American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics is to publish well-written original research articles and studies describing the latest research and developments in the field of mathematics and statistics. This is a broad-based journal covering all branches of mathematics, statistics and interdisciplinary research.

Rick Gorvett

Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Mathematics and Statistics

Associate Professor, University of Illinois At Urbana-Champaign, USA

Research Areas

Actuarial Science, Financial Mathematics, Stochastic Modeling


1998Ph.D(Finance)-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1990MBA(Finance, Econometrics, and Statistics)-University of Chicago
1982BS(Mathematics)-University of Illinois at Chicago


2004-presentOffice of Risk Management and Insurance Research (ORMIR), Department of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Current research areas:corporate governance; financial and insurance variable correlations; enterprise risk management
2003-presentActuarial science professor, Departments of Mathematics, Statistics, and Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
2001-2003Zurich North America, Senior Vice President and Director of Internal Audit & Risk Management
1999-2001Actuarial science professor, Departments of Mathematics, Statistics, and Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1998-1999Assistant Professor of Finance and Insurance, The College of Insurance, NY
1997-1998Visiting Lecturer, Dept.of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1996-presentActuarial Consultant and Independent Educator
1996Teaching Asst., Dept. of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1994-1995Research Asst., Dept. of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1993Adjunct Professor, Dept. of Finance, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
1990-1992Consulting Actuary & Director of Midwest Risk Mgt. Practice, Ernst &Young
1984-1988Consulting Actuary, Tillinghast, a Towers Perrin Company
1983-1984Actuarial Analyst, CNA Insurance Companies
1982-1983Senior Actuarial Analyst, Reinsurance Division, Allstate Insurance Company

Academic Achievement

Risk Who's Who, Risk Knowledge Network, Inc., 2008
CAS Article Award, American Risk & Insurance Association, 2005
Dorweiler Prize for Best Paper, CAS, 2001
Michelbacher Award for Best Call Paper, CAS, Orlando, FL, 1999
First Prize, CAS DFA Call Paper Program, Boston, MA, 1998
First Prize, CAS DFA Call Paper Program, Seattle, WA, 1997

