American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics is a peer-reviewed international journal. This journal publishes significant research papers from all branches of applied mathematical and computational sciences. It publishes original papers of high scientific value in all areas of computational and applied mathematics.

Jari Makinen

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics

Post-doctoral Fellow, Tampere University of Technology, Mechanics and Design, Finland

Research Areas

Flexible Multibody Mechanics, Geometrically Exact Beam Theory, , Finite Rotations On Rotation Manifold SO(3), ?Contact and Impact Mechanics, Modeling Hydraulic Systems


2004Ph.DApplied Mechanics, Tampere University of Technology
1996M.ScApplied Mechanics, Tampere University of Technology
1991B.ScMechanical Engineering, Tampere College of Technology


2010-presentAcademy Research Fellow, Tampere University of Technology, the project: "Development of Numerical Solution Methods in Applied Mechanics"
2006-2008Researcher in the research project "Modelling and Simulation of Coupled Problems in Mechanics and Electrical Engineering" TAMPERE UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Department of Mechanics and Design
2004-2006Researcher in the research project of "The Analysis and Optimization of Flexible Mechanisms", Applied Mechanics TUT
2001-2004Researcher, Applied Mechanics TUT
1997-2001Researcher in Graduate School program in Applied Mechanics, Applied Mechanics TUT
1995-1996Research Assistant, Mathematics TUT

