[1] | J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Zambrano-Serrano, O.G. Félix-Beltran; On the relation between the synchronization error and the number of synchronized state-variables in 3D chaos generators; 8th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing Science and Automatic Control (CCE'11), Merida, Mexico, October 26-28, accepted 2011. |
[2] | E. Zambrano-Serrano, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, O.G. Félix-Beltran, R. Trejo-Guerra, L.C. Gómez-Pavón, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, C. Sánchez-López, A. Luis-Ramos; Synchronization of multi-directional multi-scroll chaos generators: A Hamiltonian approach; Third International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS'11), Klagenfurt, Austria, July 25-27, accepted 2011. |
[3] | R. Trejo-Guerra, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, C. Sánchez-López; Frequency limitations from the circuit realization of saw-tooth based multi-scroll oscillators; Third International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS'11), Klagenfurt, Austria, July 25-27, accepted 2011. |
[4] | C. Sánchez-López, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, V.H. Carvajal-Gómez, R. Trejo-Guerra; Automatic synthesis of chaotic attractors using surrogate functions; Third International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS'11), Klagenfurt, Austria, July 25-27, accepted 2011. |
[5] | C. Sánchez-López, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, V.H. Carvajal-Gómez, R. Trejo-Guerra; On the trade-off between the number of scrolls and the operating frequency of the chaotic attractors; IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS'11), pp. 2950-2953, ISBN: 978-1-4244-9472-9, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil, May 2011. |
[6] | J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, R. Trejo-Guerra, C. Sánchez-López, V.M. Camacho-Pernas; Chaos-based Communication Systems by applying Hamiltonian Synchronization; IEEE International 53rd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS'10), pp. 343-346, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7772-2, Seattle, Washington, August 1-4, 2010. |
[7] | I. Guerra-Gómez, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, Trent McConaghy, Luis G. de la Fraga, Georges Gielen, G. Reyes-Salgado; J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, Sizing mixed-mode circuits by multi-objective evolutionary algorithms; IEEE International 53rd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS'10), pp. 813-816, ISBN: 978-1-4244-7772-2, Seattle, Washington, August 1-4, 2010. |
[8] | J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, V.H. Carbajal-Gómez; A CAD-Tool for the Design of n-Scrolls Chaotic Systems from Behavioral Modeling; Second International Workshop on Nonlinear Dynamics and Synchronization (INDS'09), pp. 198-202, ISBN: 978-3-8322-7943-1, Klagenfurt, Austria, July 20-21, 2009. |
[9] | J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, R. Trejo-Guerra, C. Cruz-Hernández; Synchronization of n-Scrolls chaotic systems synthesized from high-level behavioral modeling; IEEE International 7th Caribbean Conference on Devices, Circuits and Systems (ICCDCS'08), pp. 1-5, ISBN: 978-1-4244-1957-9, Cancun México, April 28-30, 2008. |
[10] | J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle; Synthesis of OpAmps by Manipulation of BBBs Described Under the Standard of Verilog-AMS; IEEE International 48rd Midwest Symposium on Circuits and Systems (MWSCAS'05), Cincinnati, Ohio, vol. 1, pp. 591-594, ISBN: 0-7803-9197-7, August 2005. |
[11] | E. Dominguez Rodriguez. A.D. Muñoz-Calva, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, F.O. Gonzalez-Manzanilla; Experimental Realization of PIC-Based RF Remote Control Explorer Robot; 1st Workshop on Analog and Digital Electronic Design (WADED'11), Guadalajara, Mexico, October 5-7, accepted 2011. |
[12] | E. Zambrano-Serrano, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, O.G. Félix-Beltran, L.C. Gómez-Pavón; Synchronization of multi-directional multi-scroll chaos generators using a Hamiltonian approach; Second International Congress on Instrumentation and Applied Sciences (ICIAS'11), Puebla, Mexico, October 5-8, accepted 2011. |
[13] | A. Pano-Azucena, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco; Respuesta en frecuencia de osciladores caóticos; Visión Politécnica, vol. 6. no. 1, pp. 14-16, June 2011. |
[14] | J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, R. Torrealba-Meléndez, R.J. Romero y Viloria; Modelado matemático de sistemas caóticos orientado a la síntesis de circuitos; Visión Politécnica, vol. 5. no. 9, pp. 25-29, January 2010. |
[15] | V.H. Carvajal-Gómez, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, J. García-Delgado; Realización experimental de sistemas caóticos de n-enrollamientos; 9o Encuentro de Investigación INAOE, pp. 95-98, November, 2008. |
[16] | C. Ramírez-Soto, R. Trejo-Guerra, O.S. Echeverría-Solís, V.H. Carbajal-Gómez, E. Tlelo-Cuautle, J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, C. Sánchez-López, A. Salas-Cristobal; Realización del Circuito de Chua con Inductores Simulados Basados en CCII+s; XXX ELECTRO, pp. 108-113, ISSN:1405-2172, Chihuahua, October 2008. |
[17] | J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle; Método estructurado para la síntesis de opamps basándose en el lenguaje estándar de Verilog-AMS; 6º Encuentro de Investigación INAOE, pp. 191-194, 27-28 October 2005. |
[18] | J.M. Muñoz-Pacheco, E. Tlelo-Cuautle; Síntesis de Amplificadores Operacionales Manipulando Bloques Básicos Descritos bajo el Estándar de Verilog-AMS; IEEE XV CIECE, Puebla, March 2005. |