[1] | Faoro F., Sant S., Iriti M., Maffi D., Appiano A. Chitosan-elicited resistance to plant viruses: a histochemical and cytochemical study. In: Chitin Enzymology 2001, R.A.A. Muzzarelli ed, Atec, Italy, pp. 57-62. |
[2] | Faoro F., Sant S., Iriti M., Morino G. e Appiano A. Meccanismi coinvolti nella resistenza indotta da chitosano verso un tombusvirus in Phaseolus vulgaris. Petria, 11: 111-112, 2001. |
[3] | Sant S., Iriti M., Appiano A., Morino G. e Faoro F. Impiego di 3,3 diaminobenzidina (DAB) in vivo nello studio della resistenza verso i virus indotta da chitosano in Phaseolus vulgaris. Atti Convegno del Gruppo di Lavoro di Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare. Società Botanica Italiana. Roma, 25-27 Giugno 2001, pp 39. |
[4] | Iriti M., Sant S., Farina G. e Faoro F. Benzotiadiazolo induce resistenza mediata da H2O2 in Phaseolus vulgaris contro Uromyces appendiculatus. Atti Convegno del Gruppo di Lavoro di Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare. Società Botanica Italiana. Roma, 25-27 Giugno 2001, pp 40. |
[5] | Iriti M., Maffi D., Farina F. e Faoro F. Aspetti fisiopatologici della resistenza indotta da benzotiadiazolo (BTH) verso la ruggine del fagiolo. Atti VIII Convegno Nazionale SIPaV. Potenza, 3-5 Ottobre 2001, pp. 11. |
[6] | Faoro F., de Ascensao A.R., Maffi D., Iriti M. Cytochemistry and ultrastructure of chitosan-induced micro-lesions in bean. ICEM-15, Durban 2002, Vol.2, 601-602. |
[7] | Iriti M., Maffi D., Farina F. e Faoro F. Banzotiadiazolo (BTH) induce resistenza non mediata da morte cellulare verso la ruggine del fagiolo. Riunione Congiunta Gruppi di Lavoro Biotecnologie e Differenziamento, Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare. Società Botanica Italiana. Verona, 12-14 Giugno 2002, pp.47. |
[8] | Iriti M., Rabotti G., Ballarin-Denti A., Faoro F. Effetto del benzotiadiazolo (BTH) sulla tolleranza all'ozono (O3) in Phaseolus vulgaris. XX Convegno Nazionale SICA. Padova, 2002, pp.21. |
[9] | Iriti M., Rabotti G., Faoro F. Resistance activators and atmospheric pollutants: interaction between BTH and ozone. J.Plant Pathol. 84, 184, 2002. |
[10] | Faoro F. and Iriti M. Hydrogen peroxide threshold switches resistance into death: the case of BTH-ozone interaction. Proc. Vth International Botanical Microscopy meeting, Lisbon, Portugal, 2003, pp.10-11. |
[11] | Iriti M., Faoro F. Benzothiadiazole (BTH) induces cell-death independent resistence in Phaseolus vulgaris against Uromyces appendiculatus. J. Phytopathology, 151, 171-180, 2003. |
[12] | Iriti M., Rabotti G., De Ascensao A. and Faoro F. Benzothiadiazole-induced resistance modulates ozone tolerance. J. Agric. Food Chem. 51, 4308-4314, 2003. |
[13] | Vannini C., M. Bracale, F. Locatelli, M. Mattana, M. Iriti, F. Faoro, I. Coraggio. The Rice Osmyb4 gene increases the tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants. Proc. 7th International Congress of Plant Molecular Biology, Barcellona, Spain, 2003, pp. 212. |
[14] | Iriti M., Maffi D., de Ascensao A., Rabotti G., Farina G., Mignani, I. and Faoro F. Mechanism of BTH-induced resistance against bean rust. Proc. 11th International Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, St. Petersburg, Russia, 2003, pp.241. |
[15] | Iriti M. and Faoro F. Immunità costitutiva ed inducibile nelle piante. Petria 13, 77-103, 2003. |
