American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics is a peer-reviewed international journal. This journal publishes significant research papers from all branches of applied mathematical and computational sciences. It publishes original papers of high scientific value in all areas of computational and applied mathematics.

Emanuele Galligani

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Professor, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy

Research Areas

Analysis of Numerical Methods, Error Analysis, Parallel Numerical Algorithms, Finite Difference Methods, Numerical Optimization, Mathematics of Engineering


1989Laurea in MathematicsUniversità di Bologna


2003-presentProfessor of Numerical Analysis, Faculty of Engineering, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
1998-2002Associate professor of Numerical Analysis, Faculty of Engineering, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
1993Visiting researcher, Parallel Algorithms Research Centre, Loughborough University of Te
1991-1998Assistant professor, Faculty of Sciences, Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia
1990-1991Assistant professor, Faculty of Sciences, Università di Bari

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Galligani E.: On solving a special class of weakly nonlinear finite difference systems; International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 86 (2009), 503-522.
[2]  Bonettini S., Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: Inner solvers for interior point methods for large scale nonlinear programming; Computational Optimization and Applications, Vol. 37 (2007), 1-34.
[3]  Galligani E.: The Arithmetic Mean method for solving systems of nonlinear equations in finite differences; Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 181 (2006), 579-597.
[4]  Bonettini S., Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: An inexact Newton method combined with Hestenes multipliers' scheme for the solution of Karush-Kuhn-Tucker systems; Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 168 (2005), 651-676.
[5]  Galligani E.: Iterative solution of elliptic control problems with control and state constraints; Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Vol. LIII, Fascicolo II (2005), 365-408.
[6]  Bonettini S., Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: Hestenes method for symmetric indefinite systems in interior-point method; Rendiconti di Matematica e delle Sue Applicazioni, Serie VII, Vol. 24 (2004) 185-199.
[7]  Galligani E.: Analysis of the convergence of an inexact Newton method for solving Karush-Kuhn-Tucker systems; Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Vol. LII, Fascicolo II (2004), 331-368.
[8]  Galligani E.: The Newton-Arithmetic mean method for the solution of systems of nonlinear equations; Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 134 (2003), 9-34.
[9]  Galligani E.: A two-stage iterative method for solving a weakly nonlinear parametrized system; International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 79 (2002), 1211-1224.
[10]  Galligani E.: On a quadratic functional occurring in a bivariate scattered data interpolation problem; Annali dell'Università di Ferrara, Sezione VII Scienze Matematiche, Vol. XLVIII (2002), 99-117.
[11]  Galligani E.: A two-stage iterative method for solving weakly nonlinear systems; Atti del Seminario Matematico e Fisico dell'Università di Modena, Vol. L, Fascicolo I (2002), 195-215.
[12]  Galligani E., Zanni L.: On the stability of the direct elimination method for equality constrained least squares problems; Computing, Vol. 64 (2000), 263-277.
[13]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V., Zanni L.: A minimization method for the solution of large symmetric eigenproblems; International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 70 (1998), 99-115.
[14]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V., Zanni L.: Splitting methods for quadratic optimization in data analysis; International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 63 (1997), 289-307.
[15]  Galligani E., Zanni L.: Error analysis of an algorithm for equality-constrained quadratic programming problems; Computing, Vol. 58 (1997), 47-67.
[16]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: The two-stage arithmetic mean method; Applied Mathematics and Computation, Vol. 85 (1997), 245-264.
[17]  Galligani E., Zanni L.: Error analysis in equality constrained quadratic optimization problems; Bollettino dell'Unione Matematica Italiana, Serie VII, Vol. XI-A (1997), 595-611.
[18]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V., Zanni L.: Splitting methods for constrained quadratic programs in data analysis; Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 32 (1996), 1-9.
[19]  Evans D.J., Galligani E.: A parallel additive preconditioner for conjugate gradient method for AX+XB=C; Parallel Computing, Vol. 20 (1994), 1055-1064.
