Applied Mathematics

Applied Mathematics is an open access, peer-reviewed scientific journal that publishes original articles, critical reviews, research notes, debate and short reports in all areas of applied mathematics.

A.S.V. Ravi Kanth

Editorial Board Member of Applied Mathematics

Associate Professor, VIT University, Tamil Nadu, India

Research Areas

Numerical Analysis

Publications: Journals

[1]  Computer oriented process for treating second order differential equations with singular coefficient at the first derivative term, Communication in Computer and Information Science Series (CCIS), 269 (2012), 154–159, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. (with K. Aruna)
[2]  He’s varational iteration method for treating non-linear singular boundary value problems, Computer and Mathematics with Application 60 (2010), 821 – 829. (with K. Aruna) (Elsevier Journal).
[3]  Two-dimensional differential transform method for solving linear and non-linear Schrödinger equations, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41 (2009), 2277 – 2281. (with K. Aruna) (Elsevier Journal).
[4]  He’s Homotopy perturbation method for solving higher order boundary value problems, Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 41(2009) 1905 -1909. (with K. Aruna) (Elsevier Journal).
[5]  Differential transform method for solving the linear and nonlinear Klein-Gordon equation, Computer Physics Communications, 180(2009) 708 – 711 (with K. Aruna) (Elsevier Journal).
[6]  Differential transform method for solving linear and non-linear systems of partial differential equations, Physics Letters A, 372 (2008) 6896–6898. (Elsevier Journal).
[7]  Solution of singular two-point boundary value problems using differential transformation method, Physics Letters A, 372 (2008), 4671 – 4673. (with K. Aruna) (Elsevier Journal).
[8]  Variational iteration method for twelfth-order boundary value problems, Computers and Mathematics with Application, 58(11-12)(2009), 2360-2364 (with K. Aruna) (Elsevier Journal).
[9]  A Numerical Integration Method for Singular Perturbation Problems, Journal of Passenger Cars-Mechanical Systems/ SAE Transactions, based on paper 2007–01–0414 SAE Congress 2007, (with Y.N. Reddy and Rao. V. Dukkipati).
[10]  Cubic Spline polynomial for solving non linear singular two point Boundary Value Problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 2017–2020, 189(2) 2007 (Elsevier Journal).
[11]  Cubic Spline for a class of singular boundary value problems arising in physiology, Applied Mathematics and computation, 768–774, 174(1) 2006, (with Vishnu) (Elsevier Journal).
[12]  Cubic Spline for a Class of Singular Two-Point Boundary Value Problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 733–740, 170(2) 2005 (with Y.N. Reddy) (Elsevier Journal).
[13]  Higher Order Finite Difference Method for a Class Singular Boundary Value Problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 249–258, 155(1) 2004, (with Y.N. Reddy) (Elsevier Journal).
[14]  A Numerical Method for Singular Boundary Value Problems via Chebyshev Economizition, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 691–700, 146/2–3 (2003), (with Y.N. Reddy) (Elsevier Journal).
[15]  A Numerical Method for solving two point Boundary Value Problems over Infinite Intervals, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 483–494, 144(2003), (with Y.N. Reddy) (Elsevier Journal).
[16]  The Method of Inner Boundary Condition for Singular Boundary Value problems, Applied Mathematics and Computation, 429 – 436, 139/2–3(2003), (with Y.N. Reddy) (Elsevier Journal).

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  Computational simulations for solving power law fin type problems via Haar wavelets, Proceedings of 56th Congress of ISTAM 2011, pages: 245 – 250. (with N. Uday Kumar)
[2]  He’s Varational Iterational Iteration method for solving higher order linear and nonlinear boundary value problems, Proceedings of 54th Congress of ISTAM 2009, pages: 209 – 213. (with K. Aurna)
[3]  Homotopy perturbation method for solving sixth order boundary value problems, Proceedings of 53th Congress of ISTAM 2008, pages: 267 – 276, (with B. Satyanarayana)
[4]  Numerical Solution of Singular Boundary Value problems by Terminal Boundary Value Technique, Proceedings of 45th Congress of ISTAM 2000, pages: 39 – 45, (with Y.N. Reddy)