International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing

International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing is concerned with original research, new developments, site measurements and case studies in rock mechanics and rock engineering. It provides an international forum for the publication of high quality papers on the subject of rock mechanics and the application of rock mechanics principles and techniques to mining and civil engineering projects built on or in rock masses.

Ridho Wattimena

Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Mining Engineering and Mineral Processing

Associate Professor, Department of Mining Engineering, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Indonesia

Research Areas

• Rock Mechanics• Geotechnics• Surface Mining• Underground Mining

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  R.Trueman R, M.Pierce, R.K.Wattimena.Quantifying stresses and support requirements in the undercut and production level drifts of block and panel caving mines.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2002, 39: 617-632
[2]  B.Sulistianto, M.S.Sulaiman, R.K.Wattimena, A.Ardianto, K.Matsui. Determination of stope geometry in jointed rock mass at Pongkor underground gold mine.International Journal of the Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics, 2009, 5: 63-68
[3]  R.K.Wattimena, B.Sirait, N.P.Widodo, K.Matsui.Evaluation of rockburst potential in a cut-and-fill mine using energy balance. International Journal of the Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics, 2012, 8: 19-23
[4]  R.K.Wattimena.Predicting probability stability of rock slopes using logistic regression.International Journal of the Japanese Committee for Rock Mechanics, 2013, 9:1-6
[5]  R.K.Wattimena, S.Kramadibrata, I.D.Sidi, M.A.Azizi.Developing coal pillar stability chart using logistic regression.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2013, 58: 55-60
[6]  M.A.Azizi, S.Kramadibrata, R.K.Wattimena, I.D.Sidi.Probabilistic analysis of physical models slope failure.Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 2013, 6: 411-418
[7]  B.Sirait, R.K.Wattimena, N.P.Widodo.Rockburst prediction of a cut and fill mine by using energy balance and induced stress.Procedia Earth and Planetary Science, 2013, 6: 426-434
[8]  Purwanto, H.Shimada, T.Sasaoka, R.K.Wattimena, K.Matsui.Influence of stope design on hanging wall decline in Cibaliung underground gold mine.International Journal of Geosciences, 2013, 4: 1-8
[9]  R.K.Wattimena.Predicting the stability of hard rock pillars using multinomial logistic regression.International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2014, 71: 33-40
[10]  Purwanto, S.Wahyudi, H.Shimada, T.Sasaoka, R.K.Wattimena, T.Karian, K.Matsui.Support design of underground cut and fill mine by using hybrid numerical empirical model.Journal of Geology and Geosciences, 2014, 3: 8 pp
[11]  M.A.Rai, G.S.Adisoma, R.K.Wattimena.Penggunaanperilakuelasto-visko-plastispadaanalisiskemantapanlubangbukaanbawahtanah.JurnalTeknologi Mineral, 2001, 8: 375-383
[12]  R.K.Wattimena, S.Kramadibrata, B.Damanik.Studirayapangeserdankekuatanjangkapanjangbatulumpur di laboratorium. JurnalTeknologi Mineral, 2006, 12: 143-147
[13]  S.Saptono, S.Kramadibrata, B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena.Pengaruhukurancontohterhadapkekuatanbatuan. JurnalTeknologi Mineral, 2009, 16: 1-12
[14]  B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena, S.Kramadibrata, T.A.Rabudianto, A.Ardianto.Estimation of rock support type for the South ramp down development at Pongkor underground mine.JurnalTeknologi Mineral, 2009, 16: 109-118
[15]  I.Arif I, B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena, D.Carrugan, A.R.Siahaan. Slope stability analysis in a granite quarry with complex geological structure- Case study of a granite quarry in Karimun Island, Indonesia. The 12th International Symposium of Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Kalgoorlie, Australia, 2003
[16]  R.K.Wattimena, B.Sulistianto, Risono, K.Matsui.A semi-caving method applied at level 600 Ciurug Vein, Pongkor Underground Gold Mine, PT Aneka Tambang Tbk.The 13th International Symposium of Mine Planning and Equipment Selection, Wroclaw, Poland, 2004
[17]  B.Dwinagara, R.K.Wattimena, S.Kramadibrata, B.Sulistianto, M.A.Rai, K.Matsui, N.Shiraishi, I.D.Setiawan, H.Sudarman.Measurement of rock mass deformation modulus using Goodman's Jack in Pongkor Underground Gold Mine, Indonesia.The 2nd International Symposium of Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2004
[18]  R.K.Wattimena, M.A.Rai, S.Kramadibrata.An alternative method for designing the production level of a block caving mine.The 2nd International Symposium of Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2004
[19]  B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena, S.Kramadibrata, M.A.Rai, B.Dwinagara, K.Matsui, I.D.Setiawan, H.Sudarman, E.J.Herlambang.Influence of a stope on drift displacements in a fractured rock mass at Pongkor underground gold mine, Indonesia.The 3rd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 2004
[20]  S.Kramadibrata, M.A.Rai, P.Hartami, B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena, K.Matsui.Determination of three dimensional in situ stress regime using hydraulic fracturing and acoustic emission methods.The 3rd Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Kyoto, Japan, 2004
