[1] | Yolcu, U., Aladag, C. H., Egrioglu, E., Uslu, V. R., Time series forecasting with a novel fuzzy time series approach: an example for Istanbul stock market, Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, (Accepted Manuscript, Doi:10.1080/00949655.2011.630000). |
[2] | Misir A.F., Manisali M., Egrioglu E., Naini F.B., Retrospective Analysis of Nasal Soft Tissue Profile Changes With Maxillary Surgery, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 69, 190-194, 2011. |
[3] | Egrioglu, E., Aladag, C. H., Yolcu, U., Uslu, V. R., Erilli, N. A., Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Method Based on Gustafson-Kessel Fuzzy Clustering, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 10355-10357, 2011. |
[4] | Alpaslan F., Cagcag Ö., Egrioglu E., Reduction of patient waiting time by simulation in Ondokuz Mayıs University medical faculty department of neurosurgery, Scientific Research and Essays, Vol 6(5), pp. 1063-1070, 2011. |
[5] | Erilli N.A., Yolcu U., Egrioglu E., Aladag C.H., Öner Y., Determining the most proper number of cluster in fuzzy clustering by using artificial neural Networks, Expert Systems with Applications, 38, 2248-2252, 2011 (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Operation Research &Managment Science). |
[6] | Egrioglu E., Aladag Ç.H, Başaran M.A., Uslu V.R.,Yolcu U., , A New Approach Based on the Optimization of the Length of Intervals in Fuzzy Time Series", Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems,22,15-19, 2011(SCI Expanded Kapsamında, Subject Area: Computer Science& Artificial Intelligence). |
[7] | Egrioglu, E., Aladag, C.H., Kadilar, C. (2011), The CSS and Two Staged Methods for Parameter Estimation in SARFIMA Models, Journal of Probability and Statistics, Special Issue: Advances in Applied Econometrics, Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 691058, 11 pages doi:10.1155/2011/691058 (Current Index to Statistics (CIS), International Abstracts in Operations Research (IAOR), Statistical Theory and Method Abstracts (STMA-Z), Zentralblatt MATH Database, Computers and Applied Sciences Complete) |
[8] | Alpaslan F., Erilli N.A., Yolcu U., Eğrioğlu E., Aladağ Ç.H., Bulanık Kümelemede En Uygun Küme Sayısının Yapay Sinir Ağları ve Diskriminant Analizi ile Belirlenmesi, Atatürk Üniversitesi İktisadi ve İdari Bilimler Dergisi, 10. Ekonometri ve İstatistik Sempozyumu Özel Sayısı, 25, 475-488, 2011. |
[9] | Aladag C.H., Egrioglu E., Yolcu U., Forecast Combination Using Artificial Neural Networks, Neural Processing Letters, 32, 269-276, 2010. (SCIE Kapsamında, Subject Area: Computer Science &Artificial Intelligence) |
[10] | Aladag C.H., Yolcu U., Egrioglu E., A high order fuzzy time series forecasting model based on adaptive expectation and artificial neural Networks, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 81,875-882, 2010. (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Engineering, Computing & Technology) |
[11] | Egrioglu E. and Günay S., Two New Methods for Bayesian Model Selection in ARFIMA Models, Expert Systems with Applications, 2010, 37, 8359-8364. (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Operation Research &Managment Science) |
[12] | Aladag C.H., Egrioglu E., Gunay S., Murat A Basaran , Improving weighted information criterion by using optimization, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. 2010, 233, 2683-2687, SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Mathematics&Applied). |
[13] | Aladag C.H., Egrioglu E., Kadılar C., Modeling Brain Wave Data by Using Artificial Neural Networks, Hacettepe Juornal of Mathematics and Statistics, 39(1),81-88, 2010, SCI Expanded Kapsamında, Subject Area: Statistics&Probability). |
[14] | Egrioglu E., Aladag C.H., Yolcu U., Uslu V.R., Basaran M.A., Finding an Optimal Interval Length in High Order Fuzzy Time Series, Expert Systems with Applications, 37, 5052-5055, 2010, (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Operation Research &Managment Science). |
