[1] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Heavy-Particle Radioactivity of Superheavy Nuclei, Physical Review Letters 107 (2011) 062503. |
[2] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Single universal curve for cluster radioactivities and alpha decay, Physical Review C 83 (2011) 014601.Citations |
[3] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Individual and collective properties of fermions in nuclear and atomic cluster systems, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 37 (2010) 085101. |
[4] | Poenaru, D. N. and Greiner, W., Extension of superasymmetric fission theory from cluster decay to nanophysics, Nucl. Phys. A 834 (2010) 163c-166c. Citations |
[5] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Raportaru, M. and Popovici, B., Charge density influence on macroscopic deformation energy, International Journal of Modern Physics E, 19 (2010), 1411-1423. |
[6] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Stable spheroidal cap shapes of deposited atomic cluster International Journal of Modern Physics B, 24 (2010), 3411-3423. |
[7] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., Solov'yov, A. V. and Greiner, W., Hemispheroidal atomic clusters on planar surfaces, Physica E, 42 (2010), 1555-1562. |
[8] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., and Greiner, W., Special properties of 264Fm and of atomic clusters emitting singly charged trimers, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 36 (2009), 125101. Citations |
[9] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., Solov'yov, A. V. and Greiner, W. Oblate equilibrium shapes of hemispheroidal atomic clusters, EPL, 88 (2009) 23002. |
[10] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., Plonski, I. H., Solov'yov, A. V. and Greiner, W., Macroscopic-microscopic theory of semi-spheroidal atomic cluster , The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics, 47 (2008) 379-393. HIGHLIGHT PAPER |
[11] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., Solov'yov, A. V. , and Greiner, W., Hemispheroidal quantum harmonic oscillator, Physics Letters A, 372 (2008) 5448-5451. Online |
[12] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Proton gap due to the necking potential, Physical Review, C 78 (2008) 024604. |
[13] | Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Cluster radioactivity-past, present and future, International Journal of Modern Physics E, 17 (2008) 2255. |
[14] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Binary and ternary emission from superheavy nuclei, International Journal of Modern Physics E, 17 (2008) 2221. |
[15] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., Solov'yov, A. V. , and Greiner, W., Deformed shell closures for light atomic clusters, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 22 (2008) 4917-4935. Citations |
[16] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, Plonski, I. H., R. A., Solov'yov, A. V. , and Greiner, W., Potential energy surfaces of semi-spheroidal atomic clusters, Journal of Physics: Conference Series111 (2008) 012047. Open access |
[17] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., and Carjan, N., Neck influence on fission paths, Physical Review, C 77 (2008) 044607. |
[18] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., Solov'yov, A. V. , and Greiner, W., Liquid drop stability of a superdeformed prolate semi-spheroidal atomic cluster, Europhysics Letters (EPL) 79 (2007) 63001. |
[19] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., Plonski, I. H., and Greiner, W., Heavy particle radioactivities, Int. J. Mod. Phys. E 16 (2007) 995-1007. |
[20] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Carjan, N., Alpha-decay lifetimes semiempirical relationship including shell effects, Europhysics Letters (EPL) 77 (2007) 62001. Citations |
[21] | Poenaru, D. N. and Calboreanu, A., Alexandru Proca (1897-1955) and his equation of the massive vector boson field, Europhysics News 37 (2006) No. 5, 24-26. |
[22] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W. and Nagame, Y., Synthesis of 286-114 and 290-114 using low-energy fusion channels. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 32 (2006) L73-L84. Citations |