[16] | Iriti M and Faoro F. Does benzothiadiazole-induced resistance increase fitness cost in bean? J. Plant Pathology, 2003, 85, 265-270. |
[17] | M. Iriti, C. Vannini, M. Bracale, F. Locatelli, M. Mattana, G. Farina, F. Faoro, I. Coraggio. Myb4 regulation of stress responses: no chance for pathogen and environment challenges. J. Plant Pathology, 85: 292, 2003. |
[18] | Vannini C., M. Bracale, F. Locatelli, M. Mattana, M. Iriti, F. Faoro, L. Mizzi, I. Coraggio. La sovraespressione del gene di riso Osmyb4 aumenta la tolleranza a stress biotici e abiotici in piante transgenche di Arabidopsis thaliana. Proc. SBI Congress, Catania, 2003, pp.117. |
[19] | Iriti M. and Faoro F. Plant defense and human nutrition: phenylpropanoids on the menu. Current topics in Nutraceutical Research, 2: 47-65, 2004. |
[20] | Barbiroli A., Bonomi F., Faoro F., Fessas D., Iriti M., Rasmussen.P and Iametti S. Formation of fibrillar structures from partially denatured beta-lactoglobulin at neutral pH. Proc. Nanofunctions. Workshop on Nanoscale Functionalities for Medicine, Nutrition and Health. Chalkidiki, Greece, 2003, pp. 18. |
[21] | Quaroni S., Saracchi M., Faoro F. e Iriti M. Progetto di ricerca regionale "Danni da ozono troposferico sulle colture estensive". Quaderni della ricerca n°24, Ottobre 2003. |
[22] | Iriti M, Sironi M., Gomarasca S., Soave C. and Faoro F.. Does chitosan-induced apoptosis represent a relevant host response to limit virus infection? Proc. The International Joint Workshop on PR-Proteins and Induced Resistance. Elsinore, Denmark, 2004, pp. 116. |
[23] | Iriti M, Sironi M., Gomarasca S., Soave C. and Faoro F. Calcium-mediated PCD is responsible for chitosan induced resistance to virus infection in tobacco plants. Proc. Programmed Cell Death across Kingdoms: Similarities and differences. Bertinoro, Italy, 2004. |
[24] | Barbiroli A, Bonomi F, Faoro F, Iametti S, Iriti M and Rasmussen P.Alternative pathways to fibrillar formation from beta-lactoglobulin. Proc. 17° Meeting of protein Working Gropup, 2004. Viterbo, 20-22 Maggio 2004, Ital. J. Biochemistry, 53, pp. 45. |
[25] | Iriti M., Rossoni M., Borgo M. and Faoro F. Benzothidiazole enhances resveratrol and anthocyanin biosynthesis in grapevine meanwhile inducing resistance to Botrytis cinerea. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2004, 52, 4406-4413. |
[26] | Faoro F., and Iriti M.Rapid diagnosis of ozone injury: a histocytochemical approach. J. Plant Pathology, 2004, 86, pp. 318. |
[27] | Iriti M. and Faoro F. Natural compounds in agriculture: mechanisms of chitosan antiviral activity. J. Plant Pathology, 2004, 86, pp. 322. |
[28] | Iriti M. and Faoro F. L'avvizzimento del nocciolo: rischio reale o remota possibilità di introduzione in Italia? Petria, 14, 109-119, 2005. |
[29] | Faoro F., and Iriti M. Cell death behind invisible symptoms, early diagnosis of ozone injury. Biologia Plantarum, 49 (4): 585-592, 2005. |
[30] | Iriti M., Faoro F. Immunità innata associata, o meno, a morte cellulare: le due facce della stessa medaglia.Informatore Botanico, 37, 642-643, 2005. |
[31] | Iriti M., Sironi M., Gomarasca S., Casazza P., Soave C., Faoro F. Chitosan-induced systemic acquired resistance involves both programmed cell death and ubiquitination. Atti 7° Convegno Federazione Italiana Scienze della Vita, Riva del Garda, 22-25 settembre 2005. |
