[1] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, C. Zini, "Fluxmeters for point-focus solar concentrators", submitted to Moldtech 2011, Chisinau, 25-27 May 2011. |
[2] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, C. Zini, "Theory of inverse methods for characterization of solar concentrators", submitted to Moldtech 2011, Chisinau, 25-27 May 2011. |
[3] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, C. Zini, "Theory of direct methods for characterization of solar concentrators", submitted to Moldtech 2011, Chisinau, 25-27 May 2011. |
[4] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, C. Zini, "Optical properties of solar concentrators", submitted to Moldtech 2011, Chisinau, 25-27 May 2011. |
[5] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, C. Zini, "Radiometer for parabolic trough solar concentrators", submitted to Moldtech 2011, Chisinau, 25-27 May 2011. |
[6] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, "Modelli teorici per la collezione ottica di concentratori solari", submitted to the XCVII Congresso Nazionale della SIF, 26-30 Settembre 2011. |
[7] | A. Parretta, N. Landini, "Indice di polarizzazione della luce solare diffusa emisferica per la stima del grado di copertura nuvolosa", submitted to the XCVII Congresso Nazionale della SIF, 26-30 Settembre 2011. |
[8] | R. Fucci, G. Leanza, A. Parretta, C. Privato, "Spatial and spectral distribution determination of solar light concentrated by solar collectors", submitted to the 26th EPSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 5-9 September 2011. |
[9] | A. Parretta, N. Baroni, "The Optimised Model of a Fluxmeter for Point-Focus PV Solar Concentrators", submitted to the 26th EPSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 5-9 September 2011. |
[10] | A. Parretta, F. Aldegheri, D. Roncati, C. Cancro, R. Fucci, "Optical Efficiency of "PhoCUS" C-Module Concentrators", submitted to the 26th EPSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 5-9 September 2011. |
[11] | G. Beltrami, P. Buttini, C. Bertolucci, A. Parretta, F. Petrucci and A. Foà, "A sky polarization compass in lizards: which wavelengths of light are involved?", paper accepted as oral presentation at the RIN II, Royal Institute of Navigation II, Orientation and Navigation, Birds, Humans & Other Animals, 6-9 April 2011, Reading, UK. |
[12] | A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, E. Milan, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, A. Parretta, "Concentratore solare fotovoltaico con splittamento spettrale", oral presentation at the XCVI Congresso Nazionale della SIF, 20-24 September 2010, Bologna, Italy . |
[13] | A. Parretta, N. Baroni, R. Fucci, C. Privato, "Flussimetro per concentratori solari fotovoltaici", oral presentation at the XCVI Congresso Nazionale della SIF, 20-24 September 2010, Bologna, Italy. |
[14] | A. Moretti, A. Parretta, M. Montecchi, L. Gentilin, A. Mittiga, M. Pellegrino, "Flussimetro per concentratori solari termodinamici", oral presentation at the XCVI Congresso Nazionale della SIF, 20-24 September 2010, Bologna, Italy. |
[15] | G. Beltrami, C. Bertolucci, A. Foà, F. Petrucci, A. Parretta, "Studio dei meccanismi di percezione di luce polarizzata spettralmente selezionata nel lacertide Podarcis Sicula", oral presentation at the XCVI Congresso Nazionale della SIF, 20-24 September 2010, Bologna, Italy. |
[16] | A. Parretta, D. Roncati, L. Zampierolo, "Metodi di caratterizzazione ottica indoor di concentratori solari", oral presentation at the XCVI Congresso Nazionale della SIF, 20-24 September 2010, Bologna, Italy. |
[17] | A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, E. Milan, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, D. Sartore, A. Parretta, "Mirror based spectral splitting CPV system", oral presentation for the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Feria Valencia, 6-10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain. |
[18] | R. Fucci, G. Leanza, A. Parretta, C. Privato, F. Russo, A. Sarno, "Spectral Behaviour of Concentrating Solar Collectors", visual presentation for 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Feria Valencia, 6-10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain. |
[19] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, A. Antonini, E. Milan, D. Roncati, "Theory of "inverse Method" Applied to Characterization of Solar Concentrators", visual presentation at the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Feria Valencia, 6-10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain. |
[20] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, G. Martinelli, A. Antonini, E. Milan, C. Privato, "Methods of Characterization of Solar Concentrators", visual presentation at the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Feria Valencia, 6-10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain. |
[21] | A. Parretta, M. Armani, E. Milan, R. Fucci, C. Privato, "An Improved Fluxmeter for Point-Focus Solar Concentrators", visual presentation at the 25th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Feria Valencia, 6-10 September 2010, Valencia, Spain. |
[22] | A. Parretta, "Theory of the "Inverse Method" for Characterization of Solar Concentrators", visual presentation at Optics for Solar Energy (SOLAR)", Advancing the Science and Technology of Light, The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, AZ, USA, June 7-10, 2010. |
