[1] | Duarte J., Januário C., Rodrigues, C., and Sardanyés J.*, Topological complexity and predictability in the dynamics of a tumour growth model with Shilnikov's chaos. Submitted to Nonlinear Analysis Series B (2011). *corresponding author |
[2] | Duarte J., Januário C., Martins N., and Sardanyés J.*, On chaos, transient chaos and ghosts in single population models with Allee effects. Under review in Nonlinear Analysis Series B (2011). |
[3] | Sardanyés J.*, Duarte J., Januário C., and Martins N., Controlling delayed transitions with applications to prevent single species extinctions. Under review in J. Control Theory and Appl. (2011). |
[4] | Sardanyés J., * and Elena S.F., Quasispecies spatial models for RNA viruses with different replication modes and infection strategies. PLoS ONE (2011). In Press. |
[5] | Sardanyés J.*, Martínez F., Daròs J. A., and Elena, S. F., Dynamics of alternative modes of RNA replication for positive-sense RNA viruses. J. Roy. Soc. Interface (2011). In Press. |
[6] | Lafforgue G., Martínez F., Sardanyés J., de la Iglesia F., Shi-Shun L., Qi-Wen N., Solé R. V., Chua N-H., Daròs J. A., and Elena S.F., Tempo and mode of plant RNA virus escape from RNAi-mediated resistance. J . Virol. (2011). In Press. equal contribution |
[7] | Sardanyés J., Duarte J., Januário C. and Martins N., Topological entropy of catalytic sets: Hypercycles revisited. Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Num. Sim. (2011). In Press. |
[8] | Duarte J., Januário C., Martins N., and Sardanyés J.*, Scaling law in saddle-node bifurcations for one dimensional maps: a complex variable approach. Nonlinear Dyn. (2011). In Press. |
[9] | Martínez F., Sardanyés J., Elena, S. F., and Daròs J. A., Dynamics of a plant RNA virus accumulation: stamping machine versus geometric replication. Genetics 188: 637-646 (2011). |
[10] | Sardanyés J.*, Low dimensional homeochaos in coevolving host-parasitoid dimorphic populations: Extinction thresholds under local noise. Commun. Nonlin. Sci. Num. Sim. 16: 3896-3903 (2011). |
[11] | Lafforgue G., Sardanyés J., and Elena S.F., Differences in accumulation and virulence determine the outcome of outcompetition during Tobacco etch virus coinfection. PLoS ONE 6: e17917 (2011). |
[12] | Duarte J., Januário C., Martins N., and Sardanyés J.*, Quantifying chaos for ecological stoichiometry, Chaos 20: 033105 (2010). This article was selected for publication in the Virtual Journal of Biological Physics Research 20 (3): Statistical and Nonlinear Physics (2010). This paper was in the Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles of September 2010 in the Chaos Journal website. |
[13] | Elena S. F., Solé R. V., and Sardanyés J., Simple genomes, complex interactions: Epistasis in RNA virus. Chaos 20: 026106 (2010). This paper was highlighted in Chaos: Getting a step ahead of pathogens. This paper was in the Top 20 Most Downloaded Articles of September 2010 in the Chaos Journal website. |
[14] | Sardanyés J., * and Elena S. F., Error threshold in RNA quasispecies models with complementation. J. Theor. Biol. 265: 278-286 (2010). |
[15] | Sardanyés J., * and Fontich E., On the metapopulation dynamics of autocatalysis: extinction transients related to ghosts. Int. J. Bifurc. and Chaos 20 (4): 1-8 (2010). |
[16] | Duarte J., Januário C., Martins N., and Sardanyés J.*, Chaos and crises in a model for cooperative hunting: a symbolic dynamics approach. Chaos 19: 043102 (2009). |
[17] | Sardanyés J.*, Solé R. V., and Elena S. F., Replication mode and landscape topology differentially affect RNA virus mutational load and robustness. J. Virol. 83 (23): 12579-12589 (2009). This paper was featured in the Human Frontier Science Program website. |
[18] | Fontich E., and Sardanyés J., Dynamical role of the degree of intraspecific cooperation: a simple model for prebiotic replicators and ecosystems. Physica A 388 (9): 1867-1878 (2009). |
[19] | Sardanyés J.*, Ghosts in high dimensional non linear dynamical systems: The example of the Hypercycle. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 39 (1): 92-100 (2009). |
[20] | Fontich E., and Sardanyés J., General scaling law in the saddle-node bifurcation: a complex phase space study. J. Phys. A: Math. and Theor. 41 (15102): 1-9 (2008). |
[21] | Sardanyés J., Elena S. F. and Solé R. V., Simple quasispecies models for the survival-of-the-flattest effect: the role of space. J. Theor. Biol. 250( 3): 560-568 (2008). |
[22] | Sardanyés J.*, Error threshold ghosts in a simple hypercycle with error prone self-replication. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 35: 313-319 (2008). |
[23] | Sardanyés J., and Solé R. V., Matching allele dynamics and coevolution in a minimal predator-prey replicator model. Phys. Lett. A 372 (4): 341-350 (2008). |
[24] | Sardanyés J., * and Solé R. V., Delayed transitions in nonlinear replicator networks: About ghosts and hypercycles. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 31 (2): 305-315 (2007). |
[25] | Sardanyés J., * and Solé R. V., Space-time dynamics in simple asymmetric hypercycles under weak parasitic coupling. Physica D 231 (2): 116-129 (2007). |
[26] | Sardanyés J., * and Solé R. V., Red Queen strange attractors in host-parasite replicator gene-for-gene coevolution. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 32 (5): 1666-1678 (2007). |
[27] | Sardanyés J., * and Solé R. V., Chaotic stability in spatially-resolved host-parsite replicator: The Red Queen on a lattice. Int. J. Bifurc. and Chaos 17 (2): 1-18 (2007). |
[28] | Sardanyés J., * and Solé R. V., The role of cooperation and parasites in nonlinear replicator delayed extinctions. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals 31(5): 1279-1296 (2007). |
[29] | Sardanyés J., and Solé R. V., Bifurcations and phase transitions in spatially-extended two-member hypercycles. J. Theor. Biol. 243 (4): 468-482 (2006). |
[30] | Sardanyés J., * and Solé R. V., Ghosts in the origins of life? Int. J. Bifurc. and Chaos 16 (9):2761-2765 (2006). |
[31] | Solé R. V., Sardanyés J., Diez J., and Mas A., Information catastrophe in RNA viruses through replication thresholds. J. Theor. Biol. 240 (3): 353-359 (2006). |