American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics is to publish well-written original research articles and studies describing the latest research and developments in the field of mathematics and statistics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of mathematics, statistics and interdisciplinary research.

Solat Karimi Vanani

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

Assistant Professor, I.A.U., Shahrekord Branch, Iran

Research Areas

Numerical Analysis


2011Ph.DApplied mathematics, Numerical analysis, K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
2007M.ScApplied mathematics, Numerical analysis, K.N., Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
2005B.ScPure mathematics, University of Shahrekord, Shahrekord, Iran


2008-2011K.N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran: Assistant of Mathematics
2008-2011Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran: Assistant of Mathematics
2007-2008University of Payamnour, Shahrekord, Iran: Assistant of Mathematics
2007-2008University of Applied Science and Technology, Shahrekord, Iran: Assistant of Mathematics

Academic Achievement

Entering to PhD without exam as a member of outstanding talents of Iran
Winner of a Scholarship from Swedish Institute
First student in M.Sc. and Ph.D. levels


Membership of International Association of Engineering (IAENG)

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, Tau approximate solution of fractional partial differential equations, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 62 (2011) 1075-1083.
[2]  S. Karimi Vanani and F. Soleymani, Application of the homotopy perturbation method for the Burgers equation with delay, Chinese Physics Letters, in press.
[3]  S. Karimi Vanani, F. Soleymani and M. Khan, Tau approximate solution of weakly singular Volterra integral equations, Mathematical and Computer Modelling, in press.
[4]  F. Soleymani, S.K. Khattri and S. Karimi Vanani, Two New Classes of Optimal Jarratt-Type Fourth-Order Methods, Applied Mathematics Letters, in press.
[5]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, Numerical solution of differential algebraic equations using multiquadric approximation scheme, Mathematical and Computer Modelling 53 (2011) 659-666.
[6]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, A numerical algorithm for the space and time fractional Fokker-Planck equation, Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, in press.
[7]  S. Karimi Vanani , A. Yildirim, F. Soleymani, M. Khan and S. Tutkun, Solution of the heat equation in the cast-mould heterogeneous domain using a weighted algorithm based on the homotopy perturbation method, Journal of Numerical Methods for Heat and Fluid Flow, in press.
[8]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, Operational Tau approximation for a general class of fractional integro-differential equations, Computational Applied Mathematics 30 (3) (2011) 1-20.
[9]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, Numerical solution of Volterra integro-differential equations, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications 13 (2011) 654-662.
[10]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Yildirim, F. Soleymani and M. Khan, A numerical algorithm for solving nonlinear delay Volterra integral equations by means of homotopy perturbation method, International Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Numerical Simulation, in press.
[11]  F. Soleymani and S. Karimi Vanani, Optimal Steffensen-type methods with eighth-order of convergence, Computers and Mathematics with Applications 62 (12) (2011) 4619-4626.
[12]  F. Soleymani, S. Karimi Vanani and A. Afghani, A General Three-Step Class of Optimal Iterations for Nonlinear Equations, Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2011 (2011) Article ID:469512, 10 pages.
[13]  A.S. Arife, S. Karimi Vanani and F. Soleymani, The Laplace homotopy analysis method for solving a general fractional diffusion equation arising in Nano-Hydro dynamics, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, in press.
[14]  F. Soleymani, S. Karimi Vanani, M. Khan and M.Sharf, Some Modifications of King’s Family with Optimal Eighth Order of Convergence, Mathematical and Computer Modelling , in press.
[15]  F. Soleymani and S. Karimi Vanani, Optimal Steffensen-type methods with eighth-order of convergence, Computers and Mathematics with Applications , in press.
[16]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, Numerical solution of fractional ordinary and partial differential equations by an operational technique, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, in press.
[17]  F. Soleymani, S. Karimi Vanani and M.J. Paghaleh, A class of three-step derivative-free root solvers with optimal convergence order, Journal of Applied Mathematics, in press.
[18]  M. Khan, M.A. Gondal, I. Hussain and S. Karimi Vanani, A new comparative study between homotopy analysis transform method and homotopy perturbation transform method on semi infinite domain, Mathematical and Computer Model ling, in press.
[19]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, On the numerical solution of fractional partial differential equations, Mathematical and Computational Applications, in press.
[20]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, On the numerical solution of differential equations of Lane-Emden type, Computers and Mathematics with Applications, 59 (2010) 2815-2820.
[21]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, On the numerical solution of nonlinear delay differential equations, Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics 8 (2010) 568-576.S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, On the numerical solution of delay differential systems, Journal of Applied Functional Analysis 5 (2010) 169-176.
[22]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, Multiquadric approximation scheme on the numerical solution of delay difierential systems of neutral type, Mathematical and Computer Model ling 49 (2009) 234-241.
[23]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, On the numerical solution of functional differential equations, Journal of Concrete and Applicable Mathematics 7 (2009) 54-63.
[24]  S. Karimi Vanani and A. Aminataei, On the numerical solution of neutral delay differential equations using multiquadric approximation scheme, Bulletin of the Korean Mathematical Society 45 (2008) 663-670.