[1] | Ding, H. and Lu, X. (2011). Empirical analysis of impact of conversion of convertible bonds on corporate performance of different industries in China. American Open Journal of Statistics. In press. |
[2] | Liu, W. and Lu, X. (2011). Empirical likelihood for density-weighted average derivatives. Statistical Papers. 52, 391-412. [SCI] |
[3] | Lu, X., Nan, B., Song, P. X.-K. and Sowers, M. R. (2010). Longitudinal data analysis with event time as a covariate. Statistics in Biosciences. 2, 65-80. [SCI] |
[4] | Cheng, T.L. Lu, H.H., Lu, X. and Sun, J.W. (2010). Censored regression with error-prone predictors for partially linear single-index models. Journal of Chinese Statistical Association. 48, 108-126. |
[5] | Xiao, Q., Liu, Z., Balakrishnan, N. and Lu, X. (2010). Estimation of the Birnbaum-Saunders regression model with current status data. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 54, 326-332. [SCI] |
[6] | Lu. X.(2010). Asymptotic distributions of two "synthetic data" estimators for censored single-index models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 101, 999-1015. [SCI] |
[7] | Hsieh, H.-N., Su, H.-Y. and Lu, X. (2009). A generalized inference on assessment of similarity between dissolution profiles. Advances and Applications in Statistics. 12, 163-190. |
[8] | Yang, J.-Q., Lu, X. and Singh, R.S. (2009). Estimation for two-sample location-scale models under Type I censorship. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 39, 1932-1950. [SCI] |
[9] | Liu, W. and Lu, X. (2009). Weighted least squares method for censored linear. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 21, 787-799. [SCI] |
[10] | Lu, X. (2009). Empirical likelihood for heteroscedastic partially linear models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis. 100, 387–396. [SCI] |
[11] | Sun, J., Kopciuk, K.A. and Lu, X. (2008). Polynomial spline estimation of partially linear single-index proportional hazards regression models. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. 53, 176-188. [SCI] |
[12] | Lu, X. and Burke, M.D. (2008). Nonparametric estimation of linear functionals of a bivariate distribution under univariate censoring. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference. 138, 3238-3256. [SCI] |
[13] | Xie, C., Singh, R.S., Desmond, A.F., Lu, X. and Ormsby, E. (2008). Hierarchical quasi-likelihood approach to bioavailability and bioequivalence analysis. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods. 37, 1641-1658. [SCI] |
[14] | Cheng, T.L., Ho, H.C. and Lu, X. (2008). Asymptotic normality of kernel estimations for linear random fields on Z2. Journal of Theoretical Probability. 21, 267-286. [SCI] |
[15] | Desmond, A.F., Rodríguez-Yam, G.A. and Lu, X. (2008). Estimation of parameters for a Birnbaum-Saunders regression model with censored data. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation. 11, 983-997. [SCI] |
[16] | Lu, X., Sun, J. and Qi, Y. (2008). Empirical likelihood for average derivatives of hazard regression functions. Metrika, 67, 93-112. [SCI] |
[17] | Cheng, T.L. and Lu, X. (2007). An efficient algorithm on boundary detection. Journal of Chinese Statistical Association. 45, 372-385. |
[18] | Liu, W.R. and Lu, X. (2007). Asymptotical Properties of Sample Versions of Type a Statistical Depth Functions. Journal of Natural Science of Hunan Normal University. 30, 1-5. |
[19] | Lu, X. and Cheng, T.L. (2007). Randomly censored partially linear single-index models. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 98, 1895-1922. [SCI] |
[20] | Lu, X., Singh, R. S. and Desmond, A. F. (2007). Estimation for location-scale models with censored Data. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods, 36, 1069-1089. [SCI] |
[21] | Lu, X. and Qi, Y. (2006). Chover's law of the iterated logarithm for trimmed sums. Sankhyā, 68, 488-502. (In MathSciNet) |
[22] | Lu, X. and Qi, Y. (2006). Empirical likelihood for average derivatives. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics. 18, 315-331. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[23] | Wang, Z., Desmond, A. F. and Lu, X. (2006). Modified censored moment estimation for the two-parameter Birnbaum-Saunders distribution. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 50, 1033-1051. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[24] | Lu, X., Chen, G., Singh, R. S. and Song, P. X.-K. (2006). A class of partially linear single-index survival models. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 34, 97-112. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[25] | Lu, X. and Burke, M. D. (2005). Censored multiple regression by the method of average derivatives. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 95, 182-205. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[26] | Xie, C., Singh, R.S., Smith, B. and Lu, X. (2005). Generalized separation theorems for singular values of a matrix and their applications in canonical correlation analysis. Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 25, 223-229. (In MathSciNet) |
