[1] | D. McKinnon, B. Upcroft, and R. N. Smith, \Towards automated and in-situ, near-real time 3-d reconstruction of coral reef environments, " in Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE Oceans '11-Kona, (Kona, Hawaii), September 2011. Accepted, to appear. |
[2] | R. N. Smith, J. Das, G. Hine, W. Anderson, and G. S. Sukhatme, \Predicting wave glider speed from environmental measurements, " in Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE Oceans '11-Kona, (Kona, Hawaii), September 2011. Accepted, to appear. |
[3] | R. N. Smith, J. Kelly, and G. S. Sukhatme, \Planning missions for autonomous gliders: A kalman lter approach, " in Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, (San Francisco, California), September 2011. Submitted. |
[4] | R. N. Smith, M. Schwager, S. L. Smith, D. Rus, and G. S. Sukhatme, \Persistent ocean monitoring with underwater gliders: Towards accurate reconstruction of dynamic ocean processes, " in Proceedings of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (Shanghai, China), 2011. |
[5] | R. N. Smith, J. Das, Y. Chao, D. A. Caron, B. H. Jones, and G. S. Sukhatme, \Cooperative multi-auv tracking of phytoplankton blooms based on ocean model predictions, " in Proceedings ofOceans '10-IEEE Sydney, (Sydney, Australia), pp. 1 { 10, May 2010. |
[6] | R. N. Smith, A. Pereira, Y. Chao, P. P. Li, D. A. Caron, B. H. Jones, and G. S. Sukhatme, \Autonomous underwater vehicle trajectory design coupled with predictive ocean models: A case study, " in Proceedings of The IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, (Anchorage, Alaska), pp. 4770{4777, 2010. |
[7] | R. N. Smith, J. Das, H. Heidarsson, A. Pereira, D. A. Caron, B. H. Jones, and G. S. Sukhatme, \Implementation of an embedded sensor network for the coordination of slocum gliders for coastal monitoring and observation, " in WUWNet '09: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Workshop on UnderWater Networks, (Berkeley, California), pp. 1{8, ACM, November 2009. |
[8] | S. B. Singh, A. Sanyal, R. N. Smith, N. Nordkvist, and M. Chyba, \Robust tracking control of autonomous underwater vehicles in the presence of disturbance inputs, " in Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Oshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, (Honolulu, HI), pp. 345{351, 2009. |
[9] | R. N. Smith, M. Chyba, S. K. Choi, and G. Marani, \Guidance and control for underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles, " in Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries, COMPIT 2009, (Budapest, Hungary), 2009. |
[10] | R. N. Smith, Y. Chao, B. H. Jones, D. A. Caron, P. P. Li, and G. S. Sukhatme, \Trajectory design for autonomous underwater vehicles based on ocean model predictions for feature tracking, " in Proceedings of The 7th International Conference on Field and Service Robotics (A. Howard, K. Iagnemma, and A. Kelly, eds.), vol. 62 of Springer Tracts in Advanced Robotics, (Cambridge, MA), pp. 263{273, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, July 2009. |
[11] | R. N. Smith, B. Stauer, J. Das, H. Heidarsson, A. A. Pereira, Y. Chao, L. Darjany, I. Cetinic, D. Estrin, C. Oberg, M. Ragan, B. H. Jones, G. S. Sukhatme, and D. A. Caron, \Design and implementation of sensor networks for the observation and research of harmful algal blooms in southern california coastal waters, " in Proceedings of the Conference on Coastal Environmental Sensing Networks, (Boston, MA), Jul 2009. |
[12] | R. N. Smith, M. Chyba, and S. B. Singh, \Decoupled trajectory planning for a submerged rigid body subject to dissipative and potential forces, " in Proceedings of the IEEE Region 10 Colloquium and Third International Conference on Industrial and Information Systems, (Kharagpur, India), 2008. |
[13] | M. Chyba, T. Haberkorn, R. N. Smith, S. K. Choi, G. Mariani, and C. McLeod, \Ecient control of an autonomous underwater vehicle while accounting for thruster failure, " in Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries, COMPIT 2008, (Brussels, Belgium), 2008. |
[14] | M. Chyba and R. N. Smith, \Arst extension of geometric control theory to underwater vehicles, "in Proceedings of the 2008 IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles, vol. 2, (Killaloe, Ireland), 2008. |
[15] | M. Chyba, T. Haberkorn, R. N. Smith, and S. K. Choi, \Implementation results of ecient trajectories on a testbed auv., " in Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Computer Applications and Information Technology in the Maritime Industries, COMPIT 2007, (Cortona, Italy), 2007. |
[16] | M. Chyba, S. Choi, T. Haberkorn, R. N. Smith, and S. Weatherwax, \Hydrodynamic and thruster model validation for autonomous underwater vehicles, " in Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on Oshore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, pp. 325{330, 2007. |
[17] | M. Chyba, S. Choi, T. Haberkorn, R. N. Smith, and S. Zhao, \Towards practical implementation of time optimal trajectories for underwater vehicles, " in Proceedings of the 25th International Conference on O shore Mechanics and Arctic Engineering, pp. 183{190, 2006. |
[18] | M. Chyba, T. Haberkorn, R. Smith, and G. Wilkens, \Controlling a submerged rigid body: A geometric analysis, " in Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Methods for Nonlinear Control 2006 (F. Allgwer, P. Fleming, P. Kokotovic, A. Kurzhanski, H. Kwakernaak, A. Rantzer, J. Tsitsiklis, F. Bullo, and K. Fujimoto, eds.), vol. 366 of Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences, pp. 375{385, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, 2007. |