[15] | Aladağ Ç.H., Eğrioğlu E., Günay S., Yolcu U., Yüksek Dereceli Bulanık Zaman Serisi Modeli ve İMKB Uygulaması, Anadolu Üni. Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, 11(2), 95-101, 2010. |
[16] | Erilli N.A., Eğrioğlu E., Yolcu U., Aladağ C.H., Uslu V.R., Türkiye Enflasyonunun İleri ve Geri Beslemeli Yapay Sinir Ağlarınıın Melez Yaklaşımı ile Öngörüsü, Doğuş Üniversitesi Dergisi, 11 (1) 2010, 42-55, (Ebsco host, JEL, DOAJ, TUBITAK ULAKBIM Social Science Database). |
[17] | Aladag, C.H., Basaran, M.A., Egrioglu, E., Yolcu, U., Uslu, V.R., Forecasting in High Order Fuzzy Times Series by Using Neural Networks to Define Fuzzy Relations, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 4228-4231, 2009. (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Operation Research &Managment Science) |
[18] | Yolcu U., Egrioglu E., Uslu V.R., Başaran M.A., Aladag Ç.H., A New Approach for Determining the Length of Intervals for Fuzzy Time Series, Applied Soft Computing,9,647-651,2009. (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Computer Science& Artificial Intelligence. |
[19] | Egrioglu E., Aladag Ç.H., U.Yolcu, A. Başaran, V.R. Uslu., A New Hybrid Approach Based on SARIMA and Partial High Order Bivariate Fuzzy Time Series Forecasting Model, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 7424-7434, 2009. (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Operation Research &Managment Science) |
[20] | Aladag Ç.H., Egrioglu E. and Kadilar C. Forecasting nonlinear time series with a hybrid methodology, Applied Mathematic Letters, 22, 1467-1470,2009. (SCI Expanded Kapsamında, Subject Area: Mathematics&Applied) |
[21] | Egrioglu E., Aladag C.H., Yolcu U., Uslu V.R., Basaran M.A., A New Approach Based on Artificial Neural Networks for High Order Multivariate Fuzzy Time Series, Expert Systems with Applications, 36, 10589-10594, 2009. (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Operation Research &Managment Science) |
[22] | Egrioglu E., Uslu V.R., Yolcu U., Basaran M.A., Aladag C.H. , A New Approach Based On Artıfıcıal Neural Networks For Hıgh Order Bıvarıate Fuzzy Tıme Series, J.Mehnen et al. (Eds.) : Applications of Soft Computing, AISC 58, pp.265-273, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2009. (SCI Kapsamında) |
[23] | Mısır F.A., Sumer M., Yenisey M., Egrioglu E., Effect Of Surgical Drill Guide On Heat Generated From Implant Drilling, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery,67, 2663-2668, 2009, (SCI Kapsamında). |
[24] | Egrioglu E., Aladağ Ç.H. and Gunay S., A New Architecture Selection Strategy in Solving Seasonal Autoregressive Time Series by Artificial Neural Networks, Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, Volume 37, Issue 2, 2008. (SCI Expanded Kapsamında, Subject Area: Statistics&Probability). |
[25] | Egrioglu E., Aladağ Ç.H. and Gunay S., A New Model Selection Strategy In Artificial Neural Network, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 195, 591-597, 2008. (SCI Kapsamında, Subject Area: Mathematics&Applied) |
[26] | Eğrioğlu E. ve Günay S., Mevsimsel Kesirli Bütünleşik Akgürültü Sürecinde Otokorelasyon Regresyonu Yöntemi, İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi, 05,01,75-83, (2007). |
[27] | Eğrioğlu E. ve Günay S., Otoregresif Hareketli Ortalamalar Süreçlerinde Tersinir Sıçramalı Markov Zinciri Monte Carlo Yöntemi İle Bayesci Model Seçimi, Istatıstık Araştırma Dergisi, 05,02,20-29, (2007). |
[28] | Eğrioğlu E. ve Günay S., Uzun Dönem Bağımlı Normal Akgürültü Sürecinde Fraksiyonel Fark Parametresinin Bayes Tahmini, Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Cilt/Vol.:7-Sayı/No:2:387-391, (2006). |
[29] | Cengiz M.A., Eğrioğlu E., Otoregresif modellerin Bayes Analizinin hava kirliliği verilerine uygulanması, İstatistik Araştırma Dergisi, 04,01,1-12,(2005). |
[30] | Eğrioğlu, E., Günay, S. "Uzun Dönem Bağımlı Normal Akgürültü Sürecinde Otokorelasyon Regresyonu ile Parametre Tahmini", Anadolu Üniversitesi Bilim ve Teknoloji Dergisi, Cilt 6/Sayı 1: 61-66, (2005). |