
Geoscience is a multi-disciplinary journal aimed at bringing together top-quality research across the entire spectrum of the Earth Sciences along with relevant work in related areas. Geosciences Journal opens a new era for the publication of geoscientific research articles in English, covering geology, geophysics, geochemistry, paleontology, structural geology, mineralogy, petrology, stratigraphy, sedimentology, environmental geology, economic geology, petroleum geology, hydrogeology, remote sensing and planetary geology.

Hasan Arman

Editor-in-Chief of Geosciences

Professor, United Arab Emirates University, Faculty of Science, Geology Department, United Arab Emirates

Research Areas

Geological, Environmental, Geotechnical and Earthquake Engineering with Emphasis on Site Investigation, Soil and Rock Mechanics and Environmental Impact Assessment.


1992Ph.DUniversity of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona
1986M.ScUniversity of Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
1984B.ScHacettepe University, Beytepe-Ankara, Turkey


2006-presentProfessor,United Arab Emirates University,Sakarya University,Sakarya University
1993-1999Assistant Professor,Sakarya Universit
2002Visiting Scientist,Ruhr-University Bochum
1995-1997Researcher,Tokai University
1992-1993Post-doctoral Fellow,University of Nevada
1985-1986Graduate Research and Teaching Assistant,Sakarya University

Academic Achievement

The Turkish Foundation of Education undergraduate scholarship, 1980-1984
The Turkish Foundation of Education graduate (Ms.c) scholarship, 1985-1987
The Turkish Government graduate scholarship (Ph.D) for abroad studies, 1987-1992
The Japanese Government research scholarship (MONBUSHO), 1995-1997
NATO Advanced Study Institute in Matrahaza, Hungary, September, 1998
LIMAS, TUBITAK, ITU-Workshop on Wave and Seismic Induced Liquefaction and Implications for Marine Structures, Istanbul, Turkey, September, 2002
Visiting Scientist, Ruhr-University Bochum, Geoscience Faculty, Institute for Geology, Minerology and Geophysic, Bochum, Germany, October-December, 2002
NATO Advanced Study Institute in Galati, Romania, July, 2003
Invited for NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Flood risk Management-Hazards, Vulnerability, Mitigation Measures) in Ostrov u Tise, Czech Republic, October 6-10, 2004
İsviçre Büyükelçiliği, ODTÜ, GEOBRUGG, WSL, GEOTEST, RÜEGGERSYSTEME-Workshop on Kaya Düşmesi, Moloz Akması, Şev Duraylılığı-Risk Analizi ve Zarar Azaltma, Ankara, Turkey, March, 2007.
Invited for NATO Advanced Research Workshop (Urban Structures Resilience under Multi-Hazard Threats: Lessons of 9/11 and Research Issues for Future Work) in Moscow, Russia, July 16-18, 2007.
Education and Culture Lifelong Learning Programme ERASMUS, University of Maribor, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Invited guest lecturer, A new approach for determibation and evaluation of soils consistency limits, Slovenia, 14-18 May 2007
Education and Culture Lifelong Learning Programme ERASMUS, University of Aveiro, Department of Civil Engineering, Invited guest lecturer, Physical characteristic of soils and ground investigation, Portugal, 12-16 May 2008
Education and Culture Lifelong Learning Programme ERASMUS, University of Roma Tor Vergata, Department of Civil Engineering, Invited guest lecturer, Ground investigation, Italy, 02-06 June 2008


Chamber of Geological Engineering
Turkish National Society of Rock Mechanis
International Society for Rock Mechanics
Emirates Society of Geoscience

Publications: Conferences/Workshops/Symposiums/Journals/Books

[1]  Kulatilake, P.H.S.W., Arman (Ucpırtı), H., Wang, S., Radberg, G. and Stephansson, O. (1992): "Use of the Distinct Element Method to Perform Stress Analysis in Rock with Non-persistent Joints and to Study the Effect of Joint Geometry Parameters on the Strength and Deformability of Rock Masses", Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, Vol 25(4), 253-274.
[2]  Kulatilake, P.H.S.W., Arman (Ucpırtı), H.. and Wang, S. (1992): "Joint Network Modeling and Some Scale Effects in Rock Mass", Proc. 9th ASCE Engg. Mech. Conf., 441-444, College Station,Texas, U.S.A.
[3]  Kulatilake, P.H.S.W., Wang, S., Arman (Ucpırtı), H.. and Stephansson, O. (1992): " Effect of Joints on Strength and Deformability of Rock Masses", Int. Conf. on Fractured and Jointed Rock Masses, Eds., L.R. Myer, N:G.W. Cook, R.E. Goodman & C.F. Tsang, A.A. Balkema, 281-287, Rotterdam.
[4]  Kulatilake, P.H.S.W., Arman (Ucpırtı), H.. and Wang, S. (1992): "Joint Network Modeling and Some Scale Effects in Rock Masses", SME Annual Meeting, AIME, 92-120, Phoenix, Arizona, U.S.A.
