Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation publishes papers of high quality through critical reviews and is intended to become a quality international journal in the field of mechanical engineering and automation. The journal features a mix of experimental, numerical, and theoretical articles dealing with all aspects of the field.

Clementina Mladenova

Editorial Board Member of Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation

Professor, Institute of Mechanics, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Bulgaria

Research Areas

Group theoretical approaches (Lie groups and Lie algebras) in describing the Euclidean motions and their application in multibody mechanics; Holonomic and nonholonomic mechanics; Multibody (rigid and flexible) mechanical systems; Mathematical modeling and


1989Ph.D.Mechanics, Institute of Mechanics
1977M.S.Mechanics, Sofia University
1975B.S.Mathematics, Sofia University


1996Senior Research Fellow, Institute of Mechanics
1987Research Fellow I Deg., Institute of Mechanica
1985Research Fellow II Deg., Institute of Mechanics
1983Research Fellow III Deg., Institute of Mechanics
1982Specialist, Institute of Mechanics


Member of American Mathematical Society
Member of GAMM
Member of Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians (section Mechanics)
Member of Technical Society in Bulgaria ( section-Robotics)
Member of Bulgarian Socety of Biomechanics
Member of European Soceity of Women in Mathematics

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Mladenova C., The Rotation Group and its Mechanical Applications, VDM Verlag Dr. Mu ller GmbH & Co. KG (2011) (ISBN 978-3-639-36947-2), 204 pages.
[2]  Toshev Y., Mladenova C., Dynamic Analysis and Synthesis of Manipulator Systems, Biomechanics, Bulg. Acad.Sci. 14 (1983) 29-38.
[3]  Mladenova C., An Approach to Description of a Rigid Body Motion, Comp. Rend. Bulg. Acad. Sci., 38 (1985) 1657-1660.
[4]  Mladenova C., Dynamic Model of a Manipulator, Biomechanics, Bulg. Acad. Sci. 19 (1987) 67-71.
[5]  Mladenova C., Vector-Parameter Approach to Modelling and Control of Manipulator Systems, Ph. D. Thesis (in mathematics), Institute of Mechanics, Bulg. Acad. Sci., So a (1989) (in Bulgarian).
[6]  Mladenova C., A Contribution to the Modeling and Control of Manipulators, J. Intell. Rob. Syst. 3 (1990) 349-363.
[7]  Mladenova C., Mathematical Modeling and Control of Manipulator Systems, Robot. Comput. Integr. Mfg. 8 (1991) 233-242.
[8]  Mladenova C., About the Topological Structure of SO(3) Group, C. R. Bulg. Acad. Sci. 44 (1991) 27 29.
[9]  Mladenova C., Dual Vector-Parameter in Manipulators Kinematics, J. Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (JTAM) 22 (1991) 22-30.
[10]  Mladenova C., Group Theoretical Methods in Manipulator Kinematics and Symbolic Computations, J. Intell. Rob. Syst. 8 (1993) 21-34.
[11]  Mladenova C., Robotic Problems over Con gurational Manifold of Vector Parameters and Dual Vector Parameters, J. Intell. Rob. Syst. 11 (1994) 117-133.
[12]  Mladenova C., Kinematics and Dynamics of a Rigid Body in Nonholonomic Coordinates, Systems and Control Letters 22 (1994) 257-265.
[13]  Mladenova C., Dynamics of Nonholonomic Systems, ZAMM 74 (1994) 199-205.
[14]  Mladenova C., Application of the Group and Geometrical Properties of E(3) to the Problems of Rigid Body Systems, ACTA Mechanica 112 (1995) 159-171.
