American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics is a peer-reviewed international journal. This journal publishes significant research papers from all branches of applied mathematical and computational sciences. It publishes original papers of high scientific value in all areas of computational and applied mathematics.

Davidson Moreira

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Professor, Federal University of Southern Border – UFFS, Brazil

Research Areas

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  MOREIRA, D.M., SOARES, P.M.M., GOULART, A.G., VILHENA, M.T., 2011. On the new parameterisation of the eddy diffusivity for radioactive pollutant dispersion. International Journal of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (Print), v. 6, p. 166-176.
[2]  COSTA, C.P., TIRABASSI, T., VILHENA, M.T. and MOREIRA, D.M., 2011. A general formulation for pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere. Journal of Engineering Mathematics, p. 1-10, 2011.
[3]  GOULART, A.G., BODMANN, B.E.J., VILHENA, M.T., SOARES, P.M.M. and MOREIRA, D.M., 2011. On the Time Evolution of the Turbulent Kinetic Energy Spectrum for Decaying Turbulence in the Convective Boundary Layer. Boundary-Layer Meteorology, v. 138, p. 61-75.
[4]  MOREIRA, D.M., TRINDADE, L.B., FISCH, G., MORAES, M.R., DORADO, R.M. and GUEDES, R.L., 2011. A multilayer model to simulate rocket exhaust clouds. Journal of Aerospace Technology and Management, v. 3, p. 41-52.
[5]  MOREIRA, D.M., TIRABASSI, T., BUSKE, D., COSTA, C.P. and VILHENA, M.T., 2010. Comparison between analytical models to simulate pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere. International journal of environment and waste management, v. 6, p. 327-344.
[6]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., SOARES, P.M.M. and DORADO, R.M., 2010. Tritium dispersion simulation in the atmosphere by the integral transform technique using micrometeorological parameters generated by large eddy simulation. International Journal of Nuclear Energy, Science and Technology (Print), v. 5, p. 11-24.
[7]  BORREGO, C., MONTEIRO, A., FERREIRA, J., MORAES, M.R., CARVALHO, A., RIBEIRO, I., MIRANDA, A.I. and MOREIRA, D.M., 2010. Modelling the photochemical pollution over the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Atmospheric Environment, v. 44, p. 370-380.
[8]  MOREIRA, D.M., TIRABASSI, T., VILHENA, M.T. and GOULART, A.G., 2010. A multilayer model for pollutant dispersion with dry deposition to the ground. Atmospheric Environment, p. 1859-1865.
[9]  TIRABASSI, T., MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T. And COSTA, C.P, 2010. Comparison between Non-Gaussian Puff Model and a Model Based on a Time-Dependent Solution of Advection-Diffusion Equation. Journal of Environmental Protection, v. 01, p. 172-178.
[10]  TIRABASSI, T., TIESI, A., BUSKE, D., VILHENA, MOREIRA, D.M., 2009. Some characteristics of a plume from a point source based on analytical solution of the twodimensional advection-diffusion equation. Atmospheric Environment 43, 2221-2227.
[11]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., BUSKE, D., TIRABASSI, T., 2009. The state-of-art of the GILTT method to simulate pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere. Atmospheric Research 92, 1-17.
[12]  TIRABASSI, T., BUSKE, D., MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., 2008. A twodimensional solution of the diffusion equation with dry deposition to the ground. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 47, 2096-2104.
[13]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., TIRABASSI, T., BUSKE, D., COSTA, C.P., 2009. Comparison between analytical models to simulate contaminant dispersion in the atmosphere. International Journal of Environment and Waste Management, in press.
[14]  GOULART, A., VILHENA, M.T., BODMANN, B.E. and MOREIRA, D.M., 2008. An analytical solution for the nonlinear energy spectrum equation by the decomposition method. Journal of Physics. A, Mathematical and Theoretical 41, p. 425205.
[15]  VILHENA, M.T., COSTA, C.P., MOREIRA, D.M., TIRABASSI, T., 2008. A semianalytical solution of the three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation considering nonlocal turbulence closure. Atmospheric Research 90, 63-69.
[16]  MOREIRA, D.M., TIRABASSI, T., MORAES, M.R., 2008. Meteorologia e poluição atmosférica. Ambiente & Sociedade 1, 1-13.
[17]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., CARVALHO, J.C., 2007. Tritium dispersion simulation in the atmosphere from ANGRA I Nuclear Power Plant. International Journal of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology 3, 118-130.
[18]  GOULART, A.G., MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., ZILITINKEVICH, S., 2007. A new growing model for the CBL from turbulent kinetic energy equation. Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Dordrecht) 7, 409-419.
