[1] | Kanniappan, P and Thangavel, K., "An optimization model for selection of IRDP schemes", ORiON, Vol.9, No. 1, pp. 13-20, 1993. |
[2] | Kanniappan, P and Thangavel, K., "Modified Fourier method of solving Linear Programming problems", OPSEARCH, Vol. 35, No. 1, pp 47-56, 1998. |
[3] | Kanniappan, P and Thangavel, K., "Efficient Unidimensional direct search schemes for optimization problems", OPSEARCH, Vol. 36, No. 3, pp. 270-283, 1999. |
[4] | Kanniappan, P and Thangavel, K., "Unidimensional search scheme using Identric mean for optimization problems", OPSEARCH, Vol. 38, No. 2, pp. 197-209, 2001. |
[5] | Kanniappan, P and Thangavel, K., "Improved Pattern search algorithm for solving unconstrained optimization problems", Pure and Applied Mathematika Science, Vol. LIV, No. 1-2, 2001. |
[6] | Thangavel, K., Radhakrishnan, S and Balasubraman, K., "Management as an input and its influence on output", Research bulletin of the Institute of cost and works accountants of India, Vol. XXII, 53-60, 2003. |
[7] | Thangavel, K., and Geetharamani, G., "Fuzzy Logic in Medical Decision Support System", Acta Ciencia Indica, Vol. XXX M, No. 3, 2004 |
[8] | Thangavel, K., and Ashok Kumar, D., "Simple Multipass Pattern Clustering Neural Networks", International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol.5, Issue 3. PP 69-78, 2005. |
[9] | Thangavel, K and Ashok Kumar, D., "Real Time Simple Unsupervised Self-Organizing Learning Vector Quantization Algorithm",, International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol.5, Issue 3, pp. 63-67, 2005. |
[10] | Thangavel, K, Karnan, M., Sivakumar, R and Kaja Mohideen, A., "Automatic Detection of Microcalcifications in Mammograms-A Review, " International Journal on Graphics Vision and Image Processing, Vol. 5, No. 5, pp: 31-61, 2005. |
[11] | Thangavel, K and Karnan, M., "Computer Aided Diagnosis in Digital Mammograms: Detection of Microcalcifications by Meta Heuristic Algorithms, " International Journal on Graphics Vision and Image Processing, Vol. 7, No. 7, pp: 41-55, 2005. |
[12] | Thangavel, K and Karnan, M., "Automatic Detection of Asymmetries in Mammograms Using Genetic Algorithm, " International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol. 5, No. 3, pp: 55-62, 2005. |
[13] | Thangavel, K and Ashok Kumar, D., "Simple Multipass Pattern Clustering Neural Networks", International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol.5, Issue 3. PP 69-78, 2005. |
[14] | Thangavel, K, Karnan, M., Siva Kumar, R and Kaja Mohideen, A., "Segmentation and Classification of Microcalcifications in Mammograms Using the Ant Colony System, " International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol. 5, no. 3, pp: 29-40, 2005. |
[15] | Thangavel, K and Karnan. M., and Sivakumar, R and Kaja Mohideen, A., "Ant Colony System for Segmentation and Classification of Microcalcifications in Mammograms", The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol. (3), 3, pp:29-40, 2005. |
[16] | Thangavel, K., Karnan, M and Pethalakshmi, A., "Performance Analysis of Rough Reduct Algorithms in Mammogram, " International Journal on Graphics Vision and Image Processing, Vol. 5, no. 8, pp: 13-21, 2005. |
[17] | Thangavel, K, Jaganathan, P.,, Pethalakshmi, A and Karnan, M., "Effective Classification with improved quick reduct for medical data base", International Journal on Bio Informatics and Medical Engineering Vol. 5, no. 1, pp: 69-74, 2005. |
[18] | Thangavel, K., and Karnan, M., "Computer Aided Diagnosis in Digital Mammograms: Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Detection of Microcalcifications, " AACC Proceedings, Imperial College Press, World Scientific Series, London, pp: 104-119, 2005. |
[19] | Thangavel, K and Karnan, M., "Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Automatic Detection of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms", International Journal on Graphics Vision and Image Processing, Vol. 7, pp:41-55, 2005. |
[20] | Thangavel, K, Quang Shen and Pethalakshmi, A., "Application of Clustering for Feature Selection Based on Rough Set Theory Approach", International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Vol. 6, no.1, pp: 19-27, 2006. |