[23] | Poenaru, D. N., Plonski, I. H., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Valleys due to Pb and Sn on potential energy surfaces of superheavy and lighter alpha emitting nuclei. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 32 (2006) 1223-1239. Citations |
[24] | Poenaru, D. N., Plonski, I. H., and Greiner, W., Alpha-decay half-lives of superheavy nuclei. Physical Review C 74 (2006) 014312/1-5. Citations |
[25] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Potential energy surfaces for cluster emitting nuclei. Physical Review C 73 (2006) 014608/1-9. Citations |
[26] | Gherghescu, R. A. and Poenaru, D. N., Werner-Wheeler mass tensor for fusionlike configuration, Physical Review C 72 (2005) 027602/1-4. |
[27] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Analytical relationship for the cranking inertia,The European Physical Journal A 24 (2005) 355-359. Citations |
[28] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Complex fission phenomena, Nuclear Physics, A 747 (2005) 182-205. Citations |
[29] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W., Fission into equally sized three fragments, Acta Physica Hungarica: Heavy Ion Physics, 18 (2003) 409-414. Citations |
[30] | Poenaru, D. N. and Greiner, W., Deformation energy minima at finite mass asymmetry, Europhysics Letters, 64 (2003) 164-170. Citations |
[31] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Nagame, Y., and Gherghescu, R. A.,Nuclear shapes in complex fission phenomena, Journal of Nuclear and Radiochemical Sciences, Japan, 3 (2002) 43-49. |
[32] | Poenaru, D. N., Nagame, Y., Gherghescu, R. A., and Greiner, W., Systematics of cluster decay modes, Physical Review C 65 (2002) 054308/1-6; Erratum: C66.049902.Citations |
[33] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Hamilton, J. H., and Ramayya, A. V., Fragment configurations in multi-cluster fission, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 27 (2001) L19-L28. |
[34] | Poenaru, D. N., Dobrescu, B., Greiner, W., Hamilton, J. H., and Ramayya, A. V., Fission energy surfaces and ternary fission, Heavy Ion Physics, 13 (2001) 79-88. Citations |
[35] | Poenaru, D. N., Dobrescu, B., Greiner, W., Hamilton, J. H., and Ramayya, A. V., Nuclear quasi-molecular states in ternary fission, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 26 (2000) L97-L102. |
[36] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Hamilton, J. H., Ramayya, A. V., Hourany, E. and Gherghescu, R. A., Multicluster accompanied fission, Physical Review C 59 (1999) 3457-3460. Citations |
[37] | Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., New decay modes:multicluster spontaneous emission from nuclei, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 25 (1999) L7-L13. |
[38] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A. and Greiner, W.,Alpha-decay valley of 106-Te, Il Nuovo Cimento, 111 A (1998) 887-893. Citations |
[39] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W.,Energy valleys of double-magic superheavy nuclei, Il NuovoCimento, 111 A (1998) 105-111. Citations |
[40] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Fission channels of 304-120, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 24 (1998) 1149-1163. Citations |
[41] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W. and Gherghescu, R. A., Energy released in ternary fission, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables,68 (1998) 91-147.Citations |
[42] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W. and Gherghescu, R. A., Shell closure at the touching point of nuclear fragments, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 24 (1998) L23-L29. |
[43] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Deformation energy of superheavy nuclei, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 23 (1997) 1715-1732.Citations |
[44] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., and Hourany, E., Proton-rich cluster emitter half-lives, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 22 (1996) 621-627. Citations |
[45] | Gherghescu, R. A., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Two-dimensional sequence of shapes for cold-fission of 264-Fm, Zeitschrift fur Physik, A 354 (1996) 367-373. Citations |
