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[2] | A Continued Fraction and Some Identities Associated with Ramanujan, Riv. Math. Univ. Parma (4)17(1991), 199-206, Italy. |
[3] | A Note on Certain Bibasic q-Appell and Lauricella Series, Glasnik Math. 30(1995), 29-36, Croatia. |
[4] | Some New Identities of the Roger’s-Ramanujan Type. Ganita Sandesh, 11(1997), 21-26, India. |
[5] | Some Relations Between Continguous Bibasic q-Appell Functions, Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report 16(1997), Nepal. |
[6] | Certain Bilateral Basic Hypergeometric Transformations and Mock Theta Functions. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 29(1999), 19-26, Japan. |
[7] | On the Behaviour of Mock Theta Functions Found in the "Lost" Notebook. Kodai Math. Journal 22(1999), 35-45, Japan . |
[8] | Identities Involving Partial Mock Theta Functions of Order Five. The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), 267-276, USA. |
[9] | Some q-Identities Associated with Ramanujan’s Continued Fraction, Kodai Math. Journal 24(2001), 36-41, Japan . |
[10] | Asymptotic Behaviour of Ramanujan’s Tenth Order Mock Theta Functions, Kodai Math. Journal 25(2002), 108-112, Japan. |
[11] | On A Two Parameter Family of Generalised q-Exponential Function, Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 44(2002), 137-142, Japan. |
[12] | The Partial Mock Theta Conjectures and Some Identities, Saitama Mathematical Journal 21(2003) , 9-22, Japan. |
[13] | A Study of Fq-Function Connected With Ramanujan’s Tenth Order Mock Theta Function, Mathematical Journal of Okhayama University, 46(2004), 131-139 Japan . |
[14] | Modular Transformations for Ramanujan’s Tenth Order Mock ThetaFunctions, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 45(2005), 211-220 , Korea. |
[15] | Ramanujan’s Continued Fraction, a Generalization and Partitions, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal , 45(2005), 273-280, Korea. |
[16] | A Continued Fraction From Unorganized Portions of Ramanujan’s Notebooks and Partitions, Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society 18(1)(2005), 95-100, Korea. |
[17] | Ramanujan’s Mock Theta Functions, Mathematical Journal of Okhayama University, 47(2005), 163-174, Japan . |
[18] | Hecke modular form Expansions for Eighth Order Mock Theta Functions, Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, 28(2)(2005), 563-577, Japan. |
[19] | A Genaralization of a continued fraction of Ramanujan, Its nth convergent and partitions. Journal of Analysis and Computation 1(2) (2005), 109-115, India. |
[20] | A Study of Bilateral Form of Mock Theta Function of Order Eight, Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, 18(2) (2005), 117-129, Korea. |
[21] | Application of constant term method to Ramanujan’s mock theta function, accepted in NewZealand J. of Mathematics, NewZealand. |
[22] | A comprehensive study of second order mock theta function, Bulletin of Korean Math. Soc., (4)42 (2005), 889-900, Korea. |
[23] | A note on an analogous continued fraction of Ramanujan, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal , 45 (2005), 603-607, Korea. |
[24] | Reducibility, Multibasic Expansion and Integral Representation for Basic Appell Function. Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, 18(2) (2005), 131-143, Korea. |
[25] | A Generalization of the Eighth Order Mock Theta Function and their Multibasic Expansions, Saitama Mathematical Journal, 24(2006), 1-13, Japan . 26 . Mock Theta Function and Theta Function, New Zealand J. of Mathematics, 36(2007), 287-294, NewZealand. |
[26] | Bibasic q-Appell Series Connected with Ramanujan’s Continued Fractions, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 38(1) (2007), 51-56, China. |
[27] | Coefficient of continued fraction of Ramanujan, accepted in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria. |
[28] | On 2-dissection and 4-dissection of Ramanujan’s cubic continued fraction and Identities, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 23(3) (2007), 305-315 , Taiwan. |
[29] | Some theta-function identities, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 187 (2007), 474-478 , USA. |
[30] | Partial second order mock theta function, their Expansion and Pade Approximants, Journal of Korean Math. Society, 44 (2007), No.4, 767-777, Korea. |
[31] | Some Theta Function and False Theta Function Identities Associated with Ramanujan, Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, 20(2007), No. 2, 97-107, Korea. |
[32] | On an analogous continued fraction of Ramanujan, Hawaii International conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, USA. |
[33] | Asymptotic Behaviour Of Another Second Order Mock Theta Function, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 47(2007), 341-345, Korea. |
[34] | On a Second Order Mock Theta Functions, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 24(1) (2008), 25-35, Taiwan. |
[35] | Theta function identities associated with modular equation, accepted in Studii si Cercetari Stiintifice, Seria Matematica, 19(1)(2009), 223-230, Romania. |
[36] | A mock theta function of second order, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2009, Article ID 978425, 16 pages, 2009, USA |
[37] | The fourth and eighth order mock theta functions, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 50(2010), 165-175, Korea. |
[38] | A unified proof of classical Ramanujan's identities and Jacobi's four Square Theorem, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 38(3) (2010), 299-304, Vietnam. |
[39] | On the identities of Ramanujan—A q-series approach, accepted in East West Journal of Mathematics, Thailand. |
[40] | Simple proof of two identities of Ramanujan, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 10(7) (2010), 9-12. |
[41] | Some Eisenstein Series Identities, accepted in Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, Korea. |
[42] | An approximation formula for a continued fraction of Ramanujan, accepted in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria. |
[43] | q-functional equations of functions analogous to Rogers-Ramanujan functions, accepted in East European Journal of Mathematics. |
[44] | Some results on analogous continued fraction of Ramanujan, accepted in Italian Journal of pure and applied Mathematics, Italy. |
[45] | On modular equations and Lambert series for a continued fraction of Ramanujan, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 3(1) (2011), 148-155, Kosova. |
[46] | Some Eisenstein series identities related to modular equation of the fourth order, Communication of Korean Math. Soc., 26(1) (2011), 67-77, Korea. |
[47] | A Simple Proof of Identities of Legendre and Ramanujan, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 3(1) (2011), 8-13, Kosova. |
[48] | On the Modular equations of degree m –A generalization, Mathematical Communications, 16(2011), 85-93, Croatia. |
[49] | On the equivalence of two identities associated with Ramanujan’s analogous continued fraction, accepted in Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Kosova. |
[50] | Some identities connected with a continued fraction of Ramanujan, accepted in Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Taiwan. |
[51] | Some New Mock Theta Functions, accepted in Mathematical Sciences Research Journal, USA. |