[1] | Arnold Neumaier, Oleg Shcherbina, Waltraud Huyer, Tamas Vinko. A comparison of complete global optimization solvers. Math. Programming B, 2005, v. 103, p. 335-356. |
[2] | O. Shcherbina. On nonserial modification of local decomposition algorithm, Dynamic Systems, 2005, 19, p. 179-190. |
[3] | A. Saraev, O. Shcherbina. System analysis and modern information technologies, Scientific Works of the Crimean Academy of Sciences, Simferopol, 2006, p. 47-59. |
[4] | V. Nikolsky, A. Ryzhakov, O. Shcherbina. Principles of development of model-based computer system of recreational systems research, Dynamic Systems, 2005, 19, p. 152-160. |
[5] | A. Ryzhakov, O. Shcherbina, V. Nikolsky. Mathematical Programming (Lecture Notes). Simferopol, 2005. 264 p. |
[6] | V. Matveyev, V. Titarenko, O. Shcherbina. Modern computational Internet possibilities for solving optimization problems, Building and Technosecurity, 2005, 10, p. 227-232. |
[7] | A. Saraev, O. Shcherbina. System approach, system analysis and newest information technologies. Ibid, 2005, 12, p. 156-163. |
[8] | A. Neumaier, O. Shcherbina. Nonserial dynamic programming and local decomposition algorithms in discrete programming, Discrete Optimization (submitted). Available online: http://www.optimizationonline.org/DB\_HTML/2006/03/1351.html |
[9] | O. Shcherbina. Nonserial dynamic programming and tree decomposition in discrete optimization, Applied Optimization and Metaheuristic Innovations (Abstracts of Int. Conference, Yalta, July 19-21, 2006), 2006, p.45-46. |
[10] | O. Shcherbina. Elimination decomposition algorithms of discrete optimization problems, Tavrian Herald of Informatics and Mathematics, 2006, N 2, p. 28-41. |
[11] | O. Shcherbina. Local algorithms and tree decomposition. Dynamic Systems, 2006, 20, p. 89-103. |
[12] | A. Ryzhakov, O.Shcherbina. Modern problems of mathematical modelling in operations research, Dynamic Systems, 2006, 21, p. 115-129. |
[13] | O. Shcherbina. Nonserial dynamic programming and tree decomposition in discrete optimization, Proceedings of Int. Conference on Operations Research "Operations Research 2006" (Karlsruhe, 6-8 September, 2006), Springer Verlag, 2007, p.155-160. |
[14] | O. Shcherbina Elimination local algorithms for constraint satisfaction problems. Tavrian Herald of Informatics and Mathematics, 2007, N 1. |
[15] | O. Shcherbina. Local elimination algorithms in discrete optimization. Proceedings of International conference "Scheduling and decomposition techniques", 28.03.2007, Minsk, 2007. |
[16] | O. Shcherbina. Tree decomposition in discrete optimization (a survey), Cybernetics and Systems Analysis, 2007, N4. Available online: http://www.springerlink.com/content/n6w880rw24513433/?p=50c98ca390f3487fa0d01ff9927c67d6&pi=7 |
[17] | O. Shcherbina. Local elimination algorithms for solving sparse discrete problems, Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics, 2008, Vol. 48, p. 152-167. |
[18] | O. Shcherbina. The role of graph structures in theory of local elimination algorithms, Dynamic systems, 2008, N 24. |
[19] | O. Shcherbina. Graph-Based Local Elimination Algorithms in Discrete Optimization./In: Foundations of Computational Intelligence Volume 3. Global Optimization Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence, Vol.203/Abraham A.; Hassanien A.-E.; Siarry P.; Engelbrecht A. (Eds.). Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. 2009, XII, 528 p. P. 235-266. |
[20] | O. Shcherbina. Tree decomposition and postoptimality analysis in discrete optimization, arXiv:0903.4435v1 [cs.DM] (2009). |
[21] | O. Shcherbina. On local block elimination algorithms for solving sparse discrete optimization problems. In: Proceedings of IV All-Russian conference "Optimization problems and economical applications", 2009. |
[22] | O. Shcherbina. Local elimination algorithms of query processing in databases. Tavrian Herold of Informatics and Mathematics, 2009, N2. |
[23] | O. Shcherbina, E. Shembeleva. Modeling tourism sustainable development. In: CISSE 2009 Proceedings. Volume 2: Innovations in Computing Sciences and Software Engineering (eds T. Sobh, K. Elleithy), 2010. |
[24] | A.Sviridenko, O. Shcherbina. Ordering techniques for local elimination algorithms. Tavrian Herold of Informatics and Mathematics, 2011, N1. |
[25] | A.Sviridenko, O. Shcherbina. Benchmarking ordering techniques for nonserial dynamic programming. http://arxiv.org/abs/1107.1893 |
[26] | O. Shcherbina. Local elimination algorithms for sparse discrete optimization problems. D.Sc. Thesis. Simferopol, Tavrian National University, 2010, 357 p. (Manuscript) (defended at Computing Centre of Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) on 24.03.2011. |