[1] | Schultz, R. B., 2011, "Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Technology, " in Quick Hits: Teaching with Technology; Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (JoSoTL), Fall 2011. |
[2] | Schultz, R. B., 2011, "Entering the Geoscience Working Community: Best Practices and What to Expect": The Professional Geologist, Jan./Feb., issue, 2011., p.16-17. |
[3] | Schultz, R. B., 2011, Active pedagogy, problem-based and inquiry-base learning, labs, and practicals in GIS&T, Chapter 9 in Unwin, D. J., Tate, N. J., Foote, K., E., and DiBiase, D., eds., 2011, Teaching Geographic Information Science and Technology in Higher Education, Wiley-Blackwell Publishers. |
[4] | Schultz, R. B., Kerski, J. J., and Patterson, T. C., 2008, The Use of Virtual Globes as a Spatial Teaching Tool with Suggestions for Metadata Standards: Journal of Geography, v. 107, no. 1, pp. 27-34. |
[5] | Schultz, R. B., 2008, Companion Website for The Atmosphere, 11th ed. by Tarbuck and Lutgens, Prentice Hall Publishers, http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_lutgens_atmosphere_11, June 2008. |
[6] | Schultz, R. B., 2008, Critical Thinking Skills and Information Literacy: Tools Future Geoscientists Must Possess: The Professional Geologist, March/April issue, 2008. |
[7] | Sinton, D. S., and Schultz, R. B., 2008, GIS and Mapping Technologies-Applications for Reasoning and Critical Thinking, Chapter 9, in Solem, M., and Foote, K., eds., Teaching College Geography, Pearson Publishers, Upper Saddle, NJ, pp. 69-80. |
[8] | Schultz, R. B., and Bock, J., 2007, GEOS: Lab Manual for Earth's Landforms: Prentice Hall Publishers, 261 p., ISBN: 978-0-536-24854-1 |
[9] | Schultz, R. B., 2006, Companion Website for The Atmosphere, 10th ed. by Tarbuck and Lutgens, Prentice Hall Publishers, http://wps.prenhall.com/esm_lutgens_atmosphere_10, June 2006. |
[10] | Schultz, R. B., 2006, A decade of progress: the history of geographic education development from 1995 to 2005 with special emphasis on Chicagoland area colleges and universities in "Chicago's Geographies: A 21st Century Metropolis", Bouman, M. J, . Greene, R. P., and Grammenos, D., Assoc. of Americ. Geographers Publication. |
[11] | Schultz, R. B. 2006, The importance of spatial concepts in the geosciences: The Professional Geologist, Jan./Feb., p. 71. |
[12] | Schultz, R. B., 2005, Preparing students for the real world, The Professional Geologist, Jan./Feb., pp. 56-58. |
[13] | Schultz, R. B., and Rimmer, S. M., 2004, Geochemistry of organic-rich shales: new perspectives: (Guest Eds. Schultz, R. B., and Rimmer, S. M.) Chemical Geology, v. 206, pp. 163-165. |
[14] | Schultz, R. B., 2004, Geochemical relationships of Late Paleozoic carbon-rich shales of the Midcontinent, U.S.A.: A compendium of results Advocating changeable geochemical conditions: (Guest Eds. Schultz, R. B., and Rimmer, S. M., Chemical Geology, v. 206, pp. 347-372. |
[15] | Schultz, R. B., and Coveney, R. M., Jr., 1992, Time-dependent changes for Midcontinent Pennsylvanian black shales, U.S.A.: Chemical |
[16] | Schultz, R. B., and Coveney, R. M., Jr., 1992, Time-dependent changes for Midcontinent Pennsylvanian black shales, U.S.A.: Roy F. Weston, Inc. Corporate Publ. 2095 repr. From Chemical Geology, v. 99., pp. 83-100. |
[17] | Schultz, R. B., 1991, Metalliferous black shales: accumulation of carbon and metals in cratonic basins: evidence based on geochemical parameters: in E. R. Force, J. J. Eidel, and J. B. Maynard, eds., Sedimentary and Diagenetic Mineral Deposits: A basin analysis approach to exploration. Book Crafters, Chelsea, Mich., pp.171-175. |
[18] | Schultz, R. B., 1991, Geochemical characterization of black shale types in the Midcontinent Pennsylvanian: Unpubl. Doctoral Dissert., Univ. of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH, 489 p. (Available as KGS Open-file Report no. 1991-53). |
[19] | Schultz, R.. B., and Maynard, J. B., 1990, Midcontinent Virgilian (Upper Pennsylvanian) Black shales in eastern Kansas: in Metalliferous black shales and related ore deposits: Huyck, H. L. O., U. S. Geol. Surv. Circular 1058, pp. 68-78. |
[20] | Schultz, R. B., 1989, Geochemical characteristics and inferred depositional environments of Upper Pennsylvanian (Virgilian) black shales in Eastern Kansas: The Compass, v. 67, No. 1, pp. 47-54. |
[21] | Schultz, R. B., Development and classification of fossil soils in the Shawnee Group (Upper Pennsylvanian) in eastern Kansas: an indication of Subaerial exposure: The Compass, v. 65, no. 2, p. 80-99. |
[22] | Schultz, R. B., 1987, Mineral determination of the Heebner Shale Member (Shawnee Group, Upper Pennsylvanian) in southeastern Kansas using X-ray diffraction techniques: The Compass: v. 64, no. 3, pp. 149-159. |