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[2] | Edet AE, Teme, SC (1990) Strength classification of some Nigerian Limestones using point load testing technique. Bulletin International Association of Engineering Geologists 41: 97-106. |
[3] | Edet AE (1990) Application of photogeologic and electromagnetic techniques in groundwater exploration in northwestern Nigeria. Journal African Earth Sciences Vol. 3/4: 321-328. |
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[6] | Edet AE, Teme SC, Okereke, CS, Esu EO (1994). Lineament analysis for groundwater exploration in Precambrian Obudu and Oban massif southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Mining and Geology 30 (1): 87-95. |
[7] | Edet AE, Oden MI, Efretuei, OE (1994). Correlation between cone penetration resistance and standard penetration in parts of the coastal plain sands, southern Nigeria. Bulletin International Association of Engineering Geologists No 49: 29-33 |
[8] | Esu EO, Edet AE, Teme SC, Okereke CS (1994) A study of some Nigerian carbonate rocks for building construction industry. Engineering Geology 37: 271-283 |
[9] | Edet AE, Essien NU (1994) Geotechnical characterisation of some carbonate rocks from the Calabar Flank southeastern Nigeria: Implications as construction materials. In Proceedings, 7th International IAEG Congress: 3365-3368 |
[10] | Okereke CS, Esu EO, Edet AE (1994). Some hydrogeoelectrical properties of the crystalline basement in the Oban-Obudu highland region, southeastern Nigeria. Bulletin International Association of Engineering Geologists No 52: 91-99 |
[11] | Edet AE, Ntekim EEU (1996). Heavy metal distribution in groundwater from Akwa Ibom State, eastern Niger delta-A preliminary pollution assessment Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences Vol. 2 (1): 67-77 |
[12] | Edet AE (1996) Evaluation of a borehole site based on airphoto derived parameters Bulletin International Association of Engineering Geologists No 54:71-76 |
[13] | Esu EO, Okereke CS, Edet AE, Okwueze EE (1996). Geotechnical characterisation of Obudu damsite, southerneastern Nigeria Engineering Geology Vol 42: 285-299 |
[14] | Edet AE, Okereke CS (1997). Assessment of hydrogeological conditions in basement aquifers of Precambrian Oban massif, southeastern Nigeria. Journal of Applied Geophysics Vol 36: 195-204 |
[15] | Okereke CS, Esu EO, Edet AE (1998). Determination of potential groundwater sites using geological and geophysical techniques in the Cross River State, southern Nigeria. Journal African Earth Sciences Vol 27(1): 149-163. |
[16] | Offiong OE, Edet AE (1998). Water quality assessment in Akpabuyo, Cross River basin, southeastern Nigeria. Environmental Geology 34 (2/3): 167-174. |
[17] | Offiong OE, Edet AE (1998) Surface water quality evaluation in Odukpani, Calabar Flank, southeastern Nigeria Environmental Geology 36 (3/4): 343-348. |
[18] | Edet AE, Okereke CS, Teme SC, Esu EO (1998). Application of remote sensing data to groundwater exploration: A case study of Cross River State, southeastern Nigeria. Hydrogeology Journal 6: 394-404. |
[19] | Esu EO, Okereke CS, Edet AE (1999). A regional hydrostratigrahic study of Akwa Ibom State, southeastern Nigeria Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 5 (1): 89-96. |
[20] | Edet AE (2000) Water pollution by nitrate near some waste disposal sites in Calabar (Nigeria) In Groundwater 2000 proceedings of the International conference on Groundwater Research, Copenhagen, Denmark |
[21] | Edet AE, Okereke CS (2001) Monitoring seawater intrusion in the Tertiary-Quaternary aquifer system-Baseline data Online proceedings of the first International Conference on Saltwater Intrusion and Coastal Aquifers, Monitoring, Modelling and Management, Essaouira, Morroco |
[22] | Edet AE, Uka NK, Offiong OE (2001). Chemistry and discharge characteristics of Odukpani junction springs, Calabar Flank, southeastern Nigeria. Environmental Geology 40 (10): 1214-1223 |
[23] | Edet, AE, Okereke CS (2001). A regional study of saltwater intrusion in southeastern Nigeria based on analysis of geoelectrical and hydrochemical data. Environmental Geology 40 (10): 1278-1289. |
[24] | Essien N, Edet A (2001) Mineralogy of the clay components of the Mfamosing Limestone, southern Nigeria Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 7 (4): 683-687. |
[25] | Essien N, Edet A (2001) Mineralogy and diagenesis of the Mfamosing Limestone, southern Nigeria. Global Journal of Pure and Applied Sciences 7 (4): 719-726. |
[26] | Edet AE, Okereke CS (2002) Delineation of shallow groundwater aquifers in the coastal plain sands of Calabar area (southern Nigeria) using surface resistivity and hydrogeological data. Journal of African Earth Sciences 35: 433-443. |
[27] | Edet AE, Offiong OE (2002) Evaluation of water quality pollution indices for heavy metal contamination monitoring. A study case from Akpabuyo-Odukpani area, Lower Cross River Basin (southern Nigeria) Geojournal 57:295-304. |