[46] | Poenaru, D. N., Beyond the proton drip line, Physics World 9 (1996) No. 4 (April) 20-21.This paper was written following the invitation of the Editorial Board. |
[47] | Gherghescu, R. A., Greiner, W., and Poenaru, D. N., Two-dimensional nuclear inertia. Analytical relationships, Physical Review C 52 (1995) 2636-2642. Citations |
[48] | Hourany, E., Berrier-Ronsin, G., Elayi, A., Hoffmann-Rothe, P:, Mueller, A. C., Rosier, L., Rotbard, G., Renou, G., Liebe, A., Poenaru, D. N., and Ravn, H. L., 223-Ra Nuclear Spectroscopy in 14-C Radioactivity, Physical Review C 52 (1995) 267-270.Citations |
[49] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., and Hourani, E., 12-C emission from 114-Ba and nuclear properties, Physical Review, C 51 (1995) 594-600. Citations |
[50] | Poenaru, D. N. and Greiner, W., Nuclear decay by cluster emission, Europhysics News 26 (1995) No. 5 (September/October) 99-100. Invited paper by Editorial Board, on the occasion of 100th anniversary of Radioactivity. |
[51] | Gherghescu, R. A., Greiner, W., and Poenaru, D. N., Unexpected property of proximity potentials, Fizika, B 3 (1994) 119-133. |
[52] | Mirea, M., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Threedimensional dynamics of nuclear decay modes, Zeitschrift fur Physik A 349 (1994) 39-45. Citations |
[53] | Poenaru, D. N., Hourani, E., and Greiner, W., Cluster Radioactivities of Odd-mass Nuclei, Annalen der Physik 3 (1994) 107-117. Citations |
[54] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Hourani, E., and Hussonnois, M., Nuclear Structure Effects in Cluster Radioactivity, Zeitschrift fur Physik A 349 (1994) 307-308. Citations |
[55] | Poenaru, D. N. and Greiner, W., Cluster Preformation in Closed-and Mid-Shell Nuclei, Zeitschrift fur Physik A 349 (1994) 305-306. |
[56] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., and Gherghescu, R., New Island of Cluster Emitters, Physical Review, C 47, (1993) 2030-2037.Citations |
[57] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Gherghescu, R., and Mazilu, D., Metastability of alpha-stable Neutron-Rich Nuclei, Fizika B 1 (1992) 221-230. Citations |
[58] | Mirea, M., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Optimized fission paths as solutions of differential equations, Nuovo Cimento 105 A (1992), 571-580. Citations |
[59] | Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W.,Cluster preformation as barrier penetrability, Physica Scripta 44 (1991), 427-429. Citations |
[60] | Poenaru, D. N., Schnabel, D., Greiner, W., Mazilu, D., and Gherghescu, R., Nuclear lifetimes for cluster radioactivities, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 48 (1991), 231-327.Citations |
[61] | Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W.,Rare decay modes by cluster emission from nuclei, Invited talk, Proc. International Conference on Rare Nuclear Decays and Fundamental Processes, Bratislava, Czeko-Slovakia, 1990, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics 17 (1991), S443-S451.Citations |
[62] | Poenaru, D. N., Mirea, M., Greiner, W., Cata, I., and Mazilu, D., Neck influence on dynamics of cluster radioactivities and cold fission, Modern Physics Letters A 5 (1990), 2101-2105. Citations |
[63] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., and Ivascu, M., Predicted halflives for cluster radioactivities, Invited talk, Proc. International Conference Fifty Years Research Nuclear Fission, Berlin, Germany, 1989 Nuclear Physics, A 502 (1989), 59c-66c. Citations |
[64] | Hourani, E., Hussonnois, M., and Poenaru, D. N., Radioactivities by light fragment (C, Ne, Mg) emission, Annales de Physique (Paris) 14 (1989), 311-345. Citations |
[65] | Poenaru, D. N., Maruhn, J. A., Greiner, W., Ivascu, M., Mazilu, D., and Ivascu, I.,Inertia and fission paths in a wide range of mass asymmetry, Zeitschrift fur Physik, A 333 (1989), 291-298. Citations |
[66] | Poenaru, D. N., Maruhn, J. A., Greiner, W., Ivascu, M., Mazilu, D., and Gherghescu, R., Cold fission as heavy ion emission, Zeitschrift fur Physik, A 328 (1987), 309-314. Citations |
[67] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Ivascu, M., Mazilu, D., and Plonski, I. H., Odd-even staggering of heavy cluster spontaneous emission rates, Zeitschrift fur Physik, A 325 (1986), 435-439. Citations |
