[1] | Gurgur, C. Z., "Optimal Configuration of a Decentralized, Market-Driven Production/Inventory System, " forthcoming in Annals of Operations Research. |
[2] | Gurgur, C. Z. and E. K. Newes, "Design of Power Purchase under Transmission Congestion", forthcoming in International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol.5, No.4, 2011. |
[3] | Gurgur, C. Z. and E. K. Newes, "Conditional Value-at-Risk Constrained Optimization of a Power Portfolio", International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, Vol.4, No.3, pp. 230-246, 2011. |
[4] | Gurgur, C. Z., "Optimization of Warranty Reserve Policies", International Journal of Applied Management Science, Vol.3, No.3, 2011. |
[5] | Gurgur, C. Z., "Dynamic Cash Management of Warranty Reserves", The Engineering Economist, Vol.56, No.1, pp. 1-27, 2011. |
[6] | Gurgur, C. Z., S. Artittong and K. Dagdelen, "Optimization of a Real-Time Multi-Period Truck Dispatching System in Mining Operations", International Journal of Applied Decision Sciences, Vol.4, No.1, pp. 57-79, 2011. |
[7] | Gurgur, C.Z., and M. Jones, "Capacity Factor Prediction and Planning in Wind Power Generation Industry", Renewable Energy: An International Journal, Vol.35, No.12, pp. 2761-2766, 2010. |
[8] | Artittong, S., K. Dagdelen, and C. Z., Gurgur, "Open Pit Mine Production: Design of Planning at McLaughlin Gold Mine", Bulk Solids Handling, Vol. 30, No.1, pp. 32-36, 2010. |
[9] | Gurgur, C. Z., "A Meta-heuristic for Design of a Capacitated Production/Inventory System", International Journal of Services, Economics and Management, Vol.2, No.3, pp. 412-432, 2010. |
[10] | Gurgur, C. Z., "Mid-Cycle Capital Planning Optimization", The Engineering Economist, Vol.54, No.3, pp. 250-265, 2009. |
[11] | Gurgur, C. Z., "Optimal Project Portfolio Selection with Carryover Constraint", Journal of Operational Research Society, Vol.60, No.12, pp. 1649-1657, 2009. |
[12] | Gurgur, C. Z. and T. Morley, "Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company Optimizes Infrastructure Project Portfolio Selection, " Interfaces, Vol.38, No.4, pp. 265-281, 2008. |
[13] | Gurgur, C. Z. and T. Altiok, "Decentralized Multi-Product Multi-Stage Systems with Backorders, " IIE Transactions, Vol.40, No.3, pp. 238-251, 2008. |
[14] | Gurgur, C. Z. and T. Altiok, "Analysis of Decentralized Multi-Product Pull Systems with Lost Sales, " Naval Research Logistics, Vol.54, No.4, pp. 357-370, 2007. |
[15] | Gurgur, C. Z. and T. Altiok, "Approximate Analysis of a Decentralized Multi-Stage Pull Production/Inventory System, " Annals of Operations Research, Vol.125, No.1, pp. 95-116, 2004. |
[16] | Gurgur, C. Z. and J.T. Luxhoj, "Application of Chance-Constrained Programming to Capital Rationing Problems with Asymmetrically Distributed Cash Flows and Available Budget", The Engineering Economist, Vol.48, No.3, pp.241-258, 2003. |