[28] | Edet AE, Merkel BJ, Offiong OE (2003) Trace element hydrochemical assessment of the Calabar Coastal Plain Sands, southeastern Nigeria using statistical methods Environmental Geology 44:137-149 |
[29] | Edet AE (2004) A Preliminary assessment of rare earth elements concentrations in an acidic fresh groundwater (Southeastern Nigeria). Applied Earth Science (Trans. Inst. Min. Metall. B) vol. 113:100-109 |
[30] | Edet AE, Merkel BJ, Offiong OE (2004) Contamination risk assessment of a freshwater groundwater using the distribution and chemical speciation of some potentially toxic elements in Calabar (southern Nigeria). Environmental Geology 45:1025-1035. |
[31] | Edet AE, Merkel BJ (2004) An aquifer vulnerability assessment of coastal plain sand aquifer, Calabar, southeastern Nigeria using a GIS and index approach. In Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment and Mapping Abstract, International Conference, Ustron, Poland, p56 |
[32] | Edet AE (2004) Vulnerability evaluation of coastal plain sand aquifer with a case example from Calabar, southeastern Nigeria. Environmental Geology 45: 1062-1070. |
[33] | Ugbaja AN, Edet AE (2004) Groundwater pollution near shallow waste dumps in southern Calabar, Southeastern Nigeria. Global Journal of Geological Sciences Vol 2:199-206. |
[34] | Edet A (2004) Geophysical Monitoring Technologies, in Environmental Mointoring, Edited by H.I. Inyang, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, EOLSS Publishers, Oxford, UK [http://www.eolss.net] |
[35] | Edet AE, Okereke CS (2005). Hydrogeological and hydrochemical character of the regolith aquifer, northern Obudu Plateau, southern Nigeria. Hydrogeology Journal Vol 13 No 2: 391-415 |
[36] | Akpan O, Edet A (2005) Relationship between road pavement failures, engineering indices and underlying geology in a tropical environment Global Journal of Geological Sciences vol 4 No 2:99-108 |
[37] | Nganje TN, Edet AE, Ekwere SJ (2007) Concentrations of heavy metals and hydrocarbons in groundwater near petrol stations and mechanic workshops in Calabar metropolis, southeastern Nigeria. Environmental Geosciences 14 (1): 15-29 |
[38] | Nganje TN, Edet AE, Ekwere SJ (2007) Distribution of PAHs in surface soils from petroleum handling facilities in Calabar. Environmental Monitoring Assessment 130:27-34. |
[39] | Nganje TN, Edet AE, Ekwere SJ, Ugabaja AN (2007) Assessment of the impact of contaminated soils from petroleum storage facilities on groundwater using column leaching experiment. International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences 2 (1): 58-64 |
[40] | Adelana SMA, Olasehinde PI, Bale RB, Vrbka P, Edet AE, Goni IB (2008) An Overview of geology and hydrogeology of Nigera. In Applied groundwater studies in Africa (Eds Adelana S, MacDonald A) IAH Selected papers on Hydrogeology, Vol 13 171-198 |
[41] | Edet AE, Ekpo BO (2008). Hydrogeochemistry of a fractured aquifer in the Ogoja/Obudu area of SE Nigeria In Applied groundwater studies in Africa (Eds Adelana S, MacDonald A) IAH Selected papers on Hydrogeology, Vol 13 391-403 |
[42] | Edet, A. (2008). Hydrogeochemical characteristics of groundwater in the in parts of the Niger Delta. In Proceedings 1st Postgraduate Researchers Conference on Meeting Environmental Challenges in the Coastal Regions of Nigeria 29-30 September 2008. University of Abertay Dundee, United Kingdom. |
[43] | Edet A, Worden R (2009) Monitoring of Physical parameters and evaluation of the chemical composition of river and groundwater in Calabar (Southeastern Nigeria). Environmental Monitoring Assessment 157:243-258 |
[44] | Edet AE (2009) Characterization of groundwater contamination using factor analysis in the Niger Delta (Nigeria). Journal of Hydrologic Engineering.Vol 14 No. 11 |
[45] | Ilori AO, Essien NU, Edet AE (2010) Geotechnical, Geological and Hydrologic Characterzation of a 52km Electrical Power Transmission Line Alignment Route in Southeastern Nigeria. Geotechnical and Geological Engineering DOI 10.1007/s10706-010-9347-z |
[46] | Edet AE (2010) The development of a groundwater quality index for the Niger delta region, Nigeria. In Proceedings XXXVIII IAH Congress on Groundwater Quality Sustainability, 12-17 September, 2010, AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow, Poland. |
[47] | Edet AE (2010) Groundwater vulnerability assessment using soil and hydrogeological data in the petroliferous Niger Delta, Southern Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Systems 32 (2):109-123 |
[48] | Edet AE, Merkel BJ (In Press) An aquifer vulnerability assessment of the coastal plain sand aquifer, Calabar, southeastern Nigeria using GIS and Index Approach (International Journal of Natural and Applied Sciences). |
[49] | Edet AE, Worden RH, Mohammed EA, Preston MR (In Press) Hydrogeochemical processes in a populated shallow Coastal Plain Sand Aquifer southeastern Nigeria (Environmental Earth Sciences) |