[68] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Greiner, W., Halflives for spontaneous emission of heavy ions from atomic nuclei, Nuclear Tracks 12 (1986), 313-316. |
[69] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Depta, K., Ivascu, M., Mazilu, D., and Sandulescu, A., Calculated halflives and kinetic energies for spontaneous emission of heavy ions from nuclei, Atomic Data and Nuclear Data Tables 34 (1986), 423-538.Citations |
[70] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Ivascu, M., and Sandulescu, A., Heavy cluster decay of trans-zirconium stable nuclides, Physical Review, C 32 (1985), 2198-2200. Citations |
[71] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M. , , Two alpha, three alpha and multiple heavy ion radioactivities, Journal de Physique Lettres 46 (1985), L591-L594. Citations |
[72] | Sandulescu, A., Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., and Hamilton, J. H., Comment on exotic nuclear decay of 223-Ra by emission of 14-C nuclei, Physical Review Letters 54 (1985), 490. Citations |
[73] | Greiner, W., Ivascu, M., Poenaru, D. N., and Sandulescu, A., On exotic nuclear decay of 223-Ra by emission of 14-C nuclei, Zeitschrift fur Physik, A 320 (1985), 347-348. Citations |
[74] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., Sandulescu, A., and Greiner, W., Atomic nuclei decay modes by spontaneous emission of heavy ions, Physical Review, C 32 (1985), 572-581. Citations |
[75] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., Sandulescu, A., and Greiner, W., Penetrability and lifetime predictions for spontaneous emission of heavy ions from nuclei, JINR Rapid Communications, 5 (1984), 29-35. Citations |
[76] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., Sandulescu, A., and Greiner, W., Nuclear decay by cluster emission, Izvestia AN SSSR, Ser. Fiz. 48 (1984), 1897-1902. |
[77] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., Sandulescu, A., and Greiner, W., Spontaneous emission of heavy clusters, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics 10 (1984), L183-L189. Citations |
[78] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M.,5-He radioactivity, Journal de Physique (Paris) 45 (1984), 1099-1106. Citations |
[79] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., Estimation of the alpha-decay halflives, Journal de Physique (Paris) 44 (1983), 791-796. Citations |
[80] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Mazilu, D., Alpha-decay halflife semiempirical relationships with self-improving parameters, Computer Physics Communications 25 (1982), 297-309. Citations |
[81] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., Alpha-decay from fission isomeric states, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics 7 (1981), 965-971. Citations |
[82] | Magda, T., Pop, A., Poenaru, D. N., Sandulescu, A., and Greiner, W., Synthesis of superheavy elements in heavy-ion fusion reactions, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics 7 (1981), 359-370. |
[83] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Mazilu, D., A new semiempirical formula for the alpha decay halflives, Journal de Physique Lettres 41 (1980), L589-L590. Citations |
[84] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Mazilu, D., Folded Yukawa plus exponential model PES for nuclei with different charge densities, Computer Physics Communications 19 (1980), 205-214. Citations |
[85] | Sandulescu, A., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., New type of decay of heavy nuclei intermediate between fission and alpha-decay, Soviet Journal Particles and Nuclei 11 (1980), 528-541. Citations |
[86] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Sandulescu, A.,Alpha radioactivity studied by the fission methods, Journal de Physique-Lettres 40 (1979), L465-L467. Citations |
[87] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Sandulescu, A.,Alpha-decay as a fission-like process, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics 5 (1979), L169-L173.Citations |
[88] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Mazilu, D., Deformation energies for nuclei with different charge-to-mass ratio, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics 5 (1979), 1093-1106. Citations |