[32] | M. Mattana, S. Carravieri, C. Vannini, M. Bracale, F. Locatelli, E. Baldoni, G. Pasquali, S. Mancuso, S. Biricolti, V. Natoli, S. Corneti, R. Tuberosa, M. Laura, A. Allavena, F. Faoro, M. Iriti, I. Coraggio. Osmyb4: a tool to improve multiple stress tolerance in crops. In: R. E. Evenson and W. Santaniello (Eds.). Agricultural Biotechnology, ten years after. 9th Icabr international conference, http://www.economia.uniroma2.it/conferenze/icabr2005. |
[33] | Iriti M., Rossoni M., Fumagalli F., Faoro F., Folco G., Scienza A. Benzothiadiazole (BTH) a simple effective way to improve both systemic acquired resistance and farmaconutritional value in grapevine. Cost Action 88, Workshop on Defence Reactions of Grapevine Towards Biotic Stresses, Piacenza, 6-7 maggio 2005. |
[34] | Dalla Valle A.Z., Iriti M., Faoro F., Galvano F., Ciappellano S. Evidence of intestinal binding of prion protein in fish. Atti XXXIII Congresso SINU, Montesilvano (PE), 6-8 Ottobre 2005. |
[35] | Iriti M., Rossoni M., Borgo M. Ferrara M. and Faoro F. Grey mould control with benzothiadiazole modifies amino acid profile and increases proanthocianidins in grape: primary vs. secondary methabolism? J. Agric. Food Chem. 2005, 53, 9133-9139. |
[36] | Faoro F., Maffi D., Cantù D., Iriti M. Mechanisms underlying induced resistance in Barley against powdery mildew. J. Plant Pathol. 2005, 87, 277. |
[37] | Faoro F., Iriti M. Cell death or not cell death: two different mechanisms for chitosan and BTH antiviral activity. IOBC/WPRS Bulletin, 2006, 28, 25-29. |
[38] | Bogani P., Simonini F., Iriti M., Rossoni M., Faoro F., Poletti A.., Visioli F. Lepidium meyenii (Maca) does not exert direct androgenic activities. Journal of Ethnopharmacology 104 (2006) 415-417. |
[39] | Iriti M., Colnaghi G., Chemat F., Smadja J., Faoro F. and Visinoni F.A. Histo-cytochemistry and scanning electron microscopy of lavender glandular trichomes following conventional and microwave-assisted hydrodistillation of essential oils: a comparative study. Flavour Fragr. J. 2006; 21: 704-712. |
[40] | Iriti M., Rossoni M. and Faoro F. Melatonin content in grape: myth or panacea? J Sci Food Agric 2006, 86, 1432-1438. |
[41] | Ingrosso L., Novoa B., Dalla Valle A.Z., Cardone F., Aranguren R., Sbriccoli M., BevivinoS, Iriti M., Liu Q., Vetrugno V., Lu M., Faoro F., Ciappellano S., Figueras A. and Maurizio Pocchiari Scrapie infectivity is quickly cleared in tissues of orally-infected farmed fish. BMC Veterinary Research 2006, 21, 704-712. |
[42] | Iriti M., Belli L., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Gerosa G., Faoro F. Ozone sensitivity of Currant tomato (Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium), a potential bioindicator species. Environmental Pollution (2006), 141, 275-282. |
[43] | Fumagalli F., Rossoni M., Iriti M., Di Gennaro A., Faoro F., Scienza A., Sala A. and Folco G. From the field to health: a simple, effective way to increase the nutraceutical content of grapevine as shown by NO-dependent vascular relaxation. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2006, 54, 5344-5349. |
[44] | Iriti M. and Faoro F. Grape phytochemicals: A bouquet of old and new nutraceuticals for human health. Medical Hypotheses (2006), 67, 833-838. |
[45] | Iriti M. and Faoro F. Lipid biosynthesis in Spermatophyta. In: In J.A. Teixeira Da Silva (Ed.), Floriculture, Ornamental and Plant Biotechnology, Vol. I. Global Science Books, UK., 2006, pp. 359-372. |