[23] | D. Vincenzi, S. Baricordi, M. Occhialini, M. Stefancich, A. Parretta, G. Martinelli, "Measurement of Sun-Tracking Accuracy and Solar Irradiance through Multispectral Imaging, oral presentation at "Optics for Solar Energy (SOLAR)", Advancing the Science and Technology of Light, The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, AZ, USA, June 7-10, 2010. |
[24] | A. Parretta, G. Martinelli, A. Antonini, D. Vincenzi, "Direct and inverse methods of characterization of solar concentrators", invited paper at "Optics for Solar Energy (SOLAR)", Advancing the Science and Technology of Light, The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, AZ, USA, June 7-10, 2010. |
[25] | A. Parretta, L. Zampierolo, D. Roncati, "Theoretical aspects of light collection in solar concentrators ", visual presentation at "Optics for Solar Energy (SOLAR)", Advancing the Science and Technology of Light, The Westin La Paloma, Tucson, AZ, USA, June 7-10, 2010. |
[26] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, "Optical Methods for Indoor Characterization of Small-Size Solar Concentrators Prototypes", oral presentation at the CIMTEC 2010, 5th Forum on New Materials, Materials Solutions for Sustainable Energy, Symposium FH - Concentrating Solar Technologies: Materials Technology Solutions for CPV and CSP Competitivenes, June 13-18, Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy. |
[27] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, "Optical Methods for Indoor Characterization of Small-Size Solar Concentrators Prototypes", oral presentation at the CIMTEC 2010, 5th Forum on New Materials, Materials Solutions for Sustainable Energy, Symposium FH - Concentrating Solar Technologies: Materials Technology Solutions for CPV and CSP Competitiveness, June 13-18, Montecatini Terme, Tuscany, Italy. |
[28] | A. Parretta, C. Fratti, F. Petrucci, G. Beltrami, C. Bertolucci, A. Foà, "Caratterizzazione ottica di schermi LCD come sorgenti di luce polarizzata in esperimenti indoor di orientamento direzionale nei vertebrati", comunicazione orale al XCV Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica, Bari, 28 Settembre-3 Ottobre 2009. |
[29] | A. Parretta, M. Campa, A. Colombani, M. Lezziero, C. Malagù, M. Stefancich, "Stima del "Cloudness Index" attraverso misure di polarizzazione della luce solare diffusa emisferica", comunicazione orale al XCV Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica, Bari, 28 Settembre-3 Ottobre 2009. |
[30] | D. Vincenzi, M. Stefancich, S. Baricordi, C. Malagù, M. Pasquini, F. Gualdi, G. Martinelli, A. Parretta, A. Antonini, "Effects of irradiance distribution unevenness on the ohmic losses of point-focus and dense-array CPV systems", poster presentation to the 24th EPSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 21-25 September 2009. |
[31] | A. Parretta, G. Martinelli, E. Bonfiglioli, D. Roncati, A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, E. Milan, "Indoor Optical Characterization of the Nonimaging "Rondine" PV Solar Concentrator", poster presentation to the 24th EPSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 21-25 September 2009. |
[32] | A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, E. Milan, M. Stefancich, A. Parretta, N. Baggio, "Rondine PV Concentrators: Field Results and Innovations", oral presentation to the 24th EPSEC, Hamburg, Germany, 21-25 September 2009. |
[33] | A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, E. Milan, A. Parretta, N. Baggio, "Rondine PV Concentrators: Field Results and Progresses", 34th IEEE PVSC, Philadelphia, US, 7-12 June 2009. |
[34] | A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, E. Milan, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, M. Stefancich, A. Parretta, M. Armani, N. Baggio, "Field testing per la tecnologia di concentratori a disco e per moduli "Rondine"", oral presentation at the Conference ZeroEmission Rome 2008 - Rome Fair Centre, 1-4 October 2008. |
[35] | A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, E. Milan, M. Stefancich, M. Armani, A. Parretta, N. Baggio, "Primi risultati sul campo del modulo fotovoltaico "Rondine"", oral presentation at the XCIV Congresso della Società Italiana di Fisica, Genova, 22-27 Settembre 2008. |
[36] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, E. Milan, M. Stefancich, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, D. Roncati, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, "How to "Display" the Angle-Resolved Transmission Efficiency of a Solar Concentrator Reversing the Light Path", oral presentation at the 23rd EPSEC, 1-5 September 2008, Feria Valencia, Valencia, Spain. |
[37] | M. Armani, D. Cattani, M. Del Buono, W. Sparber, A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, M. Stefancich, "Monitoring Results and Performance Analysis in South Tyrol Under the Project Copes", poster presentation at the 23rd EPSEC, 1-5 September 2008, Feria Valencia, Valencia, Spain. |
[38] | A. Antonini, M.A. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, P. Zurru, E. Milan, M. Stefancich, M. Armani, A. Parretta, N. Baggio, "Development of "Rondine" Concentrating PV Module - Field Results and Progresses", poster presentation at the 23rd EPSEC, 1-5 September 2008, Feria Valencia, Valencia, Spain. |