[89] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., Liquid drop models deformation energies of nuclei with axial symmetry and reflection asymmetry, Computer Physics Communications 16 (1978), 85-91. Citations |
[90] | Vorobeva, V. G., Dyachenko, N. P., Mitrofanov, V. F., Kuzminov, B. D., Sergachov, A. I., and Poenaru, D. N.,Angular anisotropy and fragment mass asymmetry in neutron induced fission of 232-Th, Yadernaya Fizika (SOV J NUCL PHYS) 26 (1977), 962-966. |
[91] | Poenaru, D. N., Fission isomers. Experimental work, Annales de Physique (Paris) 2 (1977), 133-168. Citations |
[92] | Bodo, E., Galeriu, D., Marinescu, M., Poenaru, D. N., Vilcov, I., Vilcov, N., Gangrsky, Y.P., Hien, P. Z., and Tsipenyuk, Y.P.,Fission in flight technique and the slowing down of recoil nuclei in gases, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 121 (1974), 379-383. |
[93] | Vilcov, I. A., Vilcov, N., Gangrsky, Y.P., Marinescu, M., Pleve, A. A., Poenaru, D. N., and Harisov, I. F., Excitation energy of spontaneously fissioning isomers 240-Pu, 241-Cm, and 243-Bk produced by alpha-induced reactions, Yadernaya Fizika (SOV J NUCL PHYS) 16 (1972), 454-459. Citations |
[94] | Poenaru, D. N., Stuck, R., and Siffert, P., Collection efficiency and charge carrier losses in coaxial and planar Ge(Li) detectors. Influence on time resolution, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-17 (1970), 176-186. Citations |
[95] | Poenaru, D. N., On the capacitive sensitivity of charge-sensitive preamplifiers, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 66 (1968), 325-327. Citations |
[96] | Poenaru, D. N., Collection time of electron-hole pairs in a coaxial Ge(Li) radiation detector, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science NS-14 (1967), 1-7. Citations |
[97] | Poenaru, D. N., Semiconductor radiation detectors used with current-sensitive preamplifiers associated electronics, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 54 (1967), 242-249. Citations |
[98] | Poenaru, D. N., Current and voltage pulses given by semiconductor radiation detectors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 54 (1967), 229-241. Citations |
[99] | Flerov, G. N., Martalogu, N., Pleve, A. A., Polikanov, S. M.,Poenaru, D. N., Sezon, M., Tretyakova, S. P., Vilcov, I., and Vilcov, N., Excitation energy of spontaneously fissioning isomers, Nuclear Physics 97 (1967), 444-448. Citations |
[100] | Alevra, A., Dumitrescu, R., Lukas, I., Magda, T., Martalogu, N., Plostinaru, D., Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N.,Angular distribution of neutrons from the 55-Mn(alpha, n)58-Co reaction at E=14 and 17 MeV, Nuclear Physics 72 (1965), 209-217. Citations |
[101] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Analysis of some circuits used in amplifiers for semiconductor nuclear particle detectors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods 36 (1965), 52-58. Citations |
[102] | Alevra, A., Dumitrescu, R., Lukas, I., Magda, T., Martalogu, N.,Plostinaru, D., Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Evaporation spectra of neutrons from 55-Mn (alpha, n) 58-Co and 56-Fe(alpha, n) 59-Ni reactions at E= 14; 17 and 20 MeV, Nuclear Physics 59 (1964), 108-112. Citations |
[103] | Cartianu, G., and Poenaru, D. N., Variation of transfer functions with the modification of pole location, IRE Transactions on Circuit Theory CT-9 (1962), 98-99. Citations |
[104] | Poenaru, D. N., Intermediate frequency amplifiers for television signals, In romanian. Telecomunicatii 2 (1958), 272-281. |
[105] | Poenaru, D. N., Counting-rate meter, Automatica si Electronica 4 (1960), 125-134. Citations |
[106] | Cartianu, G., and Poenaru, D. N.,Characteristics of the staggered-tuned amplifiers, Telecomunicatii 4 (1960), 193-203. |
[107] | Poenaru, D. N., Industrial radiometer, Tehnica Nucleara 12 (1960), 20-25.Citations |
[108] | Poenaru, D. N., Calculation of coupled-circuit and staggered-tuned amplifiers, Telecomunicatii 5 (1961), 215-221. |
[109] | Poenaru, D. N., Television systems for technology and scientific research, Automatica si Electronica 7 (1963), 64-75. |
