American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics is a peer-reviewed international journal. This journal publishes significant research papers from all branches of applied mathematical and computational sciences. It publishes original papers of high scientific value in all areas of computational and applied mathematics.

Masoud Saravi

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Assistant Professor, Islamic Azad University, Nour Branch, Iran

Research Areas

Nimerical solution of ODEs, PDEs, ADE, Integral Equations


Ph.DNumerical Analysis, Open University (UK)
MphilApplied Mathematics, Amir Kabir University (IRAN)
M.ScNumerical Analysis, Brunel University (UK)
B.ScMathematics and Statistics, Polytechnic of North London (UK)
Advanced LevelsDudley Technical College (UK)


presentAssistant Professor, Islamic Azad University of Iran, Mathematics Department

Publications: Journals

[1]  E. Babolian, M. Bromilow, R. England, M. Saravi, 'A modification of pseudo-spectral method for solving linear ODEs with singularity', (AMC) 188 (2007) 1260-1266.
[2]  M. Saravi, F. Ashrafi, and S. R. Mirrajei, Numerical Solution of Linear Ordinary Differential Equations in Quantum Chemistry by Clenshaw Method. International Journal of Computational and Mathematical Science 2;4 Fall 2008.
[3]  M. Saravi, R. Seaadati, He's variational iteration method for following integral equations 'Computers & Mathematics with Applications (CAMWA)' (Dec 2009) Volume 58, Page: 2167-2171.
[4]  M.Saravi, E. Babolian, R. England, M. Bromilow, 'System of Linear Differential Equations and Differential-Algebraic Equations by Pseudo-spectral Method', Computers & Mathematics with Applications (CAMWA), Volume 59 (2010) 1524-1531.
[5]  M.Saravi, E. Babolian, M. Rastegari, 'System of linear differential equations and collocation method', Mathematic Scientific Journal (MSJ), Volume 5, NO.2, Autumn-Winter 2009-2010, Page: 79-87.
[6]  M.Saravi, S. Saravi, A. Nikkar, 'Boundaryand Limit value of Cauchy's integral on Elasticity problem', Mathematic Scientific Journal (MSJ), Vol6, NO. 1, S. N. 12, (2010), 76-84.
[7]  M.Saravi, S. Saravi, 'A new look at one of the Newton-like methods for solving nonlinear equations', International Journal of Numerical Methods and Apllications', Volume 5, NO1, 2011, pages 1-13.
[8]  M.Saravi, 'Pseudo-First Integral Method for Benjamin-Bona-Mahony, Gardner andFoam Drainage Equations', International Journal of Numerical Methods and J.Basic.Appl.Res., 1(7)521-526, 2011.
[9]  M.Saravi, A. Nikkar, 'Application of Cauchy's Integrals on Elasticity problem', J.Basic. Appl..1(17)516-520, 2011.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  Linear Algebra
[2]  Applied Mathematics
[3]  Differential Equations
[4]  Engineering Mathematics
[5]  Mathematics for Management
[6]  Calculus of One Variable Functions
[7]  Advanced Engineering Mathematics
[8]  Calculus of several Variables Functions