Resources and Environment

Resources and Environment focuses on introducing the current situation of resources and environment to make the broad masses of the people know the meaning and value of sustainable development as a kind of public academic journal. The current policies and related management measures designed for sustainable development will be mentioned in this journal.

Pavol Otepka

Assistant Professor, Slovak University of Agriculture, Slovakia

Research Areas

"tourism, especially rural tourism, agritourism

Publications: Journals

[1]  RIFAI, Mohamed Nabil - ASTATKIE, Tess - LACKO-BARTOŠOVÁ, Magdaléna - OTEPKA, Pavol.Evaluation of thermal, pneumatic and biological methods for controling Colorado potato beetles (Leptinotarsa decemlineata Say).In Potato research.ISSN 0014-3065, 2004/5, roč.47, č.3-4, s.1-10.
[2]  ASTATKIE, Tess - RIFAI, Mohamed Nabil - HAVARD, Peter - ADSETT, J.- LACKO-BARTOŠOVÁ, Magdaléna - OTEPKA, Pavol.Effectiveness of hot water, infrared and open flame thermal units for controlling weeds.In Biological agriculture & horticulture.ISSN 0144-8765, 2007, vol.25, no.1, s.1-12.
[3]  HABÁN, Miroslav - HABÁNOVÁ, Marta - OTEPKA, Pavol - LUKÁČ, Norbert - MASSANYI, Peter.Concentration of heavy metals in various children's herbal tea types and their correlations.In Journal of environmental science and health Part B, Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes.ISSN 0360-1234, 2008, vol.43, s.533-538.
[4]  RIFAI, Mohamed Nabil - MILLER, James - GADUŠ, Ján - OTEPKA, Pavol - KOŠÍK, Ladislav.Comparison of infrared, flame and steam units for their use in plant protection.In Research in agricultural engineering.ISSN 1212-9151, 2003, roč.49, č.2, s.65-73.Dostupné na internete: .
[5]  HABÁN, Miroslav - VAVERKOVÁ, Štefánia - OTEPKA, Pavol - POLÁČEK, Milan - HABÁNOVÁ, Marta.Quantitative-qualitative properties of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) grown in warm agroclimatic conditions.In Savremena poljoprivreda.ISSN 0350-1205, 2005, roč.54, č.3-4, s.176-180.
[6]  OTEPKA, Pavol - HABÁN, Miroslav - HÚSKA, Jozef.Current status of agritourism in Slovakia and education of agritourism at SUA in Nitra.In Savremena poljoprivreda.ISSN 0350-1205, 2005, roč.54, č.3-4, s.438-442.
[7]  VAVERKOVÁ, Štefánia - MIKULÁŠOVÁ, M.- HABÁN, Miroslav - TEKEĽ, Jozef - HOLLÁ, Magdaléna - OTEPKA, Pavol.Variability of the essential oil from three sorts of Echinacea MOENCH genus during ontogenesis.In Česká a slovenská farmacie, 2007, roč.56, č.3, s.121-124.
[8]  HABÁN, Miroslav - OTEPKA, Pavol - KOBIDA, Ľubomír - HABÁNOVÁ, Marta.Production and quality of milk thistle (Silybum marianum [L.] Gaertn.) cultivated in cultural conditions of warm agri-climatic macroregion.In Horticultural science.ISBN 0862-867X., 2009, vol.36, no.2, s.25-30.
[9]  OTEPKA, Pavol - HABÁN, Miroslav - GOLDOVÁ, Petra.State of rural development and agritourism in chosen regions of Slovakia and Great Britain - comparison and evaluation.In Scientific papers.ISSN 1844-5640, 2009, vol.9, no.3, s.153-156.
[10]  OTEPKA, Pavol - ĎUĎÁK, Ivan - TÓTHOVÁ, Slavka.Use of wood ash for fertilization the plantation of fast-growing woody plants - basket willow (Salix viminali s.L.).In Review of Faculty of Engineering : Analecta Technica Szegedinensia.ISSN 1788-6392, 2012, no.1-2, s.14-18.
[11]  HABÁN, Miroslav - MACÁK, Milan - OTEPKA, Pavol.Rural tourism and agro-tourism in Slovakia.In Roczniki ekonomii rolnictwa i rozvoju obszarów wiejskich.ISSN 0080-3715, 2012, vol.99, č.3, s.34-40.

