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[3] | Biochemical characterization of deltamethrin resistance in a laboratory-selected strain of Aedes aegypti. Urmila, J. & V. A. Vijayan; Parasitol Res (2009) 104:1431–1438. |
[4] | Efficacy of piperonyl butoxide (PBO) as a synergist with deltamethrin on five species of mosquitoes at Mysore Vijayan. V.A., Sathish Kumar .B.Y., Ganesh. K.N., Urmila. J., Fakoorziba. M.R and Makkapati. A.K. (2007). J. Commun. Dis, 39(3):159-63. |
[5] | Pyrethroid susceptibility and enzyme activity in two malaria vectors, Anopheles stephensi (Liston) and Anopheles culicifacies (Giles), from Mysore, India. Ganesh K.N., Urmila J and Vijayan V.A. (2003) Indian Journal of Medical Research, 117: 30-38. |
[6] | Role of esterases and monooxygenases in the deltamethrin resistance in Anopheles stephensi Giles (1908), at Mysore Ganesh K.N., Vijayan V.A., Urmila J., Gopalan N and Shri Prakash. (2002)., Indian Journal of Experimental Biology, 40: 583-588. |
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[8] | Cross-resistance in a deltamethrin selected strain of Aedes aegypti to permethrin and fenvalerate. Urmila. J., Ganesh. K.N., Vijayan. V.A., Gopalan, N. and Rao. K.M. (2000) Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on ‘Vectors and vector borne diseases |
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[10] | Increased mosquito breeding activity in the University Campus Mysore, manasagangotri, Karnataka, Urmila. J., Ganesh. K.N., Pushpalatha. N and Vijayan. V.A. (1999) J. Commun. Dis, 31:203-206. |