Advances in Life Sciences

Advances in Life Sciences is an international journal publishing articles that emphasize the molecular, cellular, and functional basis of therapy. All articles are rigorously reviewed. The journal favors publication of full-length papers where modern scientific technologies are used to explain molecular, cellular and physiological mechanisms.

Prachi Sharma

Assistant Professor, Yerkes National Primate Research Center, USA

Research Areas

Veterinary pathology, nonhuman primates


2001-2004M.S.University of Georgia, Athens, GA
2000-2004Ph.D.University of Georgia, Athens, GA
1994-1999B.S.G.B. Pant Univ. of Agriculture & Tech., UP, India

Academic Achievement

Junior Research Fellowship for MVSc (Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine), College of Veterinary Science, G.B. Pant University of Agriculture & Technology, Pantnagar, India: 1999-2000
Morris Animal Foundation fellowship: 2002
Scholarship from Graduate Student travel fund, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Georgia, to attend the annual meeting of the American College of Veterinary Pathologists, New Orleans, LA: December 8-11, 2002.
Inducted into Phi Zeta, National Veterinary Honors Society: 2003


Charles Louis Davis D.V.M. Foundation: 2001-present
Phi Zeta, National Veterinary Honors Society: 2002
Morris Animal Foundation: 2003