[5]  Kulatilake, P.H.S.W., Wang, S., Arman (Ucpirti), H.. and Stephansson, O. (1992): "Effect of Joints on Strength and Deformability of Rock Masses", ISRM Symposium: Eurock'92, Rock Characterization, Ed., J:A. Hudson, 105-110, Chester-U.K.
[6]  Kulatilake, P.H.S.W., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Stephansson, O. (1993): "Two Dimensional Study on Jointed Rock Deformability", Proc. Int. Symy. on Assessment and Preventation of Failure Phenomena in Rock Engineering., Eds., A.G. Paşamehmetoğlu, T. Kawamoto, B.N. Whittaker, Ö. Aydan, A.A. Balkema, 155-166, İstanbul-Turkey.
[7]  Kulatilake, P.H.S.W., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Stephansson, O. (1994): "Effect of Finite-Size Joint on Deformability of Jointed Rock at the Two-Dimensional Level", Canadian Geoctechnical Journal, Vol 31(3), 364-374.
[8]  Arman (Ucpirti), H.. Gunduz, Z. ve Ozcan, Z. (1995): "Yapi Tasariminda Yerel Zemin Kosullarinin Onemi", III. Balıkesir Muhendislik-Mimarlık Sempozyumu., Balıkesir-Turkey (in Turkish).
[9]  Gunduz, Z. ve Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1995): "Arazi Deneyi Verileri ile Sıg Temel Tasarımları", III. Balıkesir Muhendislik-Mimarlık Sempozyumu, Balıkesir-Turkey (in Turkish).
[10]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1995): "Ayrik Elemanlar Yontemi ile Süreksiz-Eklemli Kaya Kutlesinde Gerilme Analizi Teknigi", Kaya Mekanigi Bulteni, 11, 1-16, Haziran (in Turkish).
[11]  Aydan, O., Arman (Ucpirti), H. ve Ulusay, R. (1996): "Tünel Ekseni Boyunca Kaya Sikistirmasi Olasılıgının ve Derecesinin Tahmini", Kaya Mekanigi Bulteni, 12, 1-29, Kasım (in Turkish).
[12]  Aydan, O., Arman (Ucpirti), H. ve Kumsar, H. (1996): "Visko-plastik Kayma Yuzeyi İceren Bir Sevin Duraylılıgı", Kaya Mekaniği Bulteni, 12, 39-49, Kasım (in Turkish).
[13]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. ve Aydan, O. (1996): « Delik içi Basınç Ölçer Deneyinin Yorumu Üzerine Bir Çalışma", Kaya Mekanigi Bulteni, 12, 51-57, Kasım (in Turkish).
[14]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1996): "Laboratory Measurement of Interface Gas Permeability for the Waste Isolation Pilot Plan: Radial Flow Test", Seminar, Tokai University School of Marine Science and Technology, Department of Marine Civil Engineering, June 14, Shimizu,-Japan.
[15]  Aydan, O., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Jeong, G.C. (1996): "Radial Flow-Tests with an Emphasis on Interface Permeability: Theory and Experiments", Int. Seminar at Andong National University, Nature Science, Dept. of Geology, July 14, Andong-Korea.
[16]  Aydan, O, Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Kumsar, H. (1996): "Stability of Slope Having an Inclined Sliding Surface With a Visco-Plastic Behaviour", Proc. of the Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Rock Engineering, July 18-20, 437-443, Seoul-Korea.
[17]  Aydan, O. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1997): "The Theory of Permeability Measurement of Transient Pulse Testing and Experiments", Journal of the School of Marine Science and Technology, Tokai University Press, Vol. 43, 45-66.
[18]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1997): "Permeability of Interface Between Sealing Plug and Rock for a Nuclear Waste Repository", 9th Tokai University and Musashi Institute of Technology Joint Seminar, December 7, Shimizu-Japan.
[19]  Arman (Ucpirti), H and Aydan, O. (1997): "An Experimental Study on the Permeability of Interface Between Sealing Plug and Rock", Proc. of 28th Symposium of Rock Mechanics, Japanese Society of Civil Engineering, Committee of Rock Mechanics, J.S.C.E., January 19-20, 268-272, Tokyo-Japan.
[20]  Arman (Ucpirti), H and Aydan, O. (1997): "A Data-Base System for Seepage Characteristics of Intact Rocks, Discontinuities and Rock Masses", Rock. Mechanics and Environmental Geotechnology-RIME, April 1997, Chongqing, Sichuan, China.
[21]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1997): "Ayrık Elemanlar Yontemi (DEM) ile Eklemlerin Kaya Kutlesinin Sekil Degiştirmesine olan Etkisinin İki Boyutta Incelenmesi", Cukurova Universitesinde Jeoloji Egitiminin 20. Yılı Sempozyumu, Cukurova Universitesi, Mühendislik Mimarlık Fakültesi, Jeoloji Mühendisliği Bölümü, 30 Nisan-2 Mayıs 1997, Adana-Turkey, 31-32 (in Turkish).
