American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics is to publish well-written original research articles and studies describing the latest research and developments in the field of mathematics and statistics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of mathematics, statistics and interdisciplinary research.

Juergen Pilz

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

Professor, Alpe Adria University of Klagenfurt, Dept. of Statistics, Hod, Austria

Research Areas

Bayesian Statistics, Design of Experiments, Spatial Statistics, Geostatistics


1970-1978Ph.DMathematical Statistics, Technical University TU Bergakademie Freiberg


1994-presentProfessor and Chair of Applied Statistics at Klagenfurt University, Austria
1992-1993 Chairman of the German Assoc. of Math. Geology and Geoinformatics
1991-1992 Humboldt Fellow at the Free University of Berlin, SFB Math. Geology and Geoinformatics
1989-1993Professor of Mathematical Geology at the Dept. of Geosciences of TU BAF
1979-1988Assistant Professor at the Dept. of Mathematics of TU BAF


Member of the International Statistical Institute (ISI)
Member of the International Assoc. of Math. Geology and of the Austrian Statistical Society

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Rasch D., Pilz J., Verdooren R.L., Gebhardt A.: Optimal Design of Experiments with R. London: Routledge/Taylor & Francis Group, 2011, 315 pp.
[2]  Bluder O., Pilz J., Glavanovics M.: Modeling censored semiconductor lifetime data with Bayesian mixture-of-experts models. In: ISBA (Int. Soc. for Bayesian Analysis) (Hrsg.): Proc. MCMSki3. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2011, 8 pp.
[3]  Kazianka H., Pilz J.: Model-based Geostatistics. In: M. Lovric (Hrsg.): Int. Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2011, 833-836.
[4]  Kurz D., Kaspar K., Pilz J.: Dynamic Maintenance in semiconductor manufacturing using Bayesian networks. In: XXX (Hrsg.): IEEE 7th Int. Conference on Automation Science and Engineering. New York (NY): IEEE, 2011, 7 pp.
[5]  Pilz J.: Spatial Statistics. In: M. Lovric (Hrsg.): Int. Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2011, 1363-1368.
[6]  Pilz J.: Statistical Design of Experiments. In: M. Lovric (Hrsg.): Int. Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2011, 1392-1396.
[7]  Kazianka H., Pilz J.: Spatial Interpolation Using Copula-Based Geostatistical Models. In: Atkinson P.M., Lloyd C.D (Hrsg.): Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2010, pp. 307-319.
[8]  Kazianka H., Pilz J.: Geostatistical modeling using non-Gaussian copulas. In: N. Tate, P. Fisher (Hrsg.): Proceedings Accuracy 2010. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2010, pp. 49-52.
[9]  Breitenecker R., Pilz J., Schwarz E.: Presentation of Entrepreneurship Data and Aspects of Spatial Modeling. In: J. Pilz (Hrsg.): Interfacing Geostatistics and GIS. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, Dezember 2009, S. 189-200.
[10]  Pilz J., Hofer V., Helgason Th.: Daubechies Wavelets for Identification of Rock Variants from IR Spectra. In: J. Pilz (Hrsg.): Interfacing Geostatistics and GIS. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, Dezember 2009, S. 79-88.
[11]  Lessiak K., Pilz J.: Application of GLMs and GLMMs for the Analysis of QKD Networks. In: M. Iosefecsu, V. Preda (Hrsg.): Proc. 8th European Young Statisticians Meeting. Bucharest: University of Bucharest, August 2009, pp. 36-40.
[12]  Lessiak K., Kollmitzer C., Schauer S., Pilz J., Rass S.: Statistical Analysis of QKD Networks in Real-life Environments. In: IEEE (Hrsg.): 2009 Third International Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies. Cancun: IEEE, 1. Februar 2009, pp. 109-114.
[13]  Breitenecker R., Pilz J., Schwarz E.: Presentation of Entrepreneurship Data and Aspects of Spatial Modeling. In: J. Pilz (Hrsg.): Interfacing Geostatistics and GIS. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2009, S. 195-206.
[14]  Lessiak K., Kollmitzer Ch., Schauer J., Pilz J., Rass St.: Statistical Analysis of QKD Networks in Real-Life Environments. In: Avis D., Kollmitzer Ch., Privmann V. (Hrsg.): Proc. Third Int. Conference on Quantum, Nano and Micro Technologies. Los Angeles (CA): IEEE, 2009, pp. 109-114.
[15]  Pluch Ph., Pilz J.: Kriging and splines: Theoretical approach to linking spatial prediction methods. In: Interfacing Geostatistics and GIS. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2009, pp. 45-56.
[16]  Spock G., Kazianka H., Pilz J.: Bayesian trans-Gaussian kriging with log-log-transformed skew data. In: J. Pilz (Hrsg.): Interfacing Geostatistics and GIS. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2009, pp. 29-44.
[17]  Kazianka H., Leitner R., Pilz J.: Segmentation and Classification of Hyper-Spectral Skin Data. In: Ch. Preisach, H. Burkhardt, L. Schmidt-Thieme, R. Decker (Hrsg.): Data Analysis, Machine Learning and Applications-Proceedings of the 31st Annual Conference of the Gesellschaft für Klassifikation e.V., Albert-Ludwigs-Universitat Freiburg, March 7–9, 2007. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2008 (Studies in Classification, Data Analysis, and Knowledge Organization), pp. 245-252.
[18]  Pilz J., Kazianka H., Spock G.: Interoperability-Spatial Interpolation and Automated Mapping. In: T. Tsiligiridis (Hrsg.): Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Information & Communication, Technologies in Bio & Earth Sciences. Athens: Agricultural University Of Athens, 2008, pp. 110-118.
[19]  Pilz J., Spock G.: Bayesian Spatial Sampling Design. In: J.M. Ortiz, X. Emery (Hrsg.): Geostats 2008. Santiago: Gecamin Ltd, 2008, pp. 21-30.
[20]  Spock G., Pilz J.: Non-Stationary Spatial Modeling using Harmonic Analysis. In: J. M. Ortiz, X. Emery (Hrsg.): Geostats 2008. Santiago: Gecamin Ltd, 2008, pp. 389-398.
[21]  Pilz, J., Spock, G.: Spatial sampling design for prediction taking account of uncertain covariance structure. In: Caetano, M., Painho, M (Hrsg.): Proceeding of Accuracy 2006. Lisboa: Instituto Geográfico Português (IGP), 2006, S. 109-118.
[22]  Pilz J, Helgason Th., Hofer V., Spock G.: Wavelet-based classification of aggregates using MIR and NIR spectra. In: Leitner Raimund (Hrsg.): 2nd International Spectral Imaging Workshop. Wien: osterreichische Computer Gesellschaft oCG, 2005, S. 11-18.
[23]  Pilz J., Pluch Ph., Spock G.: Bayesian Krging with lognormal data and uncertain variogram pameters. In: P. Renard, H. Demougeot-Renard, R. Froidevaux (Hrsg.): Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Berlin: Springer, 2005, pp.51-62.
[24]  Pilz J., Pluch Ph., Spock G.: Bayesian Kriging with lognormal data and uncertain variogram parameters. In: Renard, Demougeot-Renard, Froideveaux (Hrsg.): Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2005, pp. 51-62.
[25]  Hofer V., Pilz J., Helgason Th.: Statistical Classification of Aggregates Using Optoelectronic Data. In: G. Bjarnason, P. Petursson (Hrsg.): Proc. 10th Nordic Aggregate Research Conference. Tampere: University Press, 2004, 4 S.
[26]  Pilz J.: Warum brauchen wir Bayessche Ansatze zur geostatistischen Modellierung und wie konnen diese implementiert werden? In: A. Sroka, R. Wittenburg (Hrsg.): 5. Geokinematischer Tag. Essen: VGE Verlag GmbH, 2004, S. 347-360.
[27]  Pilz J.: Qualitative Merkmale junger GmbHs in osterreich. In: E. J. Schwarz, E. Grieshuber (Hrsg.): Qualitative Merkmale junger GmbHs in osterreich. Wien: Bundesministerium für Wirtschaft und Arbeit (BMWA), August 2003, 152 S.
[28]  Pilz J.: Vom Gründungs-zum Jungunternehmen-Eine explorative Analyse. In: E. J. Schwarz, E. Grieshuber (Hrsg.): Vom Gründuns-zum Jungunternehmen-Eine explorative Analyse. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2003, 221.
[29]  Pilz J.: Bayesian Spatial Prediction Using the Matern Class of Covariance Funcitons. In: G. Dubois, J. Malczewski, M. de Cort (Hrsg.): Mapping Radioactivity in the Environment. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities (Publications Office), 2003, pp. 238-252.
[30]  Pilz J.: StatGIS-On the Interface between geostatistics and GIS. Dresden: CPress, 2002, pp.
[31]  Pilz, J., Bjarnason, G. Petursson, P.: Multivariate Analysis for Comparing Different Methods for Testing Aggregates. In: Proceedings 9th Nordic Aggregates Conference. Reykjavik: Ministry of Communications-Public Road Administration, 2002, pp. 18-22.
[32]  Pilz, J.: Bayesian spatial prediction using the Matern class of covariance functions. In: Spatial Interpolation Contest. Brüssel: DGXII, 2001, 18pp.
[33]  Koboltschnig, R.-G., Pilz, J.: Smoothing Cancer Ratios in Tirol: A Bayesian Model in Epidemiology. In: J. Gómez-Hernández, A. Soares, R. Froidevaux (Hrsg.): geoENV II-Geostatistics for Environmental Applications. Dordrecht [u. a.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, 527-536.
[34]  Pilz, J., Schimek, M.G., Spock, G.: Taking account of uncertainty in spatial covariance estimation. In: Geostatistics Wollongong. Dordrecht [u. a.]: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997, 302-313.
[35]  Baume O.P., Gebhardt C., Gebhardt A., Heuvelink G.B.M., Pilz J.: Network optimization algorithms and scenarios in the context of automatic mapping. In: Computers & Geosciences, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 37/2011 (2011), 3, 289-294.
[36]  Hussain I., Pilz J., Spock G.: Homogeneous climate regions in Pakistan. In: International Journal of Global Warming, Geneva: Inderscience Enterprises Limited 3/2011 (2011), 1/2, 55-66.
[37]  Kazianka H., Mulyk M., Pilz J.: A Bayesian Approach to Estimating Linear Mixtures with Unknown Covariance Structure. In: Journal of Applied Statistics, Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt (2011), XXXX.
[38]  Kazianka H., Pilz J.: Bayesian spatial modeling and interpolation using copulas. In: Computers & Geosciences, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 37/2011 (2011), 3, 310-319.
[39]  Nkurunziza H., Pilz J.: Impact of increased temperature on malaria transmission. In: Int. J. Global Warming, Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt 3/2011 (2011), 1/2, 77-87.
[40]  Pebesma E., Cornford D., Dubois G., Heuvelink G.B.M., Hristopoulos D., Pilz J., Stohlker U., Morin G., Skoien J.O.: INTAMAP: the design and implementation of an interoperable automated interpolation web service. In: Computers & Geosciences, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 37/2011 (2011), 3, 343-352.
[41]  Kazianka H., Pilz J.: Copula-based geostatistical modeling of continuous and discrete data including covariates. In: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 24 (2010), 5, pp. 661-673.
[42]  Nkurunziza H., Gebhardt A., Pilz J.: Bayesian modelling of the effect of climate on malaria in Burundi. In: Malaria Journal, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH (2010), 9:114.
[43]  Hussain I., Pilz J., Spock G.: Hierarchical Bayesian space-time interpolation versus spatio-temporal BME approach. In: Advances in Geosciences, Gottingen: Copernicus Publications (2010), 97-102 pp.
[44]  Hussain I., Spock G., Pilz J., Yu H.-L.: Spatio-temporal interpolation of precipitation during monsoon periods in Pakistan. In: Advances in Water Resources, New York: Elsevier Science Inc 33 (2010), pp. 880-886.
[45]  Mikosch P., Hadrawa T., Laubreiter K., Brandl J., Pilz J., Stettner H., Grimm G.: Effectiveness of respiratiory-sinus-arrhythmia biofeedback on state-anxiety in patients undergoing coronary angio-graphy. In: J. Advanced Nursing, Weinheim: Wiley VCH 66/2010 (2010), 5, 1101-110.
[46]  Nkurunziza H., Gebhardt A., Pilz J.: Forecasting malaria cases in Bujumbura. In: World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt 61/2010 (2010), 253-258.
[47]  Spock G., Pilz J.: Spatial Sampling design and Covariance-Robust Minimax Prediction based on Convex Design Ideas. In: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 24 (2010), 3, pp. 463-482.
[48]  Kazianka H., Pilz J: A corrected criterion for selecting the optimum number of principal comonents. In: Austrian Journal of Statistics, Vienna: Austrian Statistical Society 38 (2009), 3, pp. 135-150.
[49]  Kazianka H., Pilz J: Copula-based geostatistical modeling of continuous and discrete data including covariances. In: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH doi: 10.1007/s00477-009-0353-8 (2009), XXX.
[50]  Pilz J., Spock G.: Why do we need and how should we implement Bayesian kriging methods. In: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 22 (2008), 5, pp. 621-632.
[51]  Helgason, Th., Hofer, V., Pilz, J: Support Vector Machines for Classification of Aggregates by Means of IR-Spectra. In: Math. Geology, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 39 (2007), 307-319.
[52]  Hofer V., Pilz J., Helgason Th: Support Vector Machines for Classification of Aggregates by Means of IR-Spectra. In: Math. Geology, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 39 (2007), 3, pp. 307-319.
[53]  Pilz, J. and G. Spock: Why do we need and how should we implement Bayesian kriging methods. In: Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 22 (2007), 5, 621-632.
[54]  Helgason, Th., Hofer, V., Pilz, J: Statistical Classification of Different Petrographical Varieties of Aggregates by Means of Near-and Mid-Infrared Spectra. In: Math. Geology, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 38 (2006), 7, 851-870.
[55]  Hofer, V., J. Pilz, Th. Helgason: Statistical Classification of Different Petrographic Varieties of Aggregates by Means of Reflectance Spectra. In: Mathematical Geology, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH 38 (2006), 7, pp. 851-870.
[56]  Pilz, J., Spock G: Wavelet-based classification of aggregates using MIR and NIR spectra. In: XXX, (2005), XXX.
[57]  Pilz, J., Weber, V: Bayessches Kriging zur Erhohung der Prognosegenauigkeit im Zusammenhang mit der UVP für den Bergbau. In: Das Markscheidewesen, Essen: VGE Verlag GmbH 105 (1998), 3, 213-221.
[58]  Pilz, J., J. Menz: Bayessche Kollokation-auivalenzen zwischen Ausgleichungsrechnung und Geostatistik. In: Das Markscheidewesen, Essen: VGE Verlag GmbH 104 (1997), 3, 85-90.
[59]  Pilz, J., Knospe, St: Eine Anwendung des Bayes Kriging in der Lagestattenmodellierung. In: Glückauf-Forschungsheft, Essen: VGE Verlag GmbH 58 (1997), 4, 137-143.
[60]  Pilz, J., H. Drygas: On the equivalence of spectral theory and Bayesian analysis in minimax linear estimation. In: Acta Applicandae Mathematicae, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH (1996), 1-15.
[61]  Pilz J (Hrsg.): Interfacing Geostatistics and GIS. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2009, 282 pp.
[62]  StatGIS. Klagenfurt, Oktober 2001, 24 pp.
[63]  XXX (Hrsg.): StatGIS-A Spatial Statistics Module. Villach: XXX, 2001, 24pp.
[64]  Iosifescu M., Preda, V (Hrsg.): Measuring inhomogeneity of spatial point patterns for random mobility. Bucharest: University of Bucharest, August 2009, pp. 174-180.
[65]  Dubois G (Hrsg.): Network optimization algorithms and scenarios in the context of automatic mapping. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 18. Juni 2009, 6 pp.
[66]  Cornford D., Dubois G., Hristopulos D., Pebesma E., Pilz J (Hrsg.): INTAMAP: an interoperable automated interpolation web service. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2009, 6 pp.
[67]  Dincer I (Hrsg.): Impact of increased temperature on malaria in Burundi. Nairobi: Kenya Medical Research Institute (KEMRI), 2009, pp. 147-154.
[68]  Luty A., Mpoke S (Hrsg.): Bayesian Geo-additive Modeling of Malaria in Burundi. Oshawa: University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT), 2009, XXX.
[69]  Pilz J (Hrsg.): Bayesian spatial prediction. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2009, 6 pp.
[70]  Pilz J (Hrsg.): Geostatistics for Environmental Surveillance. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2009, 288 pp.
[71]  Pilz J (Hrsg.): Network optimization algorithms and scenarios in the context of automatic mapping. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2009, 6 pp.
[72]  Pilz J (Hrsg.): INTAMAP: an interoperable automated interpolation web service. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2009, 6 pp.
[73]  Pilz J (Hrsg.): Network optimization algorithms and scenarios in the context of automatic mapping. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2009, 6 pp.
[74]  Pilz J. (Hrsg.): Hierarchical Bayesian Interpolation for Precipitation in Pakistan. Klagenfurt: Alpen-Adria-Universitat Klagenfurt, 2009, XXX.
[75]  Spock G., Pilz J.: Analysis of areal and spatial interaction data. In: Lovric Miodrag (Hrsg.): International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science. Berlin, Heidelberg, New York: Springer Verlag GmbH, 2011, 35-39.
[76]  Kazianka, H (Hrsg.): Bayesian Disjunctive Kriging. Münster: Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Münster, 2007, 29.
[77]  Pilz, J., D. Cornford (Hrsg.): Bayesian Spatial Analysis. Münster: Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Münster, 2007, 24.
[78]  Pilz, J., G. Spoeck (Hrsg.): Bayesian Trans-Gaussian Kriging. Münster: Westfalische Wilhelms-Universitat Münster, 2007, 37.
[79]  Bouda J., Jank S. Maurhart O., Nagarajan R., Pilz J., Pluch Ph.: Specification of the Cryptographic Engine for Q3P. Wien:, 30. Juni 2006, 10 pp.
[80]  Bouda J., Jank S., Maurhart O., Nagarajan R., Pilz J., Pluch Ph: Supporting Cryptographic Protocols for Q3P. Wien:, 30. Juni 2006, 9 pp.