[1] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Die anatomischen Einrichtungen des Blutkreislaufs beim Fötus, Anatomischer Anzeiger (Annals of Anatomy), 121: 283-293, 1967, ISSN 0940-9602; PMID: 5592270 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[2] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Ciobanu, E., Studiul acţiunii substanţelor adjuvante asupra culturilor de stafilococ alb introdus intraperitoneal la cobai, Revista Medico-Chirurgicală a Societăţii de Medici şi Naturalişti Iaşi, 74: 391-396, 1970, ISSN 0300-8738; PMID: 5447567 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[3] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Effects of centrophenoxine on the lipofuscin pigments in the nervous system of old rats, Brain Research, 72: 265-275, 1974, ISSN 0006-8993; PMID: 4151704 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]; |
[4] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Popescu, Al., Mécanismes métaboliques du contrôle de l'excitation/inhibition dans le cerveau. Le système acide glutamique/acide aminobutyrique et leurs métabolites. I. Métabolisme de l'acide-aminobutyrique, Archives de l'Union Médicale Balkanique, 21: 487-488, 1983, ISSN 0041-6940; IDB: www.scimagojr.com |
[5] | Riga, D., Toma, T., Riga, S., Perieţeanu, M., Les mécanismes souscellulaires de la vitalité cérébrale. I. Les mécanismes neuro-morphologiques, Archives de l'Union Médicale Balkanique, 22: 815-817, 1984, ISSN 0041-6940; IDB: www.scimagojr.com |
[6] | Schneider, Fr., Mederle, C., Riga, S., Riga, D., Mătieş, R., Săvoiu, G., Goţia, S., Mihalaş, Gh., Buftea, A., Morphological and biochemical relations in contention stress by rats, Fiziologia-Physiology, 2(1): 17-19, 1992, ISSN 1223-2076; IDB: www. ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[7] | Predescu, V., Riga, D., Riga, S., Ţurlea, J., Moisil Bărbat, I., Botezat-Antonescu, L., Antagonic-Stress: a new treatment in gerontopsychiatry and for a healthy productive life, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 717: 315-331, 1994, ISSN 0077-8923; PMID: 8030848 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[8] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Antagonic-Stress®: a therapeutic composition for deceleration of aging. I. Brain lipofuscinolytic activity demonstrated by light and fluorescence microscopy, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 19(S1): 217-226, 1994, ISSN 0167-4943; PMID: 18649862 [PubMed-in process]. |
[9] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Antagonic-Stress®: a therapeutic composition for deceleration of aging. II. Brain lipofuscinolytic activity demonstrated by electron microscopy, Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 19(S1): 227-234, 1994, ISSN 0167-4943; PMID: 18649863 [PubMed-in process]. |
[10] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Lipofuscin and ceroid pigments in aging and brain pathology. A review. I. Biochemical and morphological properties, Romanian Journal of Neurology and Psychiatry, 33: 121-136, 1995, ISSN 0035-3981; PMID: 7547376 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]; |
[11] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Brain lipofuscinolysis and ceroidolysis-to be or not to be, Gerontology, 41(S2): 271-280, 1995, ISSN 0304-324X; PMID: 8821338 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[12] | Riga, S., Riga, D., An antistress and antiaging neurometabolic therapy: accelerated lipofuscinolysis and stimulated anabolic regeneration by the Antagonic-Stress synergistic formula, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 771: 535-550, 1995, ISSN 0077-8923; PMID: 8597428 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[13] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Synergistic multitherapy-as rational strategy in aging-multifactorial process, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 854: 477, 1998, ISSN 0077-8923; |
[14] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Correlation between lipofuscin accumulation and aging neuropathology, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 854: 495, 1998, ISSN 0077-8923; |