[46] | Iriti M. and Faoro F Fitness costs of chemically-induced resistance: double edged sword or (un)stable equilibrium? J. Plant Pathology, 2006, 88, 101-102. |
[47] | Vannini C., Iriti M., Bracale M., Locatelli F., Faoro F., Coraggio I., Genga A. The ectopic expression of the rice Osmyb4 gene in transgenic plants increases tolerance to abiotic and biotic stresses Physiol. Molec.Plant Pathol.2006, 69, 26-42. |
[48] | Iriti M., Guarnieri S. and Faoro F. In vivo and in vitro effects of UV-C acute exposure in Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium: histo-cytochemical and comet assays. J. Plant Pathol., 2006, 88, 47. |
[49] | Rasmussen P., Barbiroli A., Bonomi F., Faoro F., Ferranti P., Iriti M., Picariello G., Iametti S. Formation of structured polymers upon controlled denaturation of beta-lactoglobulin with different chaotropes. Biopolymers, 86, 56-72, 2007. |
[50] | Faoro F., Derghi F., Gerosa G., Cielslik S., Saracchi M., Zorloni A., Iriti M. Stomatal uptake, gateway to ozone injury. J. Plant Pathol., 2006, 88, 5. |
[51] | Faoro F., Iriti M. Relazione struttura/efficacia di differenti chitosani come induttori di resistenza mediante screening dell'attività callosica. Atti Convegno Gruppo Biologica Cellulare e Molecolare SBI, Alessandria 26-28 giugno 2006, pp. 26. |
[52] | Iriti M., Mapelli S., Faoro F.: Post-harvest induced resistance against Botrytis cinerea improves lycopene content in tomato. Atti 8° Convegno FISV, Riva del Garda 28 sett.-01 ott. 2006, PMS.06-P.27, D06.07. |
[53] | Faoro F., Iriti M. Meccanismi di resistenza ai patogeni. In: Belli G. Elementi di Patologia Vegetale. Piccin Editore, 2007, pp. 143-168. |
[54] | Iriti M., Faoro F. Malattie ed alterazioni non parassitarie. In: Belli G. Elementi di Patologia Vegetale. Piccin Editore, 2007, pp. 367-393. |
[55] | Iriti M., Sironi M., Gomarasca S., Casazza A.P., Soave C., Faoro F. Cell death-mediated antiviral effect of chitosan in tobacco. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 4, 893-900, 2006. |
[56] | Iriti M., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Gerosa G., Faoro F. Lycopersicon pimpinellifolim, un nuovo promettente bioindicatore da ozono. Quaderni Centro Enrico Avanzi Università di Pisa, 4: 51, 2007. |
[57] | Colombo R., Meroni M., Panigada C., Rossini M., Cogliati S., Picchi V., Nali C., Lorenzini G., Gerosa G., Marzuoli R., Faoro F., Iriti M., Bussottti F., Gatti E., Ballarin Denti A., Tagliaferri A. Identificazione di indicatori precoci del danno da ozono sulla vegetazione mediante tecniche radiometriche. Influenza dell'ozono sulla gestione sostenibile del sistema agricolo e forestale lombardo. Quaderni Centro Enrico Avanzi Università di Pisa, 4: 60, 2007. |
[58] | Tagliaferri A., Berizzi D., Crateri L., Colli M., Gubertini A., Ballarin Denti A., Gerosa G., Finco A., Bussotti F., Faoro F., Iriti M., Saracchi M., Belis C., De Martini A., Buffoni A., Mangoni M., Ferretti M., Cozzi A., Colombo R., Meroni M., Cieslik S. Influenza dell'ozono sulla gestione sostenibile del sistema agricolo e forestale lombardo. Quaderni Centro Enrico Avanzi Università di Pisa, 4: 94, 2007. |
[59] | Faoro F. and Iriti M. Callose synthesis as a tool to screen chitosan efficacy in inducing plant resistance to pathogens. Caryologia, 60, 121-124, 2007. |
[60] | Candida Vannini, Manuela Campa, Marcello Iriti, Annamaria Genga, Franco Faoro, Sara Carravieri, Giuseppe Rotino, Mara Rossoni, Anna Spinardi, Marcella Bracale. Evaluation of transgenic tomato plants ectopically expressing the rice Osmyb4 gene. Plant Science, 173, 231-239, 2007. |