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums

[1]  HABÁN, Miroslav - OTEPKA, Pavol.Quantitative-qualitative parameters of milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) P.Gaertn.) yield cultivated in warm agriclimatic macroregion.In Lucrari stiintifice Seria agriculturá.ISSN 1221-5279, s.25-30.
[2]  HABÁN, Miroslav - OTEPKA, Pavol - VAVERKOVÁ, Štefánia.The yield of lemon balm (Melissa officinalis L.) grown in Slovakia.In Proceedings from the third conference on medicinal and aromatic plants of Southeast European countries.Beograd : Association of medicinal and aromatic plants of southeast European countries, 2006, s.152-154.Dostupné na internete: .
[3]  ČIMO, Ján - OTEPKA, Pavol - MADERKOVÁ, Lucia - IGAZ, Dušan - HORÁK, Ján - HABÁN, Miroslav - ŠTĚPÁNKOVÁ, Roberta - KLIMENT, Marcel.Biomass yield and agro-climatic analysis of basket willow (Salix viminalis L.) cultivated as an energy crop over two 4 year harvest cycles in the Slovak republic.In Energy and clean technologies.1.vyd.814 s.ISSN 1314-2704.ISBN 978-619-7105-03-2.International multidisciplinary scientific geoconference SGEM, s.57-68.
[4]  OTEPKA, Pavol - HABÁN, Miroslav.Biomass growing dynamic of basket willow (Salix viminalis L.) cultivated for energy purposes.In Lucrari stiintifice Seria agriculturá.ISSN 1221-5279, s.13-18.
[5]  HABÁN, Miroslav - OTEPKA, Pavol.Quantitative-qualitative parameters of milk thistle (Silybum marianum (L.) P.Gaertn.) yield cultivated in warm agriclimatic macroregion.In Lucrari stiintifice Seria agriculturá.ISSN 1221-5279, s.25-30.

Publications: Books/Book Chapters

[1]  ASZTEMBORSKI, Bartlomiej - CABA, Ovidia - DUCA, Marius - IKONEN, Tanja - ILAVSKÝ, Ján - JAHKONEN, Miina - KRISTÖFEL, Christa - LAITILA, Juha - LOTH-BABUT, Karolina - MILANDRU, Adriana - OTEPKA, Pavol - PASANEN, Karri - POIKONEN, Pasi - RAITILA, Jyrki - STRASSER, Christoph - VIRKKUNEN, Matti - WNUK, Ryszard.Guidebook on local bioenergy supply based on woody biomass.1st ed.Rosemead : Scientific & Academic Publishing, 2013.146 s.Dostupné na internete: .ISBN 981-1-938681-99-8.
[2]  OTEPKA, Pavol - HABÁN, Miroslav.Vŕba košikárska (Salix viminalis L.) pestovaná ako obnoviteľný zdroj energie v teplej agro-klimatickej makrooblasti Slovenskej republiky.prvé vydanie.Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2011.83 s.ISBN 978-80-552-0660-8.
[3]  OTEPKA, Pavol - TÓTHOVÁ, S.Vlastnosti drevného popola a možnosti jeho využitia pri pestovaní energetických rastlín.1.vyd.Bratislava : Agentúra na podporu výskumu a vývoja, 2011.31 s.[3,13AH].ISBN 978-80-970971-0-3.
[4]  HABÁN, Miroslav - OTEPKA, Pavol - BOROŠ, Ján.Produkcia biomasy vŕby košikárskej na energetické účely na Slovensku a vo Švédsku : (vedecká monografia) = Biomass production of basket willow for energy purposes in Slovakia and Sweden : (scientific monograph).1.vyd.Nitra : Slovenská poľnohospodárska univerzita, 2013.91 s.ISBN 978-80-552-1006-3.
[5]  KRÁĽOVÁ, E.- OTEPKA, Pavol.Project analysis and propositions by the Bratislava (Slovakia) team.In From Smart History towards common European Heritage by a preservation model of CINQUE TERRE NATIONAL PARK - Italy.Parco Nationale delle Cinque Terre Riomaggiore, 2005, s.87-101.
[6]  OTEPKA, Pavol - HABÁN, Miroslav.Vidiecky turizmus a agroturizmus.Nitra : Ústav vedecko-technických informácií pre poľnohospodárstvo v Nitre, 2007.120 s., 14 obr., 3 tab.ISBN 978-80-89088-52-2.