[15]  Ochier A., Mladenova C. and Mu ller P., An Approach to Automatic Generation of Dynamic Equations of Elastic Joint Manipulators in Symbolic Language, J. Intell. Rob. Syst. 14 (1995) 199-218.
[16]  Mladenova C., Dynamics and Control of Elastic Joint Robots on a Group Configurational Manifold, In: Recent Advances in Robot Kinematics, J. Lenarcic and V. Parenti-Castelli (Eds), Kluwer, Dordrecht, 1996, pp. 47-56.
[17]  Mladenova C. and Mu ller P., Dynamics and Control of Elastic Joint Manipulators, J. Intell. Rob. Syst. 20 (1997) 23-44.
[18]  Mladenova C., Applications of a Lie Group Theory to the Modeling and Control of Multibody Systems, Multibody System Dynamics 4 (1999) 367-380.
[19]  Mladenova C., Modelling and Control of Multibody Systems on a Con igurational Space with a Lie Group Structure (invited paper), JTAM 31 (2001) 3-25.
[20]  Mladenova C., Motion Planning of Robot Locomotion, PAMM 2 (2003) 144-145.
[21]  Mladenova C. and Mladenov I., An Approach to Diagonalizing Real 3 X 3 Symmetric Matrix and Mechanical Applications, JTAM (invited paper) 34 (2004) 3-20.
[22]  Mladenova C. and Rashkov I., Modeling of Flexible Link Manipulators, PAMM 4 (2004) 163-164.
[23]  Mladenov I. and Mladenova C., An Approach to Reduction of the Real Symmetric 3 X 3 Secular Problem and Applications, Physics of Atomic Nuclei 68 (2005) 1916- 1921, see also: Yadernaya Fizika 68 (2005) 1978-1983.
[24]  Mladenova C., Group Theory in the Problems of Modeling and Control of Multi-Body Systems, JGSP 8 (2006) 17-121.
[25]  Mladenova C. and Mladenov I., Spacecraft Dynamics Under the In uence of Gravity Tourques, JTAM 38, no.3 (2008) 3-22.
[26]  Mladenova C., Dynamics of Rigid Spacecraft Under the In uence of Gravity Torques. Theory and Applications, PAMM (2008) 101-10126, DOI 10.1002/pamm.200810125.
[27]  Mladenova C., review of: Invitation to Topological Robotics, by Michael Farber, European Mathematical Society, Zu rich Lectures in Advanced Mathematics, 2000, In: Book Reviews in J. Geom. Symm. Phys., 16, pp. 97-99 (2009).
[28]  Abadjiev V., Mladenova C., Penchev T., Some Aspects in Studing of the Dynamics of a Reactive Hammer, Mechanics of Machines 2 (2010) 21-24 (in Bulgarian).
[29]  Mladenova C., Determination of Rotation Vectors from Multi-Point Data and Practical Applications, PAMM-Proc. Appl. Math. Mech. 10 (2010) 45-46 (DOI: 10, 1002/pamm.201010015).
[30]  Mladenova C. and Mladenov I., Vector-Decomposition of Finite Rotations, Reports on Mathematical Physics 68 (2011) 107-117.
[31]  Mladenova C., Malinova R., Investigation of a Manipulator Kinematics and Dynamics, In: Proc. III Conf. "TNTM in Electronics and Cybernetics So a, (1983) pp.98-101 (in Bulgarian).
[32]  Mladenova C., Toshev Y., Kinematic Modelling of Manipulators Using Vector- Parameter, In: Proc. II Sci. Techn. Int. Conf. Ind. Rob., Bulgaria, Stara Zagora, June 15-16 (1984).
[33]  Mladenova C., A Group Approach to Manipulators Modelling and Control, In: Proc. V Nat. Cong. of Theor. and Appl. Mech., Bulgaria, Varna, Sept. 23-29, Vol.2 (1985) pp.54-59.
[34]  Mladenova C., An Approach for Manipulator Motion Modelling, ROBCON 3, Bulgaria, Varna, Oct. 15-17 (1985).
