[1] | Dahal R. K., 2006, Geology for Technical Students - A textbook for Bachelor Level Students, Bhrikuti Academic Publication, Exhibition Road, Kathmandu, Nepal, 756p. |
[2] | Yoshida M., Upreti B N , Bhattarai T N , Rai S M , Ulak P D , Dahal R K , Dhakal S , 2005, Guidebook for Himalayan Trekkers, Series 1, Geology and Natural Hazards along the Kaligandaki Valley, Edited by M Yoshida and B N Upreti, Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, 165p. |
[3] | Yatabe R., Bhandary N. P. and Bhattarai D, (Eds); and Contributors: Hasegawa S, Inagaki H., Shrestha H. K., Takahashi J., Kitagawa R. and Dahal R. K., 2005, Landslide Hazard mapping along major highways of Nepal- A reference to road building and maintenance, Ehime University and Nepal Engineering College, 164p. |
[4] | Yatabe R., Bhandary N. P. and Subedi, J.P., (Eds);Disaster and Development, Dahal R. K., 2010, Landslide disasters in Nepal, Ehime University, 200 p. |
[5] | Yoshida M., Upreti B N , Bhattarai T N , Rai S M , Ulak P D , Dahal R K , Dhakal S , 2010, Guidebook for Himalayan Trekkers, Series 2, Geology and Natural Hazards in Mt. Everest Region, Edited by M Yoshida and B N Upreti, Department of Geology, Tribhuvan University, 196p. |
[6] | Dahal, R.K., Hasegawa, S., Bhandary N. P., Yatabe R., 2010, Low-cost road for the development of Nepal and its engineering geological consequences, IAEG 2010 Conference, Geologically Active Williams et al. (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 4085-4095 |
[7] | Dahal, R.K., Hasegawa, S., Yamanaka, M., Bhandary N. P., Yatabe R., 2010, Statistical and deterministic landslide hazard assessment in the Himalayas of Nepal, IAEG 2010 Conference, Geologically Active- Williams et al. (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 1053-1060. |
[8] | Hasegawa, S., Dahal, R.K., Yamanaka, M., Bhandary N. P., Yatabe R., 2010, Rainfall-induced landslides in different climatic environments— a comparison of the Nepal Himalaya and Shikoku, Japan, IAEG 2010 Conference, Geologically Active- Williams et al. (eds), Taylor & Francis Group, London, 241-249. |
[9] | Dahal R.K., Hasegawa S., Yamanaka M., Dhakal S., Bhandary N.P., Yatabe R., 2009, Comparative analysis of contributing parameters for rainfall-triggered landslides in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal, Environmental Geology, 58(3), 567-586, DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1531-6. Springer |
[10] | Hasegawa, S., Dahal, R.K., Yamanaka, M., Bhandary N. P., Yatabe R., Inagaki H., 2009, Causes of large-scale landslides in the Lesser Himalaya of central Nepal, Environmental Geology, 57(6), 1423-1434, DOI 10.1007/s00254-008-1420-z. Springer |
[11] | Hasegawa S., Dahal R.K., Nishimura T., Nonomura A., Yamanaka M., 2009, DEM-Based Analysis of Earthquake-Induced Shallow Landslide Susceptibility, Geotechnical and Geological Engineering, 27(3), 419-430, DOI: 10.1007/s10706-008-9242-z, Springer. |
[12] | Dahal R.K., Hasegawa S., Nonomura A., Yamanaka M., Dhakal S., 2008, DEM-based deterministic landslide hazard analysis in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal, Georisk: Assessment and Management of Risk for Engineered Systems and Geohazards, 2(3):161-178. Taylor and Francis. |
[13] | Dahal, R.K., Hasegawa, S., Nonomura A., Yamanaka, M., Dhakal S., Paudyal P., 2009, Predictive modelling of rainfall-induced landslide hazard in the Lesser Himalaya of Nepal based on weights-of-evidence, Geomorphology, 102 (3-4):496-510, doi:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.05.041. Elsevier. |
[14] | Dahal, R.K., Hasegawa, S., (2008), Representative rainfall thresholds for landslides in the Nepal Himalaya, Geomorphology, 100 (3-4), 429-443. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2008.01.014. Elsevier |