[39] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M. Stefancich, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, "Metodo "inverso" per la caratterizzazione ottica di concentratori solari", oral presentation at the 93° Congresso Nazionale della Società Italiana di Fisica, Pisa, 24-29 Settembre 2007. |
[40] | M. Stefancich, A. Antonini, P.Zurru, M. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, E. Milan, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, A. Parretta, "Experimental Results of a Tailored Dish Concentrator for silicon Solar Cells", visual presentation at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Fiera Milano, 3–7 September 2007, Milan, Italy. Subject 1: Advanced Photovoltaics. Subsection 1.4: Terrestrial Concentrator Systems. |
[41] | A. Parretta, G. Nenna, G. Flaminio, R. Schioppo, A. Aldrin, "Multi-Source Pulsed Reflectometer for Fast Optical Mapping of a PV Module", oral presentation at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Fiera Milano, 3–7 September 2007, Milan, Italy. Subject 1: Advanced Photovoltaics. Subsection 1.1: Fundamental Studies. |
[42] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M. Stefancich, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, "Optical Characterization of CPC Concentrator by an Inverse Illumination Method", visual presentation at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Fiera Milano, 3–7 September 2007, Milan, Italy. Subject 1: Advanced Photovoltaics. Subsection 1.4: Terrestrial Concentrator Systems. |
[43] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M. Stefancich, V. Franceschini, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, "Laser Characterization of 3D-CPC Solar Concentrators", visual presentation at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Fiera Milano, 3–7 September 2007, Milan, Italy. Subject 1: Advanced Photovoltaics. Subsection 1.4: Terrestrial Concentrator Systems. |
[44] | M. Armani, W. Sparber, A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M. Butturi, M. Stefancich, "Performance Monitoring of Different PV Systems Installed in Northern Italy", visual presentation at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Fiera Milano, 3–7 September 2007, Milan, Italy. Subject 5, Subsection 5.1: PV Systems in Grid-connected Applications. |
[45] | A. Parretta, M. Armani, A. Antonini, M. Butturi, M. Stefancich, "Models for Efficiency Prediction of Different PV Module Terchnology", visual presentation at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Fiera Milano, 3–7 September 2007, Milan, Italy. Subject 4, Subsection 4.1: PV Modules. |
[46] | A. Antonini, M. Stefancich, P.Zurru, M. Butturi, P. Di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, E. Milan, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, A. Parretta, N. Baggio, L. Secco, "Experimental Results of a New PV Concentrator System for Silicon Solar Cells", visual presentation at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Fiera Milano, 3–7 September 2007, Milan, Italy. Subject 1: Advanced Photovoltaics. Subsection 1.4: Terrestrial Concentrator Systems. |
[47] | A. Parretta, G. Nenna, C. Privato, L. Gentilin, A. Maccari, A. Mittiga, M. Montecchi, M. Tucci, "Test of High Concentration Solar Cells for Applications on Fluxmeters for Solar Concentrators", visual presentation at the 22nd European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, Fiera Milano, 3–7 September 2007, Milan, Italy. Subject 1: Advanced Photovoltaics. Subsection 1.4: Terrestrial Concentrator Systems. |
[48] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M. Stefancich, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, "Inverse illumination method for characterization of CPC concentrators", oral presentation at the SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Diego, California (USA), 26-30 August 2007. |
[49] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M. Stefancich, V. Franceschini, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, "Characterization of CPC solar concentrators by a laser method", oral presentation at the SPIE Optics and Photonics Conference, San Diego, California (USA), 26-30 August 2007. |
[50] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M. Stefancich, G. Martinelli, M. Armani, "Fluxmeter for Point-Focus Solar Concentrators", visual presentation at the Int. Conference on Solar Concentrators for the Generation of Electricity or Hydrogen, ICSC-4, March 12-16 2007, El Escorial, Spain. |
[51] | A. Parretta, M. Stefancich, G. Flaminio, M. Pellegrino, L. Gentilin, A. Maccari, M. Montecchi, "Fluxmeter for Parabolic Trough Solar Concentrators", visual presentation at the Int. Conference on Solar Concentrators for the Generation of Electricity or Hydrogen, ICSC-4, March 12-16 2007, El Escorial, Spain. |
[52] | M. Stefancich, A. Antonini, E. Milan, G. Martinelli, M. Butturi, P. Zurru, P. di Benedetto, D. Uderzo, A. Parretta, "Optical Tailoring of Flat Faceted Collector for Optimal Flux Distribution on CPC Receiver", visual presentation at the Int. Conference on Solar Concentrators for the Generation of Electricity or Hydrogen, ICSC-4, March 12-16 2007, El Escorial, Spain. |
[53] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, A. Antonini, M. Armani, "Characterization of Concentrated Light Beams with Applications to Solar Concentrators. Part B: Radiometric Methods", 1st Int. School on Concentrated Photovoltaics, Ferrara, Italy, 2-6 September 2006. |