Publications: Journals

[1]  Makinen J, Kouhia R, Fedoroff A, Marjamaki H (2010) "Direct Computation of Critical Equilibrium States for Spatial Beams and Frames", Submitted to International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering
[2]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2009) "Total Lagrangian Beam Element with C1-Continuous Slide-Spring", Computers & Structures 87(9-10), pp. 534-542.
[3]  Makinen J (2008) "Rotation Manifold SO(3) and Its Tangential Vectors", Computational Mechanics 42(6), pp. 907-919.
[4]  Makinen J (2007) "Total Lagrangian Reissner's Geometrically Exact Beam Element without Singularities", International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering 70(9), pp. 1009-1048.
[5]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2006) "Modelling a Telescopic Boom-The 3D Case: Part II", Computers & Structures 84(29-30), pp. 2001-2015
[6]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2003) "Modelling Telescopic Boom-The Plane Case: Part I", Computers & Structures 81(16), pp. 1597-1609.
[7]  Makinen, J (2001) "Critical Study of Newmark-Scheme on Manifold of Finite Rotations", Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 191(8-10), pp. 817-828
[8]  Makinen J, Piché R, Ellman A (2000) "Fluid Transmission Line Modeling Using a Variational Method", ASME Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control 122(1), pp. 153-162.
[9]  Suuriniemi S, Forsman K, Kettunen L, Makinen J (2000) "Computation of Eddy Currents Coupled with Motion", IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 36(4), pp. 1341-1345.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Makinen J, Kouhia R, Ylinen A (2010) "On Computing Critical Equilibrium Points by a Direct Method", The 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics(NSCM-23), 21-22 October 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
[2]  Saksala T, Makinen J (2010) "Numerical Modelling of Bit-Rock Interaction in Percussive Drilling By Manifold Approach", The 23rd Nordic Seminar on Computational Mechanics (NSCM-23), 21-22 October 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.
[3]  Makinen J, Kouhia R, Fedoroff A, Marjamaki H (2010) "Implementation of a Direct Procedure for Critical Point Computations", The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2010), 14-17 September 2010, Valencia, Spain.
[4]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J, Pertola P (2010) "Non-Linear Finite Element Modelling of a Test System for Maintenance Robot", The Tenth International Conference on Computational Structures Technology (CST2010), 14-17 September 2010, Valencia Spain.
[5]  Makinen J, Matikainen M (2010) "Geometrically Exact Beam Formulation versus Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation", The 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD2010), 25-27.5.2010, Lappeenranta, Finland
[6]  Makinen J, Pertola P, Marjamaki H (2010) "Modeling Coupled Hydraulic-Driven Multibody Systems using Finite Element Method", The 1st Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics (IMSD2010), 25-27.5.2010, Lappeenranta, Finland
[7]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J, Fedoroff A, Kouhia R (2009) "A Static Method for Computation of the Tilting Angle of Working Machines", The 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2009), Rhodes, Greece 22-24 Jun 2009
[8]  Makinen J, Marjamaki H (2008) "Modelling Hydraulic Systems as Finite Elements", The 17th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM-2008), Corfu, Greece, 23–25 Jun 2008.
[9]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2008) "A Model of Flexible Sliding Joint in Beam Structure", The 17th IASTED International Conference on Applied Simulation and Modelling (ASM-2008), Corfu, Greece, 23–25 Jun 2008.
[10]  Makinen J, Marjamaki H (2007) "Orthotropic Geometrically Exact Bar and Spring Elements", Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2007), Rethymno, Greece, 13-16 June 2007.
[11]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2007) "The Raising Movement of a Hydro-Mechanical Lift Frame", Computational Methods in Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering (COMPDYN 2007), Rethymno, Greece, 13-16 June 2007.
[12]  Makinen J, Marjamaki H (2006) "Total and Updated Lagrangian Geometrically Exact Beam Elements", The III European Conference on Computational Mechanics-Solid, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering (ECCM-2006), Lisbon, Portugal 5-9 June 2006.
[13]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2006) "Different Approaches in Modelling Boom Lifting Movement", The III European Conference on Computational Mechanics-Solid, Structures and Coupled Problems in Engineering (ECCM-2006), Lisbon, Portugal 5-9 June 2006.
[14]  Makinen J, Marjamaki H (2005) "Total Lagrangian Parametrization of Rotation Manifold", The Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ENOC-2005, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 7-12 August 2005. pp. 522-530.
[15]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2005) "Modelling Telescopic Boom", The Fifth EUROMECH Nonlinear Dynamics Conference, ENOC-2005, Eindhoven, Netherlands, 7-12 August 2005, pp. 495-504.
[16]  Makinen J, Ellman A, Piché R (1997) "Dynamic Simulations of Flexible Hydraulic-Driven Multibody Systems using Finite Strain Theory", The Fifth Scandinavian International Conference on Fluid Power, SICFP'97, Linkoping, Sweden, May 28-30, vol. 2, pp. 119-134.
[17]  Fedoroff A, Kouhia R, Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2009) "On the Direct Computation of Critical Equilibrium States in Solid and Structural Mechanics".Proceedings of the 10th Finnish Mechanics Days, Jyvaskyla, December 3.-4.
[18]  Makinen J, Marjamaki H, Pajunen S (2009) "Nopeudesta riippuvien hitausvoimatermien vaikutus palkkilaskentaan". Proceedings of the 10th Finnish Mechanics Days, Jyvaskyla, December 3.-4.
[19]  Makinen J, Marjamaki H (2006) "Monikappalemekaniikan mallintaminen parametrisoimalla sidosmonisto", Proceedings of the 9th Finnish Mechanics Days, Lappeenranta, June 13-14.
[20]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2006) "Puomin nostoliikkeen mallinnuksesta", Proceedings of the 9th Finnish Mechanics Days, Lappeenranta, June 13-14.
[21]  Makinen J (2003) "Eulerin differentiaaliyhtalon kuvaus kiertymismonistolta lineaariseen avaruuteen", Proceedings of the 8th Finnish Mechanics Days, Helsinki, June 12-13.
[22]  Marjamaki H, Makinen J (2003) "Teleskooppipuomin mallintaminen elementtimenetelmalla", Proceedings of the 8th Finnish Mechanics Days, Helsinki, June 12-13.
[23]  Makinen J (2000) "Newtonin ja Lagrangen mekaniikan peruslait", Proceedings of the 7th Finnish Mechanics Days, Tampere, 25.-26.5.2000, vol. 2, pp. 609-620.
[24]  Toivola J, Makinen J (1997) "An Alternative FE-solution Strategy for Elastostatic Problems", Proceedings of the 6th Finnish Mechanics Days, Oulu, September 5-6, pp. 337-350.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  Makinen J (2004) "A Formulation for Flexible Multibody Mechanics-Lagrangian Geometrically Exact Beam Elements using Constraint Manifold Parametrization", Dr. Tech. thesis, Tampere University of Technology, Applied Mechanics and Optimization, Research Report 2004:3, 89 pp. URL:
[2]  Makinen J (2009) "Manifolds on Continuum Mechanics ", In: Continuum Mechanics, Editors: Andrus Koppel and Jaak Oja, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-60741-585-5.
[3]  Makinen J (2009) "Rotation Manifold SO(3) and Its Tangential Vectors", In: Lie groups: New Research, Editor: Altos B. Canterra, Nova Science Publishers, ISBN: 978-1-60692-389-4.