[22]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Ozcan, Z, Onalp, A. and Aydan, O. (1997): "A Three-dimensional Assessment of Liquefaction Susceptibility of Adapazarı Region, Turkey", 8th Int. Conf. on Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, July 20-24 1997, 136-137, Istanbul, Turkey.
[23]  Ozcan, Z, Arman (Ucpirti), H., Savidis, S and Celep, Z. (1997): "Dynamic Response of Soil Layers in the Dinar Region During the Dinar Earthquake of October1, 1995", 8th Int. Conf. on Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, July 20-24 1997, 42-43, Istanbul, Turkey.
[24]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1997): "Nukleer Atiklarin Yeralti Acikliklarinda Saklanma Surecinde Kayaların ve Sureksizliklerin Gecirgenlik Ozelligi", Sakarya Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Cilt 1, Sayı 1, 55-58, Mart (in Turkish).
[25]  Aydan, O., Arman (Ucpirti), H. ve Ulusay, R. (1997): "Kayalarda Akıskanın Akısı için Darcy Yasasının Kuramsal Temeli", Kaya Mekanigi Bulteni, 13, 1-18, Eylul (in Turkish).
[26]  Aydan, O., Arman (Ucpirti), H. ve Turk, N. (1997): "Laboratuvarda Kayalarin Gecirgenlik Olcüm Yontemlerinin Kuramı ve Deneyler", Kaya Mekanigi Bulteni, 13, 19-36, Eylul (in Turkish).
[27]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1997): "Belirsiz Uzunluktaki Eklemlerin Geometrik Parametreleri ile Kaya Kutlesinin Dayanımı Arasındaki İliski", 20. Yıl Jeoloji Sempozyumu, Selcuk Universitesi, Muhendislik Mimarlık Fakultesi, Jeoloji Muhendisligi Bolumu, 12-16 Mayıs 1997, 503-520, Konya-Turkey (in Turkish).
[28]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Gunduz, Z. ve Arel, E. (1997): "Sakarya ve Cevresinde Meydana Gelen Onemli Depremlerin Degerlendirilmesi", Adapazarı Depreminin 30. Yılında Deprem Muhendisligi Semineri'97, ODTU, Sakarya Universitesi ve Inşaat Muhendisleri Sakarya Subesi, 13 Haziran, 89-108, Adapazari-Turkey (in Turkish).
[29]  Gunduz, Z., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Sert, S. ve Ozocak, A. (1997): "Sivilasma ve Zeminlerin Sivilasma Potansiyeli", Adapazari Depreminin 30. Yilinda Deprem Mühendisligi Semineri'97, ODTU, Sakarya Universitesi ve Inşaat Muhendisleri Sakarya Subesi, 13 Haziran, 72-87, Adapazari-Turkey (in Turkish).
[30]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Ileri, R. ve Cerezci, O. (1997): "Nukleer Atiklar, Meydana Getirdigi Cevre Sorunlari ve Bertaraf edilmesinde Amerika Ornegi", Sakarya Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Vol. 1, No. 2, 145-150, Eylul (in Turkish).
[31]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1997): "Ayrık Elemanlar Yontemi (DEM) ile Eklemlerin Kaya Kutlesinin Sekil Degistirmesine olan Etkisinin Iki Boyutta Incelenmesi", GEOSOUND, Yerbilimleri, Official Publication of the Association Geological Engineering and Mining Engineering of Cukurova University, No. 30, 429-437, June (in Turkish).
[32]  Ileri, R. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1997): "Biosorption of Heavy Metal Ions by Immobilised Dead Fungal Biomass", GEOENV'97, Int. Symp. on Geology and Environment, September 1-5, 1997, 161, Istanbul, Turkey.
[33]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. ve Gunduz, Z. (1998): "Increasing Demands for Natural Stones Usage Around The World", Sakarya Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Vol. 2, No. 2, 141-144, Eylul (in English).
[34]  Arman (Ücpırtı), H., Aydan, O. ve Daemen, J.J.K. (1998): "Beton/Zar/Kaya Tuzu Ara Yuzeyinin Gaz Gecirgenliginin Olcumu: Boylam Akıs Deneyleri", Kaya Mekanigi Bulteni, 14, 1-14, Agustos (in Turkish).
[35]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. ve Gunduz, Z. (1998): "Sapanca-Hacimercan Koyundeki Heyelanlar-Vaka Analizi", Zemin Mekanigi ve Temel Muhendisligi Yedinci Ulusal Kongresi, 22-23 Ekim 1998, Yıldız Teknik Universitesi, Istanbul-Turkey (in Turkish).
