[1] | V. de Ladurantaye, M. Parenteau, J. Lavoie, J. Bergeron, H. Lu, R. Pichevar, and J. Rouat, "A Parallelt Supercomputer Implementation of a Biologically-Inspired Neural Network and Its use in Pattern Recognition", to appear in Journal of Physics. |
[2] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, L. Thibault, and H. Lahdili, "Auditory-Inspired Sparse Representation of Multimedia Signals with Applications to Audio Coding", Speech Communication (Elsevier), vol. 53, issue 5, pp 643-657, 2011 (pdf). |
[3] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, and L.Thibault, "New Trends in Biologically-Inspired Audio Coding", Recent Advances in Signal Processing, In-Tech Pub., ISBN 978-953-7619-41-, 2009. |
[4] | J. Rouat, S. Loiselle, and R. Pichevar, "Towards Neurocomputational Models of Speech and Sound Processing", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, Vol. 4391, 2007 (invited). |
[5] | R. Pichevar, J. Rouat, "Monophonic Source Separation with an Unsupervised Network of Spiking Neurones", Neurocomputing (Elsevier), Dec. 2007, pp 109-120. (pdf). |
[6] | R. Pichevar, J. Rouat, and Le Tan Tanh Tai, "The Oscillatory Dynamic Link Matcher for Spiking-Neuron-Based Pattern Recognition", Neurocomputing (Elsevier), vol. 69, Octobter 2006 (pdf). |
[7] | J. Rouat, R. Pichevar, and S. Loiselle, " Auditory scene analysis in link with non-linear speech processing and spiking Neural Networks", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3445, Springer-Verlag (invited), 2004 (pdf). |
[8] | R.Pichevar, J.Rouat., "A Quantitative Evaluation of a Bio-Inspired Sound Segregation Technique for Two-and Three-Source Mixtures", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3445, Springer-Verlag, 2004 (pdf). |
[9] | J. Rouat, R. Pichevar, "Source separation with one ear: Proposition for an anthropomorphic approach", EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, no.9, pp 1365-1374, 2005 (pdf). |
[10] | V. de Ladurantaye, M. Parenteau, J. Lavoie, J. Bergeron, H.-Z. Lu, R. Pichevar, and J. Rouat, "A Parallel Supercomputer Implementation of a Biologically-Inspired Neural Network and its use for Pattern Recognition ", to be presented at HPCS 2011, Montreal, Canada. |
[11] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, F. Mustiere, C. Srinivasa, and H. Lahdili, " Sparse Object-Based Audio Coding Using Non-Negative Matrix Factorization of Spikegrams", to be presented at SPARS 2011, Edinburgh, Scotland. |
[12] | F. Mustiere, H. Najaf-Zadeh, R. Pichevar, H. Lahdili, and M. Bouchard, "Sparse Audio Coding Via Targeted Dithering and Combinatorial Decoding", Eusipco 2010, Aalborg, Denmark (pdf). |
[13] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, and F. Mustiere, " Neural-Based Approach to Perceptual Sparse Coding of Audio Signals", IEEE Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2010, Barcelona, Spain (pdf). |
[14] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, and H. Lahdili, "Biologically-Inspired Sparse Coding of Music", International Conference on Machine Learning's workshop on sparse methods for music audio, 2009, Montreal, Canada. |
[15] | R. Pichevar and H. Najaf-Zadeh, "Pattern Extraction in Sparse Representations with Application to Audio Coding", European Signal Proc. Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2009, Glasgow, Scotland. |
[16] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, L. Thibault, H. Lahdili, "Entropy-Constrained Spike Modulus Quantization in a Bio-inspired Universal Audio Coder",European Signal Proc. Conf. (EUSIPCO), 2008, Lausanne, Switzerland (pdf). |
[17] | R. Pichevar and J. Rouat, "An Improved Sparse Non-Negative Part-Based Image Coder via Simulated Annealing and Matrix Pseudo-Inverse", ICASSP 2008, Las Vegas, USA (pdf). |
[18] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, L. Thibault, H. Lahdili, "Differential Graph-Based Coding of Spikes In A Biologically-Inspired Universal Audio Coder", AES 2008 convention, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (pdf). |
[19] | H. Najaf-Zadeh, R. Pichevar, L. Thibault, H. Lahdili, "Perceptual Matching Pursuit", AES 2008 convention, Amsterdam, The Netherlands (pdf). |