[21]  R.K.Wattimena, Widijanto E, H.Sahupala.Convergence monitoring for evaluating the stability of extraction level after drawpoints closing in DOZ underground mine, PT Freeport Indonesia.The 3rd International Symposium of Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2005
[22]  R.K.Wattimena, B.Sulistianto, K.Matsui, B.Dwinagara, E.Barnas.Measuring rock mass modulus in a stoping-affected cross-cut in Pongkor underground gold mine.The 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Singapore, 2006
[23]  R.K.Wattimena, E.Widijanto, R.Ernawan.Correlating apparent stresses predicted by microseismic monitoring and tunnel displacements measured with convergencemeter in the DOZ block caving mine.The 4th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Singapore, 2006
[24]  R.K.Wattimena.Numerical modelling of mining-induced energy in a cut-and-fill mine.The 4th International Symposium of Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2006
[25]  S.Sulaiman, B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena, S.Kramadibrata, B.Dwinagara,K.Matsui, I.D.Setiawan.Stress distribution and displacement analysis in a stope in Pongkor underground gold mine.The 4th International Symposium of Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2006
[26]  B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena, I.Arif, S.Widhy.Lowwall stability analysis, case study at Abimanyu pit, Satui mine, PT Arutmin Indonesia.The 9th International Symposium of Mineral Exploration, Bandung, Indonesia, 2006
[27]  S.Kramadibrata, R.K.Wattimena, B.Sulistianto, G.M.Simangunsong, A.Tobing.Shear strength characteristic of coal bearing strata.The 11th Congress of International Society for Rock Mechanics, Lisbon, Portugal, 2007
[28]  S.Kramadibrata, D.Sihombing, B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena.Influence of water on shear strength characteristics of sandstone.The 5th International Symposium of Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2007
[29]  T.Sasaoka, K.Matsui, H.Shimada, H.Furukawa, S.Kramadibrata, B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena.Roof support systems at a new underground mine developed from open-cut highwall in Indonesia.The 4th International Symposium of High Performance Mine Production, Aachen, Germany, 2007
[30]  R.K.Wattimena, M.A.Rai, S.Kramadibrata, I.Arif, B.Dwinagara.Estimating rock mass long-term strength using in situ measurement and testing results.The 5th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Tehran, Iran, 2008
[31]  S.Kramadibrata, R.K.Wattimena, I.Kamil, M.A.Rai, E.Widijanto.Application of AE for determining in situ stress at UG mine.The 5th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Tehran, Iran, 2008
[32]  S.Kramadibrata, R.K.Wattimena, B.Sulistianto, G.M.Simangunsong, S.H.Prassetio.Failure criteria development using triaxial multistage and conventional.The International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2008
[33]  B.Sulistianto, R.K.Wattimena, S.Kramadibrata, T.A.Rabudianto, A.Ardianto.The role of geotechnical investigation on the ramp down development in Pongkor underground gold mine.The International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2008
[34]  N.P.Widodo, S.Kramadibrata, Y.Wicaksana, R.K.Wattimena, F.Hermawan, Nardono.A preliminary field-study to determine rolling resistances in surface coal mine.The International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2010
[35]  R.K.Wattimena, R.K.Uripto, S.Kramadibrata, N.P.Widodo.Study of nozzle design selection for hydraulic fracturing test on rock samples under triaxial condition.The 12th Congress of International Society for Rock Mechanics, Beijing, China, 2011
[36]  S.Kramadibrata, S.Saptono, R.K.Wattimena, G.M.Simangunsong, B.Sulistianto.Developing a slope stability curve of open pit coal mine by using dimensional analysis method.The 12th Congress of International Society for Rock Mechanics, Beijing, China, 2011
[37]  Purwanto, R.K.Wattimena, H.Shimada, T.Sasaoka, K.Matsui.Roughness effect on shear strength.The International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2011
[38]  Y.Wicaksana, N.P.Widodo, S.Kramadibrata, R.K.Wattimena, J.W.Sigalingging, M.Rizky, Nardono.Determining rolling resistance coefficient on hauling road using dump truck in open pit coal mine. The International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2011
[39]  S.Kramadibrata, M.A.Rai, T.Trides, R.K.Wattimena, G.M.Simangunsong.Measuring volumetric strain of triaxial test using linear displacement pump.The International Symposium on Earth Science and Technology, Fukuoka, Japan, 2011
[40]  R.K.Wattimena, S.Kramadibrata, I.Arif I, M.A.Azizi, I.D.Sidi.Probabilistic analysis of single bench using new slope stability curves.The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 2012
[41]  S.Kramadibrata, R.K.Wattimena, I.D.Sidi, M.A.Azizi, Y.Ardiansyah. Open pit mine slope stability and uncertainty.The 7th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium, Seoul, Korea, 2012
[42]  S.Kramadibrata, R.K.Wattimena, M.A.Azizi, Y.Wicaksana, I.D.Sidi Physical modeling and simulation of slope failure by means of centrifuge acceleration.Eurock, Wroclaw, Poland, 2013
[43]  M.A.Azizi, S.Kramadibrata, R.K.Wattimena, I.D.Sidi.Characterization of the distribution of physical and mechanical properties of rocks at the Tutupan coal mine, South Kalimantan, Indonesia.Eurock, Wroclaw, Poland, 2013