[15] | Dahal, R.K., Hasegawa, S., Nonomura A., Yamanaka, M., Nishino K., 2008, Failure characteristics of rainfall-induced shallow landslides in granitic terrains of Shikoku Island of Japan, online First Environmental Geology, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg. DOI:10.1007/s00254-008-1228-x. Springer |
[16] | Dahal, R.K., Hasegawa, S., Nonomura A., Yamanaka, M., Masuda, T., Nishino K., 2008, GIS-based weights-of-evidence modelling of rainfall-induced landslides in small catchments for landslide susceptibility mapping, Environmental Geology 54 (2): 314-324, DOI: 10.1007/s00254-007-0818-3.Springer |
[17] | Dahal R.K., Hasegawa S., Nonomura A., Yamanaka M., Bhandary N.P., Yatabe R., 2008, Regional scale landslide hazard mapping in the Lesser Himalayan terrain of Nepal, proceeding of International conference on Management of Landslide Hazard in the Asia-Pacific Region November 11-12, 2008, Sendai, Japan. Japan Landslide Society, Japan. 12p. |
[18] | Dahal R.K., Hasegawa S, Yamanaka M, Nonomura A (2008), Typhoon rainfall and landsliding in the Pacific Ocean side of Japan, proceedings of the eighteenth (2008) international offshore and polar engineering conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, pp 795-802 |
[19] | Dahal, R.K., Hasegawa, S., Masuda, T., Yamanaka, M (2006) Roadside slope failures in Nepal during torrential rainfall and their mitigation, In: Marui et al. eds., Disaster Mitigation of Debris Flow, Slope Failures and Landslides, Proceedings of INTERPRAEVENT 2006, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo. Vol.2, 503-514. |
[20] | Dahal R.K., Hasegawa S, Yamanaka M, Nishino K (2006) Rainfall triggered flow-like landslides: understanding from southern hills of Kathmandu, Nepal and northern Shikoku, Japan. Proc 10th Int Congr of IAEG,The Geological Society of London, IAEG2006 Paper number 819: pp 1-14 (CD-ROM). |
[21] | Dahal R.K. (2002), Engineering geological investigation of the Trail Bridge in western Nepal, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Vol. 27 (Special Issue), pp 101-117. |
[22] | Dahal R.K. Aryal A. (2002), Geotechnical properties of soil of Sundhara and Jamal Area of Kathmandu, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Vol. 27 (Special Issue), pp 77-86. |
[23] | Dahal R.K. (2001), Use of Bioengineering in Watershed Management, Bulletin of Nepal Geological Society, Vol.19, pp. 68-72. |
[24] | Dahal R.K., Adhikary P.C. (2001), Geology of the Kharidhunga–Thokarpa area, Central Nepal, Lesser Himalaya, Journal of Nepal Geological Society, Vol. 23, pp. 19–26. |
[25] | Dhital M R, Thapa P. B., Dahal R.K., Aryal A. and Ando H. (2002), Status of Landslide Hazard in Kusma - Syangja area western Nepal, Lesser Himalaya, Bull. Dept. Geology, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal, V. 9 (Special issue) 2002, pp. 61-76 |
[26] | Dahal, R.K., Hasegawa, S., Yamanaka, M., Nonomura A., 2008, Small catchments scale predictive modelling for landslides susceptibility mapping, Natural Disaster Forum, Ehime University, Japan |
[27] | Dahal R.K., Hasegawa S., Yatabe R., Bhandary N. P., and Yamanaka M., 2005, Appraisal of roadside bioengineering in Dhulikhel-Bhakunde section of the Banepa- Sindhuli-Bardibas Highway, Central Nepal, Proc. of International Conference on Disaaster Management: DiMAC- 2005, Kathmandu, Nepal, Ehime University and Nepal Engineering College, 68-80 pp. |
[28] | Dahal R. K., 2004, Rainfall triggered landslide along roadside slopes of Nepal and their mitigation, Proceedings of Second one day International seminar on Disaster mitigation in Nepal, Nepal Engineering College and Ehime University, Japan, 2004 Nov 8, pp. 31-41. |
[29] | Hasegawa, S., Dahal, R.K., Yamanaka, M., Nonomura A., 2007, Future geological engineering problems in construction of large-scale cut slopes and tunnels in Nepal, One-day Seminar on the Prospects of Fast Track Highways and Tourism Development in Nepal, 28 September 2007, Ehime University Japan and DoR Nepal. |