[35]  Mladenova C., Toshev Y., Group Theoretical Setting of Manipulators Kinematics and Control, In: Prepr. Ist. IFAC Symp. on Robot Control-SYROCO '85, Barcelona, Spain (1985) pp. 263-267; see also: Robot Control (SYROCO '85), Eds. L.Basanez, G.Ferrate and G. Saridis, Pergamon Press, IFAC Proc.Series, Vol.9 (1986) pp.305-309; see also Express-Information-Robototechnics no.28 (1986) pp.5-11 (in Russian).
[36]  Toshev Y., Filipov B., Stoenchev S., Mladenova C. et al., A System for Specialized Telemanipulators Control, In: Proc.V Nat. Cong. of Theor.and Appl. Mech., Bulgaria, Varna, Sept.23-29 (1985) pp. 276-281 (in Bulgarian).
[37]  Mladenova C., E cient Kinematical Consideration of Manipulator System Motion, In: Prepr. of RAI/IPAR, Toulouse, France, June 19-20, (1986) pp. 269-278.
[38]  Mladenova C., Solving Kinematic Equations for RTRTRR Manipulator, In: Proc. II Int. Youth School: "Appllication Biomechanics and Bionics in Robotics Bulgaria, Sunny Beach (1986) pp. 252-255.
[39]  Mladenova C., A Contribution to the Manipulators Modelling and Control Problems, In: Proc. IFAC/IFIP/IMACS Int. Simp. on Theory of Robots, Viena, Austria, December 3-5 (1986).
[40]  Mladenova C., Toshev Y., New Concept for Computer Modelling of Manipulator Motion, In: Prepr. V IFAC/IFIP/IMACS/IFORS Symp., Suzdal, USSR April 20-25 (1986) pp. 407-410; see also: Information Control Problems in Manufacturing Technology. Robotics and Flexible Manufacturing Systems, ed. A.A.Tal', IFAC Proc. Series, Vol.1 (1987) pp. 239-242.
[41]  Mladenova C., Toshev Y., Vector-Parameter Approach to Analysis and Control of Manipulator Systems, In: Trans.ASME Design Eng. Techn. Conf., DET-195, Columbus, Ohio, Oct. 5-8 (1986).
[42]  Mladenova C., Group Theory in Manipulator Trajectory Planning, In: Proc. 3rd Int. Symp. on Foundation of Dynamics and Control for Manipulaton Robots, Varna, May 23-28 (1988) pp. 121-126.
[43]  Mladenova C., Reduction of the Computational Burden in Robot Manipulator Simulation and Control, In: Proc. V IFAC Symp. Robot Control-SYROCO'88 Karlsruhe, Germany, Oct.5-7 (1988) pp.96.1-96.5.
[44]  Mladenova C., About a Procedure for Finite Rotations and Translations, In: Proc. of Ist Int.Conf. on Technologies and Robotization, TECHRO'88, Bulgaria, Dyuni, Sept.19-26 (1988) pp.183-188.
[45]  Mladenova C., Screw Kinematics of a Rigid Body, In: Proc. III Int. Youth School: "Application of Mechanics in Robotics and New Materials Bulgaria, Sunny Beach, Sept.19-26 (1988) pp.179-183.
[46]  Mladenova C., Some Topological Aspects of Euclidean Group, In: Proc. VI Nat. Cong. Theor. and Appl. Mech., Bulgaria, Varna, (1989) pp. 177-180.
[47]  Mladenova C., Robot Modelling and Control Over Extended Con gurational Manifold, In: Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Rob. Autom., Nice, (1992) pp. 326-331.
[48]  Mladenova C., Group Theoretical Methods in Manipulator Kinematics, In: Proc. 3rd Workshop on Advances in Robot Kinematics, Ferrara, (1992) pp. 187-193.
[49]  Mladenova C., Reactions at Nonholonomic Constraints, In: Preprints of the 1st IFAC Int. Workshop on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, D. Charnley (Ed.), Southampton, (1993) pp. 534-539.
[50]  Ochier A., Mladenova C. and Muller P., Algorithmus zur automatischen Generierung der Bewegungsgleichungen eines Industrieroboters mit elastischen Gelenken mittles symbolischer Sprache, VDI/VDE/GMA Conf. Intelligente Steuerung und Regelung von Robotern, Langen, VDI Berichte 1094 (1993) pp. 251-262.