[15] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Schneider, F., Regenerative Medicine: Antagonic-Stress® therapy in distress and aging. I. Preclinical synthesis-2003, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1019: 396-400, 2004, ISSN 0077-8923; PMID: 15247053 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[16] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Schneider, F., Prolongevity medicine: Antagonic-Stress® drug in distress, aging and related diseases. II. Clinical review-2003, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1019: 401-405, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 2004, ISSN 0077-8923; PMID: 15247054 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[17] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Schneider, F., Present and future anti-aging strategies in geronto-geriatrics: "SENS earns SENSe", Fiziologia-Physiology, 14(1): 32-36, 2004, ISSN 1223-2076; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[18] | Riga, D., Schneider, F., Riga, S., Subcellular anti-aging mechanisms in brain longevity, Fiziologia-Physiology, 15(1): 7-11, 2005, ISSN 1223-2076; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[19] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Hălălău, F., Schneider, F., Brain lipopigment accumulation in normal and pathological aging, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 158-163, 2006, ISSN-0077-8923; PMID: 16803981 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[20] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Schneider, F., Hălălău, F., Processing, lysis and elimination of brain lipopigments in rejuvenation therapies, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1067: 383-387, 2006, ISSN-0077-8923; PMID: 16804015 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[21] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Acad. Prof. Dr. Phillip V. Tobias-o personalitate de excelenţă în antropologia şi ştiinţa mondială, Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură, 3(1): 50-57, 2007, ISSN 1841-1401; IDB: www.ceeol.com, www. ebscohost.com, www. indexcopernicus.com, www.doaj.org |
[22] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Prezentarea operei ştiinţifice a Acad. Phillip V. Tobias: sinteza lucrărilor realizate şi publicate timp de peste o jumătate de secol (1945-2003) şi impactul în dezvoltarea mondială a ştiinţei şi culturii, Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură, 3(1): 58-68, 2007, ISSN 1841-1401; IDB: www.ceeol.com, www. ebscohost.com, www. indexcopernicus.com, www.doaj.org |
[23] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Ioan Oprescu (1932-2008)-personalitate de marcă a antropologiei româneşti, Romanian Medical Journal, 55: 139-141, 2008, ISSN 1220-5478; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.scirus.com, www.getcited.org, www. wame.org |
[24] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Prof. dr. doc. Ilie Th. Riga, promotor în fundamentarea palestricii, Palestrica Mileniului III, 9: 334-335, 2008, ISSN 1582-1943; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[25] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Vulnerabilitate, stres şi senescenţă. Mişcarea şi activitatea fizică-factori anti-îmbătrânire, Palestrica Mileniului III, 10: 7-13, 2009, ISSN 1582-1943; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[26] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Moş, L., Motoc, D., Schneider, F., Stiluri de viaţă pro-longevitate. Importanţa activităţii fizice şi sportului, Palestrica Mileniului III, 10: 138-144, 2009, ISSN 1582-1943; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[27] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Sinevici, V., Prof. Dr. Ramon Valentin (1929-2007)-medicină sportivă şi ortopedie, Palestrica Mileniului III, 10: 462-464, 2009, ISSN 1582-1943; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[28] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Ardelean, A., Schneider, F., Health, longevity and ecology-an integrated paradigm, Fiziologia-Physiology, 20(1): 13-16, 2010, ISSN 1223-2076; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[29] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Ardelean, A., Man, V., Cultura tradiţiei şi patrimoniului. Ctitorii, toponime şi eponime, Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură, 6(1): 96-112, 2010, ISSN 1841-1401; IDB: www.ceeol.com, www. ebscohost.com, www. indexcopernicus.org, www.doaj.org |
[30] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Paradigma palestricii, Palestrica Mileniului III, 11: 7-9, 2010, ISSN 1582-1943; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[31] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Sănătate, alimentaţie şi sport, Palestrica Mileniului III, 11: 77-78, 2010, ISSN 1582-1943; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[32] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Ardelean, A., Schneider, F., The contemporary man in his bio-psycho-socio-ecological dimension, Fiziologia-Physiology, 20(2): 8-10, 2010, ISSN 1223-2076; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[33] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Buda, O., Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia (1860-1937)-ctitorul şi fondatorul psihiatriei bucureştene, Studii de Ştiinţă şi Cultură, 6(2): 259-270, 2010, ISSN 1841-1401; IDB: www.ceeol.com, www. ebscohost.com, www. indexcopernicus.org, www.doaj.org |