[54] | A. Parretta, A. Antonini, M. Stefancich,"Characterization of Concentrated Light Beams with Applications to Solar Concentrators. Part A: Light Scattering Methods", 1st Int. School on Concentrated Photovoltaics, Ferrara, Italy, 2-6 September 2006. |
[55] | G. Martinelli, A. Antonini, M. Stefancich, A. Ronzoni, M. Armani, P. Zurru, M. Butturi, L. Pancotti, E. Milan, A. Parretta, "Dichroic Flat Faceted Concentrator for PV Use", submitted to the XV International Materials Research Congress (IMRC 2006), Cancun, Mexico, 20-24 August 2006. |
[56] | G. Martinelli, M. Stefancich, A. Antonimi, A. Ronzoni, M. Armani, P. Zurru, L. Pancotti, A. Parretta, "Dichroic flat faceted concentrator for PV use", Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. on Sollar Concentrators for the Generation of Electricity or Hydrogen (2005), Scottsdale, Arizona, USA. |
[57] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, G. Flaminio, S. Bolognesi, G. Nenna, "Radiometer for concentrated solar radiation", poster presentation at the 20th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition, CCIB, 6-10 June 2005, Barcelona, Spain. |
[58] | A. Parretta, "Radiometri per alti flussi luminosi per la caratterizzazione di fasci di luce concentrata", R2B, Research to Business, La Ricerca rinnova l’Impresa, Bologna, Palazzo dei Congressi, 28 Febbraio - 1 Marzo 2005. |
[59] | A. Parretta, "Concentratore solare fotovoltaico innovativo", R2B, Research to Business, La Ricerca rinnova l’Impresa, Bologna, Palazzo dei Congressi, 28 Febbraio - 1 Marzo 2005. |
[60] | A. Parretta, M. Bombace, V. Colaci, "Optical properties of HDPE nets as protective covers for agricultural applications", poster pre4sentation at the II Int. Conf. on Times of Polymers (TOP), 20-23 June 2004, Ischia (Naples), Italy. |
[61] | A. Parretta, G. Nenna, A. Antonini, "Monitoring of concentrated solar radiation beams by scattering from lambertian surface and CCD recording", oral presentation at OpDiMon’04, International Conference on: "Optical Diagnostics and Monitoring: from Advanced Components to Novel Devices". Hotel Club Cala Moresca, Capo Miseno, Bacoli (Napoli), Italy, 22-26 March 2004. |
[62] | L. Lancellotti, L. Ferraioli, A. Parretta, M.A. Green, A. Wang and J. Zhao, "Photoluminescence and Electroluminescence Investigation of High Efficiency Crystalline Silicon Cells", poster presentation at EUROPV 2003, Euroconference Photovoltaic Devices: Photovoltaics and Environment, Granada, Spain, 7-12 Nov. 2003. |
[63] | P. Morvillo, A. Parretta, A. Wang and J. Zhao, "A new approach to the analysis of light collection by textured silicon surfaces", poster presentation at EUROPV 2003, Euroconference Photovoltaic Devices: Photovoltaics and Environment, Granada, Spain, 7-12 Nov. 2003. |
[64] | A. Parretta, E. Bobeico, L. Lancellotti, P. Morvillo, A. Wang and J. Zhao, "A new approach to the analysis of light collection by textured silicon surfaces", Proc. of the 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka, Japan, 7-11 May, 2003. Vol. A, 2003, pp. 122-125. |
[65] | A. Parretta, G. Graditi, R. Schioppo, M. Bombace, A. Wang and J. Zhao, "Optical degradation of photovoltaic modules", 3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion, Osaka, Japan, 7-11 May, 2003, Vol. A, pp. 274-278. |
[66] | G. Martinelli, M.A. Butturi, C. Malagù, M. Stefancich, D. Vincenzi, A. Antonini, F. Bizzi, A. Parretta, R. Winston, "Composite dish systems for high efficiency concentrator photovoltaics", oral presentation at the Conference "PV in Europe, from PV Technology to Energy Solutions", Rome, Italy, 7-11 October 2002. Ed. J.L. Bal, G. Silvestrini, A. Grassi, W. Palz, R. Bigotti, M. Gamberane, P. Helm. WIP-Munich and ETA-Florence, 2002, pp. 556-558. |
[67] | A. Parretta, G. Graditi, M. Guerra, R. Schioppo, P. Maddalena and E. Massera, "Analysis of Optical degradation of photovoltaic modules", oral presentation at the Conference "PV in Europe, from PV Technology to Energy Solutions", Rome, Italy, 7-11 October 2002. Ed. J.L. Bal, G. Silvestrini, A. Grassi, W. Palz, R. Bigotti, M. Gamberane, P. Helm. WIP-Munich and ETA-Florence, 2002, pp. 671-674. |
[68] | E. Bobeico, L. Lancellotti, P. Morvillo, A. Parrettta, A. Wang and J. Zhao, "Analysis of Light Backscattering from Textured Silicon Surfaces", oral presentation at the Conference "PV in Europe, from PV Technology to Energy Solutions", Rome, Italy, 7-11 October 2002. Ed. J.L. Bal, G. Silvestrini, A. Grassi, W. Palz, R. Bigotti, M. Gamberane, P. Helm. WIP-Munich and ETA-Florence, 2002, pp. 268-271. |
[69] | A. Parretta, L. Lancellotti, M. Tucci, L. Ferraioli, E. Massera, P. Maddalena, A. Wang, J. Zhao and M.A. Green, "Spatial distribution of EL light from high efficiency silicon solar cells", oral presentation at the Conference"PV in Europe, from PV Technology to Energy Solutions", Rome, Italy, 7-11 October 2002. Ed. J.L. Bal, G. Silvestrini, A. Grassi, W. Palz, R. Bigotti, M. Gamberane, P. Helm. WIP-Munich and ETA-Florence, 2002, pp. 260-263. |
[70] | A. Parretta, M. Tucci, P. Grillo, P. Maddalena, "Minority carrier diffusion length measurements in c-Si homojunctions by angle-resolved illumination technique", poster presentation at the Conference "PV in Europe, from PV Technology to Energy Solutions", Rome, Italy, 7-11 October 2002. Ed. J.L. Bal, G. Silvestrini, A. Grassi, W. Palz, R. Bigotti, M. Gamberane, P. Helm. WIP-Munich and ETA-Florence, 2002, pp. 175-178. |