[61] | Angelo Cereda, Aristodemo Carpen, Gianluca Picariello, Marcello Iriti, Franco Faoro, Pasquale Ferranti, Silvia Pagani. Effects of the deficiency of the rhodanese-like protein RhdA in Azotobacter vinelandii. FEBS Letters, 581, 1625-1630, 2007. |
[62] | Iriti M, Guarnieri S, Faoro F. Responsiveness of Lycopersicon pimpinellifolium to acute UV-C exposure: histo-cytochemistry of the injury and DNA damage. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 54, 273-280, 2007. |
[63] | Iriti M, Faoro F. Review of innate and specific immunity in plants and animals. Mycopathologia, 164, 57-64, 2007. |
[64] | Iriti M, Mapelli S, Faoro F. Chemical-induced resistance against post-harvest infection enhances tomato nutritional traits. Food Chemistry 105, 1040-1046, 2007. |
[65] | Iriti M, Quaglino F, Maffi D,Casati P, Bianco PA, Faoro F. Solanum malacoxylon, a new natural host of Stolbur phytoplasma. J. Phytopatology 156: 8-14, 2008. |
[66] | Iriti M., C. Vannini, S. Carravieri, A. Genga, M. Bracale, F. Faoro. The rice Osmyb4 gene modulates the resistance to tomato mosaic virus in transformed tomato plants improving the quality traits of fruits. Abs XIII Int. Congress on Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions, Sorrento, Italy, 2007, pp. 282. |
[67] | Gerosa G., Marzuoli R., Iriti M., Rossini M., Panigada C., Faoro F., Ballarin Denti A., 2007. Lesioni fogliari, efficienza fotosintetica e produttività di Phaseolus v. in relazione ai flussi stomatici di ozono. XXV Convegno della Società Italiana di Chimica Agraria, Pisa, 18-21 Settembre 2007. |
[68] | Mattana M, Vannini C, Espen L, Bracale M, Genga A, Marsoni M, Iriti M., Bonazza V, Romagnoli F, Baldoni E, Coraggio I, Locatelli F. (2007). The rice Mybleu transcription factor increases tolerance to oxygen deprivation in Arabidopsis plants. Physiologia Plantarum. 2007, 131: 106-121 ISSN: 0031-9317. |
[69] | D'amelio R., Massa N., Gamalero E., D'agostino G., Sampo S., Berta G., Faoro F., Iriti M., Bosco D., Marzachì C. Preliminary results on the evaluation of the effects of elicitors of plant resistance on chrysanthemum yellows phytoplasma infection. Bulletin of lnsectology 60 (2): 317-318, 2007. |
[70] | Iriti M., Faoro F. Oxidative Stress, the Paradigm of Ozone Toxicity in Plants and Animals. Water Air Soil Pollution (2008) 187:285-301. |
[71] | Picchi V.,Quaroni S., Saracchi M., Viola P., Iriti M., Faoro F.-Influence of climate conditions and phenological stages on air pollution damages in wheat varieties. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2007, 89: S18. |
[72] | Iriti M., Faoro F.-Dose-dependent effects of exogenous melatonin on the plant response to biotic and abiotic stresses. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2007, 89: S18. |
[73] | Faoro F, Maffi D, Cantu D, Iriti M. Chemical-induced resistance against powdery mildew in barley: the effects of chitosan and benzothiadiazole. Biocontrol (2008) 53, 387-401. |
[74] | Iriti M, Faoro F. Ancient plant disease in Roman Age. Acta Phytopathologica et Entomologica Hungarica (2008) 43, 15-21. |
[75] | Dalla Valle Z, Iriti M, Faoro F, Berti C, Ciappellano S. In vivo prion protein intestinal intake in fish. Acta Pathol. Microbiol. Immunol. Scand. 2008, 116, 173-180. |
