[1] | C. Reig, E. Navarro, V. Such. "FDTD analysis of an E-sectorial horn excited by an opened microstrip", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 13 (1996) 294-297. |
[2] | C. Reig, E. Navarro, V. Such. "Calculation of the characteristic impedance of microstrips using a full-wave 2DFDTD scheme". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 15 (1997) 58-60. |
[3] | C. Reig, E. Navarro, V. Such. "FDTD analysis of E-sectoral horn antennas for broad-band applications". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 10 (1997) 1484-1487. |
[4] | N.V. Sochinskii, C. Reig, V. Muñoz, J. Álamo. "Vapour phase epitaxy of Hg1-xCdI2". Journal of Crystal Growth 192 (1998) 342-345. |
[5] | C. Reig, N.V. Sochinskii, V. Muñoz. "Low pressure synthesis and Bridgman growth of Hg1-xMnxTe". Journal of Crystal Growth 197 (1999) 688-693. |
[6] | Ch. Ferrer-Roca, A. Segura, C. Reig, V. Muñoz. "Temperature and pressure dependence on optical absorption in hexagonal MnTe". Physical Review B 61 (2000) 13679-13686. |
[7] | N.V. Sochinskii, C. Reig, I. Mora-Seró, J. Peraza, V. Muñoz. "Vapor growth of Hg1-xCdxI2 on glass using CdTe buffer". Thin Solid Films 381 (2001) 48-51. |
[8] | C. Reig, V. Muñoz, C. Gómez, Ch. Ferrer, A. Segura. "Growth and characterisation of MnTe crystals". Journal of Crystal Growth 223 (2001) 349-356. |
[9] | C. Reig, C. Gómez-García, V. Muñoz. "A new approach to the crystal growth of HgMnTe by the cold travelling heater method (CTHM)". Journal of Crystal Growth 223 (2001) 357-362. |
[10] | C. Reig, Yu S. Paranchych, V. Muñoz-Sanjosé. "Crystal growth of HgSe by the cold travelling heater method". Crystal Growth & Design 2 (2002) 91-92. |
[11] | M.C. Martínez-Tomás, V. Muñoz-Sanjosé, C. Reig. "A numerical study of thermal conditions in the THM growth of HgTe". Journal of Crystal Growth 243 (2002) 463-475. |
[12] | C. Reig, Enrique A. Navarro, Vicente Such. "Full-wave FDTD design and analysis of wideband microstrip-to-waveguide transitions". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 33 (2003) 317-320. |
[13] | S.Y. Paranchych, C. Reig, V. Muñoz, N.V. Sochinskii, M.D. Andriychuk, I.Y. Reshidova. "Effect of structural and compositional inhomoegeneities on spin-glass transition in Hg1-x-yCrxMnySe crystals". Journal of Crystal Growth 262 (2004) 403-407. |
[14] | C. Reig, D. Ramírez, F. Silva, J. Bernardo, P. Freitas. "Design, fabrication and analysis of a spin-valve based current sensor". Sensors and Actuators A-Physical 115 (2004) 259-266. |
[15] | C. Reig, D. Ramírez, H.H. Li, P. Freitas. "Low current sensing with specular spin valve structures". IEE Proceedings-Circuits Devices and Systems 152 (2005) 307-311. |
[16] | D. Ramírez, S. Casans, C. Reig. "Current loop generated from a generalized impedance converter: a new sensor signal conditioning circuit". Review of Scientific Instruments 76 (2005) 066103. |
[17] | D. Ramírez, S. Casans, C. Reig, A. E. Navarro, J. Sánchez. "Build a precise DC floating-current source". EDN Aug. (2005) 83-84. |
[18] | E. Avila-Navarro, J.M. Blanes, J.A. Carrasco, C. Reig, E.A. Navarro. "A new bi-faced log periodic printed antenna". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 98 (2006) 402-406. |
[19] | D. Ramírez, J. Sánchez, S. Casans, C. Reig, A. E. Navarro. "Current-to-current converter from a DC polarized generalized impedance converter circuit with input reference current". Review of Scientific Instruments 77 (2006) 034979. |
[20] | D. Ramírez, J. Sánchez, S. Casans, E. Castro, C. Reig, A. E. Navarro. "Temperature compensation of Wheatstone bridge magnetoresistive sensors based on generalized impedance converter with input reference current". Review of Scientific Instruments 77 (2006) 034980. |