[36]  Gunduz, Z. ve Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1998): "Izotropik Gerilme Altında Konsolide Edilen Killerin Sıkısabilirlik İndisleri ile Temel Ozellikleri Arasındaki Iliskiler", Zemin Mekanigi ve Temel Mühendisligi Yedinci Ulusal Kongresi, 22-23 Ekim 1998, Yıldız Teknik Universitesi, Istanbul-Turkey (in Turkish).
[37]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (1998): "Importance of Seepage Characteristics of Soils and Rocks for an Environmental Security", NATO Advanced Study Institute, Matrahaza, Hungary, 6-19 September.
[38]  Kutaniş, M., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Gunduz, Z. ve Fırat, S. (2000): "17 Agustos Depremi Sonrası Adapazari Kent Merkezinde Sıvılasma Potansiyelinin Degerlendirilmesi", Zemin Mekanigi ve Temel Mühendisligi Sekizinci Ulusal Kongresi, 26-27 Ekim 2000, Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, 321-330, Istanbul-Turkey (in Turkish).
[39]  Kutanis, M. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2001): "Assessment of Liquefaction Susceptibility of Adapazarı City After 17 August 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake", 10th Int. Conf. on Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, October 7-10 2001, 100, Philadelphia, USA.
[40]  Komazawa, M., Morikawa, H., Nakamura, J., Nishimura, K, Sawada, S., Erken, A., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Onalp, A. (2001): "Bedrock Structure in Adapazarı, Turkey and Its Geophysical Implications-A Possible Cause of Severe Damage by the 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake--", 10th Int. Conf. on Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, October 7-10 2001, 97, Philadelphia, USA.
[41]  Cil, I. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2001): "Adapazari Yeni Yerlesim Yerinin Belirlenmesinde Analitik Hiyerarsi Yonteminin Bir Uygulamasi", Sakarya Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Vol. 5, No. 1, 13-20, Mart (in Turkish).
[42]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Gunduz, Z., Firat, S. and Kutanis, M. (2002): "Application of Ground Improvement Methods in Adapazarı City After August 17th, 1999 Marmara Earthquake in Turkey", 4th Int. Conf. on Ground Improvement Techniques, 26-28 March, 2002, 233-240, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
[43]  Firat, S., Kutanis, M., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Gunduz, Z. (2002): "Earthquake-indıced Landslides of Hacimercan and Its Stabilisation by Using Piles", 3rd Int. Conf. on Landslides, Slope Stability & The safety of Infra-Structures, 11-12 July, 2002, 197-204, Singapore.
[44]  Gunduz, Z., Firat, S. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2002): "Compressibility and Recompression Indexes of High Plasticity Clays Under Isotropic Stresses", 3rd Int. Conf. on Landslides, Slope Stability & The safety of Infra-Structures, 11-12 July, 2002, 227-233, Singapore.
[45]  Firat S, Ipek, M. ve Arman (Ucpirti), H (2002): "17 Agustos Marmara Depremi Sonrası Adapazari Kent Merkezinde Tas Kolon Uygulamasi", Harran Universitesi, Muhendislik Fakultesi, GAP IV. Muhendislik Kongresi, 06-08 Haziran, 2002, 1021-1031, Sanlıurfa, Turkey (in Turkish).
[46]  Kutanis, M., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Firat, S. ve Gunduz, Z. (2002): "17 Agustos Marmara Depremi ve Adapazari Bolgesinde Gozlemlenen Deprem Hasarları", IV. Muhendislik Mimarlik Sempozyumu, 11-13 Eylül, 2002, 459-467, Balikesir, Turkey (in Turkish).
[47]  Gunduz, Z., Firat, S. ve Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2002): "Izotropik Gerilme Altında Konsolide Edilen Killerin Sikisma ve Yeniden Yuklenme Indisleri", Zemin Mekanigi ve Temel Muhendisligi Dokuzuncu Ulusal Kongresi, 21-22 Ekim 2002, Anadolu Universitesi, Kongre Merkezi, YunusEmre Kampusu, 107-116, Eskisehir-Turkey (in Turkish).
[48]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Firat, S., Ipek, M. ve Gunduz, Z. (2003): "Olasi Depremlerde Adapazarı Ovasının Sivilasabilme Ozelliğinin Irdelenmesi", Kocaeli 2003 Deprem Sempozyumu, 12-14 Mart 2003, Kocaeli Universitesi, Grand Yukselis Otel, Izmit-Turkey (in Turkish).
[49]  Firat, S. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2003): "Comparison of Liquefaction Assessments of Adapazari Region After the August 17, 1999 Marmara Earthquake", Problematic Soils Conference, 28-30 July, 259-266, 2003, Nottingham.
[50]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Ileri, R. (2003): "Solid Waste Landfill System in City of Adapazari, Turkey", An International Conference on. Geo-Environmental Engineering, 09-10 December, 55-61, 2003, Singapore.
[51]  Yilmaz, K., Canpolat, F. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2004): "Endustriyel Atik Olan Taban Kulu ve Dogal Zeolitin Puzolanik Cimentoda Katkı Olarak Kullanımı", Beton 2004, Hazir Beton Kongresi ve Uluslararasi Beton/Agrega Teknolojileri ve Ekipman Fuari, 10-12 Haziran, 716-725, Istanbul, Turkey (in Turkish).
