[1] | Sierpiński G.: Technologically advanced and responsible travel planning assisted by GT Planner. Advances in Systems, Decision and Control. Springer (recommended to publish by reviewers) |
[2] | Sierpiński G.: Distance and frequency of travels made with selected means of transport – a case study for the Upper Silesian conurbation (Poland). Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing. Springer (recommended to publish by reviewers) |
[3] | Staniek M., Sierpiński G.: Cost criteria as a means to support travelling mode related decisions – a case study for the central part of Silesian Voivodeship (Poland). Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (in print) |
[4] | Sierpiński G.: Promotion of environmentally friendly transport behaviour using a multicriterial multimodal trip planner as a means to support reduction of external costs. Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics (in print) |
[5] | Krawiec S., Karoń G., Janecki R., Sierpiński G., Krawiec K., Markusik S.: Economic conditions to introduce the battery drive to busses in the urban public transport. Transportatrion Research Procedia. Elsevier (in print) |
[6] | Sierpiński G., Staniek M., Celiński I.: Travel behavior profiling using a trip planner. Transportatrion Research Procedia. Elsevier (in print) |
[7] | Sierpiński G.: The modal split of traffic in the European cities. Logistyka – Nauka No. 4/2015. pp. 1479-1486 |
[8] | Celiński I., Sierpiński G.: Example Of Rational Modal Split In The Transport Network Technical And Economic Issues. Forum Scientiae Oeconomia Volume 2 (2014) No. 4, pp. 101-114 |
[9] | Sierpiński G.: Model of Incentives for Changes of the Modal Split of Traffic Towards Electric Personal Cars. In: J. Mikulski (Ed.): TST 2014, CCIS 471, pp. 450–460, 2014. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014 |
[10] | Celiński I., Sierpiński G.: Real time model for public transportation management. LogForum 2014, 10 (1), pp. 31-41 |
[11] | Celiński I., Sierpiński G.: Traffic Signal Control System with Extended Logic in the Context of the Modal Split. IERI Procedia, Vol. 4, Elsevier 2013., pp. 148 – 154. ScienceDirect http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ieri.2013.11.022 |
[12] | Celiński I., Sierpiński G.: GSM Network Telemetric Capabilities Supporting the Construction of Modal Split Focused Traffic Models. Journal of Intelligent Transportation and Urban Planning. Vol.1 No.1, pp.29-40. on-line: http://www.bowenpublishing.com/itup/paperInfo.aspx?PaperID=15033 |
[13] | Sierpiński G.: Changes of the modal split of traffic in Europe. Archives of Transport System Telematics. Volume 6, Issue 1, Fabruary 2013, pp. 44-47 |
[14] | Sierpiński G.: Revision of the Modal Split of Traffic Model. Activities of Transport. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Springer Volume 395, Heidelberg 2013, pp. 338-345 |
[15] | Pypno Cz., Sierpiński G.: Modelling of the operation of the multi-storey automated garage with a big capacity. LogForum 2013, 9 (3), pp. 199-208 |
[16] | Celiński I, Sierpiński G.: A dynamic management of a public transportation fleet. LogForum 2013, 9 (3), pp. 135-143 |
[17] | Celiński I., Krawiec S., Macioszek E., Sierpiński G.: The Analysis of Travellers Behaviour in the Upper Silesian Conurbation. The Archives of Transport, Vol. XXIV, No 4/2012, pp. 441-461 |
[18] | Sierpiński G.: Theoretical Model and Activities to Change the Modal Split of Traffic. Transport Systems Telematics. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Springer Volume 329, Heidelberg 2012, pp. 45-51 |
[19] | Sierpiński G., Celiński I.: Use of GSM Technology as the Support to Manage the Modal Distribution in the Cities. In: Subic A., Wellnitz J., Leary M., Koopmans L. (Eds.): Sustainable Automotive Technologies 2012. Springer, Heidelberg 2012, pp. 235-244 |
[20] | Sierpiński G.: Travel behavior and alternative modes of transportation. Transport Systems Telematics. Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer, Springer Volume 239, Heidelberg 2011, pp. 86-93 |