[1] | P.C. STAVRINOS Remarks on the applications of Finsler geometry to space-time, (invited talk) Proc. of the Finsler Geometry Workshop at Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, June 3-7 2002, Berkley, California, United States |
[2] | P.C. STAVRINOS Riemannian-Finslerian Deviations of Geodesics and Their Consequences for Physical Phenomena, Gravitation and Cosmology, Vol. 8 Supplement II (2002), pp. 151-157 |
[3] | V. BALAN and P.C. STAVRINOS On General Randers-Kropina Finslerian Metrics, Inter. workshop of Differential Geometry. Thessaloniki June (1997).(To appear) |
[4] | P.C. STAVRINOS Deviations of Geodesics and Gravitational Waves in Finsler Spaces. Bulletin Calcutta Mathematical Society Inter.Symposium on Recent Advances in Mathematics and its Applications (To appear). |
[5] | P.C. STAVRINOS and S.IKEDA Variational Principle to the Generalized Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation II. Bulletin of Calcutta Mathematical Society (To appear) |
[6] | V. BALAN, P.C. STAVRINOS and K. TRENCEVSKI Weak Gravitational Models based on Beil Metrics. Proc. at the Conference of Applied Differential Geometry-General Relativity, Workshop Applied Differential Geometry, Lie Algebras-General Relativity. August 27-Sept 2,2000, Thessaloniki, Greece |
[7] | P.C. STAVRINOS, D. NIKOLOPOULOS, N. PREZAS Finslerian Metric based on the Gravitational and Electromagnetic Fields. Memorile SECTIILOR STIINTIFICE SIR. IV TOMUL XX 1997 ACADEMIA RUMANA BUCHUREST pp. 9-15 2000 |
[8] | P.C. STAVRINOS On the Linearized Field Theory of Finsler and Lagrange spaces, Presented at the XII National Conference of Finsler and Lagrange Spaces, February 17-20, 2000 Bacau, Romania. |
[9] | P.C. STAVRINOS and S. IKEDA Finslerian Lie Variations for the Dust-Like Matter, Proc. at the Conference of Applied Differential Geometry-General Relativity, Workshop Applied Differential Geometry, Lie Algebras-General Relativity. August 27-Sept 2, Thessaloniki, Greece 2000 |
[10] | P.C. STAVRINOS Aspects of Gravitational and Electromagnetic Field Based on Finsler and Lagrange Geometry Second International Conference on Basic Sciences.Second International Conference on Basic Sciences and Advanced Technology. Assiut Egypt. pp. 125-136 November 5-8, 2000 |
[11] | V. BALAN and P.C. STAVRINOS Weak Gravitational Fields in Generalized Metric Spaces. Proc. at the Conference on Geometry and its applications in Technology. Workshop on Differential Geometry, Global Analysis and Lie Algebras, June 23-27, 1999, Thessaloniki, Greece. |
[12] | P.C. STAVRINOS and S. IKEDA Some Connections and Variational Principle to the Finslerian Scalar-Tensor Theory of Gravitation. Reports on Mathematical Physics. Volume 44, No. 1/2 pp. 221-230 1999 |
[13] | P.C. STAVRINOS and Gr. TSAGAS Special Normal Rectilinear Congruences . Review Bulletin Callcuta Mathematical Society, 7, (1) pp.7-10, 1999 |
[14] | G.H. ATANASIU and P..STAVRINOS Distinguished linear Connections in the Einstein-Scrφdinger Geometry of the Second Order. Novisad J. Math., Vol. 29, No. 3, (1999), pp. 23-33, XII Yugoslav Geometric Seminar, Novisad, Octob. 8-11, (1998). |
[15] | P.C. STAVRINOS and V. NIARCHOS Lagrange Spaces of Gravity and Gauge Field Theories. Proc. The Second Conference of Balkan Society of Geometers Inter. Workshop on Global Analysis. Differential Geometry. Lie Algebras. Thessaloniki June (1998). |
[16] | V. BALAN, P.C. STAVRINOS Stationary Curves and their Deviations in Higher Order Geometries. Anal. Stiint. Al. Univers. Al. I. Cuza, Tom XLIII. Mathem (1997), f2, pp. 235-248. |
[17] | V. BALAN and P.C. STAVRINOS The study of Geodesics and of their Deviations in higher Order Geometries. Proc. 3rd Panhellenic Congress of Geometry. (1997), pp. 78-84. |
[18] | P.C. STAVRINOS, V. BALAN, P. PREZAS, P. MANOUSELIS, Spinor Bundle of Order Two on the Internal Deformed System. Proc. of the 25th National Conference in Geometry and Topology, Anal. Stin Univers. Al. I. Cuza Tom. XLIII, pp. 51-62, lassy, (1997) |