[76] | Iriti M., Di Tommaso G., D'Amico S., Picchi V. and F. Faoro. Inducible defences elicited by a new chitosan formulation prevent powdery mildew infection in grapevine and melon. ICCP 2008, Journal of Plant Pathology, 90: S2.332. |
[77] | Marzachì C., D'amelio R., Berta G., D'Agostino G., Faoro F., Gamalero E., Iriti M., Massa Sampo S., Bosco D. The activity of elicitors of plant resistance on phytoplasma infection. ICCP 2008, Journal of Plant Pathology, 90: S2.465. |
[78] | Iriti M., Picchi V., Ludwig N., Gargano M., Gomarasca S., Faoro F. Abscisic acid at the crossroads between chitosan-induced antitranspirant and antiviral activities. Proceeding FISV 2008, D06.02. |
[79] | Iriti M, Faoro F Abscisic is involved in chitosan-induced resistance to tobacco necrosis virus (TNV). Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2008, 46:1106-1111. doi:10.1016/j.plaphy.2008.08.002. |
[80] | Parente A., Conforto B.,Di Maro A., Chambery A., De Luca P., Bolognesi A., Iriti M. and Faoro F. Type 1 ribosome-inactivating proteins from Phytolacca dioica L. leaves: diferential seasonal and age expression, and cellular localization. Planta (2008), 228:963-975. DOI 10.1007/s00425-008-0796-z. |
[81] | Iriti M. Melatonin in grape, not just a myth, maybe a panacea. J. Pineal Research 2009, Doi:10.1111/j.1600-079X.2008.00616.x81. |
[82] | Gerosa G, Marzuoli R, Rossini M, Panigada C, Meroni M, Colombo R, Faoro F, Iriti M. A flux-based assessment of the effects of ozone on foliar injury, photosynthesis, and yield of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Borlotto Nano Lingua di Fuoco) in open-top chambers. Environmental Pollution, (2009) 157: 1727-1736 doi:10.1016/j.envpol.2008.06.028. |
[83] | Iriti M., Di Maro A., Bernasconi S., Burlini N., Simonetti P, Picchi V., Panigada C., Gerosa G., Parente A., Faoro F. Nutritional Traits of Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) Seeds from Plants Chronically Exposed to Ozone Pollution. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2009, vol. 57; p. 201-208, ISSN: 0021-8561, doi: 10.1021/jf802819m. |
[84] | Faoro F, Iriti M. Plant cell death and cellular alterations induced by ozone: Key studies in Mediterranean conditions. Environmental Pollution, 2009, 157, 1470-1477. ISSN: 0269-7491, doi: 10.1016/j.envpol.2008.09.026. |
[85] | Iriti M., Castorina G., Picchi V., Faoro F., Gomarasca S. Acute exposure of the aquatic macrophyte Callitriche obtusangula to the herbicide oxadiazon: The protective role of N-acetylcysteine. Chemosphere 2009, 74 1231-1237. ISSN: 0045-6535, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2008.11.025. |
[86] | Alberti G, Sirtori CR, Iriti M, Arnoldi A Acceptability of lupin protein products in healthy competitive athletes. Sports Science for Health (2008), 3. 65-71. |
[87] | Iriti M., Faoro F. Chitosan as a MAMP, searching for a PRR. Plant Signaling & Behavior 2009, 4: 66-68; ISSN: 1559-2316, doi: 0.1016/j.plaphy.2008.08.002. |
[88] | Iriti M, Picchi V, Rossoni M, Gomarasca S, Ludwig N, Gargano M, Faoro F. Chitosan antitranspirant activity is due to abscisic acid-dependent stomatal closure. Experimental Environmental Botany, 2009, 66, 493-500. doi:10.1016/j.envexpbot.2009.01.004. |
[89] | Iriti M, Faoro F (2009) Ozone-induced changes in plant secondary metabolism. In: Climate Change and Crops. Singh SN (Ed.). Springer. |
[90] | Iriti M., Faoro F. Bioactivity of grape chemicals for human health. Natural Product Communication, 2009, 4:1-24. |