[52]  Yilmaz, K. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2004): "Tekrarlı Vibrasyonun Beton Kalitesindeki Onemi", Beton 2004, Hazır Beton Kongresi ve Uluslararasi Beton/Agrega Teknolojileri ve Ekipman Fuari, Haziran, 182-190, Istanbul, Turkey (in Turkish).
[53]  Sunbul, B., Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2004): "Determination of The Liquefaction Components and Alternative Solutions to Prevent Liquefaction in Adapazari City, Turkey", Int. Science Application, Civil 2004. Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, April 5-10, 3-7, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
[54]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Koseoglu, G., Sunbul, B. and Dede, O. H. (2004): "17 August Marmara Earthquake and It's Envıronmental Impacts", Int. Science Application, Civil 2004. Rostov State University of Civil Engineering, April 5-10, 7-9, Rostov-on-Don, Russia.
[55]  Gunduz, Z., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Soysal, B. (2004): "Zeminlerin Kıvam Limitlerinin Olcum ve Degerlendirilmesine Yeni Bir Yaklasım", Zemin Mekanigi ve Temel Muhendisligi Onuncu Ulusal Kongresi, 16-17 Eylul 2004, 65-72, Istanbul Teknik Universitesi, Istanbul, Turkey (in Turkish).
[56]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2004): "Overview of Flooding Damages and Its Destructive Consequences in Turkey: A Case Study of Zonguldak-Bartin Flooding in 1998, Turkey", NATO Advanced Research Workshop, Ostrov u Tise, Czech Republic, October 6-10, 2004, 231.
[57]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Gunduz, Z. (2005): "Some Geotechnical Characteristics of Adapazari Region, Turkey", International Conference on Problematic Soils, Eastern Mediterranean University, May 25-27, Vol. 3, 959-966, Famagusta, North Cyprus.
[58]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. Caglar, N. and Garip, S.Z. (2005): "Artificial Neural Networks in Determination of Soil Profile of Adapazari Region, Turkey", International Conference on Problematic Soils, Eastern Mediterranean University, May 25-27, Vol. 3, 1211-1218, Famagusta, North Cyprus.
[59]  Sunbul, B., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Gunduz, Z. (2005): "Overview of Ground Improvement Applications in Adapazari City after 1999 Marmara Earthquake in Turkey", 6th Int. Conf. on Ground Improvement Techniques, 18-19 July, 2005, 569-575, Coimbra, Portugal.
[60]  Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2005): "Zemin Davranisina Uygun Yapi Tasarimi Ilkeleri ve Uygulanabilirligi", Deprem Sempozyumu Kocaeli 2005, 12-14 Mart 2005, Kocaeli Universitesi, 1237-1243, Grand Yükselis Otel, Izmit-Turkey (in Turkish).
[61]  Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2005): "Adapazari Kent Merkezinde Yer Alan Killerin Konsolidasyon Parametreleri", 12 Ulusal Kil Sempozyumu-Kil 2005, 05-09 Eylul 2005, Yuzuncu Yıl Universitesi, 427-435, Van-Turkey (in Turkish).
[62]  Sunbul, B., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Sunbul, F. and Dede, O. H. (2005): "The Solid Wastes After Marmara Earthquake and Its Environmental Impacts", 13th Int. Symp. on Environmental Pollution and Its Impacts on Life in the Mediterranean Region, 08-12 October, 2005, 364, Thessoloniki, Greece.
[63]  Yilmaz, K. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2005): "Tekrarlı Vibrasyonun Beton Kalitesindeki Onemi", Ready Mixed Concrete, The Publication of the Turkish Ready Mixed Concrete, 68, 12, 54-58 (in Turkish).
[64]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Ramazanoglu, S. (2006): "Kandıra Taşının Jeolojik ve Jeoteknik Özellikleri", Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Uygulamalı Yerbilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 5, 65-73 (in Turkish).
[65]  Ramazanoglu, S., Akinci, A. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2006): "Kandıra Taşının Kimyasal ve Mikro Yapısal Özellikleri", Kocaeli Üniversitesi, Uygulamalı Yerbilimleri Dergisi, Vol. 6, 100-108 (in Turkish).
[66]  Gunduz, Z., Aktas, U. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2006): Sivilaşma Potansiyeli Taşiyan Zeminlerde Mevcut Yapilarin Sivilaşma Etkilerinden Korunmasi", Zemin Mekanigi ve Temel Muhendisligi Onbirinci Ulusal Kongresi, 7-8 Eylul 2006, Karadeniz Teknik Universitesi, 143-152, Trabzon, Turkey (in Turkish).