[71] | A. Parretta, P. Morvillo, C. Privato, G. Martinelli and R. Winston, "Modelling of 3D-CPCs for concentrating Photovoltaic systems", oral presentation at the Conference "PV in Europe, from PV Technology to Energy Solutions", Rome, Italy, 7-11 October 2002. Ed. J.L. Bal, G. Silvestrini, A. Grassi, W. Palz, R. Bigotti, M. Gamberane, P. Helm. WIP-Munich and ETA-Florence, 2002, pp. 547-550. |
[72] | Yerokhov V., Parretta A., Lipinski M., Mylyanych A., "Porous Silicon Technology for Solar Cells Application, poster presentation at the 1st Ukrainian Conference on Semiconductor Physics, USCSP-1, Ukraine, Odessa, 10-14 September 2002. |
[73] | E. Bobeico and A. Parretta, "Light Backscattering Properties of Textured Silicon Surfaces", poster presentation at the 1st Ukrainian Conference on Semiconductor Physics, USCSP-1, Ukraine, Odessa, 10-14 September 2002. |
[74] | G. Martinelli, C. Malagù, M. Stefancich, D. Vincenzi, A. Parretta and R. Winston, "Optical beam splitting and CPC for high performances photovoltaic concentrator systems", oral presentation at the "19th Congress of International Commission for Optics, ICO XIX, Optics for the Quality of Life", Firenze, 25-30 August 2002. Technical Digest ed. by A. Consortini and G.C. Righini, 2002, pp. 1023-1024. Proceedings of SPIE, Washington, USA: SPIE Vol 4829 II, 2003, pp. 1059-1060. |
[75] | A. Parretta, G. Martinelli, M. Stefancich, D. Vincenzi and R. Winston, "Modelling of CPC-based photovoltaic concentrator", oral presentation at the "19th Congress of International Commission for Optics, ICO XIX, Optics for the Quality of Life", Firenze, 25-30 August 2002. Technical Digest vol. II, ed. by A. Consortini and G.C. Righini 2002, pp 1011–1012. Proceedings of SPIE, Washington, USA: SPIE Vol 4829, 2003, pp. 1045-1047. |
[76] | P. Maddalena, P. Tortora and A. Parretta, "Measurements of angle-resolved spectral reflectance by Perkin Elmer Lambda 900 spectrophotometer", poster presentation at the "19th Congress of International Commission for Optics, ICO XIX, Optics for the Quality of Life", Firenze, 25-30 August 2002. Technical Digest vol II, ed. by A. Consortini and G.C. Righini 2002, pp. 1027-1028. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Washington, USA: SPIE Vol 4829, 2003, pp. 1063-1065. |
[77] | A. Parretta, "Camera for recording light backscattered from textured photovoltaic samples", oral presentation at the "19th Congress of International Commission for Optics, ICO XIX, Optics for the Quality of Life", Firenze, 25-30 August 2002. Technical Digest ed. by A. Consortini and G.C. Righini 2002, pp. 831-832. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Washington, USA: SPIE Vol 4829 II, 2003, pp. 856-858. |
[78] | A. Parretta, P. Maddalena, P. Tortora, "Angle-resolved differential reflectance: technique for 0°-90° incidence angle reflectance measurements", oral presentation at the "19th Congress of International Commission for Optics, ICO XIX, Optics for the Quality of Life", Firenze, 25-30 August 2002. Technical Digest ed. by A. Consortini and G.C. Righini, 2002, pp. 1009-1010. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, Washington, USA: SPIE Vol 4829 II, 2003, pp. 1042-1044. |
[79] | G. Martinelli, M.A. Butturi, C. Malagù, M. Stefancich, D. Vincenzi, A. Antonini, F. Bizzi, A. Parretta, R. Winston, "Composite dish systems for high efficiency concentrator photovoltaics", oral presentation at the "EuroSun 2002", 4th ISES Europe Solar Congress, Bologna, Italy, 23-26 June 2002. |
[80] | A. Parretta, P. Grillo, M. Tucci, "Investigation of Minority Carrier Diffusion Length in Shallow Junctions by Angle-Resolved Illumination Technique", poster presentation at the E-MRS 2002 Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France, 18-21 June 2002. |
[81] | G. Martinelli, C. Malagù, M. Stefancich, D. Vincenzi, A. Parretta, R. Winston, "Concentrator PV System Employing CPC and Beam Splittings", poster presentation at the 1st aSi-Net Workshop jointly held with 8th Euroregional Workshop on "Thin Silicon Devices", Salerno (Italy), 6-8 March 2002. |
[82] | A. Parretta, E. Bobeico, I. Nasti and F. Varsano, "Light backscattering analysis of textured silicon samples", Proc. of the 1st aSi-Net Workshop jointly held with 8th Euroregional Workshop on "Thin Silicon Devices", Salerno (Italy), 6-8 March 2002. |
[83] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, A. Sarno, M. Guerra and R. Schioppo, "Analysis of Delphos PV Concentrator Degradation", oral presentation at the 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, 22-26 October 2001. Proceedings vol II, ed B. McNelis, W. Palz, H.A. Ossenbrink and P. Helm (Munchen, D: WIP; Florence, I: ETA), 2001, pp. 500-503. |
[84] | A. Parretta, P. Grillo, M. Pellegrino, A. Sarno. M. Schnell and R. Ludemann, "Angle-Resolved Reflectance Measurements on Textured Silicon Materials and Devices", poster presentation at the 17th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Munich, Germany, 22-26 October 2001. Proceedings vol II, ed B. McNelis, W. Palz, H.A. Ossenbrink and P. Helm (Munchen, D: WIP; Florence, I: ETA), 2001, pp. 1491–1494. |