[110] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Closed-circuit television system used at the cyclotron,Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 15 (1963), 519-523. |
[111] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Semiconductor detector working principles, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 17 (1965), 203-242. |
[112] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N.,Semiconductor detector characteristics, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 17 (1965), 695-723. Citations |
[113] | Alevra, A., Dumitrescu, R., Lukas, I., Magda, T., Martalogu, N.,Plostinaru, D., Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Angular distribution of neutrons from 12-C(alpha, n) 15-O reaction at E= 14 MeV,Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 17 (1965), 761-764. |
[114] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Various kinds of semiconductor detectors, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 17 (1965), 1017-1027.Citations |
[115] | Ivanov, E., Plostinaru, D., Alevra, A., and Poenaru, D. N.,A new isomeric state of 115-Sn, Revue Roumaine de Physique 10 (1965), 935-941.Citations |
[116] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Amplifier with bootstrap load impedance, Automatica si Electronica 9 (1965), 107-113. |
[117] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Cascode and bootstrap loaded cascode in a transient regime, Automatica si Electronica 9 (1965), 228-233. |
[118] | Poenaru, D. N., Calculation method for a hysteresis of the Schmidt trigger circuit, Automatica si Electronica 10 (1966), 30-32. |
[119] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Semiconductor detector associated electronics, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 18 (1966), 655-702. |
[120] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivanov, E., Switching circuit for photomultiplier tubes, Revue Roumaine de Physique 11 (1966), 369-374. Citations |
[121] | Flerov, G. N., Martalogu, N., Pleve, A. A., Polikanov, S. M., Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Proton induced reactions to populate spontaneously fissioning isomers, Revue Roumaine de Physique 12 (1967), 109-116. Citations |
[122] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Alpha spectrometer with semiconductor detector, Revue Roumaine de Physique 12 (1967), 243-251.Citations |
[123] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Pulse generator and power supply for a semiconductor detector spectrometer, Automatica si Electronica 11 (1967), 203-206. |
[124] | Poenaru, D. N., Measurement of semiconductor device capacity by using standard instrumentation of nuclear spectrometry, Metrologia Aplicata 15 (1968), 554-556. |
[125] | Poenaru, D. N., Nuclear spectrometry with fast current pulses from semiconductor detectors, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 20 (1968), 561-575. |
[126] | Poenaru, D. N., Characteristics of radiation detectors with semiconductor devices, Studii si cercetari de Fizica 21 (1969), 873-916. |
[127] | Poenaru, D. N., Distribution of charge carriers collecting field in semiconductor detectors, Automatica si Electronica 13 (1969), 123-126. |
[128] | Poenaru, D. N., Calculation of electric pulses given by semiconductor detectors as a response to nuclear radiations, Automatica si Electronica 15 (1971), 74-78. |
[129] | Poenaru, D. N., Stuck, R., and Siffert, P., Time characteristics of coaxial Ge(Li) detectors, Revue Roumaine de Physique 16 (1971), 305-318.Citations |
[130] | Poenaru, D. N., Calculation of Ge(Li) detector prompt coincidence curve, Revue Roumaine de Physique 16 (1971), 1083-1092. |
[131] | Poenaru, D. N., Matrix elements of the Nilsson model Hamiltonian, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 24 (1972), 855-878. |
[132] | Poenaru, D. N., On the variation of carrier drift velocity with electric field in coaxial Ge(Li) detectors, Revue Roumaine de Physique 17 (1972), 921-931.Citations |
[133] | Poenaru, D. N., Approximations of the relationship charge carrier-electric field in coaxial Ge(Li) detectors, Electrotehnica 21 (1973), 80-84. |
[134] | Poenaru, D. N., Intrinsic states of deformed nuclei, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 25 (1973), 83-106. |
