Marine Science

Marine Science publishes articles, short communications, and critical reviews that contribute to our scientific understanding of marine systems and the impact of human activities. The Journal serves as a foundation for scientific advice across the broad spectrum of management and conservation issues related to the marine environment. Oceanography, marine habitats, living resources, ecology and related management topics constitute the key elements of papers eligible for publication. Integrated studies that bridge gaps between traditional disciplines are particularly welcome. The scope of the journal also includes economic, social, and public administration studies to the extent that they are directly related to management of the seas and are of general interest to marine scientists. Papers of both fundamental and applied approaches are accepted.

Anu Gopinath

Editorial Board Member of Marine Science

Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, St Teresa's College, Ernakulam, India

Research Areas

Marine Chemistry, Paleoclimatic Studies Using Corals, Marine Bioactive Compounds, Marine Biogeochemsitry


2004-2004Post-doctoralUGC Research Associateship-Principal Investigator of a UGC funded project entitled "Biogeochemical Modeling of Coral Reef Ecosystem"
1999-2002Ph.DDepartment of Chemical Oceanography, School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT. Duration of doctoral studies
1996-1998M.ScHydroChemistry, Chemical Oceanography Department, School of Marine Sciences, CUSAT
1993-1996B.Sc Chemistry-90%. Union Christian College, Alwaye


2003-2004Guest lecturer, Chemistry Department, Maharaja's College, Ernakulam
Worked as a Junior Research Fellow in a DOD (Department of Ocean Development, Govt.of India) funded project entitled "Carrying Capacity and Ecosystem Modeling of Mangroves with respect to Kerala coast" at Department of Chemical Oceanography, CUSAT
1999Worked as a Research Assistant in the quality evaluation Laboratory of spices Board, Kochi. The project was entitled – "Database generation on organochlorine and organophosphorous pesticide residues in spices". Also experienced in ISO 9000 and 14000 certi


Life member of Indian Society of Analytical Scientists.

