American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics is to publish well-written original research articles and studies describing the latest research and developments in the field of mathematics and statistics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of mathematics, statistics and interdisciplinary research.


Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

Associate Professor, Anand International College of Engineering, Jaipur, India

Research Areas

Mathematical Sciences: Fractional Calculus, Integral Transform, Special Function and Relativity


2006Ph.DRajasthan University
2002M.Phil.Rajasthan University
2000M.Sc.Rajasthan University
1998B.Sc.Rajasthan University

Academic Achievement

2000, Caption of the Winner Cricket Team in M.Sc.
1996, Distinction in Mathematics B.Sc. Examination
1993, Distinction in Mathematics Secondary Examination
Participation in Cultural activities at school level. Won several prizes


2010, Member of CHIEF TECHNICAL ADVISORY BOARD of International Journal of Soft Computing and Engineering (IJSCE), Science
2010, Member of Technical Editorial team of Asian Journal of Mathematics & Statistics, Trends in Applied Sciences Research, Asian Journal of Scientific Research
2011, Member of Governing Body of Anand International College of Engineering
2011-2012, Member of Who's Who in Science and Engineering
2012, Member of Who's Who in the World
Life member of the International Association of Engineers (IAENG)
Life member of "Rajasthan Academy of Physical Sciences"
Life member of "Society for Special Function and their Applications"

Publications: Journals

[1]  P. Agarwal and C.L. Koul, On Generating Functions, J.Rajasthan Acad.Phy.Sci., Vol.2, No.3, 2003, pp.173-180.
[2]  P. Agarwal and C.L. Koul, Summation Formulae Involving F , Ganita Sandesh Vol.18, No.2, 2004 pp.125-132.
[3]  P. Agarwal and C.L. KouI, Integrals involving product of H and the generalized polynomials , Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.India, 74(A), IV, 2004.
[4]  P. Agarwal and C.L. Koul, Relations Involving -Functions and H-functions, South East Asian J.Math. & Math.Sc.Vol.3 No.2, 2005, pp.1-8.
[5]  P. Agarwal and C.L. Koul, Relations Involving -Functions and H-functions of Several Variables, J. Indian Acad. Math. 28, No. 1, 63-72 (2006).
[6]  P. Agarwal, On Certain Functional Relations, Bull.Pure.and Appl.Math.Vol.2, No.2, December 2008, pp.199-205.
[7]  P.Agarwal and S.Jain, On unified finite integrals involving a multivariable polynomial and a generalized Mellin Barnes type of contour integral having general argument, National Academy Science Letters, Vol.32, No.8 & 9, 2009.
[8]  P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, NEW INTERGRAL FORMULAS INVOLVING POLYNOMIALS AND I-FUNCTIO, Proc. of Math. Soc., B.H.U. vol.26 (2010), pp. 61-68.
[9]  P.Agarwal and S.Jain , A New Basic Integral Formula Involving General Sequence of Functions, Proceeding of NCAWOCT-2010, Jaipur .
[10]  P.Agarwal, On Integrals involving product of H , and , Rev.Bull.Cal.Math.Soc., 18, (1), 2010, pp. 13-20.
[11]  P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, Integrals involving product of H and the generalized polynomials , Int. Math. Forum, Vol. 6, 2011, pp. 529-539.
[12]  P.Agarwal and S.Jain, Further Results on Fractional Calculus of Srivastava Polynomials, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ISSN: 1821-1291, URL: Volume 3 Issue 2(2011), Pages 167-174.
[13]  P.Agarwal and S.Jain, NEW FINITE DOUBLE INTEGRAL FORMULAE INVOLVING POLYNOMIALS AND FUNCTIONS OF GENERAL NATURE' Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics; Volume 7, Number 2, 2011.
[14]  P.Agarwal and S.Jain, On integrals involving product of H and the generalized polynomials , Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXVII M, No.1, 167(2011), pp.167-174.
[15]  P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, Finite Integrals Involving Jacobi Polynomials and I-function, Theoretical Mathematics & Applications, vol.1, no.1, 2011, 115-123 ISSN: 1792- 9687 (print), 1792-9709 (online).International Scientific Press, 2011.
[16]  P.Agarwal, On multiple integral relations involving generalized Mellin-Barnes type of contour integral, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences 27(4) (2011) 449-462, Aletheia University.
[17]  P.Agarwal, Fractional integration of the product of two H-functions and a general class of polynomials, Asian Journal of Applied sciences, 2012. ISSN 1996-3343/DOI : 10.3923/ajaps.2012.©2012 Knowledgia Review, Malaysia.
[18]  P.Agarwal and M. Chand, New Finite Integrals of Generalized Meliin-Barnes Type of Contour Integrals, To appearing in GJSFR Volume 12 Issue 2 Version 1.0 January 2012.
[20]  P.Agarwal and M. Chand, Integral Formulae’s Involving Two -function and Multivariable Polynomials, To appearing in GJSFR Volume 12 Issue 4 Version 1.0 April 2012.
[21]  P.Agarwal and M. Chand, New Theorems Involving The Generalized Mellin-Barnes Type of Contour Integrals, To appearing in GJSFR Volume 12 Issue 3 Version 1.0 March 2012.
[22]  P.Agarwal, ON APPLICATIONS OF FRACTIONAL CALCULUS INVOLVING SUMMATIONS OF SERIES, To appearing in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics-IJPAM, ISSN 1311-8080.
[23]  P.Agarwal, Functional Relations Involving Generalized Mellin-Barnes Type of Contour Integral, To appearing in Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science.
[24]  P.Agarwal and S.Jain, Certain multiple integral relations involving generalized Mellin-Barnes type of contour integral, To communicated for publication ACTA UNIVERSITATIS APULENSIS.
[25]  P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, New Bilateral Generating Functions Pertaining To I-function, To communicated for publication in Tamkang Journal of Mathematics.
[26]  P.Agarwal and S.Jain, Integrals involving product of H , and , To Communicated for publication in Vijnana Parishad.
[27]  P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand , Certain Integral Properties of Generalized Class of Polynomials and Generalized Contour Integral Associated with Feynman Integrals, To Communicated for publication in Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics.
[28]  P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, New Integral Formulas Involving Polynomials and -function, To communicate for publication in Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics.
[29]  P.Agarwal and Shilpi Jain, Bianchi Type-I Magnetized Cosmological Model in General Relativity , To communicate for publication in Journal of Jordan Journal of Math. & Stat.
[30]  P.Agarwal, ON APPLICATIONS OF FRACTIONAL CALCULUS INVOLVING SUMMATIONS OF SERIES, To communicate for publication in Journal of FCAA.
[31]  P.Agarwal, On a Unified Integral Involving the Product of Srivastava’s Polynomials and Generalized Mellin-Barnes Type Contour Integral, To communicate for publication in Journal of Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications.
[32]  P.Agarwal, Further Results on Fractional Calculus of Saigo operator, To communicate for publication in Journal of AAM.
[33]  P.Agarwal, GENERALIZED FRACTIONAL INTEGRATION OF THE H FUNCTION, To communicate for publication in Journal of Le Matematiche.
[34]  P.Agarwal, On a New Theorem Involving Generalized Mellin-Barnes type of Contour Integral and Srivastava Polynomials, To communicate for publication in Journal of Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.