[91] | Iriti M, Faoro F (2009) Health-promoting Effects of Grape Bioactive Phytochemicals. In: Complementary and Alternative Therapies and the Aging Population. Watson RR (Ed). Academic Press, 445-473 pp. |
[92] | Iriti M, Faoro F (2009) Bioactive Chemicals and Health Benefits of Grapevine Products. In: Bioactive Foods in Promoting Health: Fruits and Vegetables. Watson RR, Preedy VR (Eds), Elsevier ; pp.581-621. |
[93] | Iriti, M.; Faoro, F. Chemical Diversity and Defence Metabolism: How Plants Cope with Pathogens and Ozone Pollution. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2009, 10, 3371-3399. |
[94] | Iriti M, Faoro F (2009) Tomato Phytoalexins: Bioactive Phytochemicals for Human Health. In: Tomatoes: Agricultural Procedures, Pathogen Interactions and Health Effects. Columbus F (Ed). Nova Publisher Inc, Hauppauge, NY (accepted manuscript). |
[95] | Faoro F., Conforto B., Di Maro A., Parente A. and Iriti M. Activation of plant defence response contributes to the antiviral activity of Diocin 2 from Phytolacca dioica. IOBC/wprs Bull. 2009, 44: 53-57. |
[96] | Faoro F., Picchi V., Iriti M. Chitosan in induced resistance: more chances than limits or viceversa? 5th Meeting of the IOBC Working Group "Induced Resistance in Plants against Insects and Diseases" Granada, Spain, 12-16 May 2009. |
[97] | Iriti M., Faoro F. Chitosans: antiviral compounds, but not only. Proc. Workshop: "Induced resistance in the control of plant diseases: effectiveness and mechanisms of action of a sustainable approach", Ancona, June 2009, Petria 19, Suppl. 1, 2009, 22-25. |
[98] | Vitalini S., Faoro F., Di Tommaso G., Di Tommaso D., Borgo M., Piaggesi A., Fico G. Tomé F., Iriti M. Effects of chitosan and phosphite treatments on total polyphenol content and antioxidant power of different grape berry tissues and wines. Proc. Workshop: "Induced resistance in the control of plant diseases: effectiveness and mechanisms of action of a sustainable approach", Ancona, June 2009, Petria 19, Suppl. 1, 2009, 86. |
[99] | Ruggiero A., Bernasconi S., Burlini N., Daghetti A., Faoro F., Iriti M. Effects of chronic ozone exposure on lipidic metabolites of bean seeds. FISV 2009, P.19.1. |
[100] | Iriti M., Castorina G., Picchi V., Mignani I., Vitalini S., Faoro F. The role of ethylene and abscissic acid in chitosan induced resistance to Tobacco Necrosis Virus in Phaseolus vilgaris. Atti XV Congresso SIPaV, Locorotondo BA, settembre 2009, p. 41. |
[101] | Bulgari D., Casati P., Quaglino F., Bianco P.A., Iriti M., Faoro F. Localization of Pantea agglomerans in grapevine tissues by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Atti XV Congresso SIPaV, Locorotondo BA, settembre 2009, p. 49. |
[102] | Ludwig N., Iriti M., Gargano M., Gomarasca S., Faoro F., Soave C. (2010) Quantitative evaluation of antitranspirant activity by means of infrared thermography. Infrared Physics and Technology 53, 65-70. |
[103] | Picchi V, Iriti M, Quaroni S, Saracchi M, Viola P, Faoro F (2010). Climate variations and phenological stages modulate ozone damages in field-grown wheat. A three-year study with eight modern cultivars in Po Valley (Northern Italy). Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 135, 310-317. |
[104] | Betti C., Lico C., Iriti M., D'Angelo S., Benvenuto E., Baschieri S., Faoro F. A chimeric Potato virus X encoding a heterologous peptide affects Nicotiana benthamiana chloroplast structure. Plant Biosystems, 2010, 144, 725-732. |