[20] | J. Rouat, S. Loiselle, and R. Pichevar, ""Networks of spiking neuron models for speech processing", Workshop on Mathematical Neuroscience, Montréal, QC, Canada, Sept. 2007. |
[21] | J. Bergeron, A. Ho Angh, S. Loiselle, J. Lavoie, R. Pichevar, J. Rouat, V. Lapointe, and J. Bélanger, "RN-SpikesRN-SPIKES for invariant pattern recognition ",Workshop on Mathematical Neuroscience, Montréal, QC, Canada, Sept. 2007. |
[22] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, and L. Thibault, "A Biologically-Inspired Low-Bit-Rate Universal Audio Coder",Audio Engineering Society Convention, Vienna, Austria, 2007 (pdf). |
[23] | H. Najaf-Zadeh, R. Pichevar, and L. Thibault, "Audio Masking of Gammatone/Gammachirp-Generated Spikes ", Technical Memorandum, CRC, 2007. |
[24] | R. Pichevar, H. Najaf-Zadeh, and L. Thibault, "An Acoustic-Event-Based Audio Coding with Spikes", Technical Memorandum, CRC, 2006. |
[25] | J. Rouat, S. Loiselle, R. Pichevar, "Acoustic Representation and Processing: It is time!", Neural Information Processing Systems' (NIPS) Workshop on Acoustic Processing 2006, Vancouver, Canada. |
[26] | S. Loiselle, R. Pichevar, and J. Rouat, "Toward computational models of sound processing", Computational Neuroscience Symposium, Montreal, Canada, May, 2006. |
[27] | R. Pichevar and J. Rouat, "The Dimensionally-Reduced Oscillatory Dynamic Link Matcher", Computational Neuroscience Symposium, Montreal, Canada, May, 2006. |
[28] | R. Pichevar, J. Rouat, "Sound Separation in Natural Environments: A Bio-Inspired Approach", Sensory Coding And The Natural Environment Workshop, Queen's College, Oxford, UK. |
[29] | R. Pichevar, J. Rouat, " Oscillatory Dynamic Link Matcher: A Bio-Inspired Neural Network for Pattern Recognition ", BICS'2004, Stirling, UK (invited paper, selected by the organizing committee for publication in the special journal issue, nominated for the best paper award). |
[30] | R. Pichevar, J. Rouat, C. Feldbauer, and G. Kubin," A Bio-Inspired Sound Source Separation Technique Based On a Spiking Neural Network in Combination with an enhanced Analysis/Synthesis filterbank", EUSIPCO 2004, Vienna, Austria (Sound Demos). |
[31] | R. Pichevar and J. Rouat, "Streaming of Audio Objects on 2D Spectral Maps Through Multiplicative Synaptic Connection Neurons", APCAM 2003, Vancouver, BC, Canada. |
[32] | R. Pichevar and J.Rouat, "Cochleotopic/AMtopic (CAM) and Cochleotopic/Spectrotopic (CSM) Map based Sound Source Separation using Relaxation Oscillatory Neurons", IEEE NNSP 2003, Toulouse, France. |
[33] | R. Pichevar and J. Rouat, "Oscillatory Dynamic Link Matching for Pattern Recognition", NCWS 2003 (Neural Coding Workshop), Aulla, Italy (pdf). |
[34] | R. Pichevar and J. Rouat, "Binding of Audio Elements in the Sound Source Segregation Problem via a Two-Layered Bio-Inspired Neural Network", IEEE CCECE 2003, Montréal, QC, Canada (pdf). |
[35] | R. Pichevar and J. Rouat, "Double-vowel Segregation Through Temporal Binding: A Bio-inspired Neural Network Paradigm", NOLISP'03 (Nonlinear Signal Processing), Le Croisic, France (pdf). |
[36] | R. Pichevar, J. Rouat, and R. Balleraud, "Binding of audio elements in the sound source segregation problem via a two-layered bio-inspired neural network: Preliminary examples". In COST277 meeting, Edinburgh, U.K., 2002. |
[37] | R. Pichevar and J. Rouat, " Vowel Segregation based on a Cochleotopic/AMtopic Map using a Biological Neural Network", APCAM 2002, Kansas City, USA. |
[38] | J. Rouat and R. Pichevar, "Nonlinear Speech Processing techniques for source segregation", EUSIPCO 2002 (invited paper), Toulouse, France. |
[39] | R. Pichevar and J. Rouat, " Traitement de processus spatio-temporels via un réseau de neurones à décharges", ACFAS, Sherbrooke, Canada (2001). (in English: "Spatio-temporal process analysis using spiking neurons "). |
[40] | R. Pichevar, "Encryptage par réseaux de neurones", Technical report, UQAC, June 2001. |
[41] | R. Pichevar and V.Tabataba Vakili, "Channel Equalization Using Neural Networks", IEEE International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications, ICPWC'99, Jaipur. |
[42] | R. Pichevar and V.Tabataba Vakili, "Channel Equalization Using a Fuzzy Controlled Backpropagation Network", FAST IEEE Conference on CS & IT. (FISC'98). |