[19] | P.C. STAVRINOS, V. BALAN, N. PREZAS, The field equations of generalized Conformally flat Spaces of Metric . New developments in Differential Geometry, editors L. Tamassy and J. Szente. Kluwer Acad. Publishers, (1996), pp. 373-377. |
[20] | P.C. STAVRINOS, V. BALAN, P. MANOUSELIS, N. PREZAS Field equations in Spaces with metric. Generalized Conformally Flat Spaces. Rep. Math. Physics, Torun, Vol. 37, (1996), No 2, pp. 163-175. |
[21] | V. BALAN and P.C. STAVRINOS Deviations of Geodesics in Fibered Finslerian Approach. P.L. Antonelli and R. Miron, Lagrange and Finsler Geometry, pp. 65-74. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands, (1996). |
[22] | R. MIRON, V. BALAN, P.C. STAVRINOS, GR. TSAGAS Deviations of Stationary Curves in the Osculator Bundle of Second Order. The first Conference of the Balkan Society of Geometers, Bucharest Roamania, September 23-27, (1996). |
[23] | P.C. STAVRINOS Bianchi Identities,Yang-Mills and Higgs Field produced Deformed Bundle. Balkan J. Geom. Appl. 1 (1996), No. 1, pp. 75-82. |
[24] | P.C. STAVRINOS and P. MANOUSELIS On the Differential Geometry of Non localized Field Theory: Poincare Gravity.P.L. Antonelli and R.Miron (eds) , Lagrange and Finsler Geometry , pp. 263 279. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.(1996). |
[25] | P.C STAVRINOS and P. MANOUSELIS Tensor and Spinor Equivalence on Generalized Metric Spaces on Tangent Bundles . The first Conference of the Balcan society of Geometers , Bucharest Romania , September 23 27 , (1996) . |
[26] | P.C. STAVRINOS, N. PREZAS, P. MANOUSELIS, V. BALAN Development of Field Equations on an Internal Deformed System. Proc. of the 2nd Int. Workshop of Differential Geometry, An. Univ. Ovidius Costanza Vol. 3 (2), (1995) pp. 121-125. |
[27] | P.C. STAVRINOS and S. IKEDA. A Geometrical Structure in the l-parameter family of Generalized Metric Spaces. Tensor, N.S. Vol. 56 (1995), Japan pp. 158-165. |
[28] | P.C. STAVRINOS and P. MANOUSELIS Nonlocalized Field Theory over Spinor Bundles : Poincare Gravity and Yang-Mills Fields. Reports on Mathematical Physics Vol. 36 (1995), pp. 439-447. |
[29] | V. BALAN, Gh. MUNTEANU, P.C. STAVRINOS Generalized Gauge Asanov Equations on (M) Bundle. Proc. of the workshop on Dif. Geometry (1994), Thessaloniki pp. 219-225. |
[30] | P.C. STAVRINOS and S. KOUTROUBIS Curvature and Lawrentz Transformations of Spaces whose Metric Tensor Depends on Vector and Spinor variables. Tensor N.S. Vol. 55, (1994) pp. 11-19 |
[31] | V. BALAN , Gh. MUNTEANU , P.C. STAVRINOS Generalized Gauge Asanov Equations on (M) Bundle .Proc. of the workshop on Dif. Geometry (1994) , Thessaloniki pp.21-32. |
[32] | P.C. STAVRINOS Generalized Finslerian Equation of Geodesic Deviations.Rep. Math. Physics, 32, (1993), No. 3, pp. 339-342 |
[33] | P.C. STAVRINOS and H KAWAGUCHI Deviation of Geodesics in The Gravitaional Field of Finslerian Space-time. (1993) March. Memoirs of Shonan Institute of Technology, Japan, Vol. 27, No 1, pp. 35-40. |
[34] | J. CONSTANTOPOULOS and P.C. STAVRINOS Motions in a Continuously Deformed Background . Tensor ,N.S. Vol 51(1992) pp. 53 58 . |
[35] | T. PATRONIS , P.C. STAVRINOS.Fuzzy equivalence and the resulting Topology Fuzzy Sets and Systems 46 (1992) pp.237-243. North-Holland. |
[36] | P.C. STAVRINOS Tidal forces in Vertical Spaces of Finslerian Space-time. Rep. Math. Physics, (1992), Vol. 31, No. 1, pp. 1-4. |
[37] | G.S. ASANOV and P.C. STAVRINOS Finslerian Deviation of Geodesics over Tangent Bundle. Rep. On Math. Physics (1991) Vol. 30 No. 1, pp. 63-69. |
[38] | P.C STAVRINOS On the Curvature of Locally Convex Type.Tensor N.S. Vol 45 (1987) , pp. 154 160 |
[39] | P.C. STAVRINOS A Varying Space Time Hypersurface . Proc.10th International Conference on General Relativity and Gravitation.Padova 4 9 July (1983) Vol. 1 pp. 638 640. |