American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics is to publish well-written original research articles and studies describing the latest research and developments in the field of mathematics and statistics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of mathematics, statistics and interdisciplinary research.

Mihaela Simionescu (Bratu)

Research Scientist, Romanian Academy, Romania

Research Areas

Statistics, Econometrics

Publications: Journals

[1]  Simionescu M., (2013), The Performance of Unemployment Rate Predictions in Romania.Strategies to Improve the Forecasts Accuracy, Review of Economic Perspectives, No.4/2013, p. 161-175
[2]  Simionescu M (2014), Testing Sigma Convergence Across EU-28, Economics & Sociology, Vol.7, No 1, 2014, pp.48-60.
[3]  Bratu (Simionescu) Mihaela (2012), A comparison of two quantitative forecasting methods for macroeconomic indicators in Romania, Poland and Czech Republic, Journal of Management and Change-EBS Review, No.29/2012, Estonian Business School, Tallinn 2012
[4]  Simionescu M (2014), The Bayesian modelling of the inflation rate in Romania,  Romanian Statistical Review, no.2/2014, pag.147-160
[5]  Simionescu (2014), A comparative analysis of real and predicted inflation convergence in CEE countries during the economic crisis, CES Working Papers, Vol.6, no.2, pag.142-155
[6]  Simionescu (2014), M1 and M2 indicators- new proposed measures for the global accuracy of forecast intervals Computational Methods in Social Sciences, Vol.II, no.1/2014, pag.54-59
[7]  Simionescu (2014), The assessment of income convergence hypothesis in Romanian counties using the panel unit root approach, Studia Oeconomica, Vol.59, No.2, pag.57-67
[8]  Simionescu (2014), Forecast intervals for inflation rate and unemployment rate in Romania, Acta Universitatis Danubius.Œconomica, Vol.10, no.5, pp.39- 51,
[9]  Simionescu (2014), The beta-convergence analysis and regional disparities in EU-28, Journal of Academic Research in Economics, Volum 6, no.2, June 2014
[10]  Simionescu (2014), A prediction regarding the confessional structure in Romania in 2022,Bulletin of the Transilvania University of Braşov, Series IV: Philology and Cultural Studies, Vol.6 (55) No.2 – 2013
[11]  Simionescu (2014), The Kalman filter approach for estimating the natural unemployment rate in Romania, Acta Universitatis Danubius.Œconomica, Vol.10, nr.7(2014)
[12]  Julio Roman Juan Manuel, Bratu (Simionescu) Mihaela (2013), The evaluation of forecasts uncertainty for rate of inflation using a fan chart, Journal of ECONOMIC COMPUTATION AND ECONOMIC CYBERNETICS STUDIES AND RESEARCH, nr.2/2013, ISSN 0424 – 267 X
[13]  Simionescu (2014), Combining the inflation rate forecasts provided by the Survey of Professional Forecasters, Czech Journal of Social Sciences, Business and Economics, Vol.3, no.1, pag.56-63
[14]  Simionescu (2014), Testing the convergence hypothesis in the European Union, Global Economic Observer, no.1, vol.2/2014, May 2014, p.222-229
[15]  Simionescu (2014), The convergence of unemployment rate in the European Union Revista Studia Universitatis Vasile Goldiș Arad - Seria Științe Economice, nr.3/2014
[16]  Simionescu (2014), The intensity of convergence process in European Union, Journal of Economic Analysis, Vol.47 No.1-2/2014, pag.103-110,
[17]  Simionescu (2014), Assessing the forecasts accuracy of the weight of fiscal revenues in GDP for Romania, Financial Studies, no.3 2014
[18]  Simionescu (2014), Directional accuracy of experts’ forecasts for inflation and unemployment rate in Romania, International Journal of Economic Sciences and Applied Research, volume 7, issue 2

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Elena Pelinescu, Mihaela Simionescu (2014), Modelling and Predicting Real Money Demand, Annual International Scientific Conference, 2nd Edition, Financial and Monetary Economics – FME 2014, October 24, 2014, Bucharest, Romania
[2]  Mărioara Iordan, Mihaela-Nona Chilian, Mihaela Simionescu (2014), Determinants of regional competitiveness in Romania- a panel data analysis, International Conference “Knowledge Economy – Challenges of the 21st Century”, Constantin Brancoveanu University in November 6-7, 2014, Pitești
[3]  Simionescu (2014), The accuracy of exchange rate forecasts in Romania, 8th International Conference on Applied Statistics, November 14-15, 2014, Bucharest, Romania
[4]  Simionescu (2014), Modelling foreign direct investment in Romania, 2nd International Conference on Business, Economics, Marketing & Management Research (BEMM’14), 20-21 December 2014, Monastir
[5]  Bilan Yuriy, Mihaela Simionescu (2014), Social and economic Effects of Labour Migration, The 3rd National Conference of Students on Entreprise Management in the Modern Economy,  15-16 May 2014, Faculty of Economics and Management, University of  Szczeciński (

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  Bratu Mihaela (2012), Strategies to Improve the Accuracy of Macroeconomic Forecasts in USA, LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, ISBN-10: 3848403196, ISBN-13: 978-3848403196 (INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING HOUSE FROM GERMANY)
[2]  Bratu (Simionescu) Mihaela (2013), The forecasts accuracy during the economic crisis and strategies to improve it, capitol în cartea “Financial Aspects of Recent Trends in the Global Economy” , ASERS Publishing (ISI) book included in the Book Citation Index (BkCI).
[3]  Simionescu Mihaela (2013), Incertitudinea previziunilor in modelarea macroeconomica (The forecasts’ uncertainty in macroeconomic modelling), Universitara Publishing House, Bucharest
[4]  Simionescu Mihaela (2013), Econometrie avansată (Advanced Econometrics), Universitara Publishing House, Bucharest
[5]  Simionescu Mihaela (2014), Modelarea și previzionarea indicatorilor macroeconomici (Modelling and predicting the macroeocnomic indicators), Prouniversitaria Publishing House, Bucharest
[6]  Simionescu Mihaela (2014), Exercises of Statistics and Econometrics for economists, ASE Publishing House, Bucharest
[7]  Simionescu Mihaela (2014), Modelarea econometrică în R, Matlab și EViews (Econometric modelling in R, Matlab and EViews), ASE Publishing House, Bucharest