American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics is a peer-reviewed international journal. This journal publishes significant research papers from all branches of applied mathematical and computational sciences. It publishes original papers of high scientific value in all areas of computational and applied mathematics.

Mohamed Mneimneh

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Research Scientist, Marquette University Alumni, SAP Labs, USA

Research Areas

Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning, Applications: Demand Modeling and Forecasting, Cardiac Disease Detection and Localization, and Design Optimization and Fault Detection of Electric Machinery


2006-2008Ph.DMilwaukee, WI, Computer and Electrical Engineering
2004-2006MasterMarquette University-Milwaukee, WI, Computer and Electrical Engineering
2000-2003BachelorAmerican University of Beirut — Beirut, Lebanon, Computer Science


2008-presentSAP Labs, Scottsdale AZ, Research Scientist
2004-2008Marquette University, Milwaukee WI, Teaching Assistant
2006-2007Marquette University, Milwaukee WI, Research Assistant
2004-2006Marquette University, Milwaukee WI, Research Assistant
2005Marquette University, Milwaukee WI, Software Engineer
2002-2003Digital Enterprise, Beirut, Lebanon, Software Analyst and Developer
2003American University of Beirut, Lebanon, Assistant Professor
2003American Educational Center, Lebanon, Instructor
2001-2003American University of Beirut, Lebanon, Teaching assistant

Academic Achievement

Physionet/Computers in Cardiology Challenge 2007 award winner
Recipient of the Rev. John P. Raynor, S.J. Fellowship
Research Assistantship from the Office National Science in collaboration with Marquette University
Research Assistantship from the Office of Naval research at Marquette University


IEEE member, Eta Kappa Nu (engineering honor society) member

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Richard J. Povinelli, "A rule-based approach for the prediction of acute hypotensive episodes", Computers in Cardiology, 2009 (5 independent Citations)
[2]  Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Richard J. Povinelli, "An Electrophysiological Cardiac Model Approach to Measuring T-Wave Alternans", Computers in Cardiology, 2008
[3]  Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Michael T. Johnson, Richard J. Povinelli "A Heart Cell Model for the Identification of Myocardial Ischemia", International Conference on Health Informatics, Funchal, Madeira-Portugal, 2007
[4]  Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Richard J. Povinelli "A Reconstructed Phase Space/Gaussian Mixture Model for the Characterization of Myocardial Infarcts" Computers in Cardiology, 2007, Durham, NC, USA. (4 independent citations)
[5]  Mohamed A. Mneimneh, George F. Corliss, Richard J. Povinelli "A Cardiac Electro-physiological Model Based Approach for Filtering High Frequency ECG Noise" Computers in Cardiology, 2007, Durham, NC, USA, Pages: 109-113. (1 independent citation)
[6]  Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Richard J. Povinelli, Michael T. Johnson "An Integrative Approach for the Measurement of QT interval" Computers in Cardiology, 2006, Valencia, Spain.
[7]  Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Edwin E. Yaz, Michael T. Johnson, Richard J. Povinelli "Adaptive Kalman Filter Approach for the Baseline Removing Baseline Wandering " Computers in Cardiology, 2006, Valencia, Spain. (15 independent citations)
[8]  Richard J. Povinelli, Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Michael T. Johnson "Cardiac Model Based Approach to QT Estimation" Computers in Cardiology, 2006, Valencia, Spain. (2 independent citations)
[9]  A. A. Arkadan, M. N. ElBsat, Mohamed A. Mneimneh, "Particle Swarm Design Optimization of ALA Rotor SynRM for Traction Applications", IEEE Trans on Magnetics (4 independent citations)
[10]  A. A. Arkadan, Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Nizar Alaawar "R-FL-C Model for Design Optimization of PM Generators, IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, April 2007, Page(s):1649:1652
[11]  A. A. Arkadan, Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Nizar Alaawar "Adaptive Artificial Intelligence Technique for the Characterization of AC Actuator " IEEE Trans. on Magnetics, Oct. 2005 Page(s):3985-3987
[12]  A. A. Arkadan, M. N. ElBsat, Mohamed A. Mneimneh, "Particle Swarm Design Optimization of ALA Rotor SynRM for Traction Applications", CEFC 2008
[13]  A. A. Arkadan, Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Nizar Alaawar "R-FL-C Model for Design Optimization of PM Generators" Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation 2006, Florida, Page(s):474-474.
[14]  Mohamed A. Mneimneh, James Richie, "The Application of Finite Difference Time Domain Method to Several Microwave Devices", Sigma Xi Poster Session, Marquette University, 2006.
[15]  A. A. Arkadan, Mohamed A. Mneimneh, Nizar Alaawar "Adaptive fuzzy logic for the characterization of AC actuators" INTERMAG Asia 2005, Page(s):207-208.