[85] | E. Bobeico, F. Varsano, F. Roca and A. Parretta, "Characterization of Textured Silicon Surfaces by Light Backscattering Measurements", Proc Int. Conference on Materials Science and Condensed Matter Physics, Chisinau, Moldova, 5-7 July, 2001. Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Moldova, Institute of Applied Physics, 2001, p. 212. (Times cited 2) |
[86] | E. Bobeico, F. Varsano, F. Roca and A. Parretta, "Light Backscattering Properties of Textured Silicon Materials", Proc. of the the National Conference on Physics of Matter, INFM Meeting 2001, Rome, Italy, 18-22 June, 2001. INFM, Rome, 2001, p. 242. |
[87] | A. Parretta, P. Grillo, P. Maddalena, P. Tortora, "Minority Carrier Diffusion Length Measurements in c-Si Homojunctions by Angle-Resolved Illumination Technique", poster presentation at the National Conference on Physics of Matter, INFM Meeting 2001, Rome, Italy, 18-22 June, 2001. INFM, Rome, 2001, p. 178. |
[88] | P. Maddalena, P. Tortora, A. Parretta and J. Zhao, "Simultaneous Current/Reflectance Measurements on Solar Cells", poster presentation at the 12th Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, PVSEC-12, Cheju Island, Korea, 11-15 June, 2001. Proceedings ed. Jin Jang (Seoul, Korea: Int. PVSEC-12), 2001, p. 125-126. |
[89] | A. Parretta and J. Zhao, "Transmittance from Photovoltaic Materials under Diffused Illumination", poster presentation at the 12th Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, PVSEC-12, Cheju Island, Korea, 11-15 June, 2001. Proceedings ed. Jin Jang (Seoul, Korea: Int. PVSEC-12), 2001, p. 123-124. |
[90] | A. Parretta, H. Yakubu, F. Ferrazza, J. Zhao and M. Green, "Optical Loss of Photovoltaic Modules under Diffuse Light", oral presentation at the 12th Int. Photovoltaic Science and Engineering Conference, PVSEC-12, Cheju Island, Korea, 11-15 June, 2001. Proceedings ed. Jin Jang (Seoul, Korea: Int. PVSEC-12), 2001, pp 111–112. |
[91] | P. Maddalena and A. Parretta, "Misure di Riflettanza ad Angolo Variabile: a) Nuovo Metodo di Misura tra 0° e 90°; b) Misure su Spettrofotometro Lambda 900", oral presentation at the "Convegno del Gruppo di Lavoro in Colorimetria e Reflectoscopia della Società Italiana di Ottica e Fotonica"; "Colorimetria IV; Accordo Interstrumentale: Taratura, Manutenzione e Uso degli Spettrofotometri; Calcoli Colorimetrici", Parma, Italy, 6 April, 2001. |
[92] | A. Parretta, A. Sarno, P. Grillo, P. Maddalena, P. Tortora, "A Differential Method for Measurement of the Optical Refectance of PV Materials and Devices", poster presentation at the 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, UK, 1-5 May, 2000. vol I, ed H. Scheer, B. McNelis, W. Palz, H.A. Ossenbrink and P. Helm (London, UK: James & James Science Publishers, Ltd), 2000, pp. 133-137. |
[93] | A. Parretta, A. Sarno, P. Grillo, P. Maddalena, P. Tortora, J. Zhao and A. Wang, "Light Trapping Properties of c-Si Solar Cells Studied by Reflectance and Current Measurements at Variable Angles of the Incident Light", oral presentation at the 16th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Glasgow, UK, 1-5 May, 2000. vol II, ed H. Scheer, B. McNelis, W. Palz, H.A. Ossenbrink and P. Helm (London, UK: James & James Science Publishers, Ltd), 2000, pp 1156–1160. |
[94] | S. Cecchini, I. D’Antone, L. Degli Esposti, G. Giacomelli, M. Guerra, I. Lax, G. Mandrioli, A. Parretta, A. Sarno, R. Schioppo, M. Sorel, M. Spurio, "Solar Panels as Air Cherenkov Detectors for Extremely High Energy Cosmic Rays", oral presentation at the Sixth Topical Seminar on Neutrino and Astroparticle Physics, S. Miniato, Italy, 17-21 May, 1999. |
[95] | S. Cecchini, I. D’Antone, L. Degli Esposti, G. Giacomelli, M. Guerra, I. Lax, G. Mandrioli, A. Parretta, A. Sarno, R. Schioppo, M. Sorel, M. Spurio, "Rivelazione di Raggi Cosmici di Altisima Energia Mediante Pannelli Solari", poster presentation at the LXXXIV Congresso Nazionale SIF (Società Italiana di Fisica), Salerno, Italy, 28 September - 2 October, 1998. |
[96] | M. Pellegrino, A. Parretta and A. Sarno, "A Survey on the Electrical Insulation Behaviour of the PV Module Encapsulant Materials", oral presentation at the 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Wien, Austria, 6-10 July, 1998. European Communities, 1998, pp. 1926-1929. Proceedings vol II, ed J. Schmid, H.A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, H. Helimann and E.D. Dunlop (Ispra, I: JRC European Commission), 1998, pp 2342–2345. |
[97] | A. Parretta, A. Sarno, M. Pellegrino, C. Privato, E. Terzini, A. Romano and H. Yakubu, "Optical Reflectance Mapping (ORM): a Diagnostic Tool in the Study of Light Collection in PV Modules", poster presentation at the 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Wien, Austria, 6-10 July, 1998. Proceedings vol II, ed J. Schmid, H.A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, H. Helimann and E.D. Dunlop (Ispra, I: JRC European Commission), 1998, pp 2342–2345. |
[98] | M. Pellegrino, A. Parretta, A. Sarno and H. Yakubu, "Detection of the Encapsulant Material Degradation by Optical Measurements", poster presentation at the 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Wien, Austria, 6-10 July, 1998. European Communities, 1998, pp. 2302-2305. Proceedings vol II, ed J. Schmid, H.A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, H. Helimann and E.D. Dunlop (Ispra, I: JRC European Commission), 1998, pp 2342–2345. |
