[1] | Uugun V. Valiev, J.B. Gruber, B. Zandi, U.R. Rustamov, A.S. Rakhmatov A.S., D. R. Dzhuraev, N. M. Narzullaev. Magnetooptics of quintet states of Tb3+ ion in terbium-yttrium aluminum garnet//"Phys. Stat. Sol. (b)", Vol. 242, No.4, pp. 933-946, (2005). |
[2] | U.V. Valiev, J.B. Gruber, D.K., Sardar, B. Zandi, I.S. Kachur, A.K. Mukhammadiev, V.Yu. Sokolov, V.G. Piryatinskaya, I.S. Edelman. Zeeman effect and Stark splitting of the electronic states of rare-earth ion in the paramagnetic terbium garnets Tb3Ga5O12 and Tb3Al5O12//"Phys. of the Sol. State", Vol. 49, No.1, pp. 91- 98 (2007) translated from "Fiz. Tverd. Tela", Vol. 49, No.11, pp. 87-94 (2007). |
[3] | Dhiraj K. Sardar, Kelly L. Nash, Raylon M. Yow, John B. Gruber, Uygun V. Valiev and Edvard P. Kokanyan. Absorption Intensities and Emission Cross Sections of Tb3+ (4f8) in TbAlO3//"Journ. Appl. Phys.", Vol. 100, pp. 083108(1)- 083108(5), (2006). |
[4] | John B. Gruber, Anmol S. Nijjar, Dhiraj K. Sardar, Raylon M. Yow, Uygun V. Valiev, Anvar K. Mukhammadiev,V.Yu. Sokolov, Irina Amin, K. Lenguel, I.S. Kachur, Valeriya G. Piryatinskaya, and B. Zandi. Analyses of the Optical and Magneto-optical Spectra of Tb3Ga5O12//"Journ. Appl. Phys.", Vol. 101, No1, pp. 023108(1)- 023108(14) (2007). |
[5] | U.V. Valiev, J.B. Gruber, D.K. Sardar, A.K. Mukhammadiev, Sh.A. Rakhimov, V.Yu. Sokolov. Specific features of magneto-optical spectra of Tb3Ga5O12//"Opt. and Spectrosc.", Vol. 102, No6, pp.910-917 (2007) translated from "Optika i Spektroskopiya", Vol. 102, No.6, pp. 988-995 (2007) |
[6] | Kelly. L. Nash, John B.Gruber, Raylon M.Yow, Uygun V. Valiev, Dhiraj K.Sardar. Modeling visible and infrared stimulated emission from Tb3+ in TbAlO3//"Procc. of SPIE", Vol. 6451, pp. 64511A(1)- 64511A(8) (2007). |
[7] | John. B. Gruber, Dhiraj K. Sardar, Kelly L. Nash, Uygun V. Valiev, Sh.A. Rakhimov, V.Yu. Sokolov. Non-equilibrium population distribution n excited electronic states of Tb3+ in Y3Al5O12.//"Journ. Appl. Phys.", Vol. 103, pp. 103103(1)- 103103(6), (2008) |
[8] | K. Sardar, Kelly L. Nash, Uygun V. Valiev, Abdulla A. Uzokov, and Gary W. Burdick. Spectroscopic and magnetic susceptibility analyses of the 7FJ and 5D4 energy levels of Tb3+(4f8) in TbAlO3//"Journ. of Luminescence", Vol. 128, No. 8, pp. 1271- 1284, (2008) |
[9] | U.V. Valiev, D. R. Djuraev, Sh.I. Mukhamedkhanova, N.M. Narzullaev, B.Yu. Sokolov, Sh.A. Rakhimov. Zeeman effect in luminescence spectra of terbium-yttrium aluminum Garnet //"Proceedings of Universities. Physics", No. 6, p. 38-45, (2008) |
[10] | John. B. Gruber, Dhiraj K. Sardar, Kelly L. Nash, Uygun V. Valiev, Nikolay Ter-Gabrielyan and Larry D. Merkle. Modeling optical transitions of Er3+(4f11) in C2 and C3i sites in polycrystalline Y2O3 //"Journ. Appl. Phys.", Vol. 104, pp. 023101(1)- 023101(9), (2008) |
[11] | Uygun V. Valiev, Abdulla A. Uzokov, Sharof A. Rakhimov, John B. Gruber, Dhiraj K. Sardar, Kelly L. Nash, and Gary W. Burdick. Faraday effect and magnetic susceptibility analyses in TbAlO3//"Journ. Appl. Phys.", Vol. 104, pp. 073903(1)- 073903(5), (2008) |