[27] | Lu, X. and Qi, Y. (2004). A note on asymptotic distribution of products of sums. Statistics and Probability Letters, 68, 407-413. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[28] | Lu, X. and Qi, Y. (2004). Empirical likelihood for the additive risk model. Probability and Mathematical Statistics, 24, 419-431. (In MathSciNet) |
[29] | Li, Q., Lu, X. and Ullah, A. (2003). Multivariate local polynomial regression for estimating average derivatives. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 15, 607-624. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[30] | Lu, X., Singh, R. S. and Desmond, A. F. (2001). A kernel smoothed semiparametric survival model. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 98, 119-135. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[31] | Singh, R.S. and Lu, X. (2000). Asymptotic normality of estimators for the parameters in the location-scale models with randomly-censored data. Journal of Statistical Research, 35, 133-141. (In MathSciNet) |
[32] | Singh, R.S. and Lu, X. (1999). Nonparametric synthetic data regression estimation for censored survival data. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 11, 13-31. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[33] | Singh, R.S. and Lu, X. (1998). Large sample theory for estimators of the moments based on 'synthetic data' under randomly right-censoring. Applied Statistical Science, III, Nonparametric Statistics and Related Topics, S.E. Ahmed, M. Ahsanullah and B.K. Sinha, Eds., Nova Science Publishers, Inc. Commack, New York. 127-141. (In MathSciNet) |
[34] | Liu, Z. and Lu, X. (1997). Root N consistent semiparametric estimation of partially linear models based on K NN method. Econometric Reviews, 16, 411-420. [SCI] (In MathSciNet) |
[35] | Lu, X. (1996). Regression function kernel estimation based on synthetic data under random censorship. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 12, 29-36. (In MathSciNet). |
[36] | Lu, X. (1995). Almost sure L_1 norm convergence of nonparametric estimation of conditional probability densities of stationary processes. Acta. Sci. Nat. Uni. Norm. Hunan, 18, 10 15. (In MathSciNet) |
[37] | Lu, X. (1995). Asymptotic optimality of CV and GCV criterions in nonparametric regression estimation. (Chinese) Journal of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Probability, 10, 56 66. |
[38] | Lu, X. (1994). Estimation of the parameters in the location scale model under randomly right censoring. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 10, 272 277. (In MathSciNet) |
[39] | Lu, X. (1993). Use the methods of CV and GCV to estimate nonparametric regression function. Chinese Journal of Applied Probability and Statistics, 9, 70 81. (In MathSciNet) |
[40] | Lu, X. (1992). The nearest neighbour estimator of nonparametric function for dependent observation. Acta. Sci. Nat. Uni. Norm. Hunan, 15, 199 205. (In MathSciNet) |
[41] | Zhong, M., Hunt, J.D. and Lu, X. (2008). Studying differences of household weekday and weekend activities: a duration perspective. Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board. 2054, 28-36. [SCI] |
[42] | Liu, Q., Lu, X. and Yada, R. (2005). The effect of various potato cultivars at different times during growth on starch content determined by differential scanning calorimetry. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 79, 13-18. [SCI] |
[43] | McKellar, R.C. and Lu, X. (2005). Development of a global stochastic model describing the relationship between the distribution of individual cell physiological states and population physiological state. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 100, 33-40. [SCI] |
[44] | McKellar, R.C., Rupasinghe, V.H.P., Lu, X. and Knight, K.P. (2005). The electronic nose as a tool for the classification of fruit and grape wines from different Ontario wineries. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 85, 2391-2396. [SCI] |
[45] | McKellar, R.C., McGarvey, B.D., Tsao, R., Lu, X. and Knight, K.P. (2005). Application of the electronic nose to the classification of resistance to Western flower thrips in chrysanthemums. Journal of Chemical Ecology. 31, 2439-2450. [SCI] |
[46] | Vulicevic, I.R., Abdel-Aal, E-S.M., Mittal, G.S. and Lu, X. (2004). Quality and storage life of par-baked frozen breads. Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie, 37, 205-213. |
[47] | McKellar, R., Odumeru, J., Zhou, T., Harrison, A.D., Mercer, D.G., Young, J.C., Lu, X., Boulter, J., Piyasena, P. and Karr, S. (2004). Influence of a commercial warm chlorinated water treatment and packaging on the shelf-life of ready-to-use lettuce. Food Research International, 37, 343-354. [SCI] |