[21] | Thangavel, K and Pethalakshmi, A., "Feature Selection for Medical Database Using Rough System", International Journal on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, 6(1): 11-17, 2006. |
[22] | Thangavel, K and Karnan, M., "CAD system for Preprocessing and Enhancement of Digital Mammograms, " International Journal on Graphics Vision and Image Processing, Vol. 9, no. 9, pp: 69-74, 2006. |
[23] | Geetharamani. G, Thangavel. K, Karnan. M, and Elango. C, "Fuzzy Dynamic Programming Model for Perishable Inventory Control System", International Journal on Automatic Control System and Engineering Vol. 6, no. 3, 2006. |
[24] | Thangavel, K., and Ashok Kumar, D., "Optimization of Code Book in Vector Quantization", International journal: Annals of Operations Research Vol.143, No.1, 317-325, 2006. |
[25] | Thangavel, K., and Ashok Kumar, D., "A Combined Standard Deviation Based Data Clustering Algorithm", Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods (JMASM). Vol. 5(1), 2006. |
[26] | Thangavel, K., Jaganathan, P and Esmi, P. O., "Subgroup Discovery in Cervical Cancer Analysis using Data Mining", The International Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, Volume (6), Issue(1), pp. 29-36, 2006. |
[27] | Thangavel, K., Pethalakshmi, A and Esmi, P. O., "Data Mining Approach to Cervical Cancer Patients Analysis using Clustering Technique", Asian Journal of Information Technology, volume 5, Number 4, 413-417, 2006. |
[28] | Thangavel, K., Pethalakshmi, A., and Jaganathan, P., "A Novel Reduct Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction with Missing Values based on Rough Set Theory", International Journal of Soft Computing, Volume 1 Number 2, pp:111-117, 2006. |
[29] | Thangavel, K., Pethalakshmi, A and Jaganathan, P., "A Comparative Analysis of Feature Selection Algorithms Based on Rough Set Theory", International Journal of Soft Computing, Vol. 1, no. 4, pp: 288-294, 2006. |
[30] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K., Geetha, K and Thanuskodi, K., "Partial Swarm Optimization for Segmentation of Microcalcifications in Mammograms". Lecturer Notes in Engineering and Computer Science IMECS Hong Kong: pp: 115-121 June, 2006. |
[31] | Thangavel, K., Karnan, M., Pethalakshmi, A., Sivakumar. R and Geetharamani, G., "Ant Colony Algorithms in Diverse Combinational Optimization Problems-A Survey", International Journal on Automatic Control and System Engineering, Vol. 6, no. 1, pp: 7-26, 2006. |
[32] | Thangavel, K., Karnan, M., Jaganathan, P., Pethalakshmi, A., and Sivakumar, R., "Computer-Aided Diagnosis: Automatic detection of Microcalcifications in Mammography Images using Soft Computing", Lecturer Notes in Engineering and Computer Science IMECS, Hong Kong, pp: 280-286, 2006. |
[33] | Jaganathan, P., Thangavel, K., Pethalakshmi, A., and Karnan, M, "Classification Rule Discovery with Ant Colony Optimization and Improved Quick Reduct Algorithm" Lecturer Notes in Engineering and Computer Science IMECS, Hong Kong: pp: 285-291, 2006. |
[34] | Geetharamani, G., Thangavel, K., Karnan, M., and Elango, C., "Fuzzy inventory systems with Poisson demand in different membership functions" International Journal on Automatic Control System and Engineering vol. 6, no. 4, pp: 2006. |
[35] | P. Jaganathan, Thangavel, K, and Pethalakshmi, A., "Effective Classification with Hybrid Evolutionary Techniques", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, (also available at online, IEEE Press) pp: 335-338, 2006. |
[36] | Pethalakshmi, A., Thangavel, K, and Jaganathan, P., "Mammography Feature Selection using Rough set Theory" Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, (also available at online, IEEE Press) pp: 244– 249, 2006. |
[37] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K,, Sivakuar, R., and Geetha, K., "Ant colony Optimization for Feature Selection and Classification of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammogram"s, Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, (also available at online, IEEE Press) pp: 298-303, 2006. |
[38] | Hannah Inbarani, H and Thangavel, K., "Clickstream Intelligent Clustering using Accelerated Ant Colony Algorithm", Proceedings of the International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communications, (also available at online, IEEE Press) pp: 129-134, 2006. |
