Marine Science

Marine Science publishes articles, short communications, and critical reviews that contribute to our scientific understanding of marine systems and the impact of human activities. The Journal serves as a foundation for scientific advice across the broad spectrum of management and conservation issues related to the marine environment. Oceanography, marine habitats, living resources, ecology and related management topics constitute the key elements of papers eligible for publication. Integrated studies that bridge gaps between traditional disciplines are particularly welcome. The scope of the journal also includes economic, social, and public administration studies to the extent that they are directly related to management of the seas and are of general interest to marine scientists. Papers of both fundamental and applied approaches are accepted.

Ruey Syan Shih

Editorial Board Member of Marine Science

Associate Professor, Tungnan University, Taiwan

Research Areas

Coastal Engineering, Numerical Modeling, Bem


Ph. DNational Taiwan Ocean University, Department of River and Harbor Engineering


2005-presentAssociate Professor, Dept. Construction Technology, Tumgnan University
1999-2005Assistant Professor, Dept. Civil Engineering, Tung Nan Institute of Technology

Publications: Journals

[1]  Chou, Chung-Ren, Ruey-Syan Shih, 1996, "Deformation of Wave on slopping beach under the influence of wave breaking", Journal of Harbour Technology, Vol.11, No.1, pp.39~56. (In Chinese)
[2]  Chou, Chung-Ren, Ruey-Syan Shih, 1996, "Generation and Deformation of Solitary Waves", China Ocean Engineering, Vol.10 No. 4. (E.I., SCI.)
[3]  Chou, Chung-Ren, Ruey-Syan Shih, 1996, "Numerical generation and propagation of periodical wave in time domain", Coastal Engineering in Japan, Vol.39, No. 2.
[4]  Chou, Chung-Ren, Ruey-Syan Shih and John Z. Yim*, 2001, "A numerical wave tank for nonlinear waves with passive absorption", China Ocean Engineering. Vol.15, No.2, pp.253~268 (E.I., SCI)
[5]  Chou, C.R., Yim J. Z., Shih R.S.* & Ouyang K., 2001, " Numerical study on the breaking of solitary wave on slopes", Boundary Element Communications: An international journal, Vol.12, No.4, pp.3~12.
[6]  Chou, Chung-Ren, Ruey-Syan Shih* and John Z Yim, 2002, "Optimizing deployment of sponge zone on numerical wave channel", Journal of the Chinese Institute of Engineers. Vol. 25, No.2, pp.147-156. (EI, SCI)
[7]  Chou, Chung-Ren, Ruey-Syan, Shih*, John Z. Yim, 2003, Numerical study on breaking criteria for solitary waves", China Ocean Engineering, Vol.17, No.4, pp.589-604. (EI, SCI, AMR, ASFA2)
[8]  Chou, Chung-Ren, Ruey-Syan, Shih, Wen-Yu, Han, 2004, "Numerical Investigations on the breaking Criteria for Solitary on Slope", Journal of Yanshan University, Vol.28, No.2, pp.158~163. (In Chinese)
[9]  Shih, Ruey Syan, Chung Ren Chou, John Z. Yim, 2004, "Numerical Study on Two Dimensional Irregular Wave Tank", Journal of Yanshan University, Vol.28, No.2, pp.172~178. (In Chinese)
[10]  Shih, Ruey-Syan*, Chung-Ren Chou, and John Z Yim, 2004, "Numerical Investigation on the Generation and Propagation of Irregular Waves in a Two Dimensional Wave Tank", China Ocean Engineering,, Vol.18, No.4, pp.551~566. (EI, SCI, AMR, ASFA2)
[11]  Chou, Chung-Ren, Teng-Wei Lin*, Ruey-Syan Shih & John Z. Yim, 2005, "Experimental investigation of wave heights in a directional wave field through image sequences, " China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 37-48 (EI, SCI, AMR, ASFA2)
[12]  Shih, Ruey-Syan, Chou Chung-Ren*, and John Z Yim, 2006, "Modelling of Random Waves over Submerged Breakwaters and Its Application to Reflection Estimation", China Ocean Engineering, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 243-258 (EI, SCI, AMR, ASFA2)
[13]  Shih, Ruey-Syan*, 2011, "Numerical Study of the Characteristics of Wave-wave Interactions in Multiphase Wave Field Near Coastal Area", Advance Materials Research, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, Vols. 255-260, pp.2313-2317 (EI) ISSN: 1022-6680
[14]  Shih, Ruey-Syan*, 2011, °ßExperimental Study on the Wave Attenuation of Porous Pipe Breakwaters°®, Applied Mechanics and Materials, Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, Vols. 105, pp.1349-1352 (EI) ISSN:1660-9336
[15]  Shih, Ruey-Syan*, 2012, °ßExperimental Study on the Performance Characteristics of Porous Perpendicular Pipe Breakwaters°®, Ocean Engineering, Vol.50, pp.53-62, Elsevier Publications. (SCI) ISSN: 0029 -8018
[16]  Weng wen-Kai, Ruey-Syan. Shih*, Chung-Ren Chou, 2011, "Developing of Serpent-type Wave Generators to Solitary Wave Simulations with BEM", China Ocean Engineering. (SCI, Accepted)

