[1] | Creton S, Saghir SA, Bartels MJ, Billington R, Davies W, Dent MP, Hawksworth GH, Parry S, Travis KZ (2011). Use of toxicokinetics to support chemical safety evaluation I: Study design and interpretation. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol (accepted). |
[2] | Saghir SA, Yano BL, Zablotny CL, Brzak KA, Clark AJ, Staley JL (2011). Role of iodine in the toxicity of diiodomethyl-p-tolylsulfone (DIMPTS) in rats:ADME. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol (accepted) |
[3] | Berdasco NAM, Pitt JA, Saghir SA, Spencer PJ (2011). Subchronic toxicity and genotoxicity of diiodomethyl-p-tolylsulfone (DIMPTS) in laboratory animals. Regul Toxicol Pharmacol (accepted). |
[4] | Saghir SA Ghanayem B, Schultz IR (2011). Kinetics of tri-halogenated acetic acids and isoform specificity in rodent and human liver microsomes. Int J Toxicol (in press). |
[5] | Corley RA, Saghir SA, Bartels MJ, Hansen SC, Creim J, McMartin KE, Snellings WM (2010). Extension of a PBPK model for ethylene glycol and glycolic acid to include the competitive formation and clearance of metabolites associated with kidney toxicity in rats and humans. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 250:229-244. |
[6] | Saghir SA, Zhang F, Rick DL, Kan L, Bus JS, Bartels MJ (2010). Authors Response to Huff et al., "Clarifying carcinogenicity of ethylbenzene" Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 58:170-172. |
[7] | Saghir SA, Bartels MJ, Snellings WM (2010). Dermal penetration of ethylene glycol using human cadaver skin. Int J Toxicol 29:268-276. |
[8] | Saghir SA, Zhang F, Rick DL, Kan L, Bus JS, Bartels MJ (2010). In Vitro Metabolism and Covalent Binding of Ethylbenzene to Microsomal Protein as Possible Mechanism of Ethylbenzene-Induced Mouse Lung Tumor. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 57:129-135. |
[9] | Saghir SA, Rick DL, McClymont EL, Zhang F, Bartels MJ, Bus JS (2009). Mechanism of Ethylbenzene-Induced Mouse-Specific Lung Tumor: Metabolism of Ethylbenzene by Rat, Mouse and Human Liver and Lung Microsomes. Tox Sci 107:352-366. |
[10] | Saghir SA, Rick DL (2008). Simulation of repeated dose kinetics of methyl isobutyl ketone in humans from experimental single-dose inhalation exposure. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 52:180-188. |
[11] | Sweeny L, Saghir SA, Gargas M (2008). Physiologically based pharmacokinetic model development and simulations for ethylene dichloride (1,2-dichloroethane) in rats. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 51:311-323. |
[12] | Saghir SA, Charles GD, Kan LHL, Dryzga MD, Brzak KA, Clark AJ (2008). Mechanism of trifluralin induced thyroid tumors in rats and it relevance to humans. Toxicol Letters 180:38-45. |
[13] | Chai Y, Davis JW, Saghir SA, Xiujin Q, Budinsky RA, Jr, Bartels MJ (2008). Effects of aging and sediment composition on hexachlorobenzene desorption resistance compared to oral bioavailability in rats. Chemosphere 72:432-441. |
[14] | Saghir SA, Clark AJ, McClymont EL, Staley JL (2008) Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of aminomethylpropanol in rats following oral administration and using a novel dermal study design. Food Chem Toxicol 46:678-687. |
[15] | Saghir SA, Bartels MJ, Budinsky RA, Jr, Harris EE, Clark AJ, Staley JL, Yunzhou C, Davis JW (2007). Effect of organic matters, clay type and aging on the oral bioavailability of hexachlorobenzene in rats. Environ Toxicol Chem 26:2420-2429. |
[16] | Chai Y, Qiu X, Davis JW, Budinsky RA, Jr, Bartels MJ, Saghir SA, (2007). Effects of black carbon and montmorillonite clay on multiphphasic hexachlorobenzene desorption from sediments. Chemosphere 69:1204-1212. |
[17] | Saghir SA, Frantz SW, Spence MW, Nolan RJ, Lowe ER, Rick DL, Bartels MJ (2007). Pharmacokinetics and bioavailability of diisopropanolamine (DIPA) in rats following intravenous or dermal application. Food Chem Toxicol 45:2047-2056. |
[18] | McCready DI, Saghir SA (2007). Consideration of skin evaporation in a dermal exposure assessment. Occupational and Environmental Exposures of Skin to Chemicals (OEESC), online at: http://www.mines.edu/outreach/cont_ed/oeesc/OEESC2007_0001.pdf. |
[19] | Elder EJ, Evans JC, Scherzer BD, Hitt JE, Kupperblatt GB, Saghir SA, Markham DA (2007). Preparation, characterization, and scale-up of ketoconazole with enhanced dissolution and bioavailability. Drug Develop Indus Pharmacy, 33:755-765. |