[39] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K., Chitra, K., Sivakumar, R., Dwarakanath, G. K., "BLDC Motor Controlled Using Resonant Pole Inverter with Variable Pulse Width Method" International Journal on Automatic Control System and Engineering, Vol. 06, Issue IV, PP. 47-54, 2006. |
[40] | Thangavel, K., and Ashok Kumar, D., "A Novel K-CSD Large Data Clustering algorithm" International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 5, No. 2, PP: 391-402, 2006. |
[41] | Jaganathan, P., Thangavel, K., Pethalakshmi, A., and Karnan, M., "Classification Rule Discovery with Ant Colony Optimization with Improved Quick Reduct Algorithm", IAENG International Journal of Computer Science, Vol. 33, pp: 50-55, 2007. |
[42] | Karnan, M and Thangavel, K,, "Automatic detection of the breast border and nipple position on digital mammograms using genetic algorithm for asymmetry approach to detection of Microcalcifications", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Volume 87, Issue 1, 12-20, 2007. |
[43] | Karnan, M and Thangavel, K., "Weight updating in BPN Network using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm for classification of Microcalcifications in mammograms", International Journal of Computing and Applications, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp: 95-109, 2007.Geetharamani, G Thangavel, K and Elango, C., "Fuzzy Multi-Echelon Inventory System", Research Journal of Applied Science 2(5), pp: 568-573, 2007. |
[44] | G. Geethamani, G Thangavel, K, and Elango, C., "Multi-item Inventory Control with Backlogging", International Journal of Soft Computing, vol. 2, 3, pp: 440-444, 2007. |
[45] | Hannah Inbarani, H., Thangavel, K., and Pethalakshmi, A., "Rough Set Based Feature Selection for web usage Mining" Proceedings of the International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia applications, Vol. 1 PP:33-38 (also available in IEEE explore release 2.5) 2007. |
[46] | S. Aranganayagi, K. Thangavel, "Clustering Categorical Data Using Silhouette Coefficient as a Relocating Measure, " iccima, vol. 2, pp.13-17, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA 2007), 2007 |
[47] | K. Thangavel, P. Jaganathan, "Rule Mining Algorithm with a New Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm, " iccima, vol. 2, pp.135-140, International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Multimedia Applications (ICCIMA 2007), 2007 |
[48] | Alagambigai, P.; Thangavel, K.; Visalakshi, N.K.., Interactive Clustering in Distributed Environment Emerging Trends in Engineering and Technology, 2008. ICETET apos;08. First International Conference on Volume, Issue, 16-18 July 2008 Page(s):1200-1205 |
[49] | M. Karnan and K. Thangavel, Feature Extraction and Classification of Microcalcifications in Mammograms, International Journal of Applied Computing, 1, 1, PP.17-32, 2008. |
[50] | N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, K. Thangavel, P. Alagambigai, "Distributed Clustering for Data Sources with Diverse Schema, " ICCIT, Vol. 1, 2008 Third International Conference on Convergence and Hybrid Information Technology, IEEE Computer Society, pp.1058-1063, 2008. |
[51] | N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, K. Thangavel, "Ensemble based Distributed Soft Clustering", ICCN, International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking, IEEE Computer Society, 2008. |
[52] | K. Thangavel and A. Pethalakshmi, Dimensionality reduction based on rough set theory: A review, Applied Soft ComputingVolume 9, Issue 1, pp. 1-12, 2009. |
[53] | N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, K. Thangavel, "Distributed Data Clustering: A Comparative Analysis", Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Vol. 6, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 371-398, May 2009. |
[54] | Hannah Inbarani, H., and Thangavel, K., Mining and Analysis of Clickstream Patterns, Foundations of Computational Intelligence, Vol. 6, Studies in Computational Intelligence, Springer Berlin/Heidelberg, pp. 3-27, May 2009. |
[55] | K. Thangavel, R. Manavalan, I. Laurence Aroquiaraj, Removal of Speckle Noise from Ultrasound Medical Image based on Special Filters: Comparative Study, ICGST International Journal on Graphics, Vision and Image Processing, GVIP, 9, pp. 25-32, 2009 |