[67]  Colak, O. H., Destici, T. C., Ozen, S., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Cerezci, O. (2006): "Sismogram Kayıtlarında P ve S Dalgası Varış Zamanlarının Dalgacık Dönüşümü Kullanılarak Tespiti", URSI (Union Radio-Scientifique Internationale) 2006 Türkiye 3. Bilimsel Konferansı 6-8 Eylul 2006, Hacettepe Universitesi, 250-252, Beytepe-Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish).
[68]  Colak, O. H., Destici, T. C., Ozen, S., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Cerezci, O. (2006): "Frequency Energy Characteristics of Local Earthquakes using Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT)", Enformatika (Transactions on Engineering, Computing and Technology), ISSN:1305-5313, Vol. 14, 305-308.
[69]  Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2006): "A New Approach for Determination of Soil Consistency Limit", Fourth Medirranean Clay Meeting, September 5-10 2006, Middle East Technical University, 49, Ankara, Turkey (in Turkish).
[70]  Akcali, E. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2006): "Preference Criterious of Dam Fill Materilas and Risks of Exceeding Limits", Sakarya Universitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitusu, Vol. 10, No. 2, 16-23 (in Turkish).
[71]  Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2007): "Zemin Davranisina Uygun Yapi Tasarimi Ilkeleri ve Uygulanabilirligi", TMMOB İnşaat Mühendisleri Odası Sakarya Şübesi, Sakarya Bülteni, Ocak, 28-31 (in Turkish).
[72]  Goktepe, F., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Caglar, N. and Pala, M. (2007): "An Approach of Artifical Neural Networks (ANN) for Clay Classification in Adapazari Region", II. Turkish World Mathematics Symposium, University of Sakarya, 4-7 July 2007, Sakarya, p. 101 (in Turkish).
[73]  Ozsoy, A. E., Yilmaz, G. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2007): "Local Ground Properties of Eskisehir City Center and Overlook to The Ground Improvoment Methods Applied in Eskisehir City Center After 1999 Marmara and Duzce Earthquakes", Symposium on Engineering Geology (Erdogan Yuzer Mühendislik Jeolojisi Sempozyumu), 6-7 Eylul, Istanbul, 288-295 (in Turkish).
[74]  Yilmaz, G., Ozsoy, A. E. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2007): "Influences of Geotechnical Properties of Eskisehir Region, Turkey Earthquakes", Int. Symposium on Erathquake Loss Estimation for Turkey, HAZTURK, September 24-26, poster.
[75]  Sunbul, A. B., Dagdeviren, U., Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2007): "The Seismicity of Adapazari and the Effects of the Probable Istanbul Earthquake on the Region", Int. Symposium on Erathquake Loss Estimation for Turkey, HAZTURK, September 24-26, poster.
[76]  Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2007): "Compression and Recompression Indices of a High Plasticity Clay Under Consolidated Under Isotropic Stresses", Kuwait Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 34, No: 1B, 19-34.
[77]  Caglar, N. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2007): "Application of Neural Networks in Determination of Soil Profile", Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment, Vol. 66, 295-301.
[78]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Ramazanoglu, S. and Akinci, A. (2007): "The mechanical and Physical Properties of Kandira Stone, Kandira, Turkey", Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment, Vol. 66, 331-333.
[79]  Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2007): "Possible Relationships Between Compression and Recompression Indices of a Low Plasticity Clayey Soil", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), Vol. 32, Number 2B, 179-190.
[80]  Sunbul, A. B., Dagdeviren, U., Gunduz, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2007): "1999 Marmara Depremi Sonrasi Adapazari Sehir Merkezi Hasar Durumlari Analizi ve Depremin Ekonomik Boyutu", TMMOB Afet Sempozyumu, 5-7 Aralık, Ankara, 433-442 (in Turkish).
[81]  Colak, O. H., Destici, T. C., Ozen, S., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Cerezci, O. (2008): "Frequency-Energy Variability Characterization of Local-Real Time Noisy Seismic Records", Fluctuation and Noise Letters, Vol. 8, Number 1, 31-39.
[82]  Ozcan, Z. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2008): "Ground Condition Effects on Dynamic Response of the 1995 Dinar Earthquake in Turkey", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), Vol. 33, Number 2A, 1-14.
[83]  Akcali, E. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2008): "Baraj Dolgularında Kullanılan Doğal Malzemenin Seçim Kriterleri ve Limit Aşımının Doğuracağı Tehlikeler", DSİ Teknik Bülteni, No. 103, 1-9 (in Turkish).
[84]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Ramazanoglu, S. and Akinci, A. (2008): "Reply to Yilmaz's Discussion (DOI 10.1007/s10064-008-0133-6) on Arman et al. (2007) Mechanical and Physical Properties of Kandira Stone, Kandira, Turkey", Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment, 67, 291.
[85]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Ramazanoglu, S. and Akinci, A. (2008): "Reply to Gokceoglu's Discussion (DOI 10.1007/s10064-008-0132-7) on Arman et al. (2007) Mechanical and Physical Properties of Kandira Stone, Kandira, Turkey", Bulletin of Engineering Geology and Environment, 67, 287-288.
