[1] | A. Koptioug, E. Mamontov, T. Myrberg, and Yu. Sukhovey, Software for pretherapeutic design of tumor/patient-individual tumor-eradicating drug regimens, Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, accepted, 2011. |
[2] | E. Mamontov, K. Psiuk-Maksymowicz, and A. Koptioug, "Stochastic mechanics in the context of the properties of living systems," Mathl Comput. Modelling, vol. 44, pp. 595-607, October 2006. |
[3] | E. Mamontov, A. V. Koptioug, and K. Psiuk-Maksymowicz, "The minimal, phase-transition model for the cell-number maintenance by the hyperplasia-extended homeorhesis," Acta Biotheoretica, vol. 54, no. 2, pp. 61-101, June 2006. |
[4] | E. Mamontov, K. Psiuk-Maksymowicz, and A. Koptioug, "What stochastic mechanics are relevant to the study of living systems?" Proceedings of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, vol. 59, pp. 20-27, no. 6 (641), 2005. |
[5] | M. Piotrowska, E. Mamontov, A. Peterson, A. Koptioug (2008), "A model and simulation for homeorhesis in the motion of a single individual", Mathl Comput. Modelling, vol. 48(7-8), pp. 1122-1143, 2008 |
[6] | A. Koptioug, L.-E. Rännar, M. Bäckström, R.P. Klingvall, "Electron Beam Melting: Moving from Macro-to Micro-and Nanoscale", Proceedings of the Intl. Conference on Processing and Manufacturing of Advanced Materials, THERMEC-2011, Quebec, Canada, August 1-5, 2011 |
[7] | M. Cronskär, L.-E. Rännar, M. Bäckström, A. Koptioug, "Application of electron beam melting to titanium hip stem implants", Proceedings of Intl. Conference on Additive Technologies, September 17-18, Ptuj, Slovenia, 2008 |
[8] | J. Sidén, M. Fein, A. Koptyug, H.-E. Nilsson; "Logos as RFID Tag Antennas", International Journal on Wireless and Optical Communications RFID special issue, vol. 5(1), 85-96, 2008 |
[9] | H.-E. Nilsson, J. Sidén, A. Koptioug, S. Hussain, T. Olsson, P. Jonsson, "Evaluation of a printed patch antenna for robust microwave RFID tags", IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, vol. 1(3), 776-781, 2007 |
[10] | J. Sidén, M. Fein, A. Koptioug, H.-E. Nilsson, " Printed Antennas with Variable Conductive Ink Layer Thickness", IET Microwaves Antennas & Propagation, 1(2), 401-407, 2007 |
[11] | A. Koptioug, J. Sidén, M. Gulliksson, H.-E.Nilsson, "An Action Activated and Self Powered Wireless Forest Fire Detector", 1st International Conference on Wireless Sensor and Actor Networks (WSAN'07 Albacete, SPAIN, SEP 24-26, 2007 IFIP WG 6 8 (pp. 47-58), 2007 |
[12] | T. Olsson, A. Koptioug, "Statistical analysis of antenna robustness", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol.53(1), 566-568, 2005 |
[13] | T. Olsson, J. Sidén, A. Koptioug, " Robustness comparison of bow-tie and dipole antennas" IEE Proceedings-Microwaves Antennas and Propagation, 151(6), 525-529, 2005 |
[14] | H.-E. Nilsson, J. Sidén, T. Unander, T. Olsson, P. Jonsson, A. Koptioug, M. Gulliksson, "Characterization of moisture sensor based on printed Carbon-Zinc energy cell", Polytronic 2005 (pp. 82-85). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2005 |
[15] | J. Sidén, T. Olsson, A. Koptioug, H.-E. Nilsson, "Reduced Amount of Conductive Ink with Gridded Printed Antennas", Polytronic 2005 (pp. 86-89). Piscataway, NJ: IEEE, 2005 |
[16] | M.A. Foster, I.A. Grigor'ev, D.J. Lurie, V-V. Khramtsov, S. McCallum, I. Panagiotelis, J.M.S. Hutchison, A. Koptioug, I. Nicholson, "In Vivo Detection of a pH-Sensitive Nitroxide in the Rat Stomach by Low-Field ESR-Based Techniques", Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, vol. 49, pp. 558-567, 2003 |
[17] | A. Koptioug, E. J. Reijerse, A. A. K. Klaassen, "Application of Time-Variable Feedback to the Input Amplifier of Pulse Magnetic Resonance Spectrometers: Experimental Studies", Applied Magnetic Resonance, Nr. 22/4, 2002 |
[18] | A. Koptioug, "Application of the Time-Variable Feedback to the Input Amplifiers of Pulse Magnetic Resonance Spectrometers: Theoretical Considerations", Applied Magnetic Resonance, Nr. 22/4, 2002 |
[19] | A. Koptioug, E. Mamontov, Yu. Sukhyovey, "Towards individualized drug therapy", (part 1), Science First Hand, vol. 2(38), 90-97, 2011 |
[20] | A. Koptioug, L. Ananiev, J. Äström, "How to Make Perfect Snow", Science First Hand, vol. 1 (7), 122-133, 2006 |
[21] | M. Bäckström, A. Koptioug, M. Tinnsten, " People and Skis", Science-First Hand, vol. 2 (3), 110-125, 2006 |