[48] | Zhou, T., Harrison, A.D., McKellar, R., Young, J.C., Odumeru, J., Piyasena, P. and Lu, X., Mercer, D.G. and Karr, S. (2004). Measurement of acceptability and shelf life of ready-to-use lettuce by digital image analysis. Food Research International, 37, 875-881. [SCI] |
[49] | Young, J.C., Chu, C.L.G., Lu, X. and Zhu, H. (2004). Ester variability in apple varieties as determined by solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 52, 8086-8093. [SCI] |
[50] | Odumeru, J.A., Boulter, J., Knight, K., Lu, X. and McKellar, R.C. (2003). Assessment of a wash treatment with warm chlorinated water to extend the shelf-life of ready-to-use lettuce. Journal of Food Quality, 26, 197-209. [SCI] |
[51] | Burgher, K.L., Jamison, A.R. and Lu, X. (2002). Genetic relationships among lowbush blueberry genotypes as determined by randomly amplified polymorphic DNA analysis. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 127, 98-103. [SCI] |
[52] | McKellar, R.C., Lu, X. and Knight, K.P. (2002). Proposal of a novel parameter to describe the influence of pH on the lag phage of Listeria monocytogenes. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 73, 127-135. [SCI] |
[53] | McKellar, R.C., Lu, X. and Knight, K.P. (2002). Growth pH does not affect the initial physiological state parameter (p0) of listeria monocytogenes. International Journal of Food Microbiology, 73, 137-144. [SCI] |
[54] | Yan, W., Hunt, L.A., Johnson, P., Steward, G. and Lu, X. (2002). On-farm strip trials vs. replicated performance trials for cultivar evaluation. Crop Science, 42, 385-392. [SCI] |
[55] | Li Wan Po, J.M., Piyasena, P., McKellar, R., Bartlett, F.M., Mittal, G., Lu, X. (2002). Influence of simulated apple cider composition on the heat resistance of Escherichia Coli O157:H7. Lebensmittel Wissenschaft und Technologie, 35, 295-304. |
[56] | Chambers, J.R. and Lu, X. (2002). Probiotics and maternal vaccination for salmonella control in broiler chickens. Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 11, 320-327. [SCI] |
[57] | Zhou, T., Northover, J., Schneider, K.E. and Lu, X. (2002). Interaction between Pseudomonas syringae MA-4 and cyprodinil in the control of blue mold and gray mold of apples. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 24. 154-161. [SCI] |
[58] | McKellar, R.C., Young, J.C., Johnston, A., Knight, K.P., Lu, X. and Buttenham, S. (2002). Use of the electronic nose and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry to determine the optimum time for aging of beer. Technical Quarterly, Master Brewers Association of the Americas, 39, 99-105. |
[59] | McKellar, R.C., Lu, X., Delaquis, P.J. (2002). A probability model describing the interface between survival and death of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in a mayonnaise model system. Food Microbiology, 19, 235-247. [SCI] |
[60] | Reynolds, W.D., Bowman, B.T., Drury, C.F., Tan, C.S., Lu, X. (2002). Indicator of good soil physical quality: density and storage parameters. Geoderma, 110, 131-146. [SCI] |
[61] | Hildebrand, P.D., McRae, K.B. and Lu, X. (2001). Factors affecting flower infections and disease severity of lowbush blueberry by Botrytis cinerea. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 23. 364-370. [SCI] |
[62] | McKellar, R.C., Lu, X. (2001). A probability growth model for Escherichia coli O157:H7 as a function of temperature, pH, acetic acid, and salt. Journal of Food Protection, 64, 1922-1928. [SCI] |
[63] | Atlin, G.N., Baker, R.J., McRae, K.B. and Lu, X. (2000). The effect of subdividing a target region on selection response. Crop Science, 40, 7-13. [SCI] |
[64] | Sturz, A.V., Stewart, J.G., McRae, K.B., Diamond, J.F. Lu, X. and Singh, R.P. (2000). Assessment of the importance of seed cutting, in-season cultivation and the passage of rom equipment in the spread of PVY0 in potatoes. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology, 22, 166 173. [SCI] |
[65] | Hildebrand, P.D., Nickerson, N.L., McRae, K.B. and Lu, X. (2000). Incidence and impact of red leaf disease caused by Exobasidium vaccinii in lowbush blueberry fields in Nova Scotia. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology. 22. 364-367. [SCI] |
[66] | Atlin, G.N., McRae, K.B. and Lu, X. (2000). Genotype environment interaction for two-row barley yield in Canada. Crop Science, 40, 1-6. [SCI] |
[67] | Charmley, E., Savoie, P., McRae, K. B. and Lu, X. (1999). Effects of maceration at mowing on silage conservation, voluntary intake, digestibility and growth rate of steers fed precision chopped or round bale silages. Canadian Journal of Animal Science, 79, 195-202. [SCI] |
[68] | Kalt, W., McDonald, J.E., Ricker, R.D. and Lu, X. (1999). Anthocyanin content and profile within and among blueberry species. Canadian Journal of Plant Science, 79, 617 623. [SCI] |
[69] | Hildebrand, P.D., Braun, K.B., McRae, K.B. and Lu, X. (1998). Role of the biosurfactant viscosin in broccoli head rot caused by a pectolytic strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens. Canadian Journal Plant Pathology, 20, 296-303. [SCI] |