[86]  Colak, O. H., Destici, T. C., Ozen, S., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Cerezci, O. (2009): "Detection of P and S wave Arrival Time using the Wavelet Transform in Very Noisy Seismic Records", Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (AJSE), Vol. 34, Number 1A, 79-89.
[87]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2009): "Influences of Ground Condition on Structural Damages Caused by August 17th, 1999 Marmara Earthquake in Adapazari, Turkey", The tenth Annual U.A.E. University Research Conference, April 13-16, Al-Ain, 331-335.
[88]  Goktepe, F., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Dogan, E. and Sandalci, M. (2009): "Yapay Sinir Aglari ile Adapazari Killerinin Siniflandirilmasinda Istatiksel Analiz", 5th International Advances Technologies Symposium (IATS'09), 13-15 May 2009, Karabuk, Turkiye, 24-29 (in Turkish).
[89]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Firat, S., Vural, I. and Gunduz, Z. (2009): "Soil and Foundation Stability Improvement by Stone Column: A case Study in Adapazari City, Turkey", Scientific Research and Essay (SRE), Vol. 4 (10), 972-983.
[90]  Firat, S., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Kutanis, M. (2009): "Assessment of Liquefaction Susceptibility of Adapazari City after 17th August, 1999 Marmara Earthquake", Scientific Research and Essay (SRE), Vol. 4 (10), 1012-1023.
[91]  Al-Aryani, A., Baker, H., Fowler, A and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2009): "The Seismic Activities and Their Environmental Impacts in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)", Sakarya International Symposium of Earthquake Engineering (SISEE), 1-2 October 2009, Sakarya, Turkey ("The Learning Outcomes of Marmara Earthquake in the First Decade)", 714-723.
[92]  Dagdeviren, U., Sunbul, A. B., Gunduz, Z and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2009): "Olası Istanbul Depreminin Adapazari'nda Beklenen Etkisi", Sakarya International Symposium of Earthquake Engineering (SISEE), 1-2 October 2009, Sakarya, Turkey ("The Learning Outcomes of Marmara Earthquake in the First Decade)", 724-738 (in Turkish).
[93]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Ileri, R., Dogan, E. and Eren, B. (2009): "Investigation of Sapanca Lake Water Pollution, Adapazari, Turkey", International Journal of Environmental Studies. Vol. 66 (5), 547-561.
[94]  Yuksel, I., Apay A., Kaygusuz, K. and Arman (Ucpirti), H., (2010): "Energy Utilization and Climate Change Mitigation in Turkey", ICREGA 10 International Conference on Renewable Energy-Generation and Application, March 08-10, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates.
[95]  Yuksel, I., Kaygusuz, K., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Yuksek, O. (2010): "Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) for Hydroelectric Power in Turkey", ICREGA 10 International Conference on Renewable Energy-Generation and Application, March 08-10, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates.
[96]  Yilmaz, G., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Goktepe, F. and Ozsoy, A. E. (2010): "Geological Assessment of the Soils of Eskisehir Region, Turkey", 3rd International Conference on Problematic Soils, April 07-10, 369-376, Adelaide, Australia.
[97]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Yuksel, I., Saltabas, L., Goktepe, F. and Sandalci, M. (2010): "Overview of Flooding Damages and Its Destructions: A Case Study of Zonguldak-Bartin basin in Turkey", Natural Science, Vol.2, No.4, 409-417.
[98]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Ramazanoglu, S., Goktepe, F., Ozsoy, A. E. and Yilmaz, G. (2010): "Importance of Geological and Geotechnical Properties of Kandira Stone in Civil Engineering Applications", Eurock 2010, A Regional Symposium of ISRM, Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineering, June 15-17, 809-812, EPFL-Lausanne, Switzerland.
[99]  Ozsoy, A. E., Yilmaz, G., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Goktepe, F. (2010): "Index Properties of Ophiolitic Rocks at Yakakayi Dam Site Eskisehir, Turkey", Eurock 2010, A Regional Symposium of ISRM, Rock Mechanics in Civil and Environmental Engineering, June 15-17, 831-834, EPFL-Lausanne, Switzerland.
[100]  Yuksel, I. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2010): "Energy and Environmental Policies in Turkey", Energy Sources (accepted).
[101]  Abdelghany, O., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Tokhi, E.M., Hashem, W. and Saiy, E.A. (2010): "Litho and Boifacies of the Lower Ologicene Rocks from the United Arab Emirates", 3rd International Paleontolojical Congress (IPC3), 59, June 28-July 03, London, U.K.
[102]  Akcali, E., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Firat, S., Saltabas, L. and Gunduz, Z. (2010): "Rainfall Threshold for the Initiation of Landslides in Trabzon Province of Turkey", International Journal of Engineering and Applied Science (IJEAC), Vol. 2 (4), 14-26.