[34] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Mihăilescu, A., Motoc, D., Moş, L., Schneider, F., Longevity health sciences and mental health as future medicine, Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1197: 184-187, 2010, pISSN 0077-8923, eISSN 1749-6632; PMID: 20536848 [PubMed-indexed for MEDLINE]. |
[35] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Construcţia sănătăţii şi medicina omului sănătos, Romanian Medical Journal, 57: 223-229, 2010, ISSN 1220-5478; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.scirus.com, www.getcited.org, www.wame.org |
[36] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Ardelean, A., Pribac, G., Schneider, F., Neuropathology of Alzheimer disease. Connexions with cerebral senescence, Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldis. Life Sciences Series, 21: 251-262, 2011, pISSN 1584-2363, eISSN 1842-7863; IDB: www.scopus.com; www. ebscohost.com; www.journals.indexcopernicus.com; www.journalseek.net; www.doaj.org |
[37] | Motoc, D., Turtoi, N. C., Riga, D., Riga, S., Durerea neuropată-particularități fiziologice și fiziopatologice. Direcții teraputice, Romanian Medical Journal, 58: 20-26, 2011, pISSN 1220-5478, eISSN 2069-606X; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.scirus.com, www.getcited.org, www.wame.org |
[38] | Mihăilescu, A., Riga, S., Riga, D., Iamandescu I.-B., Genomica stresului: determinarea binomului stres/vulnerabilitate, Romanian Medical Journal, 58: 92-97, 2011, pISSN 1220-5478, eISSN 2069-606X; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.scirus.com, www.getcited.org, www.wame.org |
[39] | Motoc, D., Riga, S., Riga, D., Turtoi, N. C., Avram, C. R. Modificări electromiografice și mecanomiografice induse de oboseală, Palestrica Mileniului III, 12: 144-150, 2011, pISSN 1582-1943, eISSN 2247-7322; IDB: www.ebscohost.com, www.journals.indexcopernicus.com |
[40] | Riga, D., Riga, S., The science of aging. Global progress, Rejuvenation Research, 14: 573-577, 2011, pISSN 1549-1684, eISSN 1557-8577; PMID: in process PubMed-in process. |
[41] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Selektive lipofuszinolytische Effekte von Centrophenoxin am Nervensystem alter Ratten, pp. 22-27, In: J. Kugler (Hrsg.), Hirnstoffwechsel und Hirndurchblutung, Schnetztor Verlag, Konstanz, Schweiz, 1977. |
[42] | Predescu, V., Riga, D., Riga, S., Ţurlea, J., Moisil Bărbat, I., Botezat-Antonescu, L., Antagonic-Stress: a new treatment in gerontopsychiatry and for a healthy productive life, pp. 315-331, In: I. Zs.-Nagy, D. Harman, K. Kitani (eds.), Pharmacology of Aging Processes. Methods of Assessment and Potential Interventions, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 1994, ISBN 0-89760-881-2. |
[43] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Brain lipofuscinolysis and ceroidolysis-to be or not to be, pp. 271-280, In: K. Kitani, G.O. Ivy, H. Shimasaki (eds.), Lipofuscin and Ceroid Pigments. State of the Art 1995, Karger, Basel, 1995, ISBN 3-8055-6259-4. |
[44] | Riga, S., Riga, D., An antistress and antiaging neurometabolic therapy: accelerated lipofuscinolysis and stimulated anabolic regeneration by the Antagonic-Stress synergistic formula, pp. 535-550, In: G.P. Chrousos, R. McCarty, K. Pacák, G. Cizza, E. Sternberg, P.W. Gold, R. Kvetňanský (eds.), Stress-Basic Mechanisms and Clinical Implications, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 1995, ISBN 088766-944-4. |
[45] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Synergistic multitherapy-as rational strategy in aging-multifactorial process, p. 477, In: D. Harman, R. Holliday, M. Meydani (eds.), Towards Prolongation of the Healthy Life Span. Practical Approaches to Intervention, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 1998, ISBN 1-57331-109-X. |
[46] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Correlation between lipofuscin accumulation and aging neuropathology, p. 495, In: D. Harman, R. Holliday, M. Meydani (eds.), Towards Prolongation of the Healthy Life Span. Practical Approaches to Intervention, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 1998, ISBN 1-57331-109-X. |