[56] | K. Thangavel and P. Alagambigai, "EVISTA-Interactive Visual Clustering System", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering [ISSN: 1797-9617] by the Academy Publishers, Finland, 2009 (accepted for publication). |
[57] | H. Hannah Inbarani and K. Thangavel, "Rough set based User profiling for Web Personalization", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering [ISSN: 1797-9617] by the Academy Publishers, Finland, 2009 (accepted for publication). |
[58] | K. Thangavel and N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, "Ensemble based Distributed K-Harmonic Means Clustering", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering [ISSN: 1797-9617] by the Academy Publishers, Finland, 2009 (accepted for publication). |
[59] | I. Laurence Aroquiaraj and K. Thangavel, "Comparative Analysis of Speckle Filtering Techniques", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering [ISSN: 1797-9617] by the Academy Publishers, Finland, 2009 (accepted for publication). |
[60] | K. Thangavel and A. Kaja Mohideen, Classification of Microcalcifications Using Multi-Dimensional Genetic Association Rule Miner", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering [ISSN: 1797-9617] by the Academy Publishers, Finland, 2009 (accepted for publication). |
[61] | Roselin R. and K. Thangavel, " Mammogram Mining With Genetic Optimization Of Ant-Miner Parameters", International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering [ISSN: 1797-9617] by the Academy Publishers, Finland, 2009 (accepted for publication). |
[62] | Thangavel, K. and Ashok Kumar, D., "SD-Means Clustering Algorithm", Proceedings of the National conference on "Recent trends in Information Technology", Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, August 22-24, 2002. |
[63] | Kanniappan, P and Thangavel, K., "Performance analysis of the Unidimensional direct search algorithms in quadratically convergent algorithms", ANJAC Journal of Sciences, vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 15-22, 2003. |
[64] | Thangavel, K, Ashok Kumar. D and Jaganathan, P, "Handwritten Tamil Character Recognition", Proceedings of the National Conference on "Recent trends in Information Technology", Karpagam Arts and Science College, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, August 22-24, 2002. |
[65] | Thangavel, K and Ashok Kumar, D., "Handwritten Tamil Character Recognition using feature extraction and Neural Network", Proceedings of the National Conference (UGC sponsored) on Advanced Computer Applications Organized by The Department of Computer Science, NGM College, Pollachi, Tamilnadu, India from October 11-12, 2002. |
[66] | Thangavel, K., and Ashok Kumar, D., "Optimization of Code Book in Vector Quantization", Proceedings (CD) of the International Conference On Operations Research for Development (ICORD-2002) organized by Anna University, Chennai, India, December 27-30, 2002. |
[67] | Thangavel, K., and Ashok Kumar, D., "A New single pass incremental clustering Algorithm for Data mining", Proceedings (CD) of the International Conference On Operations Research for Development (ICORD-2002) organized by Anna University, Chennai, India, December 27-30, 2002. |
[68] | Thangavel, K., Radhakrishnan, S and Balasubraman, K., "Management as an input and its influence on output", Research bulletin of the Institute of cost and works accountants of India, vol. XXII, pp. 53-60, 2003. |
[69] | Thangavel, K. and Geetharamni, G., "Fuzzy Logic in Medical Decision Support System", Proceedings of National Seminar on Computational methods organized by P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA held during 11-12-2003 and 12-12-2003, Allied Publishers, pp. 428-434. |
[70] | Thangavel, K. and Ashok Kumar, D., "3-means Categorical Data Clustering Algorithm", Proceedings of the National Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics, Coimbatore, INDIA, April 25-26, 2003. |
[71] | Jaganathan, P., Thangavel, K and Esmy, P.O., "Identification of Patterns in Cervical Cancer Patients using Data Mining", Sixth International Conference of the Association of Asia Pacific Operational Research Societies within IFORS, IIT, New Delhi, 8-11, Dec. 2003. |