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Entries for the Encyclopedia of Mathematics and Society, Greenwald and Thomley, eds., Salem Press, to appear in 2011"Loans""Mathematics, Applied""Money""Pensionand IRAs""Stock Market Indices"
[2]  "A Comparison of Actuarial Financial Scenario Generatrs, " with K. Ahlgrim and S.D'Arcy, 2008, Variance: Advancing the Science of Risk-the Journal of the CasualtyActuarial Society, 2(1): 111-134
[3]  "Modeling Financial Scenarios: A Framework for the Actuarial Profession, " 2005, withK. Ahlgrim and S. D'Arcy, Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society, Vol. 92, pp.177-238
[4]  "The Effective Duration and Convexity of Liabilities for Property-Liability InsurersUnder Stochastic Interest Rates, " with K. Ahlgrim and S. D'Arcy, Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance, 2004, Vol. 29, pp. 75-108
[5]  "The Use of Dynamic Financial Analysis to Determine the Optimal Growth Rate of a Property-Liability Insurer, " with S. D'Arcy, Journal of Risk and Insurance, 2004, Vol. 71, No. 4, pp. 583-615 (Winner of the 2005 CAS Article Award, presented by the American Risk & Insurance Association)
[6]  "Modeling of Economic Series Coordinated with Interest Rate Scenarios, " 2004, with K. Ahlgrim and S. D'Arcy, peer reviewed by CAS and SOA committees, published on CAS and SOA websites; deliverable associated with CAS-SOA research grant
[7]  Chapter 10, "Special Issues, " with J. Tedeschi and K. Ward, Foundations of Casualty Actuarial Science, Casualty Actuarial Society, 2001
[8]  "Measuring the Interest Rate Sensitivity of Loss Reserves, " with S. D'Arcy, Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society, 2000, Vol. 87, pp. 365-400 (Winner of the 2001 Dorweiler Prize for Best Paper, Casualty Actuarial Society)
[9]  "A Comparison of Property/Casualty Insurance Financial Pricing Models, " with S. D'Arcy, Proceedings of the Casualty Actuarial Society, 1998, Vol. 85, pp. 1-88
[10]  "Systemic Risk as a Negative Externality, " 2011, Risk Management-Systemic Risk, Financial Reform, and Moving Forward from the Financial Crisis, Society of Actuaries, pp. 33-34
[11]  "Measuring Operational Risk Interdependencies using Interpretive Structural Modeling, " with Ningwei Liu, 2007 ASTIN Colloquium
[12]  "A Two-Dimensional Risk Measure, " with Jeff Kinsey (UIUC student), 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium Monograph
[13]  "Interpretive Structural Modeling of Interactive Risks, " with Ningwei Liu (UIUC student), 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium Monograph
[14]  "Setting Up the Enterprise Risk Management Office, " with Vijendra Nambiar (UIUC student), 2006 Enterprise Risk Management Symposium Monograph
[15]  "Foreign Exchange Rate Risk: Institutional Issues and Stochastic Modeling, " Financial and Accounting Systems and Issues Associated with the Globalization of Insurance, Casualty Actuarial Society, 2001, pp. 19-52
[16]  "Parameterizing Interest Rate Models, " with K. Ahlgrim and S. D'Arcy, 1999 Casualty Actuarial Society Forum: Dynamic Financial Analysis, Casualty Actuarial Society, Summer, pp. 1-50
[17]  "Insurance Securitization: The Development of a New Asset Class, " Securitization of Risk, 1999, Casualty Actuarial Society, pp. 133-173 (Winner of the 1999 Michelbacher Award for Best Paper, Casualty Actuarial Society)
[18]  "Pricing Catastrophe Risk: Could the CBOT Derivatives Have Coped With Andrew?" with S. D'Arcy and V. France, Securitization of Risk, 1999, Casualty Actuarial Society, pp. 59-109
[19]  Discussion of Cummins, Phillips, and Smith, "Corporate Hedging in the Insurance Industry: The Use of Financial Derivatives by U.S. Insurers, " 1998, North American Actuarial Journal, 2 (January): 120-126
[20]  "Using the Public-Access DFA Model: A Case Study, " with S. D'Arcy, et al; 1998 Dynamic Financial Analysis Call Paper Program, Casualty Actuarial Soc., pp. 53-118 (Winner of the 1998 Best Call Paper Award, Casualty Actuarial Society Dynamic Financial Analysis Call Paper Program)
[21]  "Building a Public Access PC-Based DFA Model, " with S. D'Arcy, et al; 1997 Dynamic Financial Analysis Call Paper Program, CAS, pp. 1-40 (Winner of the 1997 Best Call Paper Award, Casualty Actuarial Society Dynamic Financial Analysis Call Paper Program)
[22]  Book review of Stochastic Optimization Models in Finance, in the Journal of Risk and Insurance 2010, 77(3): 711-712
[23]  Book review of Operational Risk: Modeling Analytics, in the Journal of Risk and Insurance 2010, 77(3): 713-714
[24]  "Undergraduate Research in Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics at the University of Illinois, " 2010 Actuarial Research Clearinghouse
[25]  "Stochastic Modeling in Actuarial Science and Financial Mathematics: A Research Experience for Undergraduates, " 2008 Actuarial Research Clearinghouse
[26]  "A Comparison of Actuarial Financial Scenario Generators, " with K. Ahlgrim and S. D'Arcy, 14th Annual International AFIR Colloquium, 2004
[27]  "Asset-Liability Modeling for Insurers: Incorporating a Regime-Switching Process for Equity Returns into a Dynamic Financial Analysis Model, " with K. Ahlgrim and S. D'Arcy, 35th ASTIN Colloquium, 2004
[28]  Book review of Climate Risk and the Weather Market: Financial Risk Management with Weather Hedges, in the Journal of Risk and Insurance 2004, 71(3): 550-552
[29]  Book review of Why Stock Markets Crash: Critical Events in Complex Financial Systems, in the Journal of Risk and Insurance 2005, 72(1): 190-192
[30]  "Modeling of Economic Series Coordinated with Interest Rate Scenarios: A Progress Report on Research Supported by the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries, " with K. Ahlgrim and S. D'Arcy, Actuarial Research Clearing House, 2004
[31]  "CAS Needs to Restructure Exams 3 and 4, " with S. D'Arcy, The Actuarial Review, February 2002, pp. 9-10
[32]  "Hacking a Path Through the Thickets, " with S. D'Arcy, Global Reinsurance, November 2000, Vol. 9, Issue 7, pp. 52-55
[33]  "Training Future Actuaries: The New Actuarial Exam Structure, " The Actuarial Review, May 2000, pp. 7-8, 10
[34]  "A Sensitive Subject: The Sensitivity of Property/Casualty Liabilities to Interest Rates, " with S. D'Arcy, Global Reinsurance, 1999, Vol. 8, No. 7, pp. 70-72
[35]  "Protecting the Bottom Line: Insurance and Alternatives, " with N. Scordis, Best's Review: Property/Casualty, April 1999, Vol. 99, No. 12, p. 79
[36]  "Building a Dynamic Financial Analysis Model That Flies, " with S. D'Arcy, et al; Contingencies (November/December 1997), pp. 40-45
[37]  Study Manual for Exam FM/Exam 2: Financial Mathematics & Financial Economics, 2010, 10th edition, Actuarial Study Manuals, Westbury, NY, 708 pages, with Harold Cherry
[38]  "Asset-Liability Modeling for Insurers: Incorporating a Regime-Switching Process for Equity Returns into a Dynamic Financial Analysis Model, " with K. Ahlgrim and S. D'Arcy, Risk Management & Insurance Review (accepted subject to specified revisions)
[39]  "A Multi-Period Contingent Claims Model for Property-Liability Insurance, " Journal of Risk and Insurance (requested to revise and resubmit) Quoted in Article
[40]  "ERM: Pauper or Prince?" by Robert Derocher, Insight: the Magazine of the Illinois CPA Society. Extensive quotes on Enterprise Risk Management; March 2005