[103]  Goktepe, F., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Pala, M. (2010): "A new Approach for Classification of Clayey Soil: A Case Study for Adapazari Region, Turkey", Scientific Research and Essay (SRE), Vol. 5 (15), 2037-2043.
[104]  Ozsoy, A. E., Yilmaz, G. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2010): "Physical, Mechanical, Minerological Properties of Ophiolitic Rocks at the Kayayaki Dam Site, Eskisehir, Turkey", Scientific Research and Essay (SRE), Vol. 5 (17), 2579-2587.
[105]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Tokhi, E.M., Abdelghany, O., Hashem, W. and Saiy, E.A. (2010): "An Overview of the Geological, Mechanical and Physical Features of Oligocene Limestone, Al-Ain, U.A.E.", ISRM 2010, 6th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium-Advances in Rock Engineering, October 23-27, New Delhi, India, 89 (poster).
[106]  Akcali, E., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Firat, S., Saltabas, L. and Gunduz, Z. (2010): "Trabzon Province Rainfall-Landslide Relationship and Landslide Warning Chart", Flood and Landslide Issues in the Black Sea Region, October 26-27. Trabzon, Turkey (seminar).
[107]  Yuksel, I., Arman (Ucpirti), H and Ceribasi, G. (2010): "Water Management and Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) for Energy Production in Turkey", International Conference on Energy, Water and Environment ICEWE 2010, December 12-15, Amman, Jordan (Also, it is published in the "International Journal of Sustainable Water and Environmental Systems", Vol. 3, Numbers 1/2, 103-110.
[108]  Yuksel, I. and Arman (Ucpirti), H (2011): "Developing Renewable and Sustainable Energy for Clean Environment in Turkey", 1st International Conference on Global Warming: Land and Water Use (A Multidisciplinary Approach), March 06-08, 2011, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE.
[109]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Tokhi, E.M., Abdelghany, O., Hashem, W. and Saiy, E.A. (2011): "Geological and Geotechnical Properties of the Lower Oligocene Limestone at Foundation Level in Al-Ain City", UAEU Education and Research 2011,March 06, 2011, Abu Dhabi, UAE (poster).
[110]  Issa S. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2011): "Waste Management in Al-Ain Area Using GIS", UAEU Education and Research 2011,March 06, 2011, Abu Dhabi, UAE (poster).
[111]  Yuksel, I., Arman (Ucpirti), H., and Ceribasi, G. (2011): "Water Resources Management for Hydropower and Dams as Sustainable Development", The International Conference on Sustainable Systems and the Environment, March 23-24, 2011, Sharjah, UAE.
[112]  Arman (Ucpirti), H., Tokhi, E.M., Abdelghany, O., Hashem, W. and Saiy, E.A. (2011): "The Impact of the Geological and Geotechnical Properties of the Carbonate Rocks on the Sustainable Land Development in Al-Ain City", The International Conference on Sustainable Systems and the Environment, March 23-24, 2011, Sharjah, UAE.
[113]  Bakis, R., Yilmaz, G., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Ozsoy, A. E. (2011): "Heavy Metal Contamination of Soil by the Leachate of Damps", 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Management, March 27-30, 2011, 296-303, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
[114]  Akyildiz, H. and Arman (Ucpirti), H (2011): "Investigation of the Influence of Clay Thickness on Waste Disposal Damping Site's Impermeability", 26th International Conference on Solid Waste Technology and Managament, March 27-30, 2011, 585-592. Philadelphia, U.S.A.
[115]  Tokhi, E.M., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Abdelghany, O., Hashem, W. and Saiy, E.A. (2011): "Isotope Stratigraphy of Oligocene Limestone in Al-Ain City, U.A.E.", Arabian Journal For Science and Engineering A-Science (accepted).
[116]  Yuksel, I., Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Ceribasi, G. (2011): "Water Resources for Sustainable Development in the Developing Countries", International Conferences on Water: Environmental Sustainability, ICWEC 2011, November 14-17, 2011, Sharjah, United Arab Emirates (accepted).
[117]  Utkucu, M., Durmus, H., Budakoglu, E. and Arman (Ucpirti), H. (2011): "Seismic Hazards in the Marmara Sea Region, Northwest Turkey", First International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, December 12-14, 2011, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates (accepted).
[118]  Hashem, W., Abdelghany, O., Arman (Ucpirti), H., Tokhi, E.M. and Saiy, E.A. (2011): "How Do the Geological and Geomechanical Properties of the Carbonate Rocks Affect the Land Develeopment in Al-Ain Vicinity?", International Conference on Engineering Geophysics, December 12-14, 2011, Al-Ain, United Arab Emirates (accepted).
[119]  Arman (Ucpirti), H. and Murat, A. (2012): "Influences of CO2 Emissions on Temperature Change and Global Warming in the United Arab Emirates", Carbon Management Technology Conference, February 7-9, 2012, Orlando, Florida, U.S.A. (accepted).