[19]  RIZZA, U., CARVALHO, J.C., MOREIRA, D.M., GOULART, A.G., 2007. A global analysis of the atmospheric pollutant modeling. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 22, 1-9.
[20]  CARVALHO, J.C., MOREIRA, D.M., 2007. Evaluation of two semi-analytical techiniques in air quality applications. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 22, 10-20.
[21]  BUSKE, D., VILHENA, M.T., MOREIRA, D.M., TIRABASSI, T., 2007. Simulation of pollutant dispersion for low wind conditions in stable and convective planetary boundary layer. Atmospheric Environment 41, 5496-5501.
[22]  BUSKE, D., VILHENA, M.T., MOREIRA, D.M., TIRABASSI, T., 2007. An analytical solution of the advection-diffusion equation considering non-local turbulence closure. Environmental Fluid Mechanics (Dordrecht) 7, 43-54.
[23]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., BUSKE, D., TIRABASSI, T., 2006. The GILTT solution of the advection-diffusion equation for an inhomogeneous and nonstationary PBL. Atmospheric Environment 40 (17), 3186-3194.
[24]  COSTA, C.P., VILHENA, M.T., MOREIRA, D.M., TIRABASSI, T., 2006. Semi-analytical solution of the steady three-dimensional advection-diffusion equation in the PBL. Atmospheric Environment 40, 5659-5669.
[25]  BULIGON, L., VILHENA, M.T., MOREIRA, D.M., 2006. Uma solução semi-analítica da dispersão de poluentes com a equação do telégrafo e fluxo contra-gradiente. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 21 (1), 77-85.
[26]  DEGRAZIA, G.A., CARVALHO, J.C., MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., ROBERTI, D.R., 2006. Derivation of a decorrelation timescale depending on source distance for inhomogeneous turbulence in a convective boundary layer. Physica. A 374, 55-65.
[27]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., TIRABASSI, T., COSTA, C.P., 2006. Simulation of pollutant dispersion in the atmosphere by the Laplace transform: the ADMM approach. Water, Air and Soil Pollution 177, 285-297.
[28]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., TIRABASSI, T., BUSKE, D. and COTTA, R.M., 2005. Near source atmospheric pollutant dispersion using the new GILTT method. Atmospheric Environment 39 (34), 6290-6295.
[29]  MOREIRA, D.M., RIZZA, U., VILHENA, M.T., GOULART, A.G., 2005. Semi-analytical model for pollution dispersion in the Planetary Boundary Layer. Atmospheric Environment 39 (14), 2689-2697.
[30]  MOREIRA, D.M., TIRABASSI, T., CARVALHO, J.C., 2005. Plume dispersion simulation in low wind conditions in stable and convective boundary layers. Atmospheric Environment 39 (20), 3643-3650.
[31]  MOREIRA, D.M., FERREIRA NETO, P.V., CARVALHO, J.C., 2005. Analytical solution of the Eulerian dispersion equation for nonstationary conditions: development and evaluation. Environmental Modelling and Software 20 (9), 1159-1165.
[32]  MOREIRA, D.M., CARVALHO, J.C., GOULART, A.G. and TIRABASSI, T., 2005. Simulation of the dispersion of pollutants using two approaches for the case of a low source in a SBL: evaluation of turbulence parameterisations. Water Air and Soil Pollution 161, 285- 297.
[33]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., TIRABASSI, T., CARVALHO, J. C., 2005. A semianalytical model for the Tritium dispersion simulation in the PBL from the ANGRA I nuclear power plant. Ecological Modelling 189, 413-424.
[34]  WORTMANN, S., VILHENA, M.T., MOREIRA, D.M., BUSKE, D., 2005. A new analytical approach to simulate the pollutant dispersion in the PBL. Atmospheric Environment 39 (12), 2187-2194.
[35]  CARVALHO, J.C., VILHENA, M.T., MOREIRA, D.M., DEGRAZIA, G.A., 2005. An iterative langevin solution for contaminant dispersion simulation using the Gram-Charlier PDF. Environmental Modelling and Software 20 (3), 285-289.
[36]  SASTRE, F.A.U., CAMPOS, C.R.J., DEGRAZIA, G.A., MOREIRA, D.M., 2005. Simulação da dispersão de contaminantes em condições de forte convecção. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia 20(2), 165-174.
[37]  MOREIRA, D.M., VILHENA, M.T., CARVALHO, J.C., DEGRAZIA, G.A., 2005. Analytical solution of the advection-diffusion equation with nonlocal closure of the turbulent diffusion. Environmental modelling and software 20 (10), 1347-1351.
[38]  DEGRAZIA, G.A., ACEVEDO, O., CARVALHO, J.C., GOULART, A. G., MORAES, O.L.L., VELHO, H.F.C., MOREIRA, D.M., 2005. On the universality of the dissipation rate functional form and of the autocorrelation coefficient exponentical form. Atmospheric Environment 39 (10), 1917-1924.
[39]  CARVALHO, J.C., VILHENA, M.T., MOREIRA, D.M., 2005. Comparison between Eulerian and Lagrangian semi-analytical models to simulate the pollutants dispersion in the PBL. Applied Mathematical Modelling 31, 120-129.