[47] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Stres, stres oxidativ, îmbătrânire şi patologie neuro-psihică, pp. 211-225, In: D. Prelipceanu, R. Mihailescu, R. Teodorescu (eds.), Tratat de Sănătate Mintală, vol. 1, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 2000, ISBN 973-45-0324-3. |
[48] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Terapii moderne de activare cerebrală anti-stres şi anti-îmbătrânire, pp. 415-440, In: D. Prelipceanu, R. Mihailescu, R. Teodorescu (eds.), Tratat de Sănătate Mintală, vol. 1, Editura Enciclopedică, Bucureşti, 2000, ISBN 973-45-0324-3. |
[49] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Prelipceanu, D., Negrescu. C., Carp, C., Hriscu, E., Stres şi vulnerabilitate psihopatologică în psihogeriatrie, pp. 231-237, In: G. Cornuţiu (ed.), Tulburările nevrotice în actuala dinamică a factorilor de stres, Editura Imprimeriei de Vest, Oradea, 2003, ISBN 973-8195-90-X. |
[50] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Schneider, F., Regenerative medicine: Antagonic-Stress® therapy in distress and aging. I. Preclinical synthesis-2003, pp. 396-400, In: A. D. N. J. de Grey (ed.), Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence: Reasons why Genuine Control of Aging may be Foreseeable, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 2004, ISBN 1-57331-497-8. |
[51] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Schneider, F., Prolongevity medicine: Antagonic-Stress® drug in distress, aging and related diseases. II. Clinical review-2003, pp. 401-405, In: A. D. N. J. de Grey (ed.), Strategies for Engineered Negligible Senescence: Reasons why Genuine Control of Aging may be Foreseeable, New York Academy of Sciences, New York, NY, 2004, ISBN 1-57331-497-8. |
[52] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Schneider, F., Prelipceanu, D., Mihailescu R., Protective and cerebral activating therapies with anti-stress, anti-impairment and anti-aging actions, pp. 64-69, In: E. Sorel, D. Prelipceanu (eds.), Images of Psychiatry-Romania. 21 Century Romanian Psychiatry, WPA-World Psychiatric Association & Infomedica Press, Bucharest, RO, 2004, ISBN 973-7912-32-2. |
[53] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Schneider, F., Romanian priorities in the biology of stress and regenerative medicine, pp. 69-75, In: E. Sorel, D. Prelipceanu (eds.), Images of Psychiatry-Romania. 21 Century Romanian Psychiatry, WPA-World Psychiatric Association & Infomedica Press, Bucharest, RO, 2004, ISBN 973-7912-32-2. |
[54] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Prelipceanu, D., Mihailescu R., Schneider, F., Romanian priorities in stress therapy and prolongevity medicine, pp. 75-81, In: E. Sorel, D. Prelipceanu (eds.), Images of Psychiatry-Romania. 21 Century Romanian Psychiatry, WPA-World Psychiatric Association & Infomedica Press, Bucharest, RO, 2004, ISBN 973-7912-32-2. |
[55] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Hălălău, F., Schneider, F., Brain lipopigment accumulation in normal and pathological aging, pp. 158-163, In: S. Rattan, P. Kristensen, B. F. C. Clark (eds.), Understanding and Modulating Aging, Blackwell, Boston, MA, 2006, ISBN-10: 1-57331-599-0. |
[56] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Schneider, F., Hălălău, F., Processing, lysis and elimination of brain lipopigments in rejuvenation therapies, pp. 383-387, In: S. Rattan, P. Kristensen, B. F. C. Clark (eds.), Understanding and Modulating Aging, Blackwell, Boston, MA, 2006, ISBN-10: 1-57331-599-0. |
[57] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Hălălău, F., Schneider, F., Chapter 27. Lipofuscin and ceroid pigments-markers of normal and pathological brain aging, pp. 213-221, In: R. Klatz, R. Goldman (eds.), Anti-Aging Therapeutics, vol. 8, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), Chicago, IL, USA, 2006, ISBN 0-9668937-9-4. |
[58] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Hălălău, F., Schneider, F., Chapter 28. Neurono-glial mechanisms in brain protection, aging deceleration and neuro-psycho-longevity, pp. 223-235, In: R. Klatz, R. Goldman (eds.), Anti-Aging Therapeutics, vol. 8, American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), Chicago, IL, USA, 2006, ISBN 0-9668937-9-4. |
[59] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Glavce, C., Bălăceanu-Stolnici, C., Stîrcea-Crăciun, M., Iancu, E., Prof. Dr. Phillip V. Tobias-o personalitate de excelenţă în antropologia şi ştiinţa mondială (Prof. Dr. Phillip V. Tobias-a personality of excellence in world's anthropology and science), pp. 7-16 (Romanian), pp. 17-27 (English), In: P. V. Tobias (ed.), Evolution of the Anthropological Sciences, Hasefer, Bucharest, RO, 2007, ISBN 978-973-630-165-0. |