[105] | Faoro F, Iriti M (2010) Induction of resistance to virus diseases. Petria 19, 149-172. |
[106] | Buonaurio R, Iriti M, Romanazzi G (2010). Induced resistance to plant disesease caused by oomycetes and fungi. Petria 19, 125-149. |
[107] | Desotgiu R, Bussotti F, Faoro F, Iriti M, Agati G, Marzuoli R, Gerosa G, Tani C (2010) Early events in Populus hybrid and Fagus sylvatica leaves exposed to ozone. The Scientific World Journal 10, 512-527. |
[108] | Iriti M, Castorina G, Vitalini S, Mignani I, Soave C, Fico G, Faoro F (2010) Chitosan-induced ethylene-independent resistance does not reduce crop yield in bean plants. Biological Control 54, 241-247. |
[109] | Iriti M, Vitalini S, Fico G, Faoro F (2010) Neuroprotective herbs and foods from different traditional medicines and diets. Molecules 15, 3517-3555. |
[110] | Iriti M, Varoni EM, Vitalini S (2010) Melatonin in Mediterranean traditional diets. Journal of Pineal Research 49, 101-105. Doi:10.1111/j.1600-079X.2010.00777.x. |
[111] | Iriti M, Faoro F (2010) Benefits of grape chemicals on human health. In: Phytotherapeutics and Human Health. Akhlaq F (Ed). Nova Publisher Inc, Hauppauge, NY. |
[112] | Iriti M, Vitalini S, Rossoni M, Faoro F (2011) Occurrence and analysis of melatonin in food plants. In: Handbook of Analysis of Active Compounds in Functional Foods. Nollet L (Ed). Taylor and Francis Group. |
[113] | Maffi D, Iriti M, Pigni M, Vannini C, Faoro F (2011) Uromyces appendiculatus infection in BTH-treated bean plants: ultrastructural details of a lost fight. Mycopathologia 171, 209-221. |
[114] | Betti C, Lico C, Iriti M, D'Angeli S, Benvenuto E, Baschieri S, Faoro F (2011) A chimeric Potato virus X encoding a heterologous peptide affects Nicotiana benthamiana chloroplast structure. Plant Biosystems 144, 725-732. |
[115] | Vitalini S, Flamini G, Valaguzza A, Rodondi G, Iriti M, Fico G (2011) Primula spectabilis Tratt. aerial parts: morphology, volatile compounds and flavonoids. Phytochemistry doi: 10.1016/j.phytochem.2011.04.010. |
[116] | Iriti M, Vitalini S, Di Tommaso G, D'Amico S, Borgo M, Faoro F (2011). A new chitosan formulation induces grapevine resistance against powdery mildew and improves grape quality traits. Australian Journal of Grape and Wine Research doi: 10.1111/j.1755-0238.2011.00149.x. |
[117] | Vitalini S, Gardana C, Zanzotto A, Fico G, Faoro F, Simonetti P, Iriti M (2011) From vineyard to glass: agrochemicals enhance the melatonin content, total polyphenols and antiradical activity of red wines. Journal of Pineal Research doi:10.1111/j.1600-079X.2011.00887.x. |
[118] | Vitalini S, Gardana C, Zanzotto A, Simonetti P, Faoro F, Fico G, Iriti M (2011) The presence of melatonin in grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) berry tissues. Journal of Pineal Research doi:10.1111/j.1600-079X.2011.00893.x. |
[119] | Vitalini S, Beretta G, Iriti M, Orsenigo S, Basilico N, Dall'Acqua S, Iorizzi M (2011) Achillea millefolium L.:phenolic compounds and their bioactivity. Acta Biochimica Polonica (accepted manuscript). |
[120] | Burlini N, Iriti M, Daghetti A, Faoro F, Ruggiero A, Bernasconi S (2011) Benzothiadiazole (BTH) activates sterol pathway and affects vitamin D3 metabolism in Solanum malacoxylon cell cultures. Plant Cell Reports (accepted manuscript). |