[135] | Poenaru, D. N., Shape isomerism of heavy nuclei, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 26 (1974), 1061-1074.Citations |
[136] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Angular distribution of fission fragments, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 27 (1975), 703-717. |
[137] | Poenaru, D. N., Popescu, D. G., and Vilcov, N., Calculations of the pairing corrections to the deformation energy, Revue Roumaine de Physique 20 (1975), 707-720.Citations |
[138] | Poenaru, D. N., and Vilcov, N., Computation of the shell correction to the deformation energy in heavy nuclei, Revue Roumaine de Physique 20 (1975), 939-957. Citations |
[139] | Bodo, E., Galeriu, D., Marinescu, M., Poenaru, D. N., Vilcov, I., and Vilcov, N., Angular distribution of recoil nuclei, Revue Roumaine de Physique 20 (1975), 985-988. |
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[141] | Poenaru, D. N., and Galeriu, D., Calculation of the Coulomb energy of a reflection symmetric body by Beringer method, Revue Roumaine de Physique 21 (1976), 109-111. |
[142] | Poenaru, D. N., Badralexe, E., Rizea, M., and Sandulescu, A., Spheroidal asymmetric oscillator, Revue Roumaine de Physique 22 (1977), 309-319.Citations |
[143] | Poenaru, D. N., On the nuclear shape at the first saddle point, Revue Roumaine de Physique 22 (1977), 333-335. |
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[146] | Ivascu, M., and Poenaru, D. N., Extensions of the liquid drop models for studying heavy ion reactions, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 29 (1977), 1037-1056. |
[147] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., Potential energy surfaces to study heavy ion reactions, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 30 (1978), 265-285. |
[148] | Poenaru, D. N., Bucurescu, D., and Ivascu, M., Potential energy of a system of two spherical nuclei, Revue Roumaine dePhysique 23 (1978), 827-839. |
[149] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., Computation of liquid drop deformation energy for axially symmetric nuclei, Revue Roumaine de Physique 24 (1979), 119-132.Citations |
[150] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Sandulescu, A., Study of alpha-decay in the framework of liquid drop model, Revue Roumaine de Physique 24 (1979), 917-919. Citations |
[151] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., Mazilu, D., and Sandulescu, A., On the charge density asymmetry of heavy ion fusion reactions, Revue Roumaine de Physique 25 (1980), 55-64. |
[152] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Sandulescu, A., Partial halflives for alpha-decay of superheavy nuclei, Revue Roumaine dePhysique 26 (1981), 253-254. Citations |
[153] | Poenaru, D. N., Mass asymmetry in fusion and fission reactions, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 33 (1981), 1075-1104. |
[154] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., Fission approach to the alpha decay, Revue Roumaine de Physique 27 (1982), 129-142.Citations |
[155] | Ivascu, M., and Poenaru, D. N., Fission of heavy and superheavy nuclei as an energy source, In Investigations in the Energy Field, Vol. I. Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1982, pp. 38-57. |
[156] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M.,A basic set of experimental data on the strong alpha transitions, Revue Roumaine de Physique 28 (1983), 309-329. Citations |
[157] | Ivascu, M., and Poenaru, D. N., Inertially-confined fusion with charged particle accelerators, In Modern Science and Energy, Vol. III. Editura Dacia, Cluj, 1984, pp. 7-23. |
[158] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., The island of alpha activity close to the double magic nucleus 100-Sn, Revue Roumaine de Physique 29 (1984), 587-598. Citations |
[159] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., Spontaneous emission of charged particles from nuclei, Revue Roumaine de Physique 29 (1984), 623-624. Citations |
[160] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., Atomic nuclei disintegration by spontaneous emission of heavy ions, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 37 (1984), 543-563. |
[161] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., Sandulescu, A., and Greiner, W., New natural radioactivities by emission of heavy ions, Revue Roumaine de Physique 30 (1985), 173-180. Citations |