[60] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Bălăceanu-Stolnici, C., Glavce, C., Iancu, E., Stîrcea-Crăciun, M., Prezentarea operei ştiinţifice a Prof. Phillip V. Tobias: sinteza lucrărilor realizate şi publicate timp de peste o jumătate de secol (1945-2003) şi impactul în dezvoltarea mondială a ştiinţei şi culturii (Presentation of Prof. Dr. Phillip V. Tobias's scientific work: synthesis of the works made and published for over half a century (1945-2003) and their impact in the development of world science and culture), pp. 147-163 (Romanian), pp. 164-180 (English), In: P. V. Tobias (ed.), Evolution of the Anthropological Sciences, Hasefer, Bucharest, RO, 2007, ISBN 978-973-630-165-0. |
[61] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Mihailescu, R., Etio-pathologic patterns of stress-aging medicine in neuro-psycho-geriatrics, pp. 265-272, In: F. A. Schneider, D. M. Podea, P. D. Nanu (eds.), Gerontology Today, Editura Viaţa Medicală Românească, Bucureşti, RO, 2007, ISBN 978-973-8437-96-8. |
[62] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Mihailescu, R., Synergistic simultaneous anti-stress and anti-aging strategies in geronto-prophylaxis and healthy longevity, pp. 108-116, In: F. A. Schneider, D. M. Podea, P. D. Nanu (eds.), Gerontology Today, Editura Viaţa Medicală Românească, Bucureşti, RO, 2007, ISBN 978-973-8437-96-8. |
[63] | Riga, D., Riga, S., O nouă paradigmă în medicină şi psihiatrie: tetrada disstres uzură îmbătrânire polipatologie, pp. 31-75, In: G. Cornuţiu, D. Marinescu (eds.), Orientări şi perspective în gândirea psihiatrică românească actuală, vol. 1, Editura Universităţii din Oradea, Oradea, RO, 2007, ISBN 978-973-759-323-8. |
[64] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Ispas, A., Bărboi, D., Contribuţia prof. dr. doc. Ilie Th. Riga la dezvoltarea antropologiei, pp. 841-848, In: Dan Riga, Sorin Riga (eds.), Anatomie şi antropologie (I. Th. Riga, Gh. Călin), Editura Cartea Universitară (Ars Academica), Bucureşti, 2008, ISBN 978-973-731-610-3. |
[65] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Oprescu, I., Chapter 2. Antropologie, pp. 1313-1335 (din Section IV. Ştiinţele Fundamentale Medicale), In: N. Ursea (ed.), Enciclopedie Medicală Românească de la Origini până în Prezent, vol. 2, Ed. Universitară „Carol Davila", Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-973-708-358-6. Riga, S., Riga, D., Prelipceanu, D., Chapter 27. Psihiatrie, pp. 2124-2172 (din Section V. Ştiinţele Medicale), In: N. Ursea (ed.), Enciclopedie Medicală Românească de la Origini până în Prezent, vol. 3, Ed. Universitară „Carol Davila", Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-973-708-359-3. |
[66] | Riga, D., Riga, S., Chapter 29. Gerontologie şi Geriatrie, pp. 2189-2229 (din Section V. Ştiinţele Medicale), In: N. Ursea (ed.), Enciclopedie Medicală Românească de la Origini până în Prezent, vol. 3, Ed. Universitară „Carol Davila", Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-973-708-359-3. Riga, D., Riga, S., Chapter 30. Medicina Anti-Îmbătrânire (Anti-Aging) şi Ştiinţele Longevităţii, pp. 2230-2253 (din Section V. Ştiinţele Medicale), In: N. Ursea (ed.), Enciclopedie Medicală Românească de la Origini până în Prezent, vol. 3, Ed. Universitară „Carol Davila", Bucureşti, 2009, ISBN 978-973-708-359-3. |
[67] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Mihăilescu, A., Motoc, D., Moş, L., Schneider, F., Longevity health sciences and mental health as future medicine, pp. 184-187, In: R. M. Tanguay (ed.), Aging, Cancer, and Age-Related Diseases. Common Mechanisms?, Wiley-Blackwell-New York Academy of Sciences, Boston, MA, 2010, ISBN-13: 978-1-57331-796-2. |
[68] | Riga, S., Riga, D., Medicina stresului-necesitate a prezentului, pp. 141-174, In: J. Vincze (ed.), Biofizika-Biophysics, vol. 38 (Medical Biophisics), NDP Kiadó, Budapest, HU, 2011, ISBN 978-963-86975-4-7. |
[69] | S. Riga, D. Riga (eds.), Stress and Modern Society, thematic number of the Romanian Journal of Mental Health, 11(1): 1-68, 2004, ISSN 1453-8857 (Papers in Romanian, Summaries in French and English), taken over internationally for global distribution by www.Amazon.com/USA |
[70] | D. Riga, S. Riga, Anti-Aging Medicine and Longevity Sciences, University Book Publishing (Ars Academica), Bucharest, RO, 2007, ISBN 13: 978-973-731-545-8, (in Romanian); www.dacoromanica.ro |
[71] | S. Riga, D. Riga, Stressology, Adaptology and Mental Health, University Book Publishing (Ars Academica), Bucharest, RO, 2008, ISBN 13: 978-973-731-546-5, (in Romanian); www.dacoromanica.ro |