[21] | C. Reig, C.J. Gómez-García, V. Muñoz-Sanjosé. "Crystal Growth of Hg1-xMnxSe for infrared detection". Microelectronics Journal 38 (2007) 327-331. |
[22] | E. Avila-Navarro, J.A. Carrasco, C. Reig. "Design of Yagi-like printed antennas for WLAN applications". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 49 (2007) 2174-2178. |
[23] | H. Beltrán, C. Reig, V. Fuster, D. Ramírez, M.D. Cubells-Beltrán. "Modeling of Magnetoresistive-Based Electrical Current Sensors: A Technological Approach". IEEE Sensors Journal 7 (2007) 1532-1537. |
[24] | E. Ávila-Navaro, A. Segarra-Martínez, J.A. Carrasco, C. Reig. "A low-cost compact uniplanar quasi-Yagi printed antenna". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 50 (2008) 731-735. |
[25] | D. Ramírez, J. Sánchez, C. Reig, S. Casans, A. E. Navarro. "Constant current drive for resistive sensors based on generalized impedance converter". IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 57 (2008) 2290-2296. |
[26] | S.Y. Paranchych, M.D. Andriychuk, N.V. Sochinskii, C. Reig, V. Muñoz. "Growth and characterization of GdxHg1-xSe crystals". Journal of Crystal Growth 310 (2008) 3752-3757. |
[27] | C. Reig, M.D. Cubells-Beltrán, D. Ramírez, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas. "Electrical Isolators Based on Tunneling Magnetoresistance Technology". IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 44 (2008) 4011-4014. |
[28] | E. Avila-Navarro, J.A. Carrasco, C. Reig. "Dual Printed Antenna for Wi-Fi Applications". IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 8 (2009) 596-598. |
[29] | C. Reig, M.D. Cubells-Beltrán, D. Ramírez. "Magnetic Field Sensors Based on Giant Magnetoresistance (GMR) Technology: Applications in Electrical Current Sensing". Sensors 9 (2009) 7919-7942. |
[30] | M.D. Cubells-Beltrán, C. Reig, D. Ramírez, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas. "Full Wheatstone bridge spin-valve based sensors for IC currents monitoring". IEEE Sensors Journals 9 (2009) 1756-1762. |
[31] | E. Ávila-Navarro, J. A. Carrasco, C. Reig. "Printed Dipole Antennas for Personal Communication Systems". IETE Technical Review 27 (2010) 286-292. |
[32] | A. Roldán, C. Reig, M.D. Cubells-Beltrán, J.B. Roldán, D. Ramírez, S. Cardoso, P.P. Freitas. "Analytical compact modeling of GMR based current sensors: Application to power measurement at the IC level", Solid-State Electronics 54 (2010) 1606-1612. |
[33] | E. Ávila-Navarro, C. Cayuelas, C. Reig. "Dual-band printed dipole antenna for Wi-Fi 802.11n applications". Electronic Letters 46 (2010) 1421-1422. |
[34] | E. Ávila-Navarro, J. Antón, José M. Blanes, C. Reig. "Broadband printed dipole with integrated via-hole balun for WiMAX applications". Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 53 (2011) 52-55. |
[35] | A.-M. Roldán, J.-B. Roldán, C. Reig, M.-D. Cubells-Beltrán, D. Ramírez, S. Cardoso, P.-P. Freitas. "A DC behavioral electrical model for quasi-linear spin-valve devices including thermal effects for circuit simulation", Microelectronics Journal 42 (2011) 365-370. |
[36] | S. Agouram, D. Nathalie-Montenegro, M. Junaid-Bushiri, C. Martínez-Tomás, C. Reig V. Muñoz-Sanjosé, "Synthesis and characterization of low dimensional ZnO nanostructures", Journal of Nancience and Nanotechnology (accepted). |
[37] | R.-A. Sreekumar, S. Agouram, C. Reig, J.-F. Sánchez-Royo, C. Martínez-Tomás, V. Muñoz-Sanjosé, "Self assembled Zinc-oxide quantum dots using spray pyrolysis methodology", Crystal Growth and Design (accepted). |
[38] | M.-D. Cubells-Beltrán, C. Reig, J. Martos, J. Torres, J. Soret, "Limitations of magnetoresistive current sensors in industrial applications", International Review of Electrical Engineering (IREE) 6 (2011) 423-429. |