[162] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Sandulescu, A., Comparison of semiempirical formulae for alpha-decay halflives, Revue Roumaine de Physique 30 (1985), 3-12. Citations |
[163] | Poenaru, D. N., and Ivascu, M., New decay modes, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 38 (1986), 805-818. |
[164] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., Mazilu, D., and Plonski, I. H., Superasymmetric fission model for deformed nuclei, Revue Roumaine de Physique 32 (1987), 283-297.Citations |
[165] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., and Mazilu, D., Spontaneous emission of heavy ions and cold fission, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 39 (1987), 459-470.Citations |
[166] | Ivascu, M., Poenaru, D. N., Mazilu, D., and Ivascu, I., Unified model for C-, Ne-, Mg-, other heavy ion radioactivities, cold fission and alpha-decay. Revue Roumaine de Physique 33 (1988), 675-681.Citations |
[167] | Ivascu, M., Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, I., Hourani, E., and Greiner, W., Vibration energy for new kinds of radioactivities, Revue Roumaine de Chimie 34 (1989), 143-148. |
[168] | Cata-Danil, I., Ivascu, M., Mazilu, D., Mirea, M.,Poenaru, D. N., Depta, K., Greiner, W., Maruhn, J. A., and Renner, W., Inertia tensor in terms of elongation, necking-in and fragment asymmetry. Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 41 (1989), 675-685. |
[169] | Poenaru, D. N., Ivascu, M., Cata, I., and Greiner, W. Cluster emission from nuclei far off the beta-stability and superheavies, Rev. Roum. Phys. 35 (1990), 627-637. |
[170] | Mirea, M., Mazilu, D., Cata, I., Ivascu, M., Poenaru, D. N., Depta, K., and Greiner, W., Investigation of 234-U fission trajectories within configuration space, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 42 (1990), 737-746. |
[171] | Poenaru, D. N., Cata, I., Gherghescu, R., Greiner, W., Ivascu, M., Mazilu, D., and Mirea, M., Spontaneous emission of fragments from superheavies and nuclei far off the line of beta stability, Studii si Cercetari de Fizica 43 (1991), 371-383. |
[172] | Greiner, W., and Poenaru, D. N., Nuclear and atomic molecules, Romanian Reports in Physics 44 (1992), 713-729.Citations |
[173] | Gherghescu, R. and Poenaru, D. N., Potential Barriers for Symmetrical Cold Fission Processes, Romanian Journal of Physics, 37 (1992) 1005-1009. |
[174] | Mirea, M., Poenaru, D. N., and Mirea, D., Two-center Shell Model with Mass-Asymmetry and Necking-in, Romanian Journal of Physics, 38 (1993) 71-86. |
[175] | Poenaru, D. N., Scientometric data. The Department of Nuclear Physics and the field of Cluster Radioactivities. Romanian Reports in Physics, 51 (1999) 609-620. |
[176] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Gherghescu, R. A., Nagame, Y., Hamilton, J. H., Ramayya, A. V., Phenomenological three center model, Romanian Journal of Physics, 46 (2001) 365-381. |
[177] | Poenaru, D. N., Nagame, Y., Greiner, W., Gherghescu, R. A., Hamilton, J. H., Ramayya, A. V., Ternary fission and cluster radioactivities, Romanian Journal of Physics, 47 (2002) 57-70. |
[178] | Poenaru, D. N., Greiner, W., Gherghescu, R. A., Nagame, Y., Advances in fission and spontaneous emission of heavy particles from nuclei, Romanian Journal of Physics, 48 Suppl. I (2003) 143-153. |
[179] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., Greiner, W., Nagame, Y., Hamilton, J. H., Ramayya, A. V., True ternary fission, Romanian Reports in Physics, 55 (2003) 781-786. Citations |
[180] | Gherghescu, R., Poenaru, D. N., and Greiner, W., Deformation effects in two-center shell model, Romanian Journal of Physics, 50 (2005) 377-385. |
[181] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., and Greiner, W., Microscopic model for the nuclear inertia tensor, Rom. J. Phys. 50 (2005) 187-199. |
[182] | Poenaru, D. N., Plonski, I. H., Shell and pairing corrections for atomic cluster physics. Rom. Rep. Phys. 60 (2008), 529-538. |
[183] | Poenaru, D. N., Gherghescu, R. A., Plonski, I. H., Solov'yov, A. V. and Greiner, W., Hemispheroidal atomic clusters on planar surfaces, Romanian Journal of Physics, 54 (2009) 457-466. |