American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics is to publish well-written original research articles and studies describing the latest research and developments in the field of mathematics and statistics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of mathematics, statistics and interdisciplinary research.

Bhaskar Srivastava

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

Associate Professor, Lucknow University, India

Research Areas

Special Functions, Complex Analysis


1986Ph.DMathematics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India.
1983M.ScMathematics, University of Lucknow, Lucknow, India.


1986-1987Assistant Professor of Mathematics. University of West Virginia, Morgantown, USA.

Publications: Journals

[1]  Partial Theta Function Expansions, Tohoku Math. Journal 42(1990), 119-125, Japan.
[2]  A Continued Fraction and Some Identities Associated with Ramanujan, Riv. Math. Univ. Parma (4)17(1991), 199-206, Italy.
[3]  A Note on Certain Bibasic q-Appell and Lauricella Series, Glasnik Math. 30(1995), 29-36, Croatia.
[4]  Some New Identities of the Roger’s-Ramanujan Type. Ganita Sandesh, 11(1997), 21-26, India.
[5]  Some Relations Between Continguous Bibasic q-Appell Functions, Nepali Mathematical Sciences Report 16(1997), Nepal.
[6]  Certain Bilateral Basic Hypergeometric Transformations and Mock Theta Functions. Hiroshima Mathematical Journal, 29(1999), 19-26, Japan.
[7]  On the Behaviour of Mock Theta Functions Found in the "Lost" Notebook. Kodai Math. Journal 22(1999), 35-45, Japan .
[8]  Identities Involving Partial Mock Theta Functions of Order Five. The Ramanujan Journal 4 (2000), 267-276, USA.
[9]  Some q-Identities Associated with Ramanujan’s Continued Fraction, Kodai Math. Journal 24(2001), 36-41, Japan .
[10]  Asymptotic Behaviour of Ramanujan’s Tenth Order Mock Theta Functions, Kodai Math. Journal 25(2002), 108-112, Japan.
[11]  On A Two Parameter Family of Generalised q-Exponential Function, Mathematical Journal of Okayama University 44(2002), 137-142, Japan.
[12]  The Partial Mock Theta Conjectures and Some Identities, Saitama Mathematical Journal 21(2003) , 9-22, Japan.
[13]  A Study of Fq-Function Connected With Ramanujan’s Tenth Order Mock Theta Function, Mathematical Journal of Okhayama University, 46(2004), 131-139 Japan .
[14]  Modular Transformations for Ramanujan’s Tenth Order Mock ThetaFunctions, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal 45(2005), 211-220 , Korea.
[15]  Ramanujan’s Continued Fraction, a Generalization and Partitions, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal , 45(2005), 273-280, Korea.
[16]  A Continued Fraction From Unorganized Portions of Ramanujan’s Notebooks and Partitions, Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society 18(1)(2005), 95-100, Korea.
[17]  Ramanujan’s Mock Theta Functions, Mathematical Journal of Okhayama University, 47(2005), 163-174, Japan .
[18]  Hecke modular form Expansions for Eighth Order Mock Theta Functions, Tokyo Journal of Mathematics, 28(2)(2005), 563-577, Japan.
[19]  A Genaralization of a continued fraction of Ramanujan, Its nth convergent and partitions. Journal of Analysis and Computation 1(2) (2005), 109-115, India.
[20]  A Study of Bilateral Form of Mock Theta Function of Order Eight, Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, 18(2) (2005), 117-129, Korea.
[21]  Application of constant term method to Ramanujan’s mock theta function, accepted in NewZealand J. of Mathematics, NewZealand.
[22]  A comprehensive study of second order mock theta function, Bulletin of Korean Math. Soc., (4)42 (2005), 889-900, Korea.
[23]  A note on an analogous continued fraction of Ramanujan, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal , 45 (2005), 603-607, Korea.
[24]  Reducibility, Multibasic Expansion and Integral Representation for Basic Appell Function. Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, 18(2) (2005), 131-143, Korea.
[25]  A Generalization of the Eighth Order Mock Theta Function and their Multibasic Expansions, Saitama Mathematical Journal, 24(2006), 1-13, Japan . 26 . Mock Theta Function and Theta Function, New Zealand J. of Mathematics, 36(2007), 287-294, NewZealand.
[26]  Bibasic q-Appell Series Connected with Ramanujan’s Continued Fractions, Tamkang Journal of Mathematics, 38(1) (2007), 51-56, China.
[27]  Coefficient of continued fraction of Ramanujan, accepted in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria.
[28]  On 2-dissection and 4-dissection of Ramanujan’s cubic continued fraction and Identities, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 23(3) (2007), 305-315 , Taiwan.
[29]  Some theta-function identities, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 187 (2007), 474-478 , USA.
[30]  Partial second order mock theta function, their Expansion and Pade Approximants, Journal of Korean Math. Society, 44 (2007), No.4, 767-777, Korea.
[31]  Some Theta Function and False Theta Function Identities Associated with Ramanujan, Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, 20(2007), No. 2, 97-107, Korea.
[32]  On an analogous continued fraction of Ramanujan, Hawaii International conference on Statistics, Mathematics and Related Fields, USA.
[33]  Asymptotic Behaviour Of Another Second Order Mock Theta Function, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 47(2007), 341-345, Korea.
[34]  On a Second Order Mock Theta Functions, Tamsui Oxford Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 24(1) (2008), 25-35, Taiwan.
[35]  Theta function identities associated with modular equation, accepted in Studii si Cercetari Stiintifice, Seria Matematica, 19(1)(2009), 223-230, Romania.
[36]  A mock theta function of second order, International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences, vol. 2009, Article ID 978425, 16 pages, 2009, USA
[37]  The fourth and eighth order mock theta functions, Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 50(2010), 165-175, Korea.
[38]  A unified proof of classical Ramanujan's identities and Jacobi's four Square Theorem, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics, 38(3) (2010), 299-304, Vietnam.
[39]  On the identities of Ramanujan—A q-series approach, accepted in East West Journal of Mathematics, Thailand.
[40]  Simple proof of two identities of Ramanujan, Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, 10(7) (2010), 9-12.
[41]  Some Eisenstein Series Identities, accepted in Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society, Korea.
[42]  An approximation formula for a continued fraction of Ramanujan, accepted in International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, Bulgaria.
[43]  q-functional equations of functions analogous to Rogers-Ramanujan functions, accepted in East European Journal of Mathematics.
[44]  Some results on analogous continued fraction of Ramanujan, accepted in Italian Journal of pure and applied Mathematics, Italy.
[45]  On modular equations and Lambert series for a continued fraction of Ramanujan, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 3(1) (2011), 148-155, Kosova.
[46]  Some Eisenstein series identities related to modular equation of the fourth order, Communication of Korean Math. Soc., 26(1) (2011), 67-77, Korea.
[47]  A Simple Proof of Identities of Legendre and Ramanujan, Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 3(1) (2011), 8-13, Kosova.
[48]  On the Modular equations of degree m –A generalization, Mathematical Communications, 16(2011), 85-93, Croatia.
[49]  On the equivalence of two identities associated with Ramanujan’s analogous continued fraction, accepted in Bulletin of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, Kosova.
[50]  Some identities connected with a continued fraction of Ramanujan, accepted in Taiwanese Journal of Mathematics, Taiwan.
[51]  Some New Mock Theta Functions, accepted in Mathematical Sciences Research Journal, USA.