[20]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: A polynomial preconditioner for block tridiagonal matrices; Parallel Algorithms and Applications, Vol. 3 (1994), 227-237.
[21]  Galligani E., Laratta A.: Error analysis of null space algorithm for linear equality constrained least squares problems; Computing, Vol. 52 (1994), 161-176.
[22]  Galligani E.: C1 Surface interpolation with constraints; Numerical Algorithms, Vol. 5 (1993) 549-555.
[23]  Ruggiero V., Galligani E.: A parallel algorithm for solving block tridiagonal linear systems; Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 24 (1992), 15-21.
[24]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: The arithmetic mean preconditioner for multivector computers; International Journal of Computer Mathematics, Vol. 44 (1992), 207-222. (Selected article and republished on: Preconditioned Iterative Methods, Topics in Computer Mathematics vol. 4 (D.J. Evans ed.), Gordon and Breach Science Publishers S.A., Lausanne, 1994, 273-288. ISBN: 2-88124-956-6)
[25]  Ruggiero V., Galligani E.: An iterative method for large sparse linear systems on a vector computer; Computers & Mathematics with Applications, Vol. 20 (1990), 25-28.
[26]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V., Zanni L.: Variable projection methods for large-scale quadratic optimization in data analysis applications; Equilibrium Problems and Variational Models (P. Daniele, F. Giannessi, A. Maugeri eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003, 185-211. ISBN: 1-4020-7470-0
[27]  Durazzi C., Galligani E.: Nonlinear programming methods for solving optimal control problems; Equilibrium Problems: Nonsmooth Optimization and Variational Inequality Models (F. Giannessi, A. Maugeri, P.M. Pardalos eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2001, 71-99. ISBN: 1-4020-0161-4
[28]  Durazzi C., Galligani E.: Solution of discrete optimal control problems via mathematical programming; Annali dell'Università di Ferrara, Sezione VII Scienze Matematiche, Supplemento al Vol. XLVI (V. Ruggiero, G. Zanghirati eds.) (2000), 493-505.
[29]  Galligani E.: Parallel solution of large Sylvester equations; Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Supplemento al Vol. 58 (A. Maugeri, E. Galligani eds.) (1999), 155-171.
[30]  Durazzi C., Galligani E.: Numerical solution of discrete quadratic optimal control problems; Recent Advances in Numerical Methods and Applications II (O.P. Iliev, M.S. Kaschiev, S.D.Margenov, Bl.H. Sendov, P.S. Vassilevski eds.), World Scientific Publishing, Singapore, 1999, 717-724. ISBN: 981-02-3827-4
[31]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V., Zanni L.: Parallel solution of large scale quadratic programs; High Performance Algorithms and Software in Nonlinear Optimization (R. De Leone, A. Murli, P.M. Pardalos, G. Toraldo eds.), Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1998, 189-205. ISBN: 0-7923-5483-4
[32]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V., Zanni L.: Splitting methods and parallel solution of constrained quadratic programs; Rendiconti del Circolo Matematico di Palermo, Serie II, Supplemento al Vol. 48 (F. Giannessi, A. Maugeri, M. De Luca eds.) (1997), 121-136.
[33]  Galligani E., Zanni L.: Error analysis of elimination methods for equality constrained quadratic programming problems; Numerical Methods and Error Bounds (G. Alefeld, J. Herzberger eds.), Akademie Verlag, Berlin, 1996, 107-112. ISBN: 3-05-501696-3
[34]  Galligani E.: Solution of the Sylvester equation on a parallel computer; Parallel Computing: State-of-the Art and Perspectives (E.H. D'Hollander, G.R. Joubert, F.J. Peters, D. Trystram eds.), North-Holland-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1996, 189-195. ISBN: 0-444-82490-1
[35]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: Implementation of splitting methods for solving block tridiagonal linear systems on transputers; Proceedings of Euromicro Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Processing (M. Valero, A. Gonzalez eds.), IEEE Computer Society Press, Los Alamitos CA, 1995, 409-415. ISBN: 0-8186-7031-2
[36]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: A parallel preconditioner for block tridiagonal matrices; Parallel Computing: Trends and Applications (G.R. Joubert, D. Trystram, F.J. Peters, D.J. Evans eds.), North-Holland-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1994, 113-120. ISBN: 0-444-81841-3
[37]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: Analysis of splitting parallel methods for solving block tridiagonal linear systems; Proceedings of SMS TPE'94 (V.P. Ivannikov, V.A. Serebriakov eds.), Institute for System Programming of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, 1994, 406-416.
[38]  Galligani E., Ruggiero V.: Computation of minimal eigenpair in the large sparse generalized eigen-problem using vector computers; Parallel Computing'91 (D.J. Evans, G.R. Joubert, H. Liddell eds.), North-Holland-Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam, 1992, 193-201. ISBN: 0-444-89212-5