Public Health Research

Public Health Research is an essential peer-reviewed journal that energetically engages with key public health issues that have come to the fore in the global environment — mounting inequalities between rich and poor; the globalization of trade; new patterns of travel and migration; epidemics of newly-emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases; the HIV/AIDS pandemic; the increase in chronic illnesses; escalating pressure on public health infrastructures around the world; and the growing range and scale of conflict situations, terrorist threats, environmental pressures, natural and human-made disasters.

Haider Mohammed Majeed

Lecturer, University of Baghdad/ College of Nursing, Iraq

Research Areas

"Gastroenterology and Hepatology


2008Bachelor of nursing scienceUniversity of Baghdad- College of Nursing
2015Master of ScienceUniversity of Baghdad- College of Nursing
2020Doctor of Philosophy of Nursing sciencesUniversity of Baghdad- College of Nursing


2009-2012Academic nurse
2012-2015Assistant Instructor
2019-until nowLecturer


Assistant head of the fundamentals of nursing department 2012-2013
Assistant head of the fundamentals of nursing department 2017-2019
Member unit of Scientific Affairs 2015-2016
Member of the Commission exam 2015-2016
A member of the Central Committee of the College of inventory
Member of Quality Assurance Section 2018-2019
Journal of Health Sciences and Research (JOHSR)/ Reviewer
American Journal of Nursing and Health Sciences / Reviewer
International Healthcare Research Journal/Reviewer
Journal of Social Research and Behavioral Sciences (SADAB)/ Editor
The Journal of Medical Research/ Editor

Publications: Journals

[1]  Impact of Liver Cirrhosis upon Adult Patients’ Daily Living Activities at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
[2]  Determination of Factors Affecting Treatment Compliance among Hypertension Patients in Baghdad Teaching Hospital
[3]  Assessment of Nursing Students Knowledge Regarding Hepatitis B Virus at Iraqi Nursing Colleges
[4]  Evaluation of Nurses' Interventions for Adult Patients with Thrombocytopenia at Baghdad City
[5]  Assessment of knowledge and practices of intensive care unit nurses about endotracheal suctioning for adult patients in Baghdad teaching hospitals, Iraq
[6]  Assessment of Nurses Documentation for Nursing Care at Surgical Wards in Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
[7]  Evaluation of Quality of Nursing Documentation in Surgical Wards at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
[8]  Knowledge and Protective Health Behaviors Concerning Risk Factors for Coronary Heart Disease among Baghdad University Students
[9]  Assessment of Undergraduate Critical Care Nursing Students ' Knowledge and Attitudes toward Caring of Dying Patients In colleges of Nursing at Baghdad University
[10]  Evaluation of Nurses’ Knowledge and Attitudes toward Pain Management at Baghdad Teaching Hospitals
[11]  Determination of Employees' Attitudes Concerning Contributing Factors and Early Detection for Prostate Cancer in Baghdad University Colleges in bab-Almudam
[12]  Assessment of Employees’ Knowledge Concerning Contributing Factors and Early Detection for Prostate Cancer in Baghdad University Colleges in bab-Almudam
[13]  Effectiveness of an Educational Program on Employees Knowledge concerning Contributing Factors and Early Detection for Prostate Cancer in Baghdad University Colleges in Bab-Almudam
[14]  Nursing College Students’ Knowledge about Dyslipidemia in University of Baghdad