Publications: Journals

[1]  Anu, G, Jayalakshmy, K.V. and Nair, S.M. 2011. Statistical significance of Baseline data of trace metals in marine macro algae from a coral reef environment. International Journal of Environmental Forensics. 2011. 12. pp. 98-105
[2]  Babu V., Unnikrishnan P., Anu G. and Nair S. M. 2011. Distribution of Organophosphorus Pesticides in the Bed Sediments of a Backwater System Located in an Agricultural Watershed: Influence of Seasonal Intrusion of Seawater. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology. 2011. 60. pp. 597-609.
[3]  Anu, G, Kumar, N.C, Jayalakshmy, K.V., Padmalal, D and Nair, S.M. 2010. A baseline study of trace metals in a coral reef sedimentary environment, Lakshadweep Archipelago. Environmental Earth Sciences. 59: 1245-1266.
[4]  Anu, G, Kumar, N.C, Padmalal, D and Nair, S.M. 2008. Distibutional characteristics of different forms of phosphorous in the sedimentary environment of Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean.Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability, 20(3) 149-161.
[5]  Allometric variability of heavy metals in corals of Lakshadweep Island.2008.. G Anu and Nair, S.M. Toxicological and Environmental Chemistry 90(6); 1135-1144.
[6]  Anu, G, Kumar, N.C, Jayalakshmy, K.V. and Nair, S.M. 2007. Monitoring of Heavy metal partitioning in reef corals of Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 128. 195-208.
[7]  Anu Gopinath, Sindhu, R and Nair, S.M. 2006.Variability of dissolved reactive phosphate and apparent oxygen utilization along the west coast of India. Chemistry and Ecology. 22 (2): 113-123.
[8]  Unnikrishnan, P, Babu, V, Kumar, N.C, Nair, S.M and Anu Gopinath. 2006. A flow reactor model facsimile to the trace metal partitioning in a tropical backwater system. International Journal of Environmental forensics. 7:189-196.
[9]  Unnikrishnan, P, Babu, V, Nair, S.M and Anu Gopinath. 2006. The inpact of salinity barrier on the partitioning of heavy metals in sediments of a tropical backwater system-Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability 2006 . 18 (4)
[10]  Anu Gopinath, Jayalakshmi, K.V, Kumar, N.C and Nair, S.M. 2005. A Predictive Regression Model for the geochemical variability of Iron and Manganese in the sedimentary environments of Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean.-International journal of Environmental Forensics, 2005. 6 (3). pp. 301-311.
[11]  Nair S.M., Babu V. and Anu Gopinath. 2005. Spatial and temporal variability of DDT and its metabolites in the sediments of a backwater-paddy growing area of Kerala, India. Dioxin 2005. 25th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs. August 21-26, 2005. Toronto, Canada.
[12]  Anu Gopinath, Babu, V and Nair, S.M. Distributional characteristics of cyclodiene pesticides in a tropical backwater environment. Dioxin 2005. 25th International Symposium on Halogenated Environmental Organic Pollutants and POPs. August 21-26, 2005. Toronto, Canada.
[13]  Anu Gopinath, N.C.Kumar and Nair, S.M. A synoptic facsimile of trace metals in the coral reef ecosystem of Lakshadweep Archipelago. Proceeding of Kerala Environment Congress 2005. pp. 183-189.
[14]  Anu Gopinath, Padmalal, D, Kumar, N.C and Nair, S.M.2004. Speciation of Nitrogen in the Coral Reef Sedimentary Environment of Lakshadweep Archipelago, Indian Ocean-Chemistry and Ecology, 2004.20(4).pp. 267-279.
[15]  Anu Gopinath, Kumar, N.C and Nair, S.M.2004. An introductory study on the biogeochemical features of the coral sediments of the Minicoy Island, Lakshadweep-Indian Journal of Environmental Protection. February 2004. 24 (2): 113-120.
[16]  Anu Gopinath, N.C.Kumar and Nair, S.M.2004. The efficiency of Lanthanum chloride as a metal releasing agent for the graphite furnace-AAS estimation of heavy metals from a cadmium rich coral skeleton matrix. CTIC-04-National symposium on current trends in inorganic Chemistry. March 2004-organized by Applied Chemistry Department, CUSAT.
[17]  Babu, V, Unnikrishnan, P, Anu Gopinath and Nair, S.M. Synergetic effects of saline water intrusion into backwaters of Kuttanad across the Thannermukkam salinity barrier.-Indian Journal of Environmental Protection. December 2004 (12). pp. 931-941.
[18]  Anu Gopinath, Neema joseph, Sujatha C.H and Nair, S.M. Forms of Nitrogen (NO-3-N; NO-2-N and NH 2 CO NH 2-N) and their relations to A.O.U. in the Indian Coastal Waters of Arabian Sea-published in 'Chemistry and Ecology', 2002, 18(3-4), pp.233-244.
[19]  Anu Gopinath. 'Adding colour to marine life'-article published in 'Science Express' (The New Indian Express). 02.05.2000
[20]  Anu Gopinath and Ramesh Babu, N. 'Fruits that fight fat'-article published in 'Science Express' (The New Indian Express). 01.06.1999.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  A text book of Environmental Chemsitry for CBCSS Open Course Semester V and Choice based Course Semester VI of MG University-Co authored by Prof Chandradasn, St Albert's College, Ernakulam.
[2]  Chemistry Core-1 Methodology of Chemistry as a Discipline of Science(Theory) and Volumetric Analysis-1 practical (For semester 1 of CBCSS BSc Programme of M G University, Kottayam). This book is co-authored by Prof Chandradasan and Dr Dominic Thomas (St Albert's College, Ernakulam)-revised edition.
[3]  Chemistry Core-1 Methodology of Chemistry as a Discipline of Science(Theory) Volumetric Analysis-1 practical (For semester 1 of CBCSS BSc Programme of M G University, Kottayam). This book is co-authored by Prof Chandradasan and Dr Dominic Thomas (St Albert's College, Ernakulam).
[4]  Chemistry Core-2 Methodology of Chemistry as a Discipline of Science(Theory) Volumetric Analysis-1 practical (For semester 1 of CBCSS BSc Programme of M G University, Kottayam). This book is co-authored by Prof Chandradasan and Dr Dominic Thomas (St Albert's College, Ernakulam).