[1] | P. Agarwal and C.L. Koul, On Generating Functions, J.Rajasthan Acad.Phy.Sci., Vol.2, No.3, 2003, pp.173-180. |
[2] | P. Agarwal and C.L. Koul, Summation Formulae Involving F , Ganita Sandesh Vol.18, No.2, 2004 pp.125-132. |
[3] | P. Agarwal and C.L. KouI, Integrals involving product of H and the generalized polynomials , Proc.Nat.Acad.Sci.India, 74(A), IV, 2004. |
[4] | P. Agarwal and C.L. Koul, Relations Involving -Functions and H-functions, South East Asian J.Math. & Math.Sc.Vol.3 No.2, 2005, pp.1-8. |
[5] | P. Agarwal and C.L. Koul, Relations Involving -Functions and H-functions of Several Variables, J. Indian Acad. Math. 28, No. 1, 63-72 (2006). |
[6] | P. Agarwal, On Certain Functional Relations, Bull.Pure.and Appl.Math.Vol.2, No.2, December 2008, pp.199-205. |
[7] | P.Agarwal and S.Jain, On unified finite integrals involving a multivariable polynomial and a generalized Mellin Barnes type of contour integral having general argument, National Academy Science Letters, Vol.32, No.8 & 9, 2009. |
[8] | P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, NEW INTERGRAL FORMULAS INVOLVING POLYNOMIALS AND I-FUNCTIO, Proc. of Math. Soc., B.H.U. vol.26 (2010), pp. 61-68. |
[9] | P.Agarwal and S.Jain , A New Basic Integral Formula Involving General Sequence of Functions, Proceeding of NCAWOCT-2010, Jaipur . |
[10] | P.Agarwal, On Integrals involving product of H , and , Rev.Bull.Cal.Math.Soc., 18, (1), 2010, pp. 13-20. |
[11] | P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, Integrals involving product of H and the generalized polynomials , Int. Math. Forum, Vol. 6, 2011, pp. 529-539. |
[12] | P.Agarwal and S.Jain, Further Results on Fractional Calculus of Srivastava Polynomials, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications ISSN: 1821-1291, URL: http://www.bmathaa.org Volume 3 Issue 2(2011), Pages 167-174. |
[13] | P.Agarwal and S.Jain, NEW FINITE DOUBLE INTEGRAL FORMULAE INVOLVING POLYNOMIALS AND FUNCTIONS OF GENERAL NATURE' Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics; Volume 7, Number 2, 2011. |
[14] | P.Agarwal and S.Jain, On integrals involving product of H and the generalized polynomials , Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXXVII M, No.1, 167(2011), pp.167-174. |
[15] | P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, Finite Integrals Involving Jacobi Polynomials and I-function, Theoretical Mathematics & Applications, vol.1, no.1, 2011, 115-123 ISSN: 1792- 9687 (print), 1792-9709 (online).International Scientific Press, 2011. |
[16] | P.Agarwal, On multiple integral relations involving generalized Mellin-Barnes type of contour integral, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Information and Mathematical Sciences 27(4) (2011) 449-462, Aletheia University. |
[17] | P.Agarwal, Fractional integration of the product of two H-functions and a general class of polynomials, Asian Journal of Applied sciences, 2012. ISSN 1996-3343/DOI : 10.3923/ajaps.2012.©2012 Knowledgia Review, Malaysia. |
[18] | P.Agarwal and M. Chand, New Finite Integrals of Generalized Meliin-Barnes Type of Contour Integrals, To appearing in GJSFR Volume 12 Issue 2 Version 1.0 January 2012. |
[20] | P.Agarwal and M. Chand, Integral Formulae’s Involving Two -function and Multivariable Polynomials, To appearing in GJSFR Volume 12 Issue 4 Version 1.0 April 2012. |
[21] | P.Agarwal and M. Chand, New Theorems Involving The Generalized Mellin-Barnes Type of Contour Integrals, To appearing in GJSFR Volume 12 Issue 3 Version 1.0 March 2012. |
[22] | P.Agarwal, ON APPLICATIONS OF FRACTIONAL CALCULUS INVOLVING SUMMATIONS OF SERIES, To appearing in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics-IJPAM, ISSN 1311-8080. |
[23] | P.Agarwal, Functional Relations Involving Generalized Mellin-Barnes Type of Contour Integral, To appearing in Journal of Mathematical and Computational Science. |
[24] | P.Agarwal and S.Jain, Certain multiple integral relations involving generalized Mellin-Barnes type of contour integral, To communicated for publication ACTA UNIVERSITATIS APULENSIS. |
[25] | P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, New Bilateral Generating Functions Pertaining To I-function, To communicated for publication in Tamkang Journal of Mathematics. |
[26] | P.Agarwal and S.Jain, Integrals involving product of H , and , To Communicated for publication in Vijnana Parishad. |
[27] | P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand , Certain Integral Properties of Generalized Class of Polynomials and Generalized Contour Integral Associated with Feynman Integrals, To Communicated for publication in Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics. |
[28] | P.Agarwal, S.Jain and M. Chand, New Integral Formulas Involving Polynomials and -function, To communicate for publication in Journal of Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Informatics. |
[29] | P.Agarwal and Shilpi Jain, Bianchi Type-I Magnetized Cosmological Model in General Relativity , To communicate for publication in Journal of Jordan Journal of Math. & Stat. |
[30] | P.Agarwal, ON APPLICATIONS OF FRACTIONAL CALCULUS INVOLVING SUMMATIONS OF SERIES, To communicate for publication in Journal of FCAA. |
[31] | P.Agarwal, On a Unified Integral Involving the Product of Srivastava’s Polynomials and Generalized Mellin-Barnes Type Contour Integral, To communicate for publication in Journal of Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications. |
[32] | P.Agarwal, Further Results on Fractional Calculus of Saigo operator, To communicate for publication in Journal of AAM. |
[33] | P.Agarwal, GENERALIZED FRACTIONAL INTEGRATION OF THE H FUNCTION, To communicate for publication in Journal of Le Matematiche. |
[34] | P.Agarwal, On a New Theorem Involving Generalized Mellin-Barnes type of Contour Integral and Srivastava Polynomials, To communicate for publication in Journal of Bulletin of the Institute of Mathematics, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan. |