[99] | A. Parretta, A. Sarno and H. Yakubu, "A Novel Apparatus for the Optical Characterization of Solar Cells and Photovoltaic Modules", poster presentation at the 2nd World Conference and Exhibition on Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conversion, Wien, Austria, 6-10 July, 1998. European Communities, 1998, pp. 2306-2311. Proceedings vol II, ed J. Schmid, H.A. Ossenbrink, P. Helm, H. Helimann and E.D. Dunlop (Ispra, I: JRC European Commission), 1998, pp 2342–2345. |
[100] | A. Parretta, A. Sarno, R. Schioppo, M. Zingarelli and L. Vicari, "Analysis of loss mechanisms in crystalline silicon modules in outdoor operation", poster presentation at the 14th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Barcelona, Spain, 30 June - 4 July, 1997. H.S. Stephens & Associates, 1997, pp. 242-246. |
[101] | M.K. Jayaraj, A. Parretta, M.L. Addonizio, S. Loreti and L. Quercia, "Preparation of CuInSe2 thin films from cosputtered Cu-In-O precursors", poster presentation at DAE (Department of Atomic Energy, India), Solid State Physics Symposium, Cochin, India, Dec. 27-31, 1997. |
[102] | S. Li Causi, C. Messana, G. Noviello, A. Parretta and A. Sarno, "Performance Analysis of Single Crystal Silicon Modules in Real Operating Conditions", oral presentation at the 13th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Nice, France, 23-27 Oct. 1995. Proceedings vol II, ed W. Freiesleben, W. Palz, H.A. Ossenbrink and P. Helm (Bedford, UK: H S Stephens & Associates), 1995, pp 1469–1473. |
[103] | S. Loreti, A. Antonaia, A. Parretta, P.P. Prosini, L. Quercia, A. Rubino and F. Cardellini, "Phase Transformation in Electrodeposited and Sputtered Cu-In Alloys", poster presentation at the National Conference on the Physics of Matter, Naples, Italy, 29 May – 1 June, 1995. Under the auspices of CNR, INFM and the University of Naples "Federico II". |
[104] | A. Parretta, L. Quercia, M. Pellegrino, "Electrical Characterization of CIS Films and Related Devices", oral presentation at the 7th Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Montpellier, France, 3-7 May, 1995. |
[105] | A. Parretta, L. Quercia, M. Pellegrino, "Preparation of CuInSe2 Films by Selenization of Cu-In-O Precursors", oral presentation at the 7th Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Montpellier, France, 3-7 May, 1995. |
[106] | A. Parretta, L. Quercia, M. Pellegrino, "Kinetics of Selenization of Cu-In Alloys by the Close Spaced Vapor Transport Process", oral presentation at the 7th Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Montpellier, France, 3-7 May, 1995. |
[107] | M.L. Addonizio, S. Loreti, A. Agati, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, M.K. Jayaraj and A. Parretta, "Growth of Thin Chalcopyrite CuInSe2 Films by the Close Spaced Vapour Transport Process", oral presentation at the Italian Crystal Growth Conference, Brindisi, Italy, 15-17 March, 1995. |
[108] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, "Preparation and Characterization of CIS Samples", oral presentation at the 6th Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Paris, France, 3-4 November, 1994. |
[109] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, "Preparation and Characterization of Cu-In-O Precursors", oral presentation at the 6th Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Paris, France, 3-4 November, 1994. |
[110] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, "General Configuration of the H2Se Selenization System", oral presentation at the 5th Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Zurich, Switzerland, 8-10 June, 1994. |
[111] | L. Quercia, S. Avagliano, A. Parretta, E. Salza and P. Menna, "Laser Patterning of CuInSe2/Mo/SLS Structures for the Fabrication of CuInSe2 Submodules", poster presentation at the 1st Int. Symposium on Semiconductor Processing and Characterization with Lasers - Applications in Photovoltaics, Stuttgart, Germany, 18-20 April, 1994. |
[112] | M. Pellegrino, M.L. Addonizio and A. Parretta, "Chemical Bath Deposition of Cadmium Sulfide Thin Films for CuInSe2 Based Solar Cells", poster presentation at the 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-15 April, 1994. H.S. Stephens & Associates, 1994, pp. 645-647. |
[113] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, M.L. Addonizio, S. Loreti, L. Quercia, A. Agati, M. Garozzo, F. Cardellini and H.W. Shock, "Characterization of CuInSe2 Thin Films Prepared by Selenization of Sputtered Cu/In Alloys", poster presentation at the 12th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 11-15 April, 1994. H.S. Stephens & Associates, 1994, pp. 641-644. |
[114] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, "Polycrystalline Cu-In-Se Thin Films Grown by Selenization Method", oral presentation at the 4th Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Madrid, Spain, 9-10 December, 1993. |
[115] | P. Menna, A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, M.L. Addonizio, "Study of the Selenium Incorporation in Sputtered Cu, In Alloys", poster presentation at the 7th Int. Photovoltaic Science & Engineering Conference, PVSEC-7, Nagoya, Japan, 22-26 November, 1993. |
[116] | A. Parretta, M.L. Addonizio, M. Pellegrino and P. Menna, "Thin Films of Cu-In-Se Compounds Obtained by Selenization of Sputtered Metallic Alloys", oral presentation at the 5th National Seminar on Crystal Growth, Madras, India, 18-20 November, 1993. |