[72] | Thangavel, K. and Geetharamni, G., "Fuzzy Logic in Medical Decision Support System", Proceedings of National Seminar on Computational methods, P.S.G. College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, INDIA held during 11-12-2003 and 12-12-2003, Allied Publishers, pp. 428-434, 2003. |
[73] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K., and Sivakumar, R., "Automated software development for identifying cancerous parts in mammograms" National conference on challenges in achieving Global Quality, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, CAGQ Proceedings, pp: 363-370, 2004. |
[74] | Thangavel, K., and Geetharamni, G., "Applications of Fuzzy logic in Medical Decision Support System", Acta Ciencia Indica, No. 3, pp. 567-572, 2004. |
[75] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K and Sivakumar, R,. "Extracting the Masses from the Local Background Tissue in Digital Mammograms", Proceedings of the National Conference on Image Processing and Network, National Engineering College, Kovilpatti, pp: 252-260, 2004. |
[76] | Aranganayagi, S and Thangavel, K., "A Novel Algorithm for Clustering Categorical Data", Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, pp: 48-53, NewDelhi, 2005. |
[77] | Karnan, M., Sivakumar, R and Thangavel, K., "Detection of Tumors in Mammograms", Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, pp: 121-125, NewDelhi, 2005 |
[78] | Thangavel, K., and Velayutham, C., "Breast Cancer Diagnose using Spectral Energy Decryption Texture Method in Digital Mammograms", Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, NewDelhi, pp: 114-120, 2005. |
[79] | Jaganathan, P., Thangavel, K., Muralitharan, C., and Paramanathan, P., "Diabetic Data Analysis using Evolutionary Datamining Techniques", Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, NewDelhi, pp 54-60, 2005. |
[80] | Jaganathan, P., Thangavel, K., Saravanan, M., and Kathiravan. M., "Self Organizing Data Mining Technologies for Coronary Heart Disease Data Analysis", Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, pp:54-60, NewDelhi, 2005 |
[81] | Geetharamani, G., Thangavel, K., and Elango, C., "A Two Reorder Level Fuzzy Stochastic Inventory Control System with Partial Backlogging", Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, NewDelhi, pp: 95-102, 2005. |
[82] | Thangavel, K and Ashok Kumar, D., "Intensity based Colour Image Segmentation using Enhanced K-Means Clustering Algorithm", Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, NewDelhi, pp: 137-142, 2005 |
[83] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K and Sivakumar, R and Kaja Mohideen, A., "Automatic Detection Of masses In Mammograms using Template matching, " Proceedings of 19th National Convention of computer Engineers-FICOM 05, pp: 44-52, 2005. |
[84] | Thangavel, K and Ashok Kumar, D., "Intensity Based Colour Image Segmentation Using Enhanced K–Means Clustering Algorithm", Computational Mathematics, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp: 137-142, 2005. |
[85] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K, Thanuskodi, K and Geetha, K., "Automatic Detection of Suspicious Regions on Digital Mammograms using Genetic Algorithm " Proceedings of DGTPMT-2006, Dayalbagh Educational Institute, Pushback Publications, 2006. |
[86] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K., Geetha, K., Thanushkodi, K and Sivakumar, R., "Particle Swarm Optimization for Automatic Detection of the Suspicious Regions on Digital Mammograms", Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Controls, Karpagam College of Engineering, Coimbatore, 2006. |
[87] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K., Geetha, K and Thanuskodi, K., "Enhancement of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms", Proceedings of GCEVISION'06, pp: 363-370, 2006. |
[88] | Thangavel, K, Pethalakshmi, A., Jaganathan, P and Karnan, A., "Accelerated Quickreduct Algorithm" Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent systems and Controls, Karpagam College of engineering, Coimbatore, 2006. |
[89] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K, Sivakumar, R and Geetha, K., "Ant Colony optimization algorithm for Feature Selection and Classification of Microcalcifications in Mammograms" Proceedings of ADCOM '06, IEEE Press, 2006. |
