[1] | Zbigniew Kowalski, Ryszard Arendt, Stefan Zielinski, Marian Kostrzewski, Marek Labedzki, Artur Opalinski, Methods, models and software to research control systems of ship power systems (in Polish), Technical report, work funded by Polish national research fund, KBN Project No 8 8503 91 02 |
[2] | Andrzej Grono, Artur Opalinski, Computer system supporting voting process (in Polish), Measurements-Automation-Robotics, vol. 8, pp.38-40, 1997 |
[3] | Andrzej Grono, Adam Grono, Artur Opalinski, A new method of prediction in the automatic synchronization of power generating units , Proc of the III International Scientific and Engineering Conference MECHATRONICS'97, pp.63-68, Warsaw, 20-22 November 1997 |
[4] | Artur Opalinski, Unix, NT, Novell and Mac under a common roof (in Polish), NetForum 3/1998, pp. 20-23 |
[5] | Artur Opalinski, Beyond firewall. Security issues in computer networks (in Polish), Zielona Gora Metropolitan Area Network Seminar on ZMAN for Science, Economy and Local Authorities, Zielona Gora-Drzonkow, 18.09.1998 |
[6] | Grono Andrzej J., Wlodarski Jan, Grono Adam M., Opalinski Artur M., Computer based automatic power generator synchronization (in Polish), Technical report, work funded by Polish national research fund, KBN Project No 8 T10A 023 13, 1999 |
[7] | Artur Opalinski, Threads as scalability mechanism in Solaris operating environment (in Polish) , Software 2.0, nr 1/99 (49), pp. 72-73, 1999 |
[8] | Artur Opalinski, Solaris thread management and real-time systems (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 2/99 (50), pp. 58-61, 1999 |
[9] | Artur Opalinski, A fairytale about prince Solaris and a beautiful princess, and about a cascade at which they united forever (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 4/99 (52), pp. 71-72, 1999 |
[10] | Artur Opalinski, Genesys (in Polish), NetForum 5/199, pp. 28-30, 1999 |
[11] | Artur Opalinski, New Sun Microsystems server architecture (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 5/99 (53), pp. 71-74, 1999 |
[12] | Artur Opalinski, Solaris Bandwidth Manager-network bandwidth management software (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 6/99 (54), pp. 66-74, 1999 |
[13] | Artur Opalinski, The forgotten Type of Service (ToS) IP field (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 6/99 (54), pp. 70-71, 1999 |
[14] | Artur Opalinski, Process control and visualization with Solaris operating environment (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 7/99 (55), pp. 90-93, 1999 |
[15] | Artur Opalinski, Process control and visualization with Solaris operating environment, part. II (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 8/99 (56), pp. 80-82, 1999 |
[16] | Artur Opalinski, Jiro-mass storage management based on Java (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 9/99 (57), pp. 57-58, 1999 |
[17] | Artur Opalinski, Issues of Reliability, Availability and Serviceability in Sun Enterprise 10000 Supercomputer Architecture. PPAM, Third International Conference on Parallel Processing and Applied Mathematics, Kazimierz Dolny, 14-17.09.1999 |
[18] | Artur Opalinski, Tomasz Pokora, SunRay-a Sun ray in the IT darkness (in Polish), Software 2.0, nr 11/99 (59), pp. 56-59, 1999 |
[19] | Artur Opalinski, Sun Enterprise Servers Reliability, Availability and Serviceability Features (in Polish), ACK Cyfronet Supercomputer Environment Seminar, AGH Univeristy of Science and Technology, Krakow, 8.12.1999 |
[20] | Artur Opalinski, For whom is Solaris 8? (in Polish) Software 2.0, nr 3/00 (63), pp. 28-35, 2000 |
[21] | Artur Opalinski, Creating Point In Time (PIT) copies with Sun StorEdge Instant Image. For the busy ones (in Polish), Software 2.0, 4/00 (64), pp. 23-25, 2000 |
[22] | Artur Opalinski, Genesis and E-business Solutions. ISThmus 2000 Conference, Research and Development of the Information Society, Poznan, 11-13.04.2000 |
[23] | Andrzej Jan Grono, Jan Wlodarski, Artur Opalinski, New methods of power units synchronization (in Polish), VI Scientific and Engineering Conference on Quality of Electrical and Thermal Energy JAWE'2000, Kolobrzeg, 8-12.05.2000 |
[24] | Artur Opalinski, Let's make love, or how to run Linux applications under Solaris (in Polish), Software 2.0, 6/00 (66), pp. 62-65, 2000 |
[25] | Artur Opalinski, Andrzej Grono, Neural network based method of power generators synchronization, In Proc.International Conference MECHATRONICS 2000. September 21-23, 2000. Warsaw, Poland. vol. 1 pp.113-116, 2000 |
[26] | Artur Opalinski, Power generator synchronization using artificial neural networks technology, PhD dissertation, Faculty of Electrical and Control Engineering, Gdansk University of Technology, 2000 |
[27] | Ryszard Arendt, Andrzej Grono, Pawel Kubiak, Artur Opalinski, Piotr Orzechowski, Fundamentals of robotics-Laboratory, Lecture notes (in Polish), Gdansk University of Technology Press, nr 139 p. 72, 2001 |
[28] | Artur Opalinski, Andrzej Grono, New approach to the automatic power generator unit synchronization (in Polish), Polish Society for Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering VII Scientific Seminar on Selected Issues of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, WZEE 2007, Wroclaw, 26-28.11.2007. |
[29] | Artur Opalinski, Andrzej Grono, New approach to the automatic power generator unit synchronization (in Polish), Electrical Review, Vol.6, 2008 |
[30] | Artur Opalinski, How to quickly port application to the Solaris operating environment, Software Developer's Journal, Vol. 166, Issue: 10, 2008 |
[31] | Artur Opalinski, Modern server virtualization technologies, In: Proc. CSE'2010 International Scientific Conference on Computer Science and Engineering, September 20-22, 2010, Kosice-Stara Lubovna, Slovakia, 2010 |
[32] | Artur Opalinski, New Approach to the Automatic Power Generator Synchronization, accepted for The IEEM 2010: IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, 7-10.12.2010 Macau, 2010 |
[33] | Artur Opalinski, Artificial Neural Network-Inspired Method of Power Generator Synchronization, submitted to IEEE Trans. On Industrial Electronics, 2010 |
[34] | Artur Opalinski, Distributed Representation of Information on Cyclic Events, accepted for 7th Conference on Databases: Applications and Systems 2011, Ustron, May 2011 |
[35] | Artur Opalinski., Predicting Agent Tasks in Multi-Agent Systems, submitted for ICCCI 2011 3rd International Conference on Computational Collective Intelligence-Technologies and Applications, Gdynia, September 2011, Proc. in Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2011 |
[36] | Artur Opalinski, Self-organization based on distributed prediction of computing tasks, submitted for 5th International Symposium on Intelligent Distributed Computing-IDC 2011, Proc. in Springer Studies in Computational Intelligence, 2011 |
[37] | Artur Opalinski, MOODLE extensions to support group work, II TEWI Conference-Technology Education Knowledge Innovation, Proc of , Lodz, 27-28.06.2011 |
[38] | Artur Opalinski, Tools for verification of digital signal processing concepts, II TEWI Conference-Technology Education Knowledge Innovation, Proc of , Lodz, 27-28.06.2011 |
[39] | Artur Opalinski, Employing Blended E-Learning to Improve Rate of Assignments Handing-In, submitted for The 4th International Conference on Information Technology in Education (CITE 2011) 9-11.12.2011, Wuhan, 2011 |