[117] | A. Parretta, M.L. Addonizio, A. Agati, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, F. Cardellini, J. Kessler and H.W. Shock, "Influence of Morphology and Structure of Cu/In Alloys on the Properties of CuInSe2", poster presentation at the 9th Int. Conference on Ternary and Multinary Compounds, Yokohama, Japan, 8-12 August, 1993. |
[118] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, "CuInSe2 Preparation by Sputtering and Selenization", oral presentation at the 3rd Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden, 3-4 June, 1993. |
[119] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, "Laser Scribing Applied to the Fabrication of CuInSe2 Submodules", oral presentation at the 2nd Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Portici, Italy, 23-24 March, 1993. |
[120] | A. Parretta, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, "Preparation of Cu/In Precursors by Sputtering", oral presentation at the 1st Joule II-Eurocis II Meeting, Stuttgart, Germany, 19-20 November, 1992. |
[121] | A. Parretta, M. Crocchiolo, M. Pellegrino, L. Quercia, M.L. Addonizio, A. Agati and P. Menna, "Properties of Sputtered Metallic Alloys for CuInSe2 Based Solar Cells", poster presentation at the 11th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Montreux, Switzerland, 12-16 October, 1992. Harwood Academic Publishers, 1992, pp. 850-853. |
[122] | M. Garozzo, A. Parretta, M. Vittori, A. Camanzi and P. Alessandrini, "STEM-STEBIC Technique for Defect Investigation in Semiconductor Photovoltaic Materials", poster presentation at the 10th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, 8-12 April, 1991. |
[123] | E. Cappelli, G. Giunta, A. Parretta and V. Adoncecchi, "Evaluation of Ceramic Layer Adhesion on Different Substrates", poster presentation at the 7th CIMTEC, Montecatini Terme, Italy, 24-30 June, 1990. |
[124] | A. Parretta, G. Giunta, E. Cappelli, V. Adoncecchi and V. Vittori, "Influence of Substrate and Process Parameters on the Properties of CVD-SiC", oral presentation at the 1989 MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, USA, 27 November - 2 December, 1989. MRS Symposium Proceedings Vol. 168: "Chemical Vapor Deposition of Refractory Metals and Ceramics". Ed. T.M. Besmann and B.M. Gallois, MRS, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1990, pp. 227-232. |
[125] | A. Parretta, A. Camanzi, G. Giunta and A. Mazzarano, "Morphological Aspects of Silicon Carbide Chemically Vapour-Deposited on Graphite", poster presentation at the 7th European Conf. on Chemical Vapour Deposition, Perpignan, France, 1989. Proc. Ed. By M. Ducarroir, C. Bernard, L. Vandenbulke, Les Editions de Physique, 1989. |
[126] | A. Camanzi, G. Giunta, A. Parretta and M. Vittori, "Characterization of Ceramic Coatings by Channeling Effects in Scanning Electron Microscopy", poster presentation at the 9th European Congress on Electron Microscopy, EUREM 88, York, England, 4-9 September, 1988. |
[127] | E. Cappelli, A. Parretta and G. Giunta, "C.V.D. Ceramic Coatings on Superalloys", 1st BRITE Technological Workshop, Brussels, 1987. |
[128] | A. Camanzi, A. Parretta and V. Gallone, "EBIC Analysis Interpreted with Image Elaboration by Using a Quantimet 970 Instrument", poster presentation at the XVI Congresso di Microscopia Elettronica, Bologna, Italy, 14-17 October, 1987. Alma Mater Studiorum Secularia, 1987, pp. 59-60. |
[129] | A. Parretta, "Thermodynamical Calculations on the Chemical Vapour Deposition of Si3N4 from the NH3-SiCl4-H2 System", poster presentation at the 5th Int. Conf. on High Temperature and Energy-Related Materials, Rome, Italy, 25-29 May, 1987. |
[130] | A. Camanzi, M. Vittori, A. Parretta and P. Alessandrini, "Some Aspects of the STEBIC Contrast in Different Kinds of Semiconductor Junctions", poster presentation at the XIth Int. Congress on Electron Microscopy, Kyoto, Japan, 31 August - 7 September, 1986, pp. 395-396. |
[131] | E. Scafè, A. Parretta, L. Di Rese, V. Adoncecchi, D. Margadonna and V. Paraggio, "A New Approach to Static Unidirectional Method for Silicon Crystallization", Prc. of the 6th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference, London, Great Britain, 15-19 April, 1985. Commission of the European Communities, (Report) EUR, D. Reidel Publishing Company, 1985, pp. 966-970. |
[132] | E. Scafè, A. Parretta, D. Margadonna and E. Paraggio, "A Simplified Mathematical Model for Unidirectional Solidification of Silicon: Flat-Ingot Approximation", Workshop on Solar Grade Silicon, Monaco, Germany, 9-10 October, 1984. |
[133] | A. Parretta, E. Scafè, "Misure Locali su Dispositivi Fotovoltaici", oral presentation at the Seminar: "Materiale per la Conversione Fotovoltaica dell’Energia Solare: Situazione Attuale e Sviluppi a Breve e Medio Termine", Pragma, Nettuno (Roma), 26-27 Giugno, 1984. |
[134] | M. Garozzo e A. Parretta, "Celle solari a film sottile", oral presentation at the "Seminario Scientifico-Tecnico di Lecce, 6° Corso: Tecnologie dell'Arseniuro di Gallio e Composti Connessi: Materiali e Dispositivi", Castro Marina (Lecce), Italy, 5-10 September, 1983. GNSM, Università di Lecce, 1983, pp. 503-521. |
[135] | M. Garozzo e A. Parretta, "Deposizione di strati sottili", oral presentation at the"Seminario Scientifico-Tecnico di Lecce, 6° Corso: Tecnologie dell'Arseniuro di Gallio e Composti Connessi: Materiali e Dispositivi", Castro Marina (Lecce), Italy, 5-10 September, 1983. GNSM, Università di Lecce, 1983, pp. 121-143. |