[51]  Mladenova C., Applications of Lie Group Theory at the Problems of Modeling and Control of Multibody Systems-An Overview, In: Proc. NATO ASI Computational Methods in Mechanisms, vol. 2, J. Angeles and E. Zakhariev (Eds.), Varna, (1997) pp. 487-496.
[52]  Mladenova C., Modeling and Control of Nonholonomic Mechanical Systems, In: Proc. EUROMECH Colloquium 404: Advances in Computational Multibody Dynamics, Lisboa, Portugal, (1999) pp. 889-900.
[53]  Mladenova C., An Approach for Modeling of Robot Dynamics, In: Mayorga R.V. and Rojas J. A. (Eds.), Proc. 2nd ANIROB/IEEE-RAS Int. Symp. on Robotics and Automation (ISRA'2000), Monterrey, Mexico, (2000) pp. 187-192.
[54]  Mladenova C., Toshev Y. and Uzunov D., New Approach for Modeling and Simulation of Human Locomotion, In: R. Mayorga and J. Rojas (Eds.), Proc. 2nd ANIROB/IEEE-RAS Int. Symp. on Robotics and Automation (ISRA'2000), Monterrey, Mexico, (2000) pp. 319-324.
[55]  Mladenova C., Generation of Rotation Motions at Trajectory Planning, In: Proc. 9th Natl. Cong. Theor. Appl. Mech, vol. 1, Ya. Ivanov, A. Baltov and E. Manoach (Eds.), Demetra, Sofia, (2001) pp. 363-367.
[56]  Mladenova C., Toshev Y. and Uzunov D., About an Approach for Motion Planning of Robot Locomotion, In: Proc. 32nd Int. Symposium on Robotics (ISR 2001), Seoul, (2001) pp. 1045-1050.
[57]  Mladenova C., Interpolation of Rotation Group at Trajectory Planning of Mobile Robots, In: Proc. National Conference Robotics and Mechatronics'2001 , Drianovo, Bulgaria, (2001) pp. 1.7-1.14.
[58]  Mladenova C., Rotations of the Human Knee, IV World Congress Biomechanics, Proceedings CD-692 pdf, Calgary, (2002).
[59]  Mladenova C., Some Control Problems of the System of Mobile Platform and Manipulator, In: Proc. National Conference Robotics and Mechatronics'2002 , Drianovo, Bulgaria, (2002) pp. 2.1-2.5.
[60]  Mladenova C., Some Problems of Robot Locomotion, In: Proc. National Conference Robotics and Mechatronics'2002 , Drianovo, Bulgaria, (2002) pp. 2.6-2.10.
[61]  Mladenova C., Theoretical Aspects and Tools for Modelling and Control of Robots, In: Proc. 7th International Conference PRACTRO'2003, Varna, Bulgaria, (2003) pp. 193-198.
[62]  Mladenova C., Modelling and Control of Elastic Joint Manipulators, In: Proc. National Conference Robotics and Mechatronics'2003 , Drianovo, Bulgaria, (2003) pp. 1.8-1.20.
[63]  Mladenova C., An Approach to Modelling of Flexible Link Manipulators, In: Proc. National Conference Robotics and Mechatronics'2004 , Drianovo, Bulgaria, (2004) pp. 1.52-1.59.
[64]  Rashkov I. and Mladenova C., Symbolic Generation of Dynamic Equations of Open-Loop Rigid Body Mechanical Systems, In: Proc. National Conference Robotics and Mechatronics'2004 , Drianovo, Bulgaria, (2004) pp. 4.37-4.42 (in Bulgarian).
[65]  Mladenova C. and Karastoianov D., Dynamics of a Vehicle Devices, In: Proc. 8th International Conference PRACTRO'2005, Varna, Bulgaia, (2005) pp.163-168 (in Bulgarian).
[66]  Mladenova C., Di erent Parameterizations of the Rotation Group in Computer Vision and Robot Kinematics, In: Proc. 15th National Conference Robotics and Mechatronics'2005 , Drianovo, Bulgaria, (2005) paper m4, pp. 2.20-2.29.
[67]  Mladenova C., The Role of the Parameterizations of the Rotation Group in the Presentation of the Space Movements, In: Proc. 10th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics'2005, vol. 1, (2006) pp. 80-84.