Energy and Power

Energy & Power is a journal publishing research and reviewing articles in all important aspects of energy and power engineering. Both experimental and theoretical papers are acceptable provided they report important findings, novel insights, or useful techniques.

Jose Italo Cortez

Editorial Board Member of Energy and Power

Professor, Benemerita Universidad Autonoma de Puebla, Mexico

Research Areas

Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Energy and Power, Instrumentation Science


1998-2001Ph.DNorth-West State Technical University, St. Petersburg, Russia
1980-1986MasterElectrical Engineering, Power Plants, Kiev Polytechnic Institute Ukraine


2005-presentGuest Research Professor, Faculty of Electronics
2007-presentResearch Professor, Faculty of Computer Science
1997-2007Research Professor, Faculty of Dentistry
1995-1996Research Professor, Educational Technology Center, Autonomous University of Puebla
1994-1995Research Professor, School of Electronic Sciences, Autonomous University of Puebla
1987-1994Research Professor, School of Physics and Mathematics, Autonomous University of Puebla

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Jose Italo Cortez , Marcos Gonzalez Flores, Liliana Cortez , Ernest Cortez, Gregorio Trinidad Garcia, Patricia Perea Gonzalez ,Alejandro Paredes Camacho. Experimental Prototype of a non-invasive method for detecting surface deficiencies on tooth enamel. International Journal of Science and Advanced Technology. Volume 1 No 5 July 2011. ISSN 2221-8386
[2]  G. Trinidad-García, E. Molina-Flores, J. A. Dávila-Píntle, Cortez Jose Italo, Cortez Ernest. Acoustic Detector all Fiber Optics Using Sagnac Interferometer as modulator of Index Changes of Fiber High Birefringence. Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Vol. 2, No. 1, January 2011. ISSN 1923-0540
[3]  Gonzalez Flores Marcos, Cortez Jose Italo, Gonzalez Coronel M. Antonio, Moreno Rodriguez J. Albino, Romero Jovel Santa, Hernandez Apam M. Angel, Gomez Velasco Hillary S.. Cubic Spline and Characterization of Metronidazole to Determine the Changes in the Solid Solution. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of MATHEMATICAL MODELS AND METHODS IN APPLIED SCIENCES. Issue 3, Volume 5, 2011.
[4]  Cortez Jose Italo, González Flores Marcos, Cortez Liliana, Romero Jovel Santa, Cortez Ernest, Trinidad Garcia Gregorio. Cubic Interpolation to determine the changes in tooth enamel. Canadian Journal on Science & Engineering Mathematics. paper accepted.
[5]  L. Cortez, J.I. Cortez, A. Adorno, GA. Muñoz-Hernandez, E. Cortez. Study of the effects of random changes of solar radiation on energy production in a photovoltaic solar module. Canadian Journal on Electrical and Electronics Engineering. Vol. 1 No. 4, June 2010. ISSN: 1923-0540.
[6]  Liliana Cortez, J. Italo Cortez, German Ardul Munoz, Ernest Cortez, Gustavo Rubin Linares, Alejandro Paredes Camacho. Application of Matlab for Simulating the Operation of a Photovoltaic System in Conditions of Mexico. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of ENERGY and ENVIRONMENT. Issue 2, Volume 4, 2010. ISSN: 1998-4316.
[7]  Liliana Cortez, J. Italo Cortez, Alejandro Adorno, Ernest Cortez, Mariano Larios. Progress on the Problems of the Study in the Performance of a Solar Module under Conditions of Random Changes of Radiation. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL of ENERGY. Issue 2, Volume 3, 2009
[8]  Application of Hydro accumulation in System of Solar Power and Water Supply for Autonomous Consumers in Conditions of Mexico. Capítulo de Libro "Cuerpos Académicos: Avances de investigación aplicada en Ciencias de la Computación" ISBN 978-607-487-123-4.
[9]  Application of the Distance of Penrose´s a Sample the Dental Enamel During Orthodontic Treatment. Capítulo de Libro "Cuerpos Académicos: Avances de investigación aplicada en Ciencias de la Computación" ISBN 978-607-487-123-4.
[10]  Aplicación de una prueba de significancia utilizando datos multivariados de muestras provenientes de la rugosidad del esmalte dental. Capítulo del Libro Programa General de la 1a. SIEP. ISBN 9786077541165
[11]  Deadlock Detection Algorithm with Coloring Graphs. Capítulo de Libro "Cuerpos Académicos: Avances de investigación aplicada en Ciencias de la Computación" ISBN 978-607-487-123-4.