issues in Metaphor Comprehension : A Comparative Analysis of Three Models of Metaphor Interpretation", 13th Annual Conf. Int. Association of Cognitive Linguistics, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 1995. |
[662] | D.W. Bustard and A.C. Winstanley:Making Changes to Formal Specifications: Requirements and an Example IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 20 8 562-568 1994. |
[663] | A.O. Barut, M.P. Knyazev, Ya.M. Shnir and E.A. Tolkachev :Enhancement of the Rate of Radiative Processes in the Field of a Magnetic Monopol 1994. |
[664] | Barak A. Pearlmutter. Fast exact multiplication by the Hessian. Neural Computation 6(1):147-160, 1994. |
[665] | Joe Kilian, Kevin J. Lang, and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Playing the matching-shoulders lob-pass game with logarithmic regret. In Seventh Annual ACM Workshop on Computational Learning Theory, pages 159-164, New Brunswick, NJ, July 1994. |
[666] | Vernon, D.:Computer Vision-Craft, Engineering, and Science Dawson, K., Furlong, D., Jones, M., Murphy, N., and Vernon, D. 1994. "Computer Vision-Craft, Engineering, and Science' in Vernon, D.(Ed.), Computer Vision: Craft, Engineering, and Science, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, pp. 89-96. 1994. |
[667] | A.O. Barut, Ya.M. Shnir and E.A. Tolkachev-The Lamb Shift in the Charge : The Lamb Shift in the Charge-Magnetic Monopole System; 1993. |
[668] | Ya.M. Shnir and E.A. Tolkachev: Space Reflections in the Dichotomic Magnetic Charge Model 1993. |
[669] | Ya.M. Shnir and E.A. Tolkachev :New non-singular Description of the Abelian monopole; 1993. |
[670] | A.O. Barut, Ya.M. Shnir and E.A. Tolkachev :Space Reflections in the Dichotomic Magnetic Charge Model; 1993. |
[671] | Yann LeCun, Patrice Y. Simard, and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Automatic learning rate maximization by on-line estimation of the Hessian's eigenvectors. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5, pages 156-163. Morgan Kaufmann, 1993. |
[672] | C. Markham, J. Fryar:Element Specific Imagining in computerized tomography using a tube source of x-rays and low energy resolution detector system Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A324, pp. 383-388 1993. |
[673] | O'Neill, P., Dawson, K., and Vernon, D:An Optical Hand Pose Tracking System", O'Neill, P., Dawson, K., and Vernon, D. 1993. "An Optical Hand Pose Tracking System", Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference Image Communication (Image Com '93), Bordeaux, pp. 175-180. 1993. |
[674] | D.W. Bustard, M.T. Norris, R.A. Orr and A.C. Winstanley:An Exercise in Formalising the Description of a Concurrent System Software-Practice and Experience 22 12 1069-1098 1992. |
[675] | Ya.M. Shnir, E.A. Tolkachev :Vacuum Polarization around a Dyon; 1992. |
[676] | Ya.M. Shnir, E.A. Tolkachev and L.M. Tomil'chik :P violating Magnetic Monopole In-fluence on the Atom-like System in the External Fields; 1992. |
[677] | Barak A. Pearlmutter. Gradient descent: Second-order momentum and saturating error. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4, pages 887-894. Morgan Kaufmann, 1992. |
[678] | Furlong, D. and Vernon D:Reality Paradigms, Perception, and Natural Science-The Relevance of Autopoiesis Furlong, D. and Vernon D. 1992. "Reality Paradigms, Perception, and Natural Science-The Relevance of Autopoiesis", Proc. of the ESPRIT Workshop on Autopoiesis and Perception, Dublin City University, (25 pages). 1992. |
[679] | A.C. Winstanley and D.W. Bustard:EXPOSE: an Animation Tool for Process-Oriented Specifications Software Engineering Journal 6 6 463-475 1991. |
[680] | Barak A. Pearlmutter. Garbage collection with pointers to single cells. Communications of the ACM 39(12):202-206, December 1996. Accepted Spring 1991. |
[681] | Barak A. Pearlmutter and Ronald Rosenfeld. Chaitin-Kolmogorov complexity and generalization in neural networks. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3, pages 925-931. Morgan Kaufmann, 1991. |
[682] | Dawson, K., Tistarelli, M., and Vernon, D:On the Usefulness of Optical Flow for Robotic Part Manipulation Dawson, K., Tistarelli, M., and Vernon, D. 1991. "On the Usefulness of Optical Flow for Robotic Part Manipulation", Proceeding of the IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Robots and Systems, Osaka, Vol. 1, pp. 117-122 1991. |
[683] | Barak A. Pearlmutter. Two new learning procedures for recurrent networks. Neural Network Review 3(3):99-101, 1990. |
[684] | Keating, J. G.:A Statistical Study of Large Field-Aligned Flows at High-Latitudes Keating, J. G., Mulligan, F. J., Doyle, D. B., Winser, K. and Lockwood, M., 1990 "A Statistical Study of Large Field-Aligned Flows at High-Latitudes", Planetary and Space Science, vol. 38, no. 9, p. 1187 1990. |
[685] | Barak Pearlmutter. Learning state space trajectories in recurrent neural networks. Neural Computation 1(2):263-269, 1989. |
[686] | Kenneth Y. Goldberg and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Using a neural network to learn the dynamics of the CMU direct-drive arm II. In Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems I, pages 356-363. Morgan Kaufmann, 1989. |
[687] | Kevin J. Lang and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Oaklisp: an object-oriented dialect of Scheme. Lisp and Symbolic Computation 1(1):39-51, May 1988. |
[688] | Kevin J. Lang and Barak A. Pearlmutter. Oaklisp: an object-oriented Scheme with first class types. In ACM Conference on Object-Oriented Systems, Programming, Languages and Applications, pages 30-37, September 1986. |