Resources and Environment

Resources and Environment focuses on introducing the current situation of resources and environment to make the broad masses of the people know the meaning and value of sustainable development as a kind of public academic journal. The current policies and related management measures designed for sustainable development will be mentioned in this journal.

Arun Kumar

Editor-in-Chief of Resources and Environment

Professor, Queensland University of Technology, Australia

Research Areas

Roads and Highways, Civil Infrastructure Asset Management, Sustainability In Infrastructure


1987Post Graduate DiplomaRoyal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University), Melbourne, Australia
1976Doctor Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
1973MastersPurdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA
1968Bachelor The Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India


2006-presentProfessor (Inf Professor of Infrastructure Management, Faculty of Engineering, Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane, Australia (Emeritus Professor, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia)
2000-presentConsultant: The World Bank, Washington DC
1991-2005Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT University), Melbourne Australia
2004-2005Dean, Research and Innovation, Faculty of Business, Professor: Infrastructure (Asset) Management
2003-2004Professor of Infrastructure Management, Engineering
2000-2002Professor of Civil Engineering and Associate Dean (Research & Development), Faculty of Engineering
1992-2000Head, Department of Civil & Geological (including Environmental) Engineering, Professor of Civil Engineering (from 1995), Associate Professor (from 1993)
1991-1992Senior Lecturer, Civil Engineering
1989-1990State Manager Roads & Traffic, Sinclair Knight Mertz Consulting, Melbourne
1982-1989Senior Engineer; VicRoads (State Road Authority of Victoria), Melbourne, Australia
1988-1989Manager Roads & Traffic Section
1987-1988Career and Management Coordinator, Human Resources
1986-1987Road Systems Engineer, Advance Planning Division
1985Road Design & Traffic Engineer
1983-1985Project Materials Engineer, Western Freeway
1982-1983Road Pavement Engineer
1977-1982Head, Flexible Pavements Division, Central Road Institute, New Delhi, India, Federal Ministry for Transport, India
1976Highway Research Engineer, Indiana State Highway Commission, USA
1973-1976Graduate Instructor (Indiana department of Highways), Purdue University, USA
1971-1973Graduate Research Assistant (Indiana Department of Highways), Purdue University, USA
1969-1971Senior Scientific Officer, Flexible Pavements Division, Central Road Research Institute, New Delhi, India
1968Associate Lecturer, Department of Applied Mechanics, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India

Academic Achievement

Hindi Service Award, VEC, Victoria, Australia
Professor Emeritus, RMIT University, Melbourne Australia
Innovation Team Award: Business Portfolio Research Innovation Awards, RMIT University: Professor Arun Kumar (with Dr. N Piyatrapoomi) for "Investment Decision Framework for Infrastructure Asset Management"
Engineering Excellence Awards: High Commendation Award for "Road Asset Management Investment" at the 2005 Engineering Excellence Awards under the Research
Divisional Excellence Award by the Queensland Government Department of Main Roads for Innovative Research into Applications of Stochastic Properties of Asset Data.
Innovation Award and Commendation for The development of a method to determine moisture content of soils using a microwave oven (jointly with David Dawes), Road Construction Authority of Victoria, Australia, 1988
Director's Merit List, Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India 1967-68
Merit Scholarship Award
Indian Institute of Technology, New Delhi, India 1967-68


Member Business Portfolio Executive
Member, University Research Domain Committee
Member, University Research and Graduate Studies Committee
Member, Business Board Chair, Portfolio Higher Degrees Sub Committee
Chair, Portfolio Human Research Ethics Sub Committee
Member, University Human Research Ethics Sub Committee
University Executive (alternate to the Dean)
Member University Research and Graduate Studies Committee
Member Pro Vice Chancellors Research Committee
Chair, Engineering Research Centres Chair Committee, Faculty of Engineering
Member, Faculty of Engineering Executive Committee
Member, University Heads of Departments Executive (representing Faculty of Engineering)
Member, Faculty of Engineering Board
Member Deans Management Committee
Member, Department Program Advisory Committee (Chaired by industry executive)
Chair, Committee on Training Needs for Heads of Departments University wide, Heads of Department Board
Member, China Reference Group (University wide)
Member, Development of the University 1996-2001 Strategic Plan-Capital Facilities
Engineering representatives on University Professional Doctorate