[12] | John B. Gruber, Sreerenjini Chandra, Dhiraj K. Sardar, Uygun V. Valiev, Nafisa I. Juraeva, and Gary W. Burdick. Modeling Optical Spectra and Van-Vleck Paramagnetism in Er3+:YAlO3//"Journ. of Appl. Phys.", Vol. 105, pp. 023112(1)- 023112(13), (2009) |
[13] | U.V. Valiev, J.B. Gruber, I.R. Gapdulkhakov, N.I. Juraeva, A.K. Mukhammadiev, Sh.A. Rakhimov, I.S. Edelman. Magnetooptics of the radiative 1D2 3F4 transition in thulium-yttrium garnet-aluminate Tm3+:YAG//"Opt. and Spectrosc.", Vol. 106, No.6, pp. 851-857 (2009) translated from"Optika i Spektroskopiya", Vol. 106, No.6, pp.959-966 (2009) |
[14] | Sh.U. Yuldashev, Tae Wong Kang, V.O. Pelenovich, U.V. Valiev. Photoluminescence and Magneto-optical Properties of Zn1-X MnXO//"Journ. of the Korean Phys. Soc.", (2009), Vol. 55, No.3, pp. 938-941 |
[15] | U.V. Valiev, Sh.A. Rakhimov, N.I. Juraeva, R.A. Rupp, L. Zhao, Zh. Wang, Zh. Zhai, J.B. Gruber and G.W. Burdick. Optical and magnetooptical properties of Ho3+:YGG//"Phys. Stat. Sol.(b)", (2010), Vol. 247, No. 1, pp. 163–169 |
[16] | John B. Gruber, Gary W. Burdick, Kelly L. Nash, Uygun V. Valiev, Sharof A. Rakhimov, and Dhiraj K. Sardar. Energy Levels and Symmetry Assignments for Stark Components of Ho3+ (4f10) in Yttrium Gallium Garnet (Y3Ga5O12)//"Journ. of Appl. Phys.", (2009), Vol. 106, pp. 113110(1)- 113110(12) |
[17] | A.V. Malakhovskii, U.V. Valiev, I.S. Edelman, A.E. Sokolov, I.Yu. Chesnokov and I.A. Gudim. Magneto-optical activity and luminescence of f-f transitions in trigonal crystal TmAl3(BO3)4//"Optical Materials", (2010), Vol. 32, pp. 1017-1021 |
[18] | Uugun V. Valiev, J.B. Gruber, Sh.A. Rakhimov, and I.S. Edelman. Anisotropy in the absorption spectra of the rare-earth orthoaluminate TbAlO3 in polarized light//"Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Akad.: Physics ", (2010), Vol. 74, No 10, p. 1386- 1388 |
[19] | Uygun V. Valiev, Alexandr A. Simonov, Dejun Fu, Davron R. Dzhuraev. Polarization characteristics of the deformed low-mode fiber waveguides with polarization conservation //Jour. of Electromagnetic Analysis and Applications (JEMAA), (2011), Vol. 3, pp. 128-132 |
[20] | John B. Gruber, Uygun V. Valiev, Gary W. Burdick, Sharof A. Rakhimov, Madhab Pokhrel, and Dhiraj K. Sardar. Spectra, energy levels, and symmetry assignments for Stark components of Eu3+(4f6) in gadolinium gallium garnet (Gd3Ga5O12) //Journ. of Lumin., Vol. 131, (2011), pp.1945–1952 |
[21] | Uygun V. Valiev, Vasiliy O. Pelenovich, John. B. Gruber, Dejun Fu, Gary W. Burdick.Magnetooptics of non-Kramers Eu3+(4f 6) ions in garnets //The International Symposium on Photonics and Optoelectronics (SOPO 2011), May 16-18, 2011Wuhan,China, Proccedings, PID1070422, DOI:10.1109/SOPO. 2011.5780407 |
[22] | Uygun V. Valiev, John B. Gruber, Dejun Fu, Vasiliy O. Pelenovich, Mariya E. Malysheva and Gary W. Burdick. Specific features of Eu3+ and Tb3+ magnetooptics in |