[90] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K, Sivakumar, R and Kaja Mohideen, A., "Enhancement of Mammogram Images Using Filtering Techniques, " Proceedings of the National Conference on Computer Communications, PET Engineering College, Valliyur, 2005. |
[91] | Pethalakshmi, A and Thangavel, K., "Rule Identification in HIV Data Using Rough Set Strategies", Narosa Publishing House, pp: 25-34, 2006. |
[92] | Velayutham, C and Thangavel, K., "Performance Study on Segmentation of mammogram Image Using GLRL Texture Features", Narosa Publishing House, pp: 59-66, 2006. |
[93] | Karnan, M., Sivakumar, R and Thangavel, K., "Enhancement of Digital Mammogram Using Hybrid Filtering Techniques", Narosa Publishing House, pp:93-102, 2006. |
[94] | Roselin, R and Thangavel, K., "Performance Analysis of Haralick Features", Narosa Publishing House, PP: 103-111, 2006. |
[95] | Thangavel, K and Velammal, G., "Genetic Algorithm Approach to the Multidimensional Assignment Problem", Narosa Publishing House, pp:248-252, 2006. |
[96] | Ashok Kumar, D., Velayutham, C and Thangavel, K., "Comparative Study of Clustering algorithms Using Statistical Features Extracted from Mammograms by Spatial Gray Level Dependency Matrix", Narosa Publishing House, pp:112-120, 2006. |
[97] | Karnan, M, Thangavel, K, Sivakumar, R and Pethalakshmi, P., "Performance analysis of Classifiers" Intelligent Optimization Modeling, Allied Publishers Pvt., Ltd., pp. 103-110, 2006. |
[98] | Jaganathan, P., Pethalakshmi, A., Karnan, M and Thangavel, K., "Classification Rule Discovery with Ant Colony Optimization and Quick Reduct Algorithm", Intelligent Optimization Modeling, Allied Publishers Pvt., Ltd., pp. 223-231, 2006. |
[99] | Pethalakshmi, A., Jaganathan, P., Karnan, M and Thangavel, K., "Attribute Reduction For Decision System With Multiple Decision Attributes Using Rough Set Theory", Intelligent Optimization Modeling, Allied Publishers Pvt., Ltd., pp. 42-49, 2006. |
[100] | Pethalakshmi, A and Thangavel, K., "Rule Identification In HIV Data Using Rough Set Strategies", Computing and Mathematical Modeling, Narosa Publishing House, 25-34, 2006. |
[101] | Thangavel, K., Velayutham, C and Ashok Kumar, D., "Comparative study of Clustering Algorithms using Statistical features Extracted from Mammograms by Spatial Grey Level Dependency Matrix", Computing and Mathematical modeling, Narosa Publishers, pp.112-120, 2006. |
[102] | Thangavel, K., Ashok Kumar, D., and Kirubha, P., "Analysis of various distance measures on data clustering algorithm", Intelligent Optimization Modeling, Allied Publishers Pvt., Ltd., pp. 11-18, 2006. |
[103] | Pethalakshmi, A., Jaganthan, P., Karnan, M and Thangavel, K., "Attribute Reduction for Decision Systems with Multiple Decisions Attributes Using Rough Set Theory, " Intelligent Optimization Modeling, Allied Publishers Pvt., Ltd., pp. 42-50, 2006. |
[104] | Karnan, M, Thangavel, K., Jayanthi, M and Sivakumar, R., "Ant colony and Genetic Algorithms for Feature Selection and Classification of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms", Proceedings of the National Symposium On Recent Advances in Optimization Theory and Applications, University of Delhi, Delhi, October 27-28, 2006. |
[105] | Geetharamani, G., Thangavel, K., Elango, C and Karnan, M., "Multi-Items Inventory Control In A Fuzzy Environment", Proceedings of the National Symposium On Recent Advances in Optimization Theory and Applications, University of Delhi, Delhi, October 27-28, 2006. |
[106] | Thangavel, K, and Karnan, M., "Hybrid Meta-Heuristic Algorithms for Detection of Microcalcifications in Digital Mammograms ", Proceedings of the National Symposium On Recent Advances in Optimization Theory and Applications, University of Delhi, Delhi, October 27-28, 2006. |
[107] | Geetharamani, G., Thangavel, K., Karnan, M and Sivakumar, R., "Serial Supply Chain Multi Criteria Inventory Problem", Proceedings of the National Conference on Soft Computing, Hindusthan College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp:360-363, 2006. |
[108] | Geetharamani, G., Thangavel, K., Karnan, M., Sivakumar, R and Siva Sakthi, S., "Individual Company Multi Criteria Inventory Problem", Proceedings of the National Conference on Soft Computing, Hindusthan College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp:356-360, 2006. |