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Chou, C.R., R.S. Shih and H.M. Fang, 1996, "Deformation of solitary wave in coastal zones", Boundary Element Methods, Proceedings of the 7th Japan-China Symposium on Boundary Element Method. pp. 171-180. (In Japan)
[2]  Chou, C.R., R.S. Shih and J.Z.Yim, 1996, "Two dimensional wave making problems", Boundary Element XVIII, Eighteenth World Conference On The Boundary Element Method. pp. 649-658. (In Portugal)
[3]  Shih, R.S., C.R.Chou and W.Y. Han, 2001, "Investigation of numerical wave channel concering absorbing boundary", Moving Boundaries VI, Six International Conference on the Computational Modeling of Free and Moving Boundary Problems, pp.163~172, (In Greece, Lemnos), (WIT Press).
[4]  Chou, C.R., Yim J. Z., Shih R.S. & Ouyang K., 2001, " Numerical study on breaking indices for solitary wave on slopes", Coastal Engineering V: Computer Modelling of Sea and Coastal Regions, pp.215~224. (WIT Press)
[5]  Chuang, M.H., R.S.Shih and H.D.Yeh, 2004, "Analytical solution for tidal propagation in a leaky aquifer extending under the sea", The Sixth Conference on Groundwater Resources and Water Quality Protection, pp.1~8, (Taiwan, Taichung, Feng Chia University).
[6]  Chuang, M.H., R.S.Shih and H.D.Yeh, 2004, "Analytical solution for tidal propagation in a leaky aquifer extending finite distance under the sea", Proceedings of the 14th Hydraulic Engineering Conference, pp.F125~131, (Taiwan, Hsin Chu, National Chiao Tung University).
[7]  Shih Ruey-syan, Chou Chung-ren and Yim Z. John, 2005, " Numerical Estimations of Wave Reflection Coefficient for Irregular Waves Over Submerged Obstacles", The Fifteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol.3, pp.40~47, Soul, Korea. (June 19~24, ISOPE-2005)
[8]  Shih Ruey-syan, Chou Chung-ren and Weng Wen-kai, 2009, "Numerical Modelling of 3D Oblique Waves by L-type Multiple Directional Wave Generator", The Nineteenth International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol.3, pp.918~925, Osaka, Japan. (June 21~26, ISOPE-2009) ISBN: 978-1-880653-53-1 ISSN: 1098-6189 (EI)
[9]  Shih Ruey-syan, Weng Wen-kai and Chou Chung-ren, 2010, " Application of restoring force theory to increasing wave power generation under weak fluctuations ", The 20th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, Vol.3, pp.886~893, Beijing, China. (EI) ISBN: 978-1-880653-77-7 ISSN: 1098-6189
[10]  Shih, Ruey-Syan*, 2011, "Numerical Study of the Characteristics of Wave-wave Interactions in Multiphase Wave Field Near Coastal Area", 2011 International Conference on Civil Engineering and Building Materials (CEBM 2011), July 29-31, Kunming, China. (EI, Accepted)
[11]  Shih, Ruey-Syan*, 2011, "Energy Dissipation of Porous Perpendicular Pipe Breakwaters", 11th International Conference on Fluid Control, Measurements and Visualization, FLUCOME 2011, Keelung, Taiwan. (Accepted)