[20] | Saghir SA, Mendrala AL, Bartels MJ, Day SJ, Hansen SC, Sushynski JM, Bus JS (2006). Strategies to assess systemic exposure of chemicals in subchronic/chronic diet and drinking water studies. Toxicol Appl Pharmacol 211:245-260. |
[21] | Saghir SA, Lebofsky M, Pinson DM, Rozman KK (2005). Validation of Haber's rule (dose x time = constant) in rats and mice for monochloroacetic acid and 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin under conditions of kinetic steady state. Toxicology 215:48-56. |
[22] | Saghir SA, Brzak KA, Markham DA, Bartels MJ, Stott WT (2005). Investigation of the formation of N-nitrosodiethanolamine in B6C3F1 mice dosed with triethanolamine and sodium nitrite. Reg Toxicol Pharmacol 43:10-18. |
[23] | Saghir SA, Schultz IR (2005). Pharmacokinetics and oral bioavailability of halogenated acetic acids mixtures in naïve and GSTzeta depleted rats. Tox Sci 84:214-224. |
[24] | Saghir SA, Brzak KA, Bartels MJ (2003). Oral absorption, metabolism and elimination of 1-phenoxy-2-propanol in rats. Xenobiotica 33:1059-1071. |
[25] | Saghir SA, Rozman KK (2003). Kinetics of monochloroacetic acid at subtoxic and toxic doses in rats after single oral and dermal administrations. Tox Sci 76:51-64. |
[26] | Saghir SA, Schultz IR (2002). Low dose toxicokinetics and oral bioavailability of dichloroacetate in naïve and GSTzeta depleted rats. Enviorn Health Presp 110: 757-763. |
[27] | Saghir SA, Fried K, Rozman KK (2001). Kinetics of monochloroacetic acid in adult male rats after intravenous injection of a subtoxic and a toxic dose. J Pharmacol Exp Therap 296:617-627. |
[28] | Saghir SA, Hansen LG, Holmes KR, Kodavanti PRS (2000). Differential and non-uniform tissue and brain distribution of two distinct 14C-hexachlorobiphenyls (2,2,4,4,5,5-and 3,3,4,4,5,5-hexachlorobiphenyls) in weanling rats. Tox Sci 54:60-70. |
[29] | Saghir SA, Koritz GD, Hansen LG (1999). Short term metabolism, distribution and excretion of 2,2,5-tri-, 2,2,4,4-tetra-and 3,3,4,4-tetrachlorobiphenyls in prepubertal rats. Archiv Environ Contam Toxicol 36:213-220. |
[30] | Saghir SA, Hansen LG (1999). Toxicity and tissue distribution of 2,2,4,4-and 3,3,4,4-tetrachlorobiphenyls in house flies. Ecotoxicol Environ Safety 42:177-184. |
[31] | Gustafson DL, Coulson AL, Feng L, Pott WA, Thomas RS, Chubb LS, Saghir SA, Benjamin SA, Yang RSH, (1998). Use of a medium-term liver focus bioassay to assess the hepatocarcinogenicity of 1,2,4,5-tetrachloro and 1,4-dichlorobenzene.Cancer Lett 129:39-44. |
[32] | Saghir SA, Schaeffer DJ, Hansen LG (1995). Uptake and metabolism of 2,2,5-trichlorobiphenyl by planaria (Dugesia dorotocephala). Fresenius Environ Bull 4:31-34. |
[33] | Saghir SA, Hansen LG (1995). Toxicities of 2,2,4,4-and 3,3,4,4-tetrachlorobiphenyls to house flies at different ages and enzyme levels. Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 28:436-442. |
[34] | Saghir SA, Koritz GD, Hansen LG (1994). Toxicokinetics of 14C-2,2,4,4-and 14C-3,3,4,4-tetrachlorobiphenyl in house flies following topical administration. Pest Biochem Physiol 49:94-113. |
[35] | Saghir SA, Hansen LG (1994). Influence of age & enzyme levels on the toxicity and in vitro metabolism of 2,2,5-trichlorobiphenyl in house flies. Ecotox Environ Safety, 28:111-120. |
[36] | Saghir SA, Koritz GD, Hansen LG (1993). Toxicokinetics of 14C-2,2,5-trichlorobiphenyl in house flies following topical administration. Pest Biochem Physiol 46:107-119. |
[37] | Saghir SA, Hansen LG (1992). Distribution and metabolism of 2,5,2-trichlorobiphenyl in houseflies (Musca domestica L.). Bull Environ Contam Toxicol 49:839-846. |
[38] | Matin MA, Saghir SA, Rafi MA (1992). Quantitative relationship between Pieris brassicae population and damage in cauliflowers. Philippine Entomologist 8:1182-1188. |
[39] | Ata-Ul-Mohsin, Saghir SA, Matin MA, Rafi A (1991). Effectiveness of malathion on the barani population of Spodoptera litura in Pakistan. Proc Pakistan Congr Zool 11:9-13. |
[40] | Rafi MA, Matin MA, Saghir SA (1989). Studies on some bio-ecological aspects of the citrus butterfly, Papilio demoleus L. (Lepidoptera : Papilionidae) in the barani ecology of Pakistan. Pakistan J Sci Ind Res 31:36-38. |
[41] | Saghir SA, Naqvi SNH, Matin MA, Akhtar K (1989). Effect of the extract of Artemisia maritima L. on larval mortality, population, emergence and protein metabolism of Musca domestica L. (Diptera : Muscidae). Philippine J Sci 118:219-228. |