[109] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K., Thanuskodi, K and Geetha, K., "Particle Swarm Optimization for Detection of the Microcalcifications on Mammograms", Proceedings of the National Conference on Soft Computing, Hindusthan College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp:350-352, 2006. |
[110] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K., Sivakumar, R and Nandhini, B., "Back Propagation Network Classifier Hybrid with Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm", Proceedings of the National Conference on Soft Computing, Hindusthan College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp:347-350, 2006. |
[111] | Jaganathan, P., Thangavel, K and Karnan, M., "A Hybrid Ant Colony Optimization-Genetic Algorithms Method for Classification in Data Mining", Proceedings of the National Conference on Soft Computing, Hindusthan College of Engineering, Coimbatore, pp:304-305, 2006. |
[112] | Karnan, M, Thangavel, K., Geetha, K and Thanushkodi, K, M., "Hybrid PSO for mammogram image segmentation", Proceedings of the International conference on Applied Soft Computing, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore, 2007. |
[113] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K., Jaya. J and Sivakumar, R., Thanushkodi, K., "Detection Masses in Ultrasonic Images-A Review", Proceedings of the International conference on Applied Soft Computing, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore, 2007. |
[114] | Karnan, M., Thangavel, K and Sivakumar, R., "ACO for Feature Selection of Microcalcifications in Mammograms", Proceedings of the Indian Conference on Computational Intelligence and Information Security, Thiagarajar College of Engineering, Madurai, 2007. |
[115] | Laurence Aroquiaraj, I., Thangavel, K and Manavalan, R., "A Survey on Prostate Medical Images and Comparative Analysis" in Proceedings of National Conference on Soft Computing from 17th and 18th November 2006 Organized by Hindustan College of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, pp. 81-87, 2006. |
[116] | N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, K. Thangavel, P. Alagambigai, "Ensemble Approach to Distributed Clustering", in: Natarajan et al.(eds.), Mathematical and Computational Model, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 252-261, 2007. |
[117] | P. Alagambigai, K. Thangavel, N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, "Interactive Clustering for Feature Selection based on Rough Set Theory" in: Natarajan et al.(eds.), Mathematical and Computational Model, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 252-261, 2007. |
[118] | N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, K. Thangavel, P. Alagambigai, "Distributed Clustering using Interactive Visualization", in: K. Thangavel.(ed.), Intelligent and Computing Model, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp.24-31, 2009. |
[119] | P. Alagambigai, K. Thangavel, N. Karthikeyani Visalakshi, "Improved Visual Cluster Rendering System", in: K. Thangavel.(ed.), Intelligent and Computing Model, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 16-23, 2009. |
[120] | S. Aranganayagi and K. Thangavel, M-Squeezer algorithm to cluster the categorical data, in: K. Thangavel.(ed.), Intelligent and Computing Model, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 1-9, 2009. |
[121] | K. Thanavel and A. Kaja Mohideen, Rule-based Classification of Microcalcifications using Ant-Miner, in: K. Thangavel.(ed.), Intelligent and Computing Model, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 1-9, 2009. |
[122] | A. Jeeneth, K. Hazeena, K. Thangavel and A. pethalakshmi., Modified Algorithm for Decision Making Using Rough Set and Soft Set,, in: K. Thangavel.(ed.), Intelligent and Computing Model, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 74-85, 2009. |
[123] | R. Manavalan, K. Thangavel and I. Laurence Aroquiaraj, Eliminating Speckle Noise from ultrasound Medical Images: A Non-Linear Approach,, in: K. Thangavel.(ed.), Intelligent and Computing Model, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, pp. 173-180, 2009. |