Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, debate and short reports in all areas of applied mathematics.

S.A Edalatpanah

Research Scientist, Department of Mathematics, University of Guilan & Islamic Azad University, Iran

Research Areas

Numerical Linear Algebra, Computational Mathematics, Operations Research, Optimization, Fuzzy Mathematics, Differential equations(PDE& ODE), Integral equations , Preconditioning technique, Computer science(Cloud computing, Grid Computing)

Publications: Journals

[1]  The convergence analysis of preconditioned AOR method for M-, H-matrices, Journal of Applied Mathematics , IAUA., 5(18)(2008) 29-38.
[2]  Some improvements in PMAOR method for solving linear systems , J. Inform. Comp. Sci.,(UK) 6(1)(2011) 15-22.
[3]  On the two SAOR iterative formats for solving linear complementarity problems, I.J. Inform. Tech. Comput. Sci., 3 (5) (2011),19-24.
[4]  Fast iterative method-FIM: application to the convection-diffusion equation., J. Inform. Comp. Sci.,(UK), 6(4) (2011) 303-313.
[5]  The block AOR iterative methods for solving fuzzy linear systems , The Journal of Mathematics and Computer Science.,(Poland) 4(4) (2012) 527-535.
[6]  A kind of symmetrical iterative methods to solve special class of LCP (M,q), International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Applications , 4 (2) (2012) 183-189
[7]  Preconditioning strategy to solve fuzzy linear systems (FLS), International Review of Fuzzy Mathematics, 7 (2) (2012) 65-80.
[8]  A survey of voice over internet protocol (VOIP) technology, International Computer Mathematical Science and Applications,6 (3-4)(2012) 53-62.
[9]  A new two-phase method for the fuzzy primal simplex algorithm, International Review of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 8(2) (2012) 157-164.
[10]  Some approaches for using stationary iterative methods to linear equations generated from the boundary element method, International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Physics, 4(2) (2012) 131-136.
[11]  On the Nash equilibrium solution of fuzzy bimatrix games, International Journal of Fuzzy Systems and Rough Systems ,5 (2) (2012) 93-97.
[12]  New model for preconditioning techniques with application to the boundary value problems, Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering: An International Journal ,6(2)(2012) 107-114.
[13]  A numerical method for solving systems of fredholm integral equations by collocation linear Legendre multi-wavelets, Inform. Sci. Comput.(2013), Article ID: ISC010713, Number 2,10 pages
[14]  A new model of (I+S)-type preconditioner for system of linear equations. Journal of Mathematical Modeling , Vol. 1, No. 1, 2013, pp. 1-14
[15]  Application of Homotopy Perturbation Method for Fuzzy Linear Systems and Comparison with Adomian’s Decomposition Method, Chinese Journal of Mathematics, vol. 2013, Article ID 584240, 7 pages, 2013. doi:10.1155/2013/584240
[16]  SOR-Like Methods for Non-Hermitian Positive Definite Linear Complementarity Problems, Advanced Modeling and Optimization , (2013)15(3), 697-704.
[17]  A collection of new preconditioners for solving linear systems, Sci. Res. Essays, (2013)8(31), 1522-1531.
[18]  Convergence analysis for double splitting of matrices, Inform. Sci. Comput.(2013), Number 2, Article ID: ISC030713, 06 pages.
[19]  On application of Liao’s method for system of linear equations, Ain Shams. Eng . J . (Elsevier), 4(2013) 501-505.
[20]  Modification of iterative methods for solving linear complementarity problems, Engineering computations, (Emerald ). 30(7)(2013)
[21]  An Improved Model for Iterative Algorithms in Fuzzy Linear Systems , Computational Mathematics and Modeling , (Springer) . 24(2013)443-451.
[22]  On the convergence regions of generalized AOR methods for linear complementarity problems, Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, (Springer) 156 (2013) 859–866.
[23]  Iterative methods with analytical preconditioning technique to linear complementarity problems: application to obstacle problems, RAIRO - Operations Research, (Cambridge ) 47 (2013) 59-71.
[24]  Comparison analysis for improving preconditioned SOR-type iterative method, Numerical Analysis and Applications , (Springer) 6(1)(2013) 62-70.
[25]  A Note on “A new method for solving fully fuzzy linear programming problems”, Applied Mathematical Modelling, (Elsevier) 37 (2013), 7865-7867.
[26]  Two stage mixed-type splitting iterative methods with applications, Journal of Taibah University for Science,( Elsevier) 7(2013),35-43.
[27]  A new modified SSOR iteration method for solving augmented linear systems, International Journal of Computer Mathematics,(Taylor & Francis) (2013), DOI:10.1080/00207160.2013.792923.
[28]  Fast iterative method (FIM) for solving fully fuzzy linear systems, Inform. Sci. Comput.(2014), Article ID: ISC050713, 09 pages.
[29]  Mobicloud and Secure Data Access Framework.American Journal of Systems and Software, vol. 2, no. 1 (2014): 27-32.
[30]  A New Collocation Method for Systems of Nonlinear Fredholm integral equations, Applied Mathematics and Physics, vol. 2, no. 1 (2014): 15-18.
[31]  Comparison of Cloud and Grid Computing, American Journal of Software Engineering, vol. 2, no. 1 (2014): 8-12. doi: 10.12691/ajse-2-1-2.
[32]  Chebyshev Semi-iterative Method to Solve Fully Fuzzy linear Systems, Journal of Information and Computing Science ., 9(1)(2014) 67-74.
[33]  A discussion on the practicability of an analytical method for solving system of linear equations, American Journal of Numerical Analysis 2(3) (2014) 76-78
[34]  Convergence Analysis of Modified Iterative Methods to Solve Linear Systems , Mediterranean Journal of Mathematics(springer).2014 doi: 10.1007/s00009-014-0412-3
[35]  On the modified symmetric successive overrelaxation method for augmented systems. Computational and Applied Mathematics (Springer),(2014) doi:10.1007/s40314-014- 0127-x
[36]  Homotopy Perturbation Method for Linear Programming Problems , Appl. Math. Model (Elsevier),38(2014), 1607-1611.
[37]  An Efficient Method for Computing the Inverse of Arrowhead Matrices. Applied Mathematics Letters (Elsevier), 33 (2014) 1-5.
[38]  Modified SSOR Modelling For Linear Complementarity Problems , Turkish Journal of Analysis and Number Theory, 2( 2) (2014), 47-52. doi: 10.12691/tjant-2-2-4.
[39]  A New Family of (I+S)-type Preconditioner with Some Applications, Computational and Applied Mathematics(Springer), (2014), doi:10.1007/s40314-014-0161-8