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Chapter 8 Knowledge Infrastructure: Managing the Assets of Creative Urban Regions by S Setunge and Arun Kumar, Sustainable Urban and Regional Infrastructure Development, Technologies, Applications and Management, edited Tan Yigitcanlar, Information Science Reference, NY, 2010
[2]  Estimating Residual Service Life Of Commercial Buildings, Setunge S and Kumar A., Book Chapter, Technology, Design and Process Innovation in the Built Environment; Publisher Taylor & Francis Due December 2008
[3]  Walker D. and Kumar A., ""Project Management in Highway Construction" in Handbook on Highway Engineering, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, USA, December 2005.
[4]  Piyatrapoomi, A., Kumar, A., "Framework for Investment Decision-Making Under Risk and Uncertainty for Infrastructure Asset Management" under Chapter Policy Simulations and Sensitivity Analysis, Economic Impacts of ITS: Innovations and Case Studies: Series: Research in Transportation Economics Publisher Elsevier, New York 2003
[5]  Kumar, A., "Traffic Noise and Road Surfacing", InterData Environment Handbook, Sixth Edition, 1996, PP 76-78, ISSN 1322-8080
[6]  aider A, Koronios A, Kumar A, " An object oriented road Asset Information model" WCEAM World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Brisbane Australia, 25-27 October 2010
[7]  Jordan G, Kumar A, Koronios A, Platt D, " Towards an Information Management Framework for Public Utilities" World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Beijing, PR China, 28-30 October 2008
[8]  Jordan G, Kumar A, Koronios A, Platt D, " Community Asset Data Exchange-A Case Study-The Queensland Road Alliance" World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Beijing, PR China, 28-30 October 2008
[9]  Platt D, Jordan G, Kumar A, Koronios A, " Towards A Service Ontology to Drive Requirements for Public Infrastructure and Assets" World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Beijing, PR China, 28-30 October 2008
[10]  Jordan G, Kumar A, Koronios A, Platt D, " Report on Australian and International Practices for the Exchange of Community Based Asset Data" World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Beijing, PR China, 28-30 October 2008
[11]  Pityatrapoomi, Weligamage, Kumar, Bunker, " Identifying relationship between skid resistance, road characteristics and crashes using probability-based risk approach", Managing Road and Runway Surfaces to Improve Safety, 11-14 May 2008, Cheltenham, UK
[12]  Pityatrapoomi, Weligamage, Kumar, 10th International Conference on Application of Advanced Technologies in Transportation-Athens, Greece, May 2008.
[13]  Noppadol. Piyatrapoom, Arun. Kumar, Neil. Robertson, Justin. Weligamage, (2006) "Framework for Probabilistic Method for Road Network Asset Management" 29th Australasian Transport Research Forum 2006 (ATRF 2006) Surfers Paradise, Gold Coast, Australia 27-29 September 2006
[14]  Perera, C., Setunge, S., Kumar, A., Molyneaux, T.(2006), " Optimising Floor Space During Retrofitting Of High-Rise Office Buildings", Inaugural World Congress on Engineering Asset Management, Gold Coast, Australia, 11-14 July, 2006
[15]  Piyatrapoomi, N., Kumar, A., Robertson, N., Weligamage, J. (2006) "Framework for risk-based analysis for large road networks maintenance and rehabilitation investment "In: Proceedings in the Joint International Conference on Computing and Decision Making in Civil and Building Engineering, 14-16 June 2006, Montreal, Canada.
[16]  Piyatrapoomi, N., Kumar, A., Weligamage, J., Robertson, N. (2006) "Probability Based Data Analysis for Road Asset Management", Journal of Queensland Roads, Queensland Government Department of Main Roads, April 2006.
[17]  Piyatrapoomi, N., Kumar, A., Robertson, N., Weligamage, J. (2006) "Investment Analysis for Large Road Network Asset Management" In: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference of the CRC for Construction Innovation: Clients Driving Innovation: Moving Ideas into Practice, 12-14 March, Gold Coast, Queensland, Australia.
[18]  Venkatesan. S., Kumar, A., & Setunge. S, (2006) "Assessment and integration of Residual Service Life models", International conference on Recent Advances in Engineering Mechanics (RAEM) California State University, Fullerton, USA, January 12-14, 2006
[19]  Setunge, S., & Kumar, A., (2005) "Re-Life of Buildings-Decision Support tools for Maximising Project Efficiency", Australian Institute of Project Management conference, Oct 9-11, 2005,
[20]  Piyatrapoomi, N., Kumar, A., Robertson, N., & Weligamage, J., (2005) 'Identification of Critical Input Variables for Risk-Based Cost Estimates for Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation', In: Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements and Technological Control, 18-20th August 2005, the University of Ulster, Belfast, Northern Ireland.
[21]  Piyatrapoomi, N., Kumar, A., Weligamage, J., Robertson, N. (2005) "Probability Method for Assessing Variability in Budget Estimates for Highway Asset Management" In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT5), 10-12 May 2005, Seoul, South Korea.
[22]  Shah, A., Kumar, A., 'Optimisation of Maintenance Expenditure for Buildings: Refurbish or Demolish?', International Conference on 'Role of Structural Engineers towards Reduction of Poverty' organised by International Association for Bridge and Structural Engineering (IABSE) 19-22 February 2005, New Delhi, India
[23]  Piyatrapoomi, N., Kumar, A., Robertson, N., Weligamage, J., "Reliability of Optimal Intervals for Pavement Strength Data Collection at the Network Level", The 6th International Conference on Managing Pavements, Brisbane, Australia, 19-24 October 2004.
[24]  Piyatrapoomi, N., Kumar, A., Robertson, N., & Weligamage, J., 'Risk Assessment in Life-Cycle Costing for Road Asset Management', Proceedings of the 1st CRC Construction Innovation Conference, Gold Coast, 24-27 October, 2004, Australia.
[25]  Shah, A., Kumar, A., & Tan, T.H., 'Building infrastructure asset management: Australian practices', CIB World Building Congress, July 2004, Canada, CIB publications, National Research Council, Canada.
[26]  Setunge, S., Kumar A., "Decision Support in Using Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites in Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures", International Conference on Innovative Materials and Technologies for Construction and Restoration, Lecce, Italy, June 6-9, 2004
[27]  Piyatrapoomi, N., Kumar, A., Robertson, N., Weligamage, J., "A Probability-Based Analysis for Identifying Pavement Deflection Test Intervals for Road Data Collection" International Conference on Highway Pavement Data, Analysis and Mechanistic Design Applications, Ohio, USA, 7-10 September 2003.
[28]  Li, Q., Kumar, A, De Silva, S., "A Hybrid deterministic-Probabilistic Approach for Modelling Pavement Deterioration for Local Roads", 8th International Conference on Application of Advance Technology in Transportation, Massachusetts, USA, 3-5 August 2002.
[29]  Thorpe, D., Kumar A., "A Life Cycle Model for Asset Investment Decision Making", 8th International conference on Application of Advance Technology in Transportation, Massachusetts, USA, 3-5 August 2002.
[30]  Li, Q., Kumar, A., De Silva, S., "Local Road Performance Study by a Spot Observation Data Analysis", Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, Kunming, P.R. China, Peoples Communications Publishing House, ISBN 7 114 04201 9, p.p. 402-408, 23-25 April 2002.
[31]  Vuong, B.T., Kumar, A., "Development of Performance-based Material Specifications and Construction Standards for Unbound Granular Base Materials", Proceedings 4th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, Kunming, P.R. China, Peoples Communications Publishing House, ISBN 7 114 04201 9, p.p. 801-817, 23-25 April 2002.
[32]  Li, Q., Wei, Y., Kumar, A., Kawabata, Y., "Institutional Transition for Reformation in Contracting out Maintenance: Shaanxi Case Study", Proceedings, 4th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology, Kunming, P.R. China Peoples Communications Publishing House, ISBN 7 114 04201 9, p.p. 1517-1524, 23-25 April 2002.
[33]  Li Q., Kumar, A., "Construction Specification for Road Construction with Warranty Contracts", The 9th International conference on Durability of Building Materials and Components, Brisbane, Australia, 17-20 March 2002.
[34]  Kumar, A., "Performance Measures and Warranty; an International Perspective", Proceedings, National Workshop on Maintenance by contract, ARRB Transport Research, Melbourne, Australia, April 2001.
[35]  Vuong, B. T., Kumar, A., " Improved Performance-based Material Specifications for Granular Pavement Materials, " Proceedings, 10th REAAA Conference, Tokyo, Japan, 4 to 7 September 2000
[36]  Gallager, B., Kumar, A., "The Planning, Design and Effectiveness of Road Traffic Noise Barriers, " Proceedings, Second Asia Pacific Conference on Transportation and the Environment, Beijing, PR of China, 11-13 April 2000.