[1] | Hafid Belhaj, Youssef Balouki, Mohamed Bouhdadi, Said El Hajji: Using Event B to Specify QoS in ODP Enterprise Language. PRO-VE 2010: LNCS p 478-485 |
[2] | Jalal.Laassiri, S.El Hajji, M.Bouhdadi: "Specifying Behavioral Concepts by engineering language of RM-ODP" Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Volume (15). No.1 pp 1 to 10 Mai 2010 |
[3] | Jalal.Laassiri, S.El Hajji, M.Bouhdadi:"Verifying ODP Computational Behavioral Specification by using B-Method", International Journal of Computer Science and Security (IJCSS), Volume (4): Issue (1), pp 31-39, March 2010 |
[4] | Jalal laassiri, Said elhajji, Mohamed bouhdadi, Ghizlane Orhanou and Youssef balouki: "Specifying Data Bases Management Systems by Using RM-ODP Engineering Language"International Journal of Computer Science Issues, (IJCSI), Published in Volume 7, Issue 3, No 6, pp 10-17, Mai 2010. |
[5] | Jalal laassiri, Said elhajji, Youssef balouki, Ghizlane Orhanou, Mohamed bouhdadi: "Model Object of RM-ODP Standard in Dynamic Distributed Databases"Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Volume 16 No.2, pp [129–134] Juin 2010 |
[6] | G. Orhanou, S. El Hajji, J. Laassiri, Y. Bentaleb 'EPS Confidentiality and Integrity mechanisms-Algorithmic Approach' International Journal of Computer Science Issues, (IJCSI), Volume 7, Issue 4, No 4, pp 15-23, July 2010. |
[7] | G. Orhanou, S. El Hajji, J. Laassiri, Y. Bentaleb "UTRAN Cryptographic Algorithms VeriFication and Implementation" Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology (JATIT), Volume18. No. 2--20, pp [67-76]Aout 2010 |
[8] | Y. BENTALEB, S. EL HAJJI, J. LAASSIRI, G. ORHANOU "An Algorithm of Wavelets For the pretreatment of EMG biomedical signals" Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Volume 3, no. 6, pp [285-294] Aout 2010 |
[9] | Jalal. Laassiri, S.El Hajji, Y. Balouki, M. Bouhdadi "A Formal Semantics of Concepts in Information Language in ODP Systems"DLINE journals, 2010 |
[10] | Hafid Belhaj, Mohamed Bouhadadi, Said El Hajji "Using event B to specify trader function in ODP"Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems, Volume 3, Number 2, 2010. |
[11] | Belhaj Hafid, Balouki Youssef, Bouhdadi Mohamed, Said El hajji: "Using Event B to specify QoS in ODP Enterprise language", PRO-VE'10 11th IFIP Working Conference on VIRTUAL ENTERPRISES, Saint-Etienne, France, 11-13 October 2010. |
[12] | Belhaj Hafid, Bouhdadi Mohamed, Said El hajji: "Using event B to specify trader function in ODP", accepted to be to be published in the Journal of Computer Science and Control Systems (JCSCS) Volume 3, Number 2, 2010. |
[13] | Belhaj Hafid, Bouhdadi Mohamed, Said El hajji: "Verifying ODP trader function by using Event B", IJCSI International Journal of Computer Science Issues, Vol. 7, Issue 4, No 9, July 2010. |
[14] | Salahddine Krit, Jalal Laassiri and Said El Hajji: "Modeling and Simulation Methodology Techniques for Advanced Low Power Communication Circuits and Systems of Wireless Sensor Networks", SIMUTools2011 4th International ICST Conference on Simulation Tools and Techniques Barcelona, Spain-March 21-25 2011. |
[15] | Salahddine Krit, Jalal Laassiri and Said El Hajji: "Design and implementation of wireless technology to create wireless sensor network using OMNET++", 1er Congrès international: Informatique et Sciences de l'IngenieurISI, 1-5 March 2011 Erachidiya Morocco. |
[16] | Salahddine Krit, Jalal Laassiri and Said El Hajji: "Design and Analysis of a Class D Amplifier with high-efficiency and low-distortion"The 2010 International Conference of Wireless Networks, London, U.K., 30 June-2 July, 2010 . |
[17] | Salahddine Krit, Jalal Laassiri and Said El Hajji: "Comparison and Realization of Audio Amplifiers Using CMOS Technology (Class-A, Class-B, Class-AB and Class-D)", The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11) April 7-9 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco. |
[18] | Salahddine Krit, Jalal Laassiri and Said El Hajji:"Comparison and Realization of Audio Amplifiers Using CMOS Technology (Class-A, Class-B, Class-AB and Class-D)": The 2nd International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'11) April 7-9 2011, Ouarzazate, Morocco. |
[19] | Jalal Laassiri, Salahddine Krit and Said El Hajji: "Specifying QoS structural constraints in RM-ODP", WCE 2011, London, U.K., July, 2011(accepted). |
[20] | Youssef BENTALEB, Said EL HAJJI, Ghizlane ORHANOU: "A Wavelets Algorithm for the Seismic Waves Alignment", Int. J Contemporary Engineering Sciences, Vol. 3, 2010, no. 4, 157-166, 2010 |
[21] | Said El Hajji and Ghizlane Orhanou: "Confidentiality in the UMTS Radio Access Network Simulation approach under OPNET", BCS, EWIC, 2009, http://www.bcs.org/server.php?show=ConWebDoc.27252, |
[22] | Jalal Laassiri-Youssef Balouki-Hafid Belhaj-Said El Hajji-Mohamed Bouhdadi A Denotational Semantics of Concepts in ODP Information Language Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science Vol: 2176 Issue: 1 Pages/record No.: 486-492, Year: 2009 |
[23] | Belhaj Hafid-Youssef Balouki-Jalal Laassiri-Redouane Benaini-Mohamed Bouhadadi-Said El Hajji Using BPEL for Behavioral Concepts in ODP Computational Language Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science Vol: 2176 Issue: 1 Pages/record No.: 162-168, Year: 2009 |
[24] | Y. Balouki-Jalal. Laassiri-H. Belhaj-R. Benaini-S. El hajji-M. Bouhdadi "Event B for ODP Enterprise Behavioral Concepts Specification"Journal: Lecture Notes in Engineering and Computer Science Vol: 2176 Issue: 1 Pages/record No.: 784-788, Year: 2009 |
[25] | El Ghazi, S. El Hajji: Newton's method for the common eigenvector problem, CAM 6586, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, JCAM, 2008. |
[26] | Bentaleb Youssef and Said El Hajji: Estimation of the Seismic Dispersion Parameters by Wavelets, Inter-national Journal of Tomography & Statistics, Vol 9, No. S08, pp 59-72, 2008. |
[27] | Bentaleb Y. and S. El Hajji, An Algorithm of Wavelets For the pretreatment of EMG biomedical signals, accepted for publication in the Int. J. Contemp. Engineering Science, 2008. |
[28] | Bentaleb Y. and S. El Hajji, The Wavelets Analysis of Dispersive Seismic Profile, Int. J. Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 2, no. 25, pp 1219-1228, 2008. |
[29] | Bentaleb Y. and S. El Hajji, Estimation of the Polarization by Wavelet Transform, Int. J. Contemp. Math. Sciences, no. 14, Vol. 3, pp 675-682, 2008. |
[30] | Bentaleb Y. and S. El Hajji, Polarization analysis of the multicomponents seismic waves by wavelets, International Journal of Computational and Numerical Analysis and Applications, 2007. |
[31] | BenSleten, S. El Hajji, E.M. Souidi: << Etude des fonctions booleennes et leur utilisation dans la cryptographie >>, 2007. |
[32] | BenSleten et S. El Hajji: << La Cryptanalyse differentielle des algorithmes de chiffrement par blocs >>, Acte du Colloque International sur l'Informatique et ses Applications IA2006 pages: 32-39, 2006 |
[33] | EL Ghazi, S. EL Hajji, L. Giraud, and S. Gratton. A short note on backward errors for the common eigen-vector problem. Technical Report TR/PA/06/13, 2006 |
[34] | El Hajji et L. Touijrat: Laguerre Peron's equations and Quadrature formula. J. Appl. Math. Comput. 18 (2005), no. 1-2, 205—228, 2005 |
[35] | El Hajji et K. Ilias: A multilevel method of nonlinear Galerkin type for the Navier Stokes equations. Mathematical